So he directly called the financial side and called his share.

There was no hesitation, and after a few minutes, he received the notice of arrival.

Plus what he should have had before, almost a total of 1.2 billion.

It sounds like a lot, but in the real estate industry, at most it is a small wave.

Gu Chen is still self-aware of this.

So there's what's next.

Gu Chen's mind was very clear.

That is to use your equity to go to the bank for loans.

If you want to play, play a big one!

He believes that the mutated Taobao will not deceive himself.

But how to operate specifically, he is a black eye.

So he directly took out his mobile phone and called lawyer Lin Molin, who helped his cousin in the lawsuit yesterday.

For his performance, Gu Chen was very satisfied.

"Hey, Lawyer Lin, it's me!"

"Boss, is there something wrong?"

"Good! Something to look for you, where are you now?

Gu Chen said with a smile.

"I'm in the office."

Although he didn't know what Gu Chen was looking for him for, he still said it honestly.

"Good! See you later!

After Gu Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

After thinking about it, it's still a new Koenigsegg, with vigor!

Under the respectful gaze of the security guard, Gu Chen left with a smile.

Another new security guard next to him had a puzzled look.

"Fifth brother, who is that owner just now? How did I see you so respectful?

"That is Mr. Gu Chen, the first owner of our Tomson Yipin, and the king of the building in the community was bought by Mr. Gu." And Mr. Gu is also a very noble person, he helped our security guard talk before, in short, just see him with respect in the future! The fifth brother said with respect and envy.

"Got it!"

The newcomers are also very envious.

Gu Chen had something in mind, and drove directly to the door of the office without distractions.

"Which lawyer is this gentleman looking for?"

As soon as I entered the hall, I heard a familiar voice.

Except for the two lawyers, Bai Yansong and Lin Mo, the others did not know Gu Chen's identity.

"I'm looking for Lawyer Lin Merlin!"

"Lawyer Lin is on the second floor."

The customer service replied with a smile.

His role here is to point the way and inquire.

"Okay, thanks!"

Gu Chen thanked him and walked up directly.

"Knock knock!"

Gu Chen quickly found Lin Mo's office.

As one of the top five firms in China, isn't a separate office for each lawyer standard?

"Please come in!"

Lin Mo's voice sounded.

Gu Chen pushed the door directly in.


Lin Mo looked at it and immediately got up quickly, slightly nervous.

"Well, I came here today just to hire Lawyer Lin as my exclusive lawyer for a few days." Gu Chen was straight to the point.

"No problem! Is there anything boss please say? Lin Mo didn't even think to agree.

Originally, being a lawyer was to make money, but now someone wants to ask him to be an exclusive lawyer, he naturally can't ask for it? After all, the cost of a dedicated lawyer is very high.

What's more, the party is still his own boss!

"Good!" Gu Chen was very satisfied with Lin Mo.

So he said what he was going to do.

After listening, Lin Mo was suddenly stunned.

He didn't expect that this man younger than him actually owned a ten-billion-dollar group, plus a five-star hotel, and an office building.

What shocked him even more was that he also wanted to mortgage all these shares to the bank and make loans, which was really crazy.

"Old... Boss, I want to ask, have you been short of money lately?

Lin Mo desperately suppressed his shock, swallowed his saliva and said.

Gu Chen nodded first, and then shook his head.

Lin Mo, who was watching, didn't know what it meant.

"I want to buy a plot of land next." Gu Chen said directly.

Anyway, when the time comes, he will handle the procedures for buying land.


Lin Mo was stunned again, what land does it take to buy billions?

With his professional knowledge, he could quickly calculate that according to the shares in Gu Chen's hands, it was fragrant in any bank, and there was no problem in lending billions of yuan.

"I plan to leave this matter to you to help me operate, does Lawyer Lin still have any questions now?"

Gu Chen nodded, after all, if he did this, no matter who he was, it felt like crazy.

"No more!"

Lin Mo shook his head, but then his heart was occupied by curiosity.

"Can I ask, why is the boss so..."

"Naturally it's about making money!"

Gu Chen had already thought of the reason.

Lin Mo paused, and said that there was no problem.

"Now I'm going to the division... Director Bai reported it there.

Lin Mo was silent for a while and said.

Then the two walked towards Bai Yansong's office.

"Boss, I really didn't expect that you would still be the mysterious chairman of the famous Taiyu Group!"

As soon as he entered, Bai Yansong suddenly sighed with emotion.

After Taiyu Group announced the acquisition of Chu Group before, it caused great movement in raw materials for a while.

A series of actions after that show that Taiyu is currently transforming, and with the help of the Chu family, the future is bright for a while, and the market value has shown an unstoppable posture to rise sharply.

It directly soared to nearly 50 billion.

And the embodiment of this is that the shares in Gu Chen's hands have almost doubled.

If Tianhe hadn't directly sued him with a paper complaint later, it would have continued to grow.

"You're welcome!"

Gu Chen replied with a smile.

Gu Chen didn't know all this.

"By the way, Xiao Mo, you are coming..."

Then the two exchanged a few polite words, and then asked Lin Mo on the side.

"I recently wanted to invest in some real estate, so I hired Mr. Lin as my exclusive lawyer for a few days."

"This way! Since the boss can afford it, Xiao Mo, you can feel at ease with the boss during this time!

Bai Yansong instantly understood the meaning of this, and immediately said with relief.


Then the two walked out.

Get back to the car.

"Go straight to the bank! I have already made an appointment. You can take a look at my title certificate and so on.

Gu Chen said to Lawyer Lin, who was sitting in the co-pilot.

Then the car was started.

And Lawyer Lin naturally did not expect that he would be able to take a super car one day, and the boss personally served him as a driver, and his face was also very excited.

But soon he calmed down, couldn't help but blush and scolded himself for not showing up, and then carefully looked at the information given to him by the boss.

Along the way, the two did not say anything, and went directly to a certain line.

As soon as I entered, I was personally received by the president.

He directly used the Taiyu Group to make an appointment, otherwise he was an unknown young guy who would pay attention to him.

Because Gu Chen's rise was too fast, the upper-class circles had already heard of the name Gu Chen, but they didn't know it.

"Hello, I didn't expect Gu Dong to be the chairman of the mysterious Taiyu Group, Gu Dong is really young and promising!"

The president also thought that Lawyer Lin was the chairman of Taiyu Group, and as soon as he came in, he greeted Lin Mo warmly.

Although Lin Mo was only in his thirties, his formal clothes and indescribable temperament made him look unusual.

Gu Chen, on the other hand, was wearing casual clothes.

Although his temperament is also very outstanding, he looks like a second-generation son-in-law.

"Ahem! Sorry, you recognized the wrong person! This is my boss!

Lin Mo was very embarrassed and silent for a second.


The governor's smiling face instantly froze, even more embarrassed than Lin Mo, but who was he, his face could have been eaten as a meal a long time ago.

"I'm really sorry, you look at me, I'm so happy that even people admit their mistakes! I'm really sorry, I didn't expect Gu Dong to become famous at a young age! I don't know where to be better than us old guys!

Suddenly, his face became even more brilliant, and a mouth that could make the dead man live make the corners of Gu Chen's mouths twitch.



This is followed by a group of chirps who echo.

It's really a big man to be rich this year.

It really allowed Gu Chen to enjoy a privileged class with money.

Looking at the long queue, Gu Chen went upstairs directly with the envious expression of the group.

"I don't know what Gu Dong means when he wants to cooperate on the phone..."

The governor asked directly as he took a cup of tea that he had treasured for a long time.

"I want to find a loan from your bank! I wonder how much your bank can lend me?

Gu Chen raised the water cup, sniffed it, and then took a sip lightly before asking unhurriedly.

"Huh? I don't know how much Gu Dong wants to borrow? Hearing

this, the governor was overjoyed.

Isn't the main purpose of their bank's profit is to lend money? So they just want to lend all the money they have, and the more they borrow, the better.

"How much you borrow, how much I borrow!"

Gu Chen's tone was very light, but he instantly suppressed the momentum of the governor.

"Ahem, as far as I know, Taiyu Group doesn't seem to be short of money now! Although there are now lawsuits, smart people know that this is just an extra ant on the elephant.

The governor was not in a hurry afterwards, but said with a smile.

I have to say that to be the president of a branch, the mind and news are top-notch.

"Old fox!" Gu Chen scolded in his heart.

"Naturally, I personally borrowed money! It has nothing to do with Taewoo! "


Now it was the president's turn to be surprised.

"This is my share property, you can take a look, I don't know how much I can borrow?"

Gu Chen didn't bother with nonsense, and said directly;

Then he motioned for Lin Mo to hand the document to the president.

The latter took a look and suddenly came to the spirit.


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