Gu Chen's brows frowned, thinking that maybe Gu Xiao was busy now, and he didn't care.

Anyway, it's okay to fight again after a while.

And what he is going to do now, of course, is to take a look at the old man's machine that may be online in the next few days.

"President Gu!"

So when he came to the product development department of the elderly machine, he immediately found the R & D manager with hearing aids.

"What is this doing?"

The R&D manager explained Gu Chen's curiosity.

"The old people will eventually have a little inconvenient ears, we found that this structure is very simple when we make the old man, but if we want to do it well, we have to pay attention to it, so we added this hearing aid as an aid."

"Because there is not much of this technical content, so we set the price for free, which is a service and return to the public."

Gu Chen was moved by the nobility of this R&D manager.

I think this person's ideological consciousness is quite high.

At the same time, he encouraged them and asked.

"So how much more time will it take to be mass-produced?"

"In fact, the conditions for mass production are now available, but the situation of our test part still needs more running-in, after all, these things are for the elderly, so we plan to make an alarm device."

Alarm device?

Listening to the name of this thing, Gu Chen suddenly became curious about the origin of this so-called alarm device.

"Yes, there are many kinds of Unicom telecom scams now, and there are many mobile payment traps, when we put this old machine into the process of use, if we find that the unknown link is about to be opened."

"Our automatic alarm device will immediately start to call the police, and at the same time, it will also actively call the children of the elderly or something."

"If the old man's child still does not connect after three calls, or if there is no signal after the shutdown, our old man machine will start to actively lock the mobile phone and need to unlock it after a while."

The manager of the R&D department talked eloquently, and Gu Chen also listened very seriously.

After all, these operations to protect people's hard-earned money are still very important.

It was so important that Gu Chen felt that since he had to consider this aspect of the situation, he needed to plan it well.

Don't be so anxious to go online, so Gu Chen said.

"If that's the case, maybe we can try to connect our alarm system with the police hotline, and see if this function can be achieved."

"For example, after the elderly receive a scam call, when there is a transfer and remittance on the phone, or a handling fee or something, they will take the initiative to call the elderly and children to warn."

"When the phone numbers of the old people and children cannot be called, and after a period of time, the old people still insist on sending money to the scammers, can they take the initiative to send their chat records to the police station?"

This suggestion put forward by Gu Chen is actually based on the operation that the old man will not open the link, but will take the initiative to transfer money to the scammer.

When the manager of the R&D department heard Gu Chen say this, countless sparks burst out in his mind.

He thought more about precautions in that regard.

"Mr. Gu, you are right, you can indeed do this."

After he muttered two words, he actually turned his head directly with the old man machine in his hand, and left directly without saying hello to Gu Chen at all.

Gu Chen was crying and laughing in place.

But it really needs the manager of this R&D department to have such a dedicated ability.

"Okay, then I'm empty again."

When Gu Chen thought so, he was about to go back to rest and rest.

Who knew that suddenly the phone in his arms rang.

It was actually Gu Xiao, after connecting the phone, Gu Chen didn't have time to ask anything.

Gu Xiao's voice over there was very grand.

"Gu Chenjianghu rescue, come quickly!"

Gu Chen's brows furrowed when he heard this voice, and he directly got up and took his car keys and said.

"Don't worry, what's going on?"

Gu Xiao's voice over there was a little noisy, and it seemed to be in a place where there were many people.

And the most important thing is that Gu Xiao began to become a little incoherent when he spoke.

This is completely different from his usual temperament of a reader.

"Where are you!"

Gu Chen asked the most crucial question.

After another period of noise, Gu Xiao's mouth kept calling.

"We're in Lane 8 at the entrance of 24th Street on Huamu Road!"

Even repeated it several times, and Gu Chen was a little confused.

"What kind of place, how did you get there?"

When Gu Chen asked again, Gu Xiao didn't answer at all.

Even the sound began to slowly decrease.

Gu Xiao, who was confused about the situation, put down his mobile phone and left in a hurry, let him go and see what the situation was before talking about it.

Along the way, sparks and lightning, Gu Chen's speed soared to the extreme, and his car skills were also superb.

Finally, after asking passers-by several times, I found the eighth lane hall at the intersection of 24th Street on Huamu Road.

