The night is inky black, like a giant beast that devours all things, stretching across the boundless sky.

As the golden rooster broke dawn, the first light between heaven and earth gradually dispelled the black fog.

Dawn is approaching, and the sky is beginning to turn white.

The first rays of sunlight in the early morning shone on Gu Chen's face through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Gu Chen directly rolled around with a carp and quickly stood up.

Started the fitness morning exercise.

This is the interest he has cultivated these days.

Half an hour later, I returned home, washed up, and began to prepare breakfast.

As a single man, isn't cooking a necessity?

After eating, I planned to find Chu Xinyi to pick up the car at the 4S store.

Since they went to buy a car, the two did not go by car.

A random taxi was stopped on the way.

Chu Xinyi reported a position and remained silent.

"This is opened by a friend of my dad." Directly arrived at Chu Xinyi introduced.

"So you're using public for personal gain?"

When Gu Chen heard this, he said positively.

"yes! If I pull a guest to buy a car, people will give me red envelopes! Chu Xinyi blinked, and said with a cute face.


Gu Chen suddenly glared at Chu Xinyi.

Walking into the store first, Chu Xinyi's beautiful pupils flowed behind, and she seemed to have discovered a weakness of Gu Chen.

Then he followed.

"Hello sir, are you here to see the car?"

At this time, a salesman looked at Gu Chen's very temperamental, and when he saw that he was a rich man, he quickly ran to Gu Chen and said enthusiastically.

Other salespeople could only sigh when they saw someone.

"We are here to find your manager Wang!"

When Gu Chen was about to speak, Chu Xinyi walked in and answered.

"Manager Wang?"

"Yes, I've already called him!"

"This way!"

The salesman looked depressed when he heard this, and then left the place.

"What car do you want to see?" Just watch? Chu

Xinyi looked at Gu Chen and said arrogantly.

The people who didn't understand the situation on the side heard that they all looked at Gu Chen, and then they were stunned, really handsome!

Then reacted, it turned out to be a little white face!

Suddenly there was a burst of disgust, but my heart was full of envy.

Such a good-looking young lady still has money, and she really can't find it with a lantern.

"Do you pay?"

Gu Chen naturally also found the eyes of others, glared at it and said in a low voice.

Chu Xinyi felt very interesting watching all this, but suddenly heard Gu Chen's words, and her face froze.

She didn't have any money, she ran out of money the last time she merged.

So I could only lower my momentum and shut up and not speak.

Gu Chen didn't care that she slowly walked around the 4S store, I have to say that Chu Xinyi's father's friend is quite powerful.

What an Audi A8! BMW X7 ah, medium affordable sedan, and high-end cars, Bentley, Ferrari ah.

"Xinyi? Long wait!

At this time, a middle-aged man with a kind face walked over.

"Uncle Wang, it seems that business is good!"

Chu Xinyi greeted with a smile, and then congratulated after glancing around.

"Hey, most of them are just to see, not to buy!"

Manager Wang shook his head.

If they really came to buy a car, he estimated that he would grin when he slept at night.

"This is?"

Then he saw Gu Chen on the side, and felt that this person had an extraordinary temperament, and couldn't help asking.

"Hello! Gu Chen!

Gu Chen took the lead in reaching out and introducing.

"Hello, hello! I am the manager and boss of this house, my surname is Wang, if only you could call me Uncle Wang!

Manager Wang glanced at Chu Xinyi and felt that the two were really matched, so they spoke very casually.

Chu Xinyi blushed when she heard this.

"Uncle Wang!" Gu Chen was stunned, feeling that people had misunderstood something, but he didn't explain anything.

After all, the more this thing is explained, the more difficult it is to explain.

"Hmm! Don't know what car you'd like to buy? Manager Wang said with a smile.

"Oh he! It must be that kind of tall car! Chu

Xinyi preemptively said.


Manager Wang looked at him suspiciously.

"Uncle Wang, is there anything more comfortable!"

Gu Chen had already ignored Chu Xinyi, and he felt that the Chu Xinyi who had seen before who did not eat the world's fireworks and was cold had disappeared.

"Uh-huh, I wonder what Mr. Gu's budget is?"

"Price is not a problem, as long as it is eye-catching!" Gu Chen said lightly.

The tone was very low-key, but Manager Wang felt that this person was pretending to be suspicious.

"Uncle Wang, you have made a fortune this time, hurry up and take out your town shop treasure! Hit the landlord well!

However, Chu Xinyi knew that Gu Chen was telling the truth, and couldn't help but smile and say to Uncle Wang.

"Huh? In that case, let's go to the back!

Manager Wang saw that Chu Xinyi was also like this, and knew that Gu Chen was not pretending, but really had financial resources, and he was very happy for a while.

So the two were led to the back by Manager Wang.

"If you want to talk about the most comfortable car, it is naturally Maybach!"

