"Hey, Dad?"

"Hmm! How are you doing?

Dad Gu snorted.

"It's fine! What about you?

"It's fine!"

So there was no follow-up.

So the father and son were silent on the phone for several minutes.

It is said that the father's love is like a mountain, always silent, this is not false at all, there are always thousands of sentences in the heart, the words come to the lips, but only one sentence is recently?

"You called... Is there something going on?

In the end, Gu Chen finally insisted on not being able to stand the heaviness and asked.

"Hmm! Listen to your aunt, you solved the poetry matter, and let her in your company? When

Dad Gu heard this, he paused.

"Hmm! The poetry is excellent!

Gu Chen didn't know what his father meant, but he replied honestly.

At the same time, I am quite satisfied with my move.

"That's good! Your aunt treated you very well when she was a child! "

I know!"

"Well, this time I called, just to ask how you are doing! It seems to be very good, I'll hang up first if it's okay!

Gu Chen felt very strange when he heard Gu Dad say this, based on his understanding of his father, his father must not have said something, but he didn't dare to ask.

After all, father's love is not only like a mountain, but also the stick when he was a child!

"Wait! Father!

Then Gu Chen thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he spoke.

"What else?"

Hearing Gu Chen's words, Gu's father asked puzzled.

"That's right! Dad, what about the workers in our family? "

Although his company went bankrupt, the workers who used to follow his father are still there!"

He wants to start a real estate company, and the biggest problem is that there is no one under him.

"What are you asking this for?"

Dad Gu did not answer, but asked curiously.

"Ahem! Dad, I have a piece of land, but I don't want to sell it, I want to start my own real estate company.

Gu Chen coughed embarrassedly, and then said.

"Huh? Don't you have a company? Want to start a company now? Dad Gu's brows furrowed when he heard this, and he immediately said in a deep voice: "I know you have your own ideas, but take it step by step, don't be too ambitious!" Originally

, he didn't want to say anything, but seeing that his son was going his own old way again, his old father naturally wanted to remind him.

At the beginning, he was so ambitious and did not have strong strength, but he took on several projects at once, which finally led to bankruptcy.

"I know! Dad,"

Gu Chen nodded again and again when he heard this, he remembered that his father was so bankrupt in the first place.

"Alas! Since you're going to do it, do it! Those old people in the company are now eating in the city, let me go and tell them! "

Dad Gu naturally knows Gu Chen's character, and he can only do so.

"Hmm! I'll come back once in two days! Speak to them personally!

Gu Chen nodded and said happily.

"Then your side..."

Dad Gu hesitated.

The son has not come back for a year, he naturally thinks very much, but the man, the mouth is strong and soft-hearted.

"It's okay! Now the company is running normally, it's okay if you don't go for a few days!

"Good! Your mother would be very happy to know that! Dad

Gu was very happy.

So the father and son chatted for a while and then hung up the phone.

Gu Chen listened to his father's last voice, as if he had made up some decision.

Lying on the couch, thinking about a few questions.

This time back may expose his assets, he doesn't care, but I'm afraid that my mother can't stand it.

And dad, has been in the mall for decades of ups and downs, this ability to resist pressure is still there.

No matter how much it is, we'll talk about it then!

Thinking of this, Gu Chen rubbed his temples.

On the other hand, many real estate companies have already obtained Gu Chen's information.

Good guy, who's doing this, is really well-informed.

Inside the office of the general manager of Yiyue Group Branch.

The two figures sat opposite each other.

"Mr. Liu, the information of the person who purchased the Biao Wang has already been obtained, but you definitely can't guess!" One of the older humanes.

"Oh? Who is it? Hearing

this, Mr. Liu was curious.

"You know!"

"I know?"

"Yes! I know too!

The older man sighed.

Mr. Liu thought for a long time and didn't know, so he signaled the other party to say quickly.

"Mr. Gu Chen, Mr. Gu!"

"It's him!"

Mr. Liu exclaimed.

"That's right!"

He was the manager of Yiyue Plaza who had gone through the procedures for Gu Chen before.

"This Mr. Gu can surprise us every time we meet!"

After hearing that it was Gu Chen, Mr. Liu breathed a sigh of relief.

How to say that he also knows Gu Chen, which has a little more advantage than others.

"yes! It seems that fortunately he was not offended! "

Manager Ma is the latest to know Gu Chen.

"I wonder if Mr. Gu will sell it to us?"

"Such a large piece of land, even if Mr. Gu has his own real estate company, he can't develop it, so he definitely needs help!"

Manager Ma analyzed.

