Chu Xinyi nodded in agreement when she heard this.

Xu Shishi, on the other hand, watched her brother and Chu Xinyi deal with the problems about the Tianhe Group.

Looking at the serious Gu Chen, she felt that this might be the most true appearance of her brother Gu Chen.

For a while, I also let go of the anxiety and worry in my heart.

After that, Gu Chen chatted with them a few words and went to sleep.

On the other hand, the offices of the four major banks all got the exact news almost at the same time

, and Gu Chen, chairman of Taiyu Group, immediately invested in buying a piece of land after borrowing a total of 20 billion yuan from major banks, spending a total of more than 19 billion.

As soon as the news came out, they were almost stunned.

If they hadn't seen the real transfer records, they wouldn't have believed that Gu Chen, who looked shrewd and powerful, was so stupid.

What does he want to do when he spends a lot of money in a very remote place?


Or show off his wealth, or don't care at all?

They don't believe that the chairman of a ten-billion-dollar group would make such a loss-making transaction, you must know that after people came to power, they doubled the group's assets!

But no matter how they investigated, they didn't see any difference there, at most the area was a little bigger.

So they have to admit that the young chairman seems to have looked away, and he is very excited for a while, in this way, Gu Chen can't pay off the loan, then the shares in his hand will be credited!

According to the current trend of Taiyu Group, it is really a new height every day, and the value of the shares will increase greatly.

Just a few days after they were happy, a bulletin board from the city government completely blinded them.

Because the municipal government for the healthy development of the economy, and Huahai City has reached a saturation, if you want to continue to develop, you have to expand the area.

So the southern part of the city, which no one could look at, immediately entered the eyes of the official.

South of the city, located on the border between the Huahai Special Economic Zone and the outside, it is very remote, but the area is flat and vast, which is the only choice for the government.

So today, the official convenience announced on the official website that a new economic development zone will be built, the location is the southern suburban junction of the city, that is, where Gu Chen spent more than 19 billion to buy.

As soon as this news came out, I heard that the presidents of the four major banks had been dark that day.

They were extremely shocked, to know that this news had only come out today, then Gu Chen had already purchased such a large piece of land before, it was really prescient.

Of course, there is another news, that is, Gu Chen's hands and eyes have long known this news, so he began to lay out before the official move.

Thinking of this, Gu Chen had become extremely mysterious in their eyes, and at the same time, he had also marked a signal that could not be provoked.

Of course, Gu Chen did not know all this.

He has been exercising at home these days, and with the help of that potion, he is now a real athlete.

On this day, he did not exercise as usual, but sat on the sofa with his mobile phone, his face was calm, but his slightly twitching muscles exposed his strong pretense calmness.

Suddenly, a message popped up on the mobile phone interface.

Gu Chen opened it and looked at it, and a relaxed expression finally appeared on his face.

"It's a treasure!"

I made the right bet this time.

At this time, his mobile phone rang, and Gu Chen saw that it was the mobile phone number exchanged at a bank before.

"Hello? Mr. Gu! I'm here to congratulate you! As

soon as it was connected, the voice from the other side came.

"Governor Gu said and smiled, why is he happy?"

Gu Chen couldn't help but sigh at the other party's well-informed.

"Haha, the land that President Gu bought a few days ago is now skyrocketing! Didn't President Gu know yet? When

the person on the other side heard this, he laughed.

"Is it? That's great! I don't know how to pay my debt to President Gu! Gu

Chen was pleasantly surprised.

"Eh? Mr. Gu doesn't need to worry, our side is not in a hurry, if Mr. Gu is still short of money? Brother still took a little bit here! The

other side was stunned when he heard it, and then said generously;

"Then thank you Governor Gu!"

Then the two chatted a little more and hung up.

Gu Chen couldn't help shaking his head, even the bank has become so philistine in recent years.

Now he has a lot of money in hand, and those banks don't worry about the problems they haven't paid back.

The other three banks also called one after another, all of them congratulated Gu Chen, and then asked if they needed to continue the loan, and Gu Chen smiled and refused.

Now that their status has changed, Gu Chen is the uncle, and they naturally have to be careful about it.

As soon as the news was announced, many real estate companies were like sharks that smelled blood, and they rubbed their fists one after another.

I want to make a big difference in this project.