Manager Wang said as he walked along the way, until a relatively large room, a gray car quietly parked there.

Gu Chen saw it at a glance, like a sleeping extraordinary king, the overall body was long, the lines were elegant and majestic.

"This one is the latest, and although it looks no different from the Mercedes-Benz S-Class on the outside, it has a hole in the inside. The large space is very satisfying to the senses, but it took me a lot of effort to get one.

Looking at Gu Chen's noncommittal expression, Manager Wang didn't say much, and said directly: "Mr. Gu can go in and feel it, just know!" "Good

!" Gu Chen directly opened the car door, looked at the exquisite decoration, and also showed a trace of interest.

The seat full of science made Gu Chen slightly comfortable, looking at the high-end electronic products and pleasing design in the car, Gu Chen nodded repeatedly.

Not to mention, the car is a little more comfortable than the sports car, which cannot be denied.

"How? Mr. Gu?

Looking at Gu Chen's expression, Manager Wang looked proud.

"It's okay!"

Hearing this, Manager Wang's smile froze, this is called okay?

"Uncle Wang, Gu Chen's garage starts with tens of millions!"

Chu Xinyi also followed the mending knife at this time.

"Eh!" Manager Wang's heart was galloping at this time.

It turns out that people are really just telling the truth.

My own millions of cars are really nothing.

"Just this one! Uncle Wang, it's okay if I want to pick up the car today, right?

Gu Chen walked down and said to Manager Wang with a smile.


Hearing Gu Chen's words, Manager Wang didn't know what to say at this time, don't you generally buy a car to see a few more units? And then after a long discussion to decide?

However, he quickly reacted and hurriedly said: "No problem, we can complete the formalities in an hour." "

After all, Gu Chen is not an ordinary person.

So this car can allow him to return some of his funds.

After that, Chu Xinyi also generously chose a few cars, which made Manager Wang's smile go to the back of his head, and he shouted that it didn't hurt in vain.

Then Gu Chen directly swiped the card and left abruptly.

This Maybach belongs to the top sedan, plus the limited sales, the interior decoration is all top-notch, and it has spent nearly five million yuan in total.

Driving on the road, let alone quite comfortable.

He then navigated his hometown route directly on his mobile phone.

Gu Chen's hometown is in the province, not far from Huahai City, and he can get home by driving for four hours, so Gu Chen chose to drive back by himself.

"Amap: Continuous navigation for you, this trip to Yongshi City, a total of 430 kilometers, a total of 3 hours and 46 minutes."

Listening to the voice coming from the mobile phone, Gu Chen stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the highway.

Fortunately, Gu Chen has long anticipated this problem, and he bought a very comfortable model, and the high-tech seat will automatically adjust according to the actual situation.

Let Gu Chen call the flower unjust.

Four hours flew by.

Just got off the highway, looking at the familiar environment, Gu Chen was a burst of emotion.

A sense of security comes out of the heart.

Gu Chen turned off the navigation and returned to his street with a light car.

Suddenly, I saw that there seemed to be a lot of people in front of my house, and I was stunned, and I hurriedly found a place to stop and trotted over.

Squeezed through the crowd, and immediately saw a dozen men who looked like workers in the courtyard.

Gu Chen's family has always lived in an ancestral house with a courtyard in the old city, even after Gu's father became famous, and he did not move.

"Brother Gu, I know that you are unwilling in your heart, now that your son has a chance, he wants to make a comeback, but recognize the reality! Now the Yong City is no longer your Gu Jiangnian's world! And we are already working under the Bandai Group, don't look for us in the future!

One of them, who was about the same age as Father Gu, said loudly.

"That's it, Mr. Gu, we also have a family, we also have to eat, we know that you used to be very good, and we are very grateful to you, but forget it now!" Others echoed.

Father Gu didn't expect this result, and he was stunned in place for a while.

He just saw that the old people who followed him before were working as temporary workers, so he wanted to help.

Indeed, they did not expect that they had all joined the Bandai Group.

And the man at the head was his former best confidant, but he didn't expect to say so.

"Good, good, good! It's me Gu Jiangnian who can't measure myself!

Father Gu's expression was down, and he was several years old for a while.

"Brother Gu, we won't eat the meal, let's go first!"

So a group of people said a word and turned to leave, and the neighbors watching the play gave way one after another, and only Gu Chen stood in the center.

"You... Are you Gu Chen? At

this time, someone had already recognized Gu Chen.

"It's really, it's really the old Gu family's baby!"

"I didn't expect such a big change, I almost didn't recognize it!"

"Isn't it?"

There was a lot of discussion for a while.

A dozen workers also stopped.

"Uncle Gong, I didn't expect to see it for a year, and it became more and more tough!"

Gu Chen calmly looked at the humanity in front of him.

"Little... Little dust, when did you come back? The

middle-aged man at the head looked very embarrassed.

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