Gu Chen's eyebrows lowered when he heard this, and he carefully looked at the old man again and asked.

"Old sir, what the hell are you from."

But this guy was still very cold and did not speak.

Just smiled at Gu Chen and didn't speak again, and even left Gu Chen with a dashing back and prepared to leave.

Gu Chen is also inexplicable, think about it and forget about this guy.

Also turn your head and walk back.

However, in fact, this old guy still left Gu Chen a way to understand him.

It was the Zhou Lele who was released by them.

"This guy did it on purpose, right?"

Gu Chen also thought of this old man's thoughts instantly.

If you know that you are curious, you will definitely ask this Zhou Lele, and then the relationship between the two will be mixed together because of this kind of human affection.

Even if Gu Chen didn't want to help Zhou Lele, I'm afraid he couldn't say it.

"It's a delicate abacus, but this old guy doesn't want to think about it, if I directly let Gu Xiao or others interrogate the background and family story of this week Lele, his calculations will not be in vain."

Thinking of this, suddenly Gu Chen's pace of lifting his feet became a little faster.

Because he found a good way to anger this old man.

The most important thing is that Gu Chen always feels that this old man is not very simple.

I have been in Huahai City for so long, how come I seem to have never heard of any powerful old guy in Huahai City.

"Can't Huahai City have the same four great families as that Xiangcheng Island, hahahaha!"

Gu Chen thought so, feeling as if he was telling some joke.

But laughing and laughing, suddenly I couldn't laugh.

Because he seems to have thought about his career recently, it is indeed a bit smooth.

It even seems that there are various kinds of help pushing themselves.

For example, today, he always feels that his arrival at the eighth lane of Huamu Road 24th Street is designed.

From the beginning, Gu Xiao called himself for help.

Then he came here and the dwarf showed him the way until he met this old man.

I always feel that there is a special power that arranges everything.

"I'm a big move, have I attracted any demons and monsters?"

"Okay, then don't blame me for uprooting you directly when the time comes!"

Gu Chen's footsteps became faster and faster when he thought of this.

From a distance, he saw that Son Zhengyi and the three seemed to be moving things, and he came closer to see that it was actually some photographic equipment.

"These are Zhou Lele's treasures! Keep it for him!

Son Zhengyi was very happy to explain to Gu Chen, but Gu Chen was puzzled.

"Are these things expensive?"

Son Zhengyi was stunned, he was a little too happy, and he forgot the origin of these things in Zhou Lele.

"Yes, I remember when the crew was disbanded, you had a three-millimeter camera, why do you feel more and more now?"

He asked Zhou Lele, who had a slightly confused face.

"Ah, this is all my part-time job! I bought it for repairing things in the alley! Got

such an answer, Gu Chen didn't say anything.

But Son's face changed wildly.

He wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

"Whoever repairs things can repair a camera!"

He didn't know how to complain about this wave of complaints.

It's just a sentence at the end.

"It's good, it's good."

Of course, Gu Chen would not say anything.

If all these people have worked hard to get themselves here to meet them without any trace.

Then their purpose and plot must be not small.

But if he doesn't follow the other party's script, for example, he will never ask anything about Lele this week.

He will not have any problems, and he will not let the other party's purpose succeed.

In this case, if the old men of the eighth lane at the entrance of Huamu Road 24th Street have any thoughts about themselves, they will definitely have to find themselves again.

"But then I wasn't as passive as I am now."

Thinking so, Gu Chen looked at the hard work of the three people to move things and said.

"I'll call a car."

Twenty minutes later, Gu Chen found but still didn't find the car, which made him very embarrassed.

"Maybe I should get a moving company specifically in logistics..." Gu

Chen, who thought so, could only silently let the logistics department of Longteng Group hurry up and send a truck to help.

Before leaving, Gu Chen did not follow them, but handed the broken mobile phone to Gu Xiao.

"Pay attention to Zhou Lele."

Gu Xiao took the phone. Hearing Gu Chen's inexplicable words, he was a little stunned, he didn't quite understand why suddenly Gu Chen wanted to say this to himself, Zhou Lele was quite normal in his eyes.

After all, he was just in the glass house, and he had always been maintained by Zhou Lele.

Otherwise, the broken may not be your own mobile phone.

Moreover, now that Gu Xiao recalled what had just happened, he suddenly felt a little creepy.

