"Just came back."

Gu Chen said lightly.

"Well, we still have something to do, so let's not talk about it."

After speaking, he crossed Gu Chen and walked out.

Gu Chen looked at their backs, his eyes flickering.

Then he quickly entered the courtyard, saw that his father was still stunned there, and hurriedly stepped forward to support the other party.


Father Gu reacted, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar figure, and his figure trembled.

"Little dust?"

"Yes! I am back!

Gu Chen said with a smile.

"Okay, just come back! It seems that you are mixing well in Huahai!

Then Father Gu pushed Gu Chen away, glanced at it, and patted Gu Chen's shoulder.


"By the way, Dad, what about my Mom?"

Gu Chen looked around, and finally asked the classic quote.

"She's cooking in the house!"

"Old Gu, who is it?"

As soon as Gu Chen entered, he heard a familiar voice.

"Mom, it's me!"

Gu Chen's eyes were slightly red, and he said softly.


I saw that the kitchen looked like something had fallen.

Then a figure hurriedly walked out, looking excited.

"Xiao Chen, when did you come back! Don't make a call in advance either!

Gu's mother directly hugged Gu Chen and said very happy.

"Just came back, I didn't want to surprise you!"

Gu Chen also patted his mother's back.

"Okay, you haven't eaten yet! Exactly, I'm doing it!

Then Gu's mother took a good look at Gu Chen and went back to the kitchen to cook.

After Gu Chen went outside to bring back the things in the car, he sat in the living room with his father.

"Dad, just now Uncle Gong..."

After thinking about it, he asked.

"You also saw it, I thought Lao Gong was still doing odd jobs outside? I wanted to ask him about the workers, but I didn't expect him to enter Bandai! When

Father Gu heard this, he said with a lonely expression.

He couldn't figure out why he had entered Bandai.

Gu Chen who listened to it was awkward for a while, old Gong? Husband?

"In fact, there is another reason for the bankruptcy of the company, that is, Bandai is making ghosts behind the scenes!"

Seeing that Gu Chen did not speak, Father Gu hesitated for a moment before telling the truth.

"Huh? Dad, why didn't you say it before? Gu Chen was stunned.

"I didn't want you to know that I was afraid that you were impulsive, and there was no evidence."

Father Gu shook his head and said.

"Does Uncle Gong know about this?" Gu Chen's expression moved and asked.


Hearing this, Gu Chen gradually had a train of thought in his heart.

"Okay, since it has already happened, let it pass, anyway, you don't need my company now!"

Father Gu looked at Gu Chen thoughtfully, and suddenly interrupted.

Gu Chen looked at his father's appearance, and knew that he also had a guess in his heart, but he just didn't want to think about it.

However, Gu Chen did not have these concerns, "No matter who it is, he will make him pay!"

"It's time to eat! What are you father and son talking about?

At this time, a voice pulled Gu Chen into reality, and then Gu Chen smiled again.

Smelling the familiar fragrance and eating the familiar taste, Gu Chen's heart was peaceful.

"Eat more! Where is there a good place to eat at home outside! Gu's mother looked at Gu Chen with a doting expression.


For Gu Chen, this meal is incomparable to the chef of Huatian Hotel.

"By the way, Mom, I'll go out for a spin in the afternoon!"

After Gu Chen finished eating, he chatted with his parents for a long time, and then said.

"Uh-huh, let's go!"

Hearing this, Gu Chen walked out of the door.

Looking at the flowers and trees, Gu Chen's memories also appeared.

The small city is not as good as the big city outside, but Gu Chen feels extremely kind.

The pedestrians on the street are always unhurried, and there is not so much pressure on their faces, which seems very calm.

Gu Chen, who was accustomed to the fast pace, couldn't help but calm down.

However, this is only the corner of the city, and only the old town can appear.

Stepping out of the old town, the new district of Yongshi has also become modern, with a row of high-rise buildings standing in the distance.

"It seems that the economy of my hometown has been booming in recent years! No wonder the Bandai Group is here!

Gu Chen looked at the crowded vehicles and muttered.

"But that's not a reason for you to annex my family!"

Then Gu Chen's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Gu Chen took out a look, it was Mr. Gan, and then took it.


Although I don't know why the other party suddenly called him.

"Mr. Gu hasn't seen you for a long time! I don't know if you've forgotten me! There

was a loud laugh on the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Gan said and laughed, how could he forget you!"

Gu Chen also replied with a smile;

"Here, I would like to congratulate Mr. Gu on his insight and promotion to the boss of hundreds of billions of assets!"

"It's just luck, I didn't expect that even President Gan knew!"

"Mr. Gu don't be modest, this matter has been spread all over our Jiang Province, and there is a man named Gu Chen who makes hundreds of billions a week! It was a hit for fame!

"President Gan still don't bother me, I don't know what's going on?"

Gu Chen didn't expect this matter to have such a big impact, so he could only change the topic.

Maybe he doesn't know what the concept of making 100 billion a week is? It's not a market cap asset, a stock or anything like that.

It's real money, one ticket after another!

It's scary that he invests in a week and gets a return on his 500 percent profit.

Therefore, Gu Chen also became a little cautious in his heart, afraid that some people would take risks.

"I almost forgot, Mr. Gu, I don't know where you are now? I want to treat you to a meal, just to repay the help last time, and there is a good thing to tell you! Gan

Yuan was in a high-rise building, looking into the distance, smiling and Gu Chen.

He was sincerely grateful to Gu Chen, if he hadn't made a move, it is estimated that he would have spent his days in prison now.

"I'm really sorry, I'm not in Huahai at the moment, I'm back home!"

Gu Chen said regretfully when he heard this.

After all, for this kind of person who can afford to open a five-star hotel, Gu Chen is still happy to make friends.

"That's a shame! But next time, please wait for Mr. Gu to come back. Gan Yuan was also sorry when he heard this.

"By the way, Gan always has something good to tell me?"

"Haha, it's really a good thing, you should have heard of the Huahai City Chamber of Commerce, right? Mr. Gu, they want to invite you to join! Gan

Yuan's voice was even more excited when he heard this, knowing that this is not something that ordinary people can enter.

"Huahai City Chamber of Commerce?"


Hearing this, Gu Chen was stunned, who has not heard of the famous Huahai Chamber of Commerce?

I heard that the people who went in were all industry bosses, and only people from Jiang Province were qualified to enter.

This is the legendary ticket to the top floor.

"Mr. Gan, why did you invite me? I don't seem to meet the entry requirements, right?

Gu Chen was naturally very happy, and he also wanted to meet the real upper class, but he quickly reacted.


Hearing Gu Chen's question, Gan Yuan was stunned, he did not expect that Gu Chen was not as excited as he imagined, but was extremely calm and directly saw the problem.

Suddenly, Gu Chen's evaluation skyrocketed, compared to him, looking at himself, when he got this invitation, he was really excited for a week!

"Although Mr. Gu did not meet the requirements, it is already remarkable that he was able to achieve this achievement at the age of more than twenty!"

Gan Yuan said with admiration.

"Eh! All right! Gu

Chen felt that he was really powerful when he heard this, and then agreed.

"Good! I'll tell them later, by the way, I don't know when Mr. Gu will come back?

Gan Yuan said happily.

"This... I don't know. Gu Chen shook his head.

"I have a friend in Yong City, if Mr. Gu has any questions, I can ask him for help!"

Hearing this, Gan Yuan understