At most, the president thought that even if he was the chairman of Taiyu Group, the shares would be at most 20%.

After all, the chairman of a group with more than 10 billion yuan does not have many shares.

"This, Gu Dong actually has absolute control?"

The governor understood a little of the document and said in surprise.


Gu Chen nodded.

"I really didn't expect it! Gu Dong is really pleasantly surprised! The

governor immediately praised it, and then continued; I don't know how much Gu Dong wants to borrow? "

This time he was much more excited than before.

He didn't worry about Gu Chen not paying back, and even looked forward to Gu Chen not paying back, so that the things that Gu Chen mortgaged were their bank's.

Although I don't know what this young Gu Dong is for.

After all, in the current situation, the rise of Taiyu Group is certain, and the shares of Taiyu Group are now very valuable, not to mention the absolute control of the group.

Of course, he wouldn't be stupid enough to say it.

"20 billion!"

The words fell, and for a moment the whole room fell silent.

The governor almost choked to death.

Lawyer Lin was the same, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Gu Dong said and smiled! I can't be the master of such a big number, so let's do it, my side can provide Gu Dong with a quota of five billion, what do you think? Then

the president said his bottom line, which is already the largest amount of money he has authority.


Gu Chen thought about it and agreed.

Then it was time for Lawyer Lin to play a big role.

He carefully read the contract several times, pointed out a few hidden treaties that were unfavorable to Gu Chen, and in the end there was no problem.

Gu Chen slowly signed his name.

The contract then enters into force and has legal effect.

"Happy cooperation! Gu Dong! "

Happy cooperation! President! The

two reached out and shook hands.

Gu Chen took his leave, and today he made an appointment not only with one, but with all four major banks.

So the rest of the day was spent repeating the above things.

In the evening, Gu Chen came out of the last bank, and the exhaustion on his face still could not resist his excitement.

The 20 billion funds will be fully received in two days today and tomorrow.

"Okay, today's hard work Lawyer Lin!"

Gu Chen looked at the equally tired Lin Mo and said slightly apologetically.

"It's okay!"

Lin Mo shook his head, when he was trying to help his client win the case, he was more tired than this.

"Let's send Lawyer Lin back today, and rest well tomorrow!" I'll look for you again the day after tomorrow! "Good


So Gu Chen dragged a tired body, and first sent Lawyer Lin home, and then went back to his own home.

I couldn't even eat dinner, so I slept and slept.

There is also no time to care about the affairs of cousin Xu Shishi.

The next day, as soon as he slept until he woke up naturally, he went to the field non-stop, and spent the whole day here on the spot, and after comparing it with the map, he already had a general idea in his mind.

So he dragged his tired body back home.

"Alas! It seems that my physical fitness still needs to be improved! Looking

at his sore feet, Gu Chen always thought that his body was okay, but he didn't expect that it would be like this after only two days of running.

Today came back earlier than yesterday, and cousin Xu Shishi has not returned yet.

Thinking of this, there was a sudden movement at the gate.

"Brother? What have you been doing these two days? Can't see you all day!

Sure enough, it was Xu Shishi, her happy expression was suddenly startled by Gu Chen lying on the sofa, and then asked curiously.

"Naturally, something is wrong, by the way, how are you?"

"It's fine! I passed the interview yesterday, but brother, your company is too big! Speaking

of this, Xu Shishi still had a look of excitement on her face.

"Of course!"

"But brother, you have only graduated for a year, how did you become the chairman of such a big group?"

Hearing this, Gu Chen did not panic at all.

"I was already the chairman of the group when I was in college, but I just haven't shown up!"

Say the rhetoric that has been prepared for a long time.

"No wonder, I heard that the chairman of Taiyu Group is very mysterious!"

Xu Shishi suddenly realized when she heard this.

"By the way, brother, my mother now knows that I work in your company, but I didn't dare to tell her how big your company is."

Then Xu Shishi thought of something, stuck out her tongue and said embarrassedly.

"Huh? It's okay, you can tell your aunt slowly.

Gu Chen was shocked, and his plan slowly began to work.


Xu Shishi nodded when she heard this.

After that, the two chatted for a while and went back to their rooms.

Gu Chen skillfully opened Taobao, and the first two days of drawing either customized clothes or high-end famous wine.

To his disappointment, Gu Chen was actually looking forward to winning a real estate company, when he could maximize his profits, but how could he decide.

"Congratulations to this user for winning the Future Potion, a bottle of Body Enhancer!"

The phone tone sounded instantly.

Ling Gu Chen's eyes widened.