For example, they said that they wanted him to appear in a miserable situation of being crushed under a dangerous wall, so as to achieve the purpose of demolition...

This is a little scary just thinking about it....

Not to mention that Gu Xiao now thought that among him, Xiao Ruoyi and Sun Zhengyi, it seemed that the Zhou family wanted to kill him from beginning to end.

Suddenly, under this bright sunny sky, Gu Xiao felt the coldness from his heart.

"Gu Xiao?"

Sun Zhengyi called out suspiciously to Gu Xiao, who had been holding the pestle to the side without moving.

Gu Xiao, who had a far-fetched smile, silently turned his head, and he glanced at Xiao Ruoyi, who was also looking at him.

It was probably her eyes that gave him strength, and in the end, Gu Chen still watched him leave.

I don't know what to say.

"Maybe that's the power of love."

After sending them off, Gu Chen also drove away.

But what he didn't know was that the moment he disappeared into the street.

From all corners of the eighth lane hall at the entrance of 24th Street on Huamu Road, many old men and women slowly walked out.

And the one who played dumb puzzles with Gu Chen before was also among them.

Only this time he wasn't the one who was hugged.

Surrounded by the dwarf Zhou Li who first appeared in front of Gu Chen to lead the way for Gu Chen.

"Does that work?"

The old man came to the dwarf's side with a sigh, obviously very worried in his heart and asked.

"Everything is a certainty, although I don't know why Gu Chen came from and rose so fast."

"But it doesn't prevent us from betting on him, I have a hunch that becoming the richest man in Huahai City is definitely not his end, it's not too late for us to invest at this time, let's look good!" This young man will surely shake the world. Everyone

in the eighth lane at the entrance of Huamu Road 24th Street was silent, just looking at the direction Gu Chen left full of awe.

On the other side, in the Jiang family mansion, the countess is thinking about how to bring Jiang Min back to Australia, or force her to hand over the inheritance.

Who knew that after getting up this morning, Jiang Min actually took the initiative to say that he was going back to Australia!

This makes the countess very happy!

"But don't be happy too early, although I will go to Australia, but the time must be determined by me!"

It's just that Jiang Min poured dirty water on her at a critical time.

However, the countess would not care about these details at all.

"Well, no problem, but there must be a limit, otherwise wouldn't it be too difficult for me to come back after 50 years?"

Jiang Min said his time limit very directly.

"Of course, this time limit is two months for this summer vacation, and I will follow you back to Australia in two months."

However, I am going to get everything that belongs to me, and you thief is going to honestly fuck me!

The countess couldn't hear Jiang Min's heart, and even if she did, she wouldn't take it seriously.

In her heart, the countess never regarded her daughter as a serious opponent.

She has always been regarded as an ignorant child, a small domestic goldfish.

However, what the countess does not know is that her daughter has long evolved into an ocean overlord, and she is a great white shark that can bite her to pieces in one bite.

"Okay, no problem I'll listen to you! You have fun in these two months, and I'll help you connect with the best Ivy League schools in Australia.

She was full of joy and was ready to call to find a relationship.

However, Jiang Min didn't want to communicate with her any more at all.

After saying what he should say, he returned to his room, leaving the countess in place embarrassed.

"Forget it, children don't understand!"

But the countess didn't want to think about anything with her, so let's go find the muscular guy she met on some software last night.

Jiang Min, who returned to the room, was a little irritable.

After she turned on the computer, she saw the headlines on the news page, and her heart was even more irritable.

I am ready to take out these messy comments and the three giants of Mobile Unicom and Telecom to fight a real battle.

But at the moment of starting, Jiang Min recalled what Gu Chen said about his plan.

"Damn, I almost forgot!"

So Jiang Min withdrew her palm, but she always felt that there seemed to be a kind of anger in her heart.

If you don't vent it, I'm afraid I'll suffocate myself.

"I don't know what Brother Gu Chen is doing at this time?"

The ghost made a mistake, she touched out her mobile phone and began to dial Gu Chen's mobile phone.

"Hello? Jiang Min? What's wrong? Gu

Chen, who was still driving, parked the car before answering the phone.

"Nothing, I just slipped my hands."

But Jiang Min was a little angry when he heard Gu Chen's indifferent official voice.

If you are angry, you don't want to talk.

Gu Chen, who was suddenly hung up the phone, was a little inexplicable.

"What's the situation, how do I feel that the people around me have become a little unnormal every day, I really can't figure it out."

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