All the way without words, soon arrived in front of the land and resources situation.

After that, Lawyer Lin took Gu Chen to a section chief's office with a light car.

As a lawyer, how can someone who has dealt with the government for many years have no acquaintances!

"Oh, Lawyer Lin? Rare, huh? What wind blew you over today! In

a small office, a middle-aged man sat leisurely on a chair, suddenly saw a figure at the door, and immediately greeted with a smile.

"Haha! Naturally, a wind of wealth sent me to you!

Lawyer Lin also greeted with a smile at this time.

"Oh? Then I have to thank you very much!

The section chief shook hands with Lawyer Lin.

Seeing Gu Chen behind him, he took up his identity and asked; "This is?"

"This is the fortune I told you!"

Lawyer Lin said; "My boss, chairman of Taiyu Group, Gu Chen."

"Hello to Section Chief!"

Gu Chen took the lead in reaching out and smiled.

At a glance, he saw the small sign on the other party's chest, if he had not seen it before.

"Hello, hello! Mr. Gu! What a young and promising person! "

People who mix in the officialdom naturally see people and talk about people, and shake hands with Gu Chen with a smile.

"Sit down!"

Then he beckoned the two to sit down, poured them a cup of tea, and then talked.

"I wonder which land Mr. Gu is buying?"

Xiang asked with a smile.

Come to him and there is nothing else but to buy land.

"Not bad, Section Chief Xiang, I came to you directly with the boss, you can ask for a discount!" Lawyer Lin said with a smile.


Xiang agreed to the section chief, and he seemed very happy.

"Our boss wants to buy the land south of the city in the suburban junction."

Lawyer Lin began to talk after receiving Gu Chen's authorization.

"Oh? Where is it? Lawyer Lin, it's very remote! Section

Chief Xiang naturally also heard about it, heard this, and persuaded.

"I know!"

Lawyer Lin smiled bitterly, he naturally knew, the key is that people are the bosses.

"This time, our boss probably bought almost a few hundred acres!" Then Lawyer Lin said directly.

"How much?"

Section Chief Xiang almost slipped to the ground, wondering if he had heard wrong!

"At least a few hundred acres! How much do we have to see how much the section chief can give us a discount?

Looking at the other party's shocked look, Lawyer Lin somehow felt very comfortable.

"Lawyer Lin, this joke is not funny at all, although it is very remote, but the price is also very high!"

Section Chief Xiang said calmly.

At the same time, I was a little angry inside.

"Naturally! If you don't believe it, you can check the strength of the Taiyu Group! Lawyer Lin said.

Then the section chief quickly checked on the Internet, Taiyu Group, the current market value of more than 50 billion, chairman Gu Chen.

Seeing this, he already believed more than half in his heart.

"I'm so sorry! I have to inform our director of this matter, I can't handle such a big deal! The

Chief of Section subsequently dialed an internal number.

A few minutes later, an old man with a bit of official authority hurried over.

"Hello! I am the director of the Bureau of Land and Resources, I don't know which one is Mr. Gu Chengu! "

I am!"

Gu Chen got up with a smile.

"Hello, hello! I wonder if what I said before is true?


Gu Chen was sure.

Hearing Gu Chen's words, the bureau chief suddenly smiled.

After chatting for a long time and determining that Gu Chen really wanted to buy a large amount of land, everyone was ready to go to the field to investigate.

Looking at Gu Chen's sports car, the people of the Resources Bureau were slightly relieved.

Although I don't know why Gu Chen bought so much land for, it has nothing to do with them.

With such a large amount, they are already excited, especially the director who is about to retire, this is a political achievement!

Maybe the level can be mentioned again when you retire.

And the same is true of section chief Xiang, who is still young in his forties, and with such a great achievement, it can be said that the position of bureau chief has already been booked by him.

Of course, there must be a premise for this, that is, Gu Chen really bought so much land.

After on-site exploration, the abandoned land selected by Gu Chen was just over nine hundred acres.

Gu Chen was very satisfied, and the people from the Resources Bureau were even more satisfied.

"Director Du, can we talk about price now?" Gu Chen came to the bureau chief and asked.

"Naturally! According to the quotation here, the price per square meter is thirty thousand taels!

"Director Du, this is not interesting! I bought more than 900 acres here, and you give me the market price?

"So be it! How about I drop you five hundred per flat?

"Three thousand!"

For a while, several people began to fight with each other.

You come and go, all kinds of reasons come casually, it's really you who sing and I appear.

"Good! Then at the price of 30,000 flat! Unexpectedly, Mr. Gu is young, but he is worthy of his name! In

the end, the two set the price here.

"Where, there is still a lot of thanks to Director Du's love!"

For a while, the two talked happily, and the previous quarrel seemed to exist.

Finally, under the witness of the lawyers of both sides, Gu Chen slowly signed his name.

In an instant, both parties were equally relieved in their hearts.

More than nine hundred mu, thirty thousand square meters, Gu Chen paid a total of more than 19 billion.

"Congratulations Mr. Gu!"

"Rejoice together!"

At this time, Gu Chen's phone suddenly rang.

At first glance, it was Chu Xinyi who called.

