"Brother, what company did you open?"

"It's a comprehensive company for raw material processing!"

Gu Chen responded, and then Gu Chen directly kicked the accelerator, and a strong push back force came from the seat, which made Xu Shishi frightened.

Although she doesn't know the scale of the company, the starting car she can drive must be not small.

At the same time, she is also full of confidence in her breach of contract case.

An hour later, Gu Chen came directly to his destination according to the navigation.

Looking at the solemn and majestic gate, Gu Chen nodded secretly.

"Ah! This is Canghai Law Firm? Xu Shishi exclaimed.

"Huh? Have you been here? Gu Chen looked sideways.

"Nope! But haven't we been looking for a lawyer these days? So I have learned about this, which is one of the top five law firms in the country! I heard that the lawyers who can enter are the elite of the elite, and they rarely lose in lawsuits, and there is also a very famous barrister Bai Yansong, who is simply very powerful.

Xu Shishi became excited.

It's not that she didn't think about asking this lawyer to help, but people couldn't look at her case at all.

"Oh? That's just right! Won't you win this case! Gu Chen said with a smile.

In his heart, he was very interested in Bai Yansong, and he didn't expect that the one who called him before was so famous.

"Yes! It's just that they won't take my case so small!

Xu Shishi nodded, and then deflated again.

"Don't worry! There I am!

Then the two walked straight in.

"I wonder which lawyer you two are looking for?"

Walking into the hall, a solemn, sacred, solemn aura came to the face, along with a customer service receptionist.

"Hello, I'm looking for lawyer Baiyan Songbai!"

This time he learned to be smart, and he called people before he came.


Hearing this, not only the customer service, but even Xu Shishi next to him was stunned.

"I'm sorry, sir, our Director Bai has long stopped taking orders, but there are many other lawyers in our firm, and they are also very powerful."

The customer service quickly apologized and immediately explained.

"I know, I've already called him!"

"This way!"

Hearing Gu Chen's words, although the customer service didn't quite believe it, he didn't say anything.

"How to get to Lawyer Bai's office?" Then Gu Chen continued to ask.

"On the third floor, the innermost room on the right is Director Bai's office."

The customer service still showed Gu Chen the way.

"Okay, thanks!"

After Gu Chen thanked him, he took Xu Shishi to the elevator.

"Brother! You won't really know Lawyer Bai, will you!

On the elevator, Xu Shishi hurriedly asked.

"I don't know!" He really didn't know, after all, he had never seen anyone.


Hearing Gu Chen's words, Xu Shishi was stunned, she saw Gu Chen before, she looked like she was swearing, and she thought she really knew, but she didn't expect it...

"I don't know, what's wrong? Rest assured, he will definitely help you! Gu Chen didn't know what to think, smiled, very confident.


By this time, she also had to believe Gu Chen's words.

The elevator clanged.

Looking at the three words of Bai Yansong written on the sign outside, Gu Chen knocked directly on the door.

"Please come in!"

I only heard a standard Mandarin coming from inside.

Gu Chen signaled Xu Shishi to follow and walked in, the arrangement inside was very simple, but it did not lose the atmosphere.

"You are?"

Bai Yansong was looking at some documents on his desk, when he heard a knock on the door, he came back to his senses, and looked, a man and a woman walked in, held up their glasses and asked.

"Hello, Director Bai, I'm Gu Chen!"

Gu Chen glanced at it and found that the other party was full of a temperament.

Hearing this, Bai Yansong stood up directly.

"I'm sorry, boss, I didn't expect you to arrive so soon!"

"It's okay!"

Gu Chen waved his hand.

Then Bai Yansong took the two to the reception area and made two cups of tea.

He also thought that Gu Chen was so young.

As for Xu Shishi, who followed, she was dumbfounded.

She never dreamed that the famous barrister would call her brother boss.

"I don't know what kind of case the boss is about?"

After telling Gu Chen the general situation of the firm, he couldn't wait to ask Gu Chen about the case.

When Gu Chen heard this, he patted Xu Shishi, who was still stunned.

"Ah! Oh! Excuse me!

Xu Shishi quickly reacted, and then handed the information to Bai Yansong under Gu Chen's signal.

Bai Yansong was stunned, and then took it and watched.

However, as he looked down, his face was very strange, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Gu Chen and Xu Shishi, who were watching, were nervous.

As the time passed, the sound of the entire office was visible.

