And Gu Chen also silently opened the door of this glass house with a small crack first.

I saw the scene.

It seems that there are many people gathered together, and Gu Xiao, Sun Zhengyi and Xiao Ruoyi are among them.

They seemed to be discussing something, and Gu Chen pricked up his ears to listen carefully.

"The demolition thing has been said for three years and three years, we have waited from black hair to white hair and there is no demolition, what is it now? Are you still going to dig into the corners of us old people?

"Don't say it, this kind of people are the most hateful, directly make them look like they were smashed to death under the dangerous tree, maybe the demolition and relocation will be successful!"

"Don't be so violent, Director Sun and Sister Xiao Ruoyi are very good people, as for this Gu Xiao... I'm not very familiar.

Gu Xiao suddenly became anxious.

"No, you can't push me out just because you're not familiar with me, can you?"

"And I'm also a good person, if you don't believe it, you can ask Xiao Ruoyi!"

"I was issued a good guy card by her before!"

Saying that, Gu Xiao looked at Xiao Ruoyi.

But Xiao Ruoyi didn't know what she was thinking at this time, and she didn't speak.

This made Gu Xiao a little embarrassed.

But fortunately, in the end, Son said more righteously. "That's right, everyone, I can prove that Gu Xiao is a very good person, don't go down the road of crime because of impulse!"

"Zhou Lele, quickly explain it to these uncles and uncles of yours!"

Gu Chen looked at Zhou Lele, who seemed to be the cause of everything.

It was a young man who was not very old, and Gu Chen frowned and felt that things were almost clear.

It should be this Son Masayoshi who came to the eighth lane of the 24th street of this Huamu Road to find Zhou Lele to shoot the advertisement.

As a result, he was obstructed by relatives in his own family.

The reason should be that after he left, there would be one less labor force on their side.

That's why he didn't let this Zhou Lele leave.

"And if you say so, these people are old people waiting for demolition here, so they can't do a lot of things, and they need a young man..."

Faced with this situation, Gu Chen had many ways to solve it.

So Gu Chen, who didn't have any hesitation, stood up.

"Guys, what are you doing?"

Gu Chen's appearance suddenly made the scene very high and unfathomable.

Because at this time, the sunlight just hit Gu Chen's body.

It was perfect to make the light on Gu Chen's body very swelled.

The most important thing is that Gu Chen is originally handsome and extraordinary.

Not to mention that now it is even more extraordinary under the blessing of light.

Everyone present was shocked by Gu Chen's appearance.

It wasn't until Gu Chen walked to Gu Xiao, whose eyes were full of grievances, and helped him up from the ground, that someone reacted and said.

"Who are you?"

"Me? I'm just a normal person.

Gu Chen answered the question, but no one believed it.

Just looking at Gu Chen's face that could eat, they couldn't possibly think that Gu Chen was an ordinary person.

Son Masayoshi stood up even more excitedly, muttering constantly on his mouth.

"Gu Gu Gu Zong ..."

Zhou Lele's face immediately changed when he heard this, and he immediately asked his relatives around him to be honest and not mess around.

Because he probably clearly knew who the person who could be called President Gu by Son Zhengyi was.

"Okay, let's go back first."

Gu Chen felt that the most important thing now was to take everyone away, otherwise who knew what would happen.

However, just when Gu Chen thought so.

Son seems to have found the backbone of his heart.

"I said you all don't mess around, we always have Gu here, there are problems to talk about, anyway, today Zhou Lele I must take away."

Gu Chen frowned, feeling that this Son Zhengyi seemed to be a little on top.

"Lao Sun!"

Xiao Ruoyi seemed to have finally come to her senses at this time to hold Lao Sun.

But Son Zhengyi seemed to be crazy, and he had to pull Zhou Lele along.

His reason was that he could not let Zhou Lele, a genius of photography, waste being an ordinary worker in the eighth lane of Huamu Road 24th Street.

When Gu Chen heard this, he knew that this was Sun Zhengyi's hot head, and now he didn't want to bury the talent he saw.

"If it's really talent, then you can compete for it."

However, before Gu Chen could speak, there was a loud cough in the crowd.

Everyone immediately parted a road and came out, and an old man on crutches, but who looked very energetic, came out.

"It's not impossible to go, but... You have to give us a guarantee. As

if it was a hammer blow, the words spoken by this old man suddenly made the old men in the audience feel incredible.

"Don't argue, why do you think you can let young people like Lele stay here for a lifetime!"

