More than two hours have passed.

"All right! Now you can rest assured! After

walking to the door and saying goodbye to Bai Yansong with a smile, Gu Chen asked Xu Shishi with a relaxed face.

"Uh-huh! Thank you brother, Lawyer Lin said that it will be after the court session!

Xu Shishi blinked her big eyes, and her small mouth smiled like a crescent moon.

"That's good! Now go eat! After being busy for so long, you should be hungry! Gu Chen nodded and proposed.


Then the two got into the car directly, and Gu Chen took his cousin to eat well.

Then he booked a moving company, after all, his sports car could not fit so many things.

It made Gu Chen have the idea of wanting to buy a car again, and now he is not poor in money.

Gu Chen couldn't figure out why a girl could have so many things?

Looking at the stuffed carriage, I couldn't help but shake my head.

Looking at the reluctant farewell of Xu Shishi and the two girlfriends, Gu Chen stood with the moving staff.

"Dude, girlfriend looks good?" A young man smiled and said to Gu Chen.

"I'm her brother!" Gu Chen glanced at it.

"I understand! I understand! When He Chengxiang heard this, the young man squeezed his eyebrows and blinked at Gu Chen and smiled.

Gu Chen didn't bother to explain.

After seeing Xu Shishi coming, the young man also closed his mouth.

"Wait a minute, you guys follow my car!"

Gu Chen said to the moving staff and walked outside.

Since the road here is quite narrow, Gu Chen did not drive the car in.


The young man looked around and there were no cars, only many electric cars and the like, so he also thought that Gu Chen was driving an electric car, and he couldn't help but feel a burst of envy and jealousy towards Gu Chen.

The dick, who doesn't even have a car, has such a good-looking girlfriend.

After that, Gu Chen and Xu Shishi walked in front, followed slowly by a minivan behind.

A few minutes later, it was already out of the crowded intersection inside.

The young man behind looked at Gu Chen and got directly into the sports car on the side of the road, and was immediately dumbfounded.

Before, after they went in, they had already discovered this valuable and domineering-looking supercar.

But he didn't expect it to be Gu Chen.

I understood it in an instant, people saw that it was the rich second generation, and they came here to soak girls.

Gu Chen was unaware of the psychological changes of the youth.

After driving directly into Tomson Yipin, Xu Shishi was even more curious about what her cousin did and could buy a house here.

As for the young man behind, he was deeply shocked and regretted.

If his words offended Gu Chen before, a casual word could make him doomed.

It's just that he looks up to himself, and Gu Chen didn't say a word to him until they carried all the things into the elevator.

He was both happy and disappointed.

It turns out that the clown turned out to be myself!

"Brother! Do you live here? Walking

into the room, Xu Shishi was deeply fascinated by the luxurious and comfortable environment inside.

"Nonsense! How else would you be able to get here?

Gu Chen smiled and sat straight on the fluffy sofa.

"Find a room yourself! I'm the only one here! Then he looked at the frozen Xu Shishi and said lazily.

So Xu Shishi excitedly visited all the rooms, and finally chose the bedroom on the second floor and opposite Gu Chen.

After that, in the next two days, Gu Chen took Xu Shishi to relax well, and of course did not forget to invite her two girlfriends to dinner.

After knowing that Gu Chen is not only handsome, but also very rich.

After taking them to visit the legendary Tomson Yipin, the two girls instantly extinguished their desire to be their boyfriend.

This made Gu Chen not expect, and at the same time glanced up at the two.

October 5.

The National Day long holiday is over, the work goes to work, the school goes to school, everything

returns to normal.

And today is also the day of the trial of Xu Shishi's contract case.

Originally, Gu Chen planned to go with her.

However, today's group meeting is also very important, and under Xu Shishi's understanding, Gu Chen went to the company.

Fortunately, Xu Shishi also has two girlfriends with her.

Taiyu Group high-level meeting room.

At the moment, it is full of all kinds of high-level positions, and the lightest positions are at the supervisor level.

But inside there was a chorus of boos.

Just because the top position is empty, the boss of their group has not yet arrived.

The door to the conference room was slammed open.

"Everyone, I'm sorry! Traffic jams on the road!

Gu Chen explained casually and sat in the front.

Seeing Gu Chen coming over, Chu Xinyi next to him got up and opened PTT, and General Manager Jiang began to introduce the direction and specific things of the next group.

This meeting lasted for a total of more than an hour, and Gu Chen was extremely satisfied to listen to it, after all, the group can develop steadily without taking up his own time, which is the life that any boss wants.