"Is this an urban village?"

Gu Chen looked at the front of him, and looked at the past, mostly on the first and second floors, and said.

Because the road was narrow, Gu Chen had no way to drive in, so he could only park his Aston Martin outside this alley, and he walked into it alone.

Just walking on such a street he was a little worried.

The rubble walls on both sides are a little dilapidated, and they look as if they have fallen into disrepair for a long time.

So much so that Gu Chen now has a feeling that he is walking in a dangerous city.

But fortunately, in the end, there was no danger and Gu Chen walked through this first hall, but he still did not see Gu Xiao's figure.

And I don't know why there are so few people in the eighth lane at the entrance of Huamu Road 24th Street.

Gu Chen hadn't seen a single person so far.

In the end, there was no way, Gu Chen tried to call Gu Xiao's mobile phone again.

The ringtone came from not far away, Gu Chen followed the sound and groped forward, and in a corner between the corners, Gu Chen finally found Gu Xiao's mobile phone.

At this time, he saw that Gu Xiao's mobile phone screen had broken into pieces.

And the most important thing is that this broken appearance does not look like it was dropped at all, but stepped on with someone's foot.

"There is a situation!"

Gu Chen judged the current situation for the first time, not optimistic, Gu Xiao's safety may be threatened.

Therefore, Gu Chen decided to directly use the alarm method.

It was at this time that Gu Chen noticed that there seemed to be a movement behind him.


Gu Chen turned on the camera to the recording state for the first time, hoping to record everything that happened after that.

After turning his head, he found a small figure standing in front of him.

It is a small doll that does not look tall.

"Little pot friend, where is your family?"

Gu Chen directly planned to ask where the adults in the child's family were, and then learn about the situation here from the mouths of the locals.

Who knows, this kid spoke.

"I'm not a kid anymore, I'm in my 30s! Do you even dare to call me a child in front of my age? When

Gu Chen heard this, his face was immediately full of question marks, and the most important thing was that he approached this guy to take a look.

I actually found wrinkles on his face!


Gu Chen thought in his heart, but did not take the initiative to say this.

Because he knows that dwarfs have always been the most mindful of others calling themselves dwarfs.

"So, sir, can you tell me what happened before you were here?"

"My friend seems to have disappeared here."

The dwarf glanced at Gu Chen and seemed to be looking at him.

Gu Chen didn't have any strange dodging looks, just stood there so quietly for him to look at.

Perhaps it was Gu Chen's frankness that made this dwarf let down his guard.

"First of all, I have a name, my name is Zhou Li."

"Secondly, I think it's best for you to get out of here quickly."

"Why? I have to find my friend, or I won't leave. The

dwarf seemed to know something, and directly persuaded Gu Chen to leave in time.

But Gu Chen would not leave Gu Xiao just like that.

Zhou Li took a deep look at Gu Chen and said, "Then since that's the case, you come with me, I'll take you to find them."

After saying this, Zhou Li directly led the way in front with his back hand.

Gu Chen originally wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he just found a stone that could be placed in his trouser pocket and followed behind this Zhou Li.

Soon, the two of them walked through one alley after another and came to a strange glass house.

Why say it's strange.

Maybe it's because this glass house looks so bells and whistles.

And just as Gu Chen was thinking so, he saw the dwarf Zhou Li pointing to this glass house.

"Go, this is where your friend will last be."

Saying that, this little dwarf turned his head directly and left, without any nostalgia at all.

And at this time, Gu Chen stopped this little boy again.

"What's wrong again?"

He asked impatiently.

"My name is Gu Chen, you can go later if there is something..." Gu

Chen actually wants to get to know this Zhou Li, who knows that the address of his Longteng Group has not yet been reported.

This dwarf Zhou Li said directly.

" No need, not so familiar, see you later!"

He said and glanced at the glass house at the end, and then at Gu Chen.

As if reminding Gu Chen not to go in....

This made Gu Chen very strange.

What is it that makes this guy so jealous.

With such doubts, Gu Chen walked into this glass house.

But as soon as he stepped into the gate, Gu Chen thought of the appearance of Zhou Li before, so he silently relaxed his steps.

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