Looking at the backs of the two, if you know that the entire Canghai Law Firm is mine, I wonder what you will be surprised to be?

Gu Chen thought in his heart.

Then he went back to his office, which still contained many documents waiting for his signature to take effect.

Burying your head in the battle went straight to noon.

Signing the last document, Gu Chen stretched out relaxedly.

At this time, when he was about to call his cousin to ask how it was, the other party called first.

"How?" Gu Chen asked directly.

"Brother! The lawsuit failed! Woo~~"

heard a soft voice coming over, and Gu Chen knew the other party's name as soon as he heard it, it was Xiaoyi, one of his cousin's two best friends.

"Okay! Still trying to lie to me!

Gu Chen rolled his eyes.

"Hee-hee! I knew that we couldn't hide it from my brother, we won, the court ruled that the contract was invalid, and also made financial compensation for Shishi during this time! I

saw that there was suddenly a few words of laughter and noisy over there, and Xiao Yi said it directly.


Gu Chen also thought about this ending.

"Brother, thank you!"

In the end, the mobile phone was still given to Xu Shishi, and she thanked her very happily.

Before, this contract was like a mountain pressing on her, but now, this mountain has disappeared directly.

"I'm your brother! Thank you! Where are you, I come to you!

"No need, brother, work matters!"

Xu Shishi was naturally very happy to hear that Gu Chen was coming to them, but she knew that Gu Chen should be working at this time, so she didn't want to disturb.

"My work is long done! It's not that you don't know that I'm the boss and can leave whenever you want!

Gu Chen laughed.

When Xu Shishi heard this, she said their location.

Gu Chen went directly down to the underground parking lot.

Got on his latest car, the Koenigsegg Gemera.

Instantly made Gu Chen love it.

Unexpectedly, the mutated Taobao is really becoming more and more humane, knowing what he lacks, he will come.

The car has always been the king of the top sports car world, and with four seats, two scissor doors and a powerful hybrid powertrain, it is the wildest four-seater sports car in the world.

The luxurious style of decoration in the car dominates.

The seats are made of hollow charcoal monocoque, the side mirrors are replaced by cameras, and the front and rear seats have digital touchscreens to control the air conditioning and entertainment system.

Not only can this supercar carry four people, but it also has plenty of room for luggage, which is simply perfect.

When you start the car, the characteristic sound of sports cars instantly sounds in the empty parking lot.

As a global limited sports car, it has always been super pulling.

Along the way, it caused a lot of attention.

On the other side, Xu Shishi and others, who had just left the court, were saying goodbye to Lawyer Lin.

"Okay, Miss Xu! Since I have already won the case, then I will go back first, what can I call!

Lawyer Lin said to Xu Shishi and others.

"Hmm! Thank you Lawyer Lin!

Xu Shishi thanked gratefully.

"It's okay!"

Lawyer Lin waved his hand and left directly, knowing that his boss would come over later, so he didn't need to send a few people back.

If it weren't for Gu Chen for this case, how could he possibly take such a simple case.

"Shishi, congratulations on solving the contract matter!"

"Yes! Not sure what you're going to do next? The

two girlfriends were also very happy and said to Xu Shishi.

"I don't know! Thank you guys anyway!

Xu Shishi shook her head.

"Isn't your brother starting a company? Can you go to your brother's company?

Xiaoyu thought about it and suggested.

"Forget it! I don't want to trouble my brother anymore, and I don't want my brother to use his power for personal gain, I'd better find it myself!

Xu Shishi directly refused.


The two nodded when they heard this.

At this time, the company person who Xu Shishi was waiting for before came out, and looked at the happy Xu Shishi, and suddenly there was a gloomy.

But here he didn't say anything, snorted coldly and left directly.

A few people ignored the chatter that was still chatting about the sky.

Suddenly, there was a buzzing roar in the distance.

Everyone looked at it and found that it was a cool supercar.

"Shishi, shouldn't it be your brother coming?" Xiao Yu suddenly thought of something and said directly.

"Nope! It's not like you haven't seen my brother's car.

Xu Shishi glanced at it and shook her head.

"Your brother can't just have one car, right?"

Several people did not speak again, but watched the sports car from far and near, and slowly stopped on the side of the road.

Slowly lower the window.

"What are you doing standing silly? Get in the car!

Gu Chen looked at everyone's envious eyes, and if nothing happened, he smiled at the stunned Xu Shishi and the three.

"Ah! Really brother!

Xiao Yi was the first to react and quickly pulled the two over.

Gu Chen directly opened the car door and found that there were three seats inside, so he quickly got into the car.

Go away.

Left the envious crowd.