"At present, our group has completed the run-in, and all kinds of processing machines are in place, but Tianhe Group is unwilling to seize all the market share by us, so he went to the Huahai City High Name Court and sued our group for market monopoly!"

In the end, Chu Xinyi said the last question with a gloomy face.

This was something that Gu Chen did not expect, not only Gu Chen, but also other senior leaders who talked in low voices.

For a while, the entire conference room was like a noisy wet market.

"Silence!" Gu Chen frowned and said in a deep voice.

Sure enough, everyone in the conference room closed their mouths in an instant.

"President Chu, please be more detailed!"

Gu Chen motioned for Chu Xinyi to continue.

"Our domestic laws and international laws are different, so Tianhe Group took advantage of this to detain us!" If we don't solve this problem, our raw materials will not be able to sell at all. Chu Xinyi said lightly.

"I just want the final result!" Gu Chen said directly.

"As long as we bite hard and don't admit it! It's just

that we can't drag it on, otherwise those international suppliers will think that our group is not sincere, and they will terminate their cooperation with us at that time, or even completely lose trust in us."

Gu Chen said in a word.

"Yes!" Chu Xinyi nodded.

"So, you need to get out of this quagmire as soon as possible! President Chu doesn't know if you have a solution? Gu Chen continued to ask.

"Yes! As long as we win the next lawsuit, then Tianhe Group will steal the chicken and lose the rice! When Chu Xinyi heard Gu Chen ask this, she suddenly came to her senses and affirmed.

"Good! Then get ready for a lawsuit! However, after this time, snipe at Tianhe with all my strength, I will bankrupt them! "


Suddenly, the other executives replied in unison, and their eyes changed when they looked at Gu Chen.

Unexpectedly, the boss usually looks very kind, and after provoking, he will kill decisively.

"Good! Meeting! President Chu and President Jiang stayed. "

For a while, there were only three people left in the huge conference room.

"That's right! Our group of lawyers is no problem! Gu Chen thought about it, but decided to ask.

"Our group's legal team is a medium-sized law firm, but this time I heard that SkyTeam Group has invested in blood and invited ace lawyers from Mingyue Firm, one of the five major firms." President Jiang replied with a heavy face at this time.

"So our odds of winning may be greatly reduced?"

Gu Chen didn't expect this to be the case.

"Good! But rest assured, we are also looking for other lawyers. President Jiang thought that Gu Chen was dissatisfied, and quickly explained.

"When is the trial?"

"The day after tomorrow!"

Hearing this, Gu Chen looked directly at President Jiang without speaking.

"Chairman! During this time, we also found lawyers from many of the five major firms, but the loud voices were not as high as the other party! Chu

Xinyi said.

"Isn't Canghai Law Firm in Huahai? Why didn't you look for it? Gu Chen asked.

"Looking for it, their ace lawyers have other cases in their hands, and they can't open their hands." Mr. Jiang explained.

"What about lawyer Bai Yan Songbai? Did I hear that he was fine? "

Eh! Chairman! Don't you know? Now Barrister Bai Yansong has stopped taking domestic cases, and we have no relationship to contact each other!

President Jiang was surprised that Gu Chen knew this.

"Okay! The lawyer is over to me!

Gu Chen was stunned, he didn't expect Bai Yansong's status to be so high!

Then he opened his mobile phone in front of the two and dialed Bai Yansong's number.

"Hello? Boss?

"Well, does Director Bai have time?"

Gu Chen didn't talk nonsense, and asked directly.

Chu Xinyi and Jiang Dongqiang glanced at each other when they heard Director Bai, and there was a faint guess in their hearts.

"Haha! The owner asked me if I had time, then I definitely did! Even if there is none, there must be there! Bai

Yansong also made a joke when he heard this.

"That's good! There is a lawsuit on my company's side that needs you to personally intervene, I wonder if Director Bai is interested? The other party is an ace lawyer! "

Huh? The boss still has a company? Since the boss spoke, it is naturally obligatory! Bai

Yansong didn't think of Gu Chen and the company, but he didn't suspect that even the Canghai was his.

"Okay! I'll call someone from my company to come and connect with you! "Good


He then hung up.

"Chairman, just now that was white..." Looking

at Gu Chen and hanging up the phone with a smile, President Jiang asked curiously.

"Good! Just Barrister Bai Yansong!


Although the two of them had speculations in their hearts, they couldn't help but be shocked when they heard Gu Chen's words with their own ears.

I didn't expect Gu Chen's energy to be so great that even a famous lawyer could speak.

"All right! Wait a minute, you guys will take the information with you! "Good


Then the two withdrew.

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