"Future potion? Body Enhancer? "

Black technology?"

Suddenly, many questions occupied Gu Chen's heart.

Why are these days all about the future?

Is this software so powerful?

But no one is destined to answer for him.

As soon as he flickered, he saw a test tube suddenly appear on his bedside table.

The potion inside is bluish blue and also emits fluorescence.

"This thing strengthens the body?"

Looking at the test tube, Gu Chen was a little unconvinced.

I always felt that this potion was a deadly poison.

So for a while he hesitated, looking at the glowing potion, his heart was hairy, if he died, wouldn't he be very bad?

However, thinking that this was produced by the system, and the soreness from the body came in bursts, Gu Chen gritted his teeth, directly opened the cork, and drank it with his eyes closed.

He firmly believes that Taobao will not harm him.

Sure enough, with the entrance of the potion, it was not as bad as expected, but with a faint fruity smell.

Then Gu Chen couldn't hold it and went straight to sleep.

It's just that the potion flowed into Gu Chen's heart, and then transported into other limbs and bones, various blood vessel organs.

It changes his body, strengthens his tissues, and cells.

Early the next morning, Gu Chen suddenly woke up, and the first feeling was comfortable, indescribably comfortable, and it was warm everywhere.

The soreness of yesterday has long disappeared, and the eyes that were slightly short-sighted before have become extremely clear at this moment.

"Is that potion real? I didn't expect the effect to be so powerful!

Gu Chen was pleased, and then he was slightly pityed.

There is only one, and if he can produce it, then....

I dare not imagine.

The richest man in the world?

Oh, it is estimated that he was tortured and studied in which research institute he was detained.

Pifu is not guilty, he is guilty!

He still understands this.

After going to wash up, I went to the kitchen and made breakfast.

As soon as she finished it, Xu Shishi also came out.

"Huh? Elder brother? How do I feel that you are different today?

Looking at Gu Chen's figure, Xu Shishi was stunned, and then said uncertainly.

"What's different?"

Unable to say anything, Xu Shishi shook her head.

"Okay! Your brother and I are getting more and more handsome every day! Yesterday was just too tired! Have breakfast! Wait to send you to the company?

"No need, I'm with Sister Xinyi."

Xu Shishi took a sip of porridge after sitting down, and spat out the words.

"Okay! I really didn't know that you had only known each other for a few days, just like friends who have known each other for a long time! Gu

Chen no longer insisted when he heard this.

After breakfast, Gu Chen called Lawyer Lin.

Then Gu Chen set off for the Land and Resources Bureau.

After detailed consideration, he planned to demolish the suburban junction in the southern part of the city according to future information.

Most of the wasteland there is wasteland, plus some residential buildings, he is just an individual, naturally does not consider house demolition, so the rest of the result is those wasteland.

There happened to be a wasteland with a huge area, which was very suitable for his requirements, so this time he aimed at that land.

After picking up Lawyer Lin, Gu Chen told Lawyer Lin his requirements.

"Eh? Boss? I remember that it was very remote, why did you go there to buy such a large plot of land?

After hearing Gu Chen's words, he only had one thought in his mind, that is, the boss was crazy, forced to hold back the shock, and asked.

"Naturally I want to invest in a piece of land, isn't the real estate industry very profitable now?" Gu Chen said with a smile.

"But there are no conditions for investment! It's so far from the city, no matter how much development you can't drive!

Lawyer Lin still couldn't understand.

Not only him, but also Gu Chen, if he didn't have news of the future, he couldn't understand that the official would choose to build a new district there.

"Why is it impossible?"

Gu Chen smiled and asked rhetorically: "Now the resources in the Huahai City area are limited, in order to achieve sustainable development, but also to expand the regional economic influence, it is inevitable to expand outward, and the land I bought there is sparsely populated, although it is very biased, but once it is noticed by the official, it is to fly on the branch and become a phoenix!" Hearing

Gu Chen's eloquent talk, Lawyer Lin looked at Gu Chen again, before he thought that Gu Chen had so many assets, it must be the shadow of his father, but now it seems that the people themselves are also very capable.

"Look at what?"

Gu Chen looked at Lawyer Lin and suddenly looked directly at himself, and suddenly got goosebumps, "Why is there always someone who likes to look at me?"

"I'm sorry. I just feel like the boss is different today than ever!

Lin Mo said embarrassedly.

"Of course!" Gu Chen affirmed.

I admired the potion last night even more.

After that, Mr. Lin prepared the contract according to Gu Chen's requirements.

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