Especially the company that pit Xu Shishi before, after seeing her get into a sports car, they all understood.

Dare to lover's family is a rich second generation! No wonder the confidence is so strong.

Others are also very envious and jealous of Gu Chen.

Your girl's bubble sister is a bubble girl, why are you still soaking three?

Let's live!

This year is really a drought death, a waterlogging death.

On the other side, inside the car.

Xu Shishi and the three were really excited and quiet, look here, touch there.

"Brother! When did you buy this car? It's so comfortable! Among them, Xiao Yi's eyes were starry.

Hearing this, Xu Shishi also looked over, he always thought that Gu Chen only had the sports car before?

"Naturally, it was yesterday!" Gu Chen replied with a smile.

Well, what was drawn in yesterday's lottery can also be considered as bought yesterday.

"Wow! What a rich! The three sighed in unison.

Gu Chen enjoyed the praise next to him very much.

The so-called car beauty is nothing more than this.

"That's right! Take you to a big meal today!

Then Gu Chen drove the sports car around the outer ring for a few laps.

"Huh? Thank you brother!

"Hee-hee! You can save money for another meal! Hearing

this, the three of them were naturally very happy, and in their eyes, Gu Chen had become synonymous with Shenhao.

"It's okay, you helped Shishi a lot before, and I, the elder brother, naturally want to help back."

Xu Shishi's heart is very warm, and the two are also very envious of Xu Shishi having such an older brother.

"That's right! Are all three of you in the same major? Gu Chen then diverted from the topic.

"It's not! The three of us have different majors, Shishi is accounting, Xiaoyu is marketing, and I am economic management. Xiao Yi explained with a smile.

"Good! If you quit your job in the future, you can come to work with me!

Gu Chen gave them a promise.

After all, after getting along in the past few days, he found that these two people are also rare talents, plus a college graduate, the ability is not said.

Not to mention knowing the roots.

"Really? Brother!

"Brother is so nice!"

The two were very happy to hear Gu Chen's words.

Although they currently have no intention of leaving.

"However, I will only give you a chance, and whether you can enter depends on your ability!" Gu Chen continued.

"Don't worry, brother! Our ability will definitely pass! The two said with confidence.

"Haha, that's good! Shishi, did you find a job?

Then Gu Chen asked the co-pilot's poetry.


Xu Shishi shook her head.

As expected.

"Okay! Try it tomorrow at our company! You don't refuse first, I'm just giving you a chance, if you don't qualify, then I won't force it! "


Xu Shishi hesitated for a moment and agreed.

She is also very curious about what kind of company her brother opens, so rich, it won't be...

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look at Gu Chen worriedly, if it was really like that, what should she do?

For a while, she fell into a tangled thought.

If Gu Chen knew his sister and imagined himself as a big criminal boss, it was estimated that he would vomit blood!

Then Gu Chen took a few people to the Huatian Hotel and let them taste the taste of the five-star hotel.

No money anyway.

"Brother! Or let's change one!

"Yes, yes! It's too expensive here, it's not delicious! "

I saw the sports car parked steadily by the flower pond in front of the main gate of Huatian.

Xiao Yi and Xiao Yu persuaded.

They thought that Gu Chen was taking them to a small restaurant, so they agreed so happily, but seeing that it was here, they panicked in their hearts.

After all, they never wanted to take advantage of Gu Chen.

"yes! Brother, let's change another one! It's too expensive here! Xu Shishi also persuaded.

"It's okay! It doesn't cost money to eat here! Gu Chen said with a smile.

"Let's go! Are you afraid that I will sell you!" Looking

at a few people who were still hesitating, Gu Chen made a small joke.

At this time, the three slowly got out of the car.

Changed his usual bold enthusiasm, became twisted and pinched, and Gu Chen smiled secretly.

Bringing them here Gu Chen has his own ideas.

He wanted to take this opportunity to slowly reveal to Xu Shishi, and through her hand, he revealed his wealth in Huahai City to his parents.

Then after explaining it myself, I believe that my parents will definitely be much easier to accept at that time.

"Mr. Gu is good!"

The welcome pushed open the door, and Gu Chen walked in directly.

The three people behind were like Grandma Liu walking around the garden, looking around, and they were all shocked by this magnificent hall.

"Good afternoon Mr. Gu!"

At this time, the lobby manager rushed over when he heard the news and said eagerly.

"Well, are there still private rooms?"

Gu Chen looked at the crowd coming in and out, and found that it was lunch time, so he asked.


The lobby manager hurriedly replied.

That must have! There must be!

If you don't have to, you have to have it!

"Over here, please!"

Later, the lobby manager also made a cameo appearance as a waiter to lead the way.

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