There is only the rustle of documents turning pages.

Finally, Bai Yansong looked at the entire case in general before slowly raising his head and looking at Gu Chen and the two with a complicated expression.

Gu Chen, Xu Shishi, who was watching, was a little nervous.

"Director Bai, how is it? Are you sure?

Gu Chen asked.

Xu Shishi also looked at Bai Yansong nervously with a look of expectation.

Bai Yansong was silent for a moment before organizing the language and saying;

"Boss, this case..."

Bai Yansong really didn't know what to say.

He always thought that Gu Chen brought a big case and let him show his skills, but he was dumbfounded.

Such a simple case, need him, a top lawyer in China, to intervene?

Isn't this a joke?

Pass it out, where does his face go?

But refuse, right? This was again the first case that his boss handed him.

"Director Bai, is this case troublesome?"

Seeing that the other party had not spoken, Gu Chen frowned and asked.

"Nope! No! Boss, let's put it this way, this case is that any lawyer in our firm can win.

Bai Yansong was agitated, and then said the matter.

Gu Chen and the two were stunned in unison.

"Good! Boss, this case is actually not complicated, the only problem is that the other party is a listed company, and the huge pressure brought by an academy, but in us, it is not a problem, so..." Gu

Chen took the words and confirmed: "So this case is very likely for us to win?"

"Yes!" Bai Yansong nodded in agreement.

Hearing this, Xu Shishi was very happy, and the problem that had plagued her for a long time finally had a flaw.

"Well, let's ask Director Bai to help introduce a lawyer!" Gu Chen also stretched his eyebrows at this time, and said to Bai Yan.

"Don't worry! Boss!

Bai Yansong directly agreed.

Then a phone call was made.

"Come to my office!" Then he hung up.

"This is my apprentice, although he has been out for a short time, he is also a little famous in the legal circle. Please rest assured that there is no problem with this case being handed over to him! Hearing

Bai Yansong so assured, Gu Chen was also very relieved.

For Bai Yansong not to make a move, he has no problem, after all, he is a famous barrister.

It was a bit overkill to deal with his lawsuit.

A few minutes later, there was a knock outside the door.

"Please come in!"

Suddenly, a man in his thirties, wearing formal clothes and a serious look, walked in

, "Master, are you looking for me?"

Seeing that there were two more guests inside, he was slightly surprised and reacted immediately.

"Hmm! Xiao Mo is here, sit!

Bai Yansong watched his disciple come over, and a heartfelt smile suddenly came out.

"Let me introduce you to the new boss of our office!"

Seeing the other party sitting down according to his words, Bai Yansong began to introduce: "This Mr. Gu Chen Gu is our boss!" The

young man was slightly shocked, but his strong psychological quality made him quickly come to his senses and quickly got up and said; Hello owner! I'm Lin Mo!

"Hello! Lawyer Lin! Gu Chen replied with a smile.

"How about calling you over this time? There's a lawsuit that wants you to shoot.

Then Bai Yansong directly handed the documents on the table to Lin Mo.

The latter nodded slightly, took the document and looked at it carefully.

So the three of them drank tea and waited for each other's reaction.

I saw that Lin Mo's expression was the same as Bai Yansong's expression before, but Gu Chen finally understood that this expression was not that the case was tricky, but that people felt that it was too simple.

Sure enough, Lin Mo's words verified his guess.

"Boss, Master, our victory in this case is very large, and the main responsibility lies in the school."

Lin Mo directly announced his decision.

"Good! So it's up to you to take the case! Bai Yansong agreed with a smile, and then ordered directly.

"Ah! This..." Lin

Moyan's face was a little incredulous when he heard this, you let me come for such a simple case?

"Okay! This is the first case that the boss handed over to our firm, so we must do our best! Bai

Yansong didn't know the mind of his apprentice, and directly decided.

After all, this matter can be done directly into the eyes of the boss, and he naturally has to leave such a good thing to his apprentice.

"Yes! Please rest assured boss!

Lin Mo was full of thoughts, and instantly understood what his master meant, and directly agreed.

"Good! Then thank you Lawyer Lin!

Gu Chen was also very happy, and then Lin Mo took Xu Shishi to the side and asked for detailed information.

Although there is a 90% chance of winning this case, his cautious personality combined with a responsible attitude allows him to maintain a full commitment to each case.

This is the reason why he has become a small name in the legal world in his first year.

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