"Aren't you all unwilling because you have wasted your whole life here, so you want to drag Lele into the water!"

"Selfishness, foolishness! All of them are rat-eyed, and they don't know what flexibility is! I really don't know why there are you stupid kindred! me off!

Under the operation, no one dared to speak again, and Zhou Lele also looked at his grandfather with tears in his eyes.

"Child, you go, don't stay here all the time for the grudge of our previous generation."

"Here are some wastes who have been corrupted and want to change their fate by demolition, and they have completely forgotten the original scenery of our old Zhou family."

"But you have to remember that you can do technology, but don't engage in business, and don't tell others that you are a cub from the eighth lane at the entrance of 24th Street on Huamu Road, do you know?"

This old man silently called Zhou Lele to his side and told him.

made Zhou Lele instantly cry into a tearful person.

Gu Chen heard a little unusual place, such as this old Zhou family seemed to have something unspeakable, so he would always stay in the eighth lane at the entrance of 24th Street on Huamu Road.

"And you can't do business, it's a bit interesting to say, there are so many old men around, it won't be a big family that used to lose?"

Gu Chen thought so, in fact, the people around him also had similar ideas.

It's just that it's not easy to inquire too much about other people's territory now.

In short, after that, you must investigate the eighth lane at the entrance of 24th Street on Huamu Road.

After all, Gu Chen thinks about it now.

This place can be said to be very close to the center of Huahai City.

However, there were no plans to demolish them, and even some dangerous buildings were not repaired.

This means something, not something that cannot be dismantled.

It's that some people don't want this place to be demolished.

What is this concept, at least there is a behind-the-scenes hand behind this matter.

"Interesting, but it doesn't have much to do with me."

Gu Chen defined it in his heart, and at the same time, he also dispelled all the thoughts in his heart that he wanted to help before.

Only one is left to watch the lively attitude to stay here.

After Zhou Lele and his grandfather spoke for a while, he directly knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times, leaving the place directly without looking back.

So when he felt that no one behind him was following him, he directly roared in a low voice.

"Gone! Gone! Only

then did Son Masayoshi take Xiao Ruoyi with him.

Gu Xiao looked at Gu Chen, now that the main heart bone is coming, it must be the main heart bone walking beads.

Gu Chen also began to be very curious about this situation in his heart, but it was just curiosity.

Other troublesome things he didn't want to touch.

It's just that when Gu Xiao saw Xiao Ruoyi getting farther and farther away from him, he finally couldn't help but say something to Gu Chen.

"I can't wait, I'll go first!"

After that, it was the girl who ran wildly to catch up with Xiao Ruoyi.

As for Gu Chen, he continued to walk unhurriedly, but just when he was about to walk out of this gate.

The old man behind him spoke.

"You are Gu Chen, right?"

It was as if he knew Gu Chen.

"It's me Gu Chen, does the old man have any advice?"

Gu Chen turned his head to look at this old man whose face was full of weather.

"Advise? Who dares to advise a big boss who can pry the entire multi-billion market in Huahai City at a young age!

The old man said this directly with a smile.

Suddenly, Gu Chen felt that things began to be a little uneasy.

"Oh? Do you recognize me?

He turned his head and took the initiative to come face to face with the old man.

"Of course I do, and I also know that you have been in a bit of trouble lately, do you want to make a deal."

The old man also unambiguously said Gu Chen's current troubles, which made Gu Chen fall into thought.

It doesn't seem like there has been any trouble lately, right?

He thought so, and responded to the old man with a calm look on his face.

"Me? I think this old gentleman you said something wrong, I haven't had any trouble lately. "

Oh? Then I see that the people on the current news headlines seem to be a bit like you.

"The old gentleman is joking, I'm just an ordinary person, how can I be associated with the news headlines?"

Gu Chen said with a smile, but his face and eyes gradually became cold.

Because he found out that this old man was definitely playing pig and eating tiger.

And this guy should have seen who he was before.

"No need to pretend Gu Chen, we have been following you for a long time."

At this moment, they made Gu Chen more vigilant, so Gu Chen asked without any hesitation.

"Who are you?"

However, the old man continued as if he were playing a dumb puzzle.

"Some times are just forgotten, this is not important, the important thing is that you are growing too fast now, fast to the point that although you have not yet touched other people's cakes, some old things have already set their sights on you."

"You have to be careful to develop, the water in Huahai City is deeper than you think."

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