"That's right! I'll give Mr. Gu a call now! Probe his mouth!

So Mr. Liu carefully dialed Gu Chen's phone, seeing that no one answered after a few seconds, Mr. Liu felt a grunt in his heart, but fortunately he was connected after a few seconds.


Gu Chen frowned slightly.

He was thinking about the problem, but he didn't expect that someone suddenly called.

"Hello Mr. Gu, I'm Liu Xianglong of Yiyue!"

"Mr. Liu? Hello hello hello! I don't know what Mr. Liu is looking for me!

"Haha, I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything! I heard that Mr. Gu bought a piece of land not long ago, I wonder if Mr. Gu plans to sell it or keep it?

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Liu held his breath, and his heartbeat slowed down for fear that he would not hear clearly.

"Liu is always well-informed, even this knows, I do have a piece of land in my hand, naturally I plan to keep a part!"

Gu Chen thought for a long time, even if he found his father's team, he couldn't finish developing the land, so he planned to sell a part of it, and he could also relieve the economic pressure.

"Then I wonder if Mr. Gu can sell it to us?"

Hearing that Gu Chen wanted to sell a part, Mr. Liu said happily.

"Why not, I just don't know what price Mr. Liu offered?" Gu Chen laughed.

"At the current market price?" Mr. Liu asked gently;

"President Liu, this is not sincere! If I let the wind go directly, some people want it! Gu Chen said lightly.

After the official news came out, the house prices there are higher and higher every time, and now they have reached nearly 60,000!

You know, it's the first day!

According to economic experts, house prices there can reach up to 150,000 square meters.

It is equivalent to Gu Chen earning nearly 100 billion in less than a week!

What is this concept?

"150,000 draws!"

Gu Chen directly said his bottom line.


Mr. Liu was stunned when he heard this, and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

But after thinking about it, he felt that he could accept it.

"Can't this Mr. Gu be cheaper?"

Although Mr. Liu can accept this price, it does not mean that he directly agrees.

"If Mr. Liu feels expensive, it's okay, we can't buy and sell!" Gu Chen said with a smile.

"Patience, please wait for Mr. Gu, I have to report to the headquarters!"

Hearing this, he knew that this was Gu Chen's bottom line.

"Good! However, I can't wait for Mr. Liu all the time! Gu

Chen agreed when he heard this, after all, he was more familiar with the other party, and he was willing to give face.

"Good, good, good! Thank you Mr. Gu for understanding,"

then the two hung up the phone.

After that, he went straight to the group company.

I want to get things done and go home.

So he was dealing with things all day, either in Taiyu Group or in Huatian Hotel.

As for the office building, Gu Chen almost forgot that although their rent could reach tens of millions a year, these money were no longer put in Gu Chen's eyes.

At night, Gu Chen's home.

At the dinner table.

Chu Xinyi followed Xu Shishi in again.

Now she almost considers this her home.

"By the way, I may go home for a few days after tomorrow and tell you about it!"

"Go, go, go!"

Chu Xinyi said with a familiar look.

"I didn't tell you!"

Gu Chen rolled his eyes, and then looked at Shishi and said, "Shishi, do you want me to bring you something?"

"No thanks!" Xu Shishi thought for a while, and then shook her head.

"Okay!" Gu Chen nodded and continued to cook.

After a few people ate, Chu Xinyi consciously washed the dishes, and then sat in the living room.

"That's right! Isn't your family from Huahai? Is there a car that can be mentioned quickly?

Gu Chen looked at Chu Xinyi who had just sat down.

"Huh? Do you want to buy a car? "

Hmm! You can't drive a sports car when you go back, right?

"That's true, but I don't know if I can enter the eyes of a hundred billion boss!"

Chu Xinyi said sourly.

With her knowledge, she definitely knew how much the land was worth.

"Ahem, think too much!"

"By the way, it just so happened that the company was also going to pick up the car, and I wanted to report to you, but you are not here these days."

"Pick up the car?"

"Yes, didn't you say you were going to snipe the Tianhe Group? No, those international suppliers want to see the strength of our group in making a decision! So they were going to come over in two days to inspect the group.

"And in order to make people feel the strength of our group, naturally need some cars to act as some façade, I looked, the group bought cars before or six years ago, are some old antiques!"

Chu Xinyi reported.

"Hmm! OK! Then mention it! There is also a car above the head of the group! Gu

Chen directly agreed, thought about it and waved his hand, since you want to investigate my strength, let them see it!"

"Then I thank the chairman for their kindness!"

When Chu Xinyi heard this, she said with a grin.

After a few more words, Gu Chen went upstairs.

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