Gu Chen was in a very good mood, so he quickly connected.


"Gu Chen, did you borrow 20 billion in cash with the group's shares?"

An anxious voice came from inside.

Hearing the other party's anxious voice, Gu Chen was stunned, and thought that something was wrong.


Then nodded and admitted, after all, he did not need to hide it.

Hearing Gu Chen's admission, the other side fell silent.

"Did something happen to you? Need money? Then Chu Xinyi asked with worry.

"It's okay! Wait until I get back! Gu

Chen was a little moved in his heart when he heard this, and then explained and hung up the phone.

"I'm sorry, everyone, since the matter has been done, then I won't stay much."

Gu Chen returned to the office and said to everyone.

"Oh? Gu Dong is polite, I will host tonight, please Gu Dong have a drink, after all, today is a day worth celebrating! Hearing

Gu Chen's words, the bureau chief opened his mouth and said.

"I'm really sorry, the group still has some things that I need to deal with, I can only apologize!" Next time, next time I will personally make amends to you!

Gu Chen said apologetically.

"Okay! Since Director Gu is busy, we won't bother. Hearing

Gu Chen like this, the director also expressed understanding.

Then Gu Chen left under the enthusiasm of everyone.

On the road.

"Thank you Lawyer Lin these days!"

"The boss said and laughed, I just did my duty."

Lin Mo hurriedly replied.

Today is really a long insight, more than 10 billion! That's how it was spent.

And the party is still extremely calm, he looks at Gu Chen, who is a professional driver, with a complicated face, it is really more popular than people.

Gu Chen didn't know Lin Mo's psychological changes, and after sending him home, he also went back to his home.

Although today was also a busy day, he did not feel the slightest soreness in his hands and feet, at most he was a little tired.

I can't help but sigh at the power of yesterday's bottle of body enhancer.

As soon as he sat down on his butt, before he could sit hot, Gu Chen heard the sound of the door.

As Gu Chen expected, two figures appeared in front of his eyes.

It was Xu Shishi and Chu Xinyi.

"I came back so early today!"

Gu Chen said hello with a smile.

"Brother, I heard Sister Xinyi say that you borrowed 20 billion yuan in the bank?"

Xu Shishi was stunned when she saw Gu Chen, and then her expression was complicated and she said tremblingly.

20 billion! What a number that suffocated her.


Gu Chen smiled and nodded.

"You're still laughing, Gu Chen, what do you want so much money for?" Chu Xinyi was also worried.

"Naturally, it is used for investment!"


Hearing Gu Chen's words, the two showed inexplicable expressions.

"What did you invest in?"

Finally, Chu Xinyi took the lead in speaking.

After that, Gu Chen roughly told him about today's affairs.

The two women who listened opened their mouths wide, and their faces were full of shock.

"You, you, you..." Where

had Xu Shishi seen such a big scene, and she couldn't say anything for a while.

Chu Xinyi was no better, Rao was well-informed, and she was also frightened by Gu Chen's handwriting.

For a while, the living room was a little quiet, and Gu Chen knew that the two needed time to digest, so he didn't bother with a sound.

"You've really spent it?"

Finally, Chu Xinyi came back to his senses and said with a complicated expression.

"Naturally! Oh, the contract is in the briefcase!

Gu Chen nodded and pointed to the black briefcase on the coffee table.

Hearing this, Chu Xinyi naturally opened the bag, picked up the documents inside, and sure enough saw Gu Chen's signature below.

"Suburban junction?"

Seeing the land purchased by Gu Chen, Chu Xinyi subconsciously read it out.

"Gu Chen, why would you buy the land there? You know, it's remote? Then

asked directly.

"Maybe it's developed there!"

Gu Chen said with a smile;

"How is it possible!" Chu Xinyi directly retorted;

Then came a lot of worry.

As long as a normal person would not buy land there.

"Why are you doing things so impulsively! How did you fill such a large sum of money? Won't your shares be then..." Chu

Xinyi's eager expression was as if she owed 20 billion herself.

"Don't worry!"

Gu Chen was calm and confident throughout the process.

"By the way, how was the lawsuit yesterday?"

Seeing that the two were still worried, Gu Chen changed the topic.

In the past few days, all his thoughts have been spent on that land, and he does not know about other nature.

"Lawyer Bai Yansong deserves to be the top lawyer in China! That's awesome! Hearing

Gu Chen's words, Chu Xinyi knew that Gu Chen didn't want to say more, so he followed and said, but there was quite admiration in his tone.


Gu Chen became interested when he heard this.

"Yesterday in court, Lawyer Bai said everything from the beginning to the end of the domestic law to the international law, leaving the opposing party's lawyer speechless! You didn't go, everyone was stunned at the time! Chu Xinyi said with a smile.

Her mood was very happy, if she hadn't known about Gu Chen.

After all, now the Tianhe Group can no longer make big waves.

She also took revenge on the original sniper.

"Good! Then from tomorrow, go all out to suppress the Tianhe Group, don't they rely on raw material imports? Then start here, as long as the suppliers they work with, we will do our best to woo! Gu

Chen nodded when he heard this, this matter was originally his own side, it was strange if he didn't win, it just made him a little disgusting.

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