And the official will also open the bidding plan, the major real estate companies in Huahai City are looking forward to it, even the top ten real estate groups in the country have come to three, it is really a fierce struggle.

After all, this represents interests, and whoever wins the bidding winner represents the biggest profiteer of this project.

However, there are only three of the most promising, that is, the top ten domestic real estate groups, with strong strength.

They are Yiyue Group, Bandai Group and Evergrande Group.

Just when they were all full of confidence in themselves, suddenly the official news made them instantly stunned.

That is, there is no champion in this tender!

When they hear this, their first reaction is, are you kidding me?

After that, they all knew that a few days ago, a buyer bought the land in the development zone, and even bought more than 900 acres at one time, which is the central location, also commonly known as the king of the standard.

They were all stunned, such a coincidence?

So they all felt that there was an insider, and even the official thought who revealed the news.

This is terrible, a number one directly spoke, thorough investigation!

I thought that a corrupt official would be brought over, but after a few hours, I found out.

The content of their meeting was only determined yesterday, and the buyer had already started buying four or five days ago, so there is no insider, only that person is very lucky.

After understanding the situation, the three major real estate groups could only secretly scold that guy for really taking shit luck.

No way, the king is gone, but there are others!

So the major real estate companies have come out to share some meat to eat, and after fierce fighting, naturally some people are happy and some are worried.

Official tender door.

The representatives of Bandai and Yiyue happened to meet together.

The so-called peers are wronged at all.

In addition, they were a little uncomfortable before, and it was naturally a sneer when they met.

"Hey, why is President Liu not in a state today? How come I didn't get a good piece of land! The

manager of the Huahai branch of Bandai suddenly said with a strange yin and yang.


Hearing this, the manager of the Huahai branch couldn't help but snort coldly, turned around and left.

No way, people tell the truth, this time they miscalculated.

If Gu Chen can definitely know here, it is Liu Xianglong, who has had a relationship with him.

"Go find out who the person who bought the land before is?" Liu Xianglong instructed the secretary next to him.

Then he got into the car with a gloomy face.

If he hadn't wooed the mysterious buyer this time, then the punishment from the headquarters would have come.

All this Gu Chen was unaware.

At this time, he was on the phone with Chu Xinyi.

Such a big thing, Huahai City is naturally a variety of news reports, even seventy or eighty-year-old aunts know, Chu Xinyi naturally knows.

"Gu Chen, did you already know?"

At this time, Chu Xinyi sat on a chair in the office and asked with a surprised face.

At the same time, there was a trace of anger in her heart, remembering that before, she felt like a fool worried about people, what happened?

"Ahem, President Chu, please call me position!"

Gu Chen looked helpless, and I don't know when the other party directly called him by his name.

"Gu Chen! My name is Gu Chen! Don't try to digress, you haven't said it yet! Chu

Xinyi was shy when she heard this, but unfortunately no one saw it, and then pretended to be angry.

After that misunderstanding, she realized that if she didn't take the initiative again, then she would regret it.

"I said it was an accident, do you believe it?"

Gu Chen was helpless, he had long known that there would be this trouble, but there was no good way.

"What do you think?"


Can't fool the shrewd female president, Gu Chen can't help, if his sister, it is estimated that he will believe whatever he says.

Alas! It's still good for my sister!

"Actually, I think the economy of Huahai City..."

So Gu Chen said again the set of lawyer Yu Lin.

After listening to Gu Chen's words, Chu Xinyi was silent for a long time, she was thinking about Gu Chen's words, and at the same time, she saw the news on the official website on the computer, and suddenly realized.

"Gu Chen, your progress is getting faster and faster!"

Then he said something inexplicably and quickly hung up.

Gu Chen listened to the clouds, but finally fooled this nizi.

In fact, the news that Chu Xinyi saw just now was similar to Gu Chen, but it was more detailed and specific than Gu Chen.

This is also what he did not expect.

Then he began to think about the next step, whether to sell the land directly or open a real estate company.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

The former is not so troublesome, directly cashed out, Gu Chen, and instantly became the youngest 100 billion bigwig in China.

The latter continues to develop and maximize benefits, but it is very cumbersome and requires a lot of his time.

For a while, Gu Chen was difficult to choose.

At this moment, his mobile phone rang, Gu Chen thought that it was another real estate company calling, and at a glance, it was his father!

Gu Chen picked up directly, and after the accident at home, his father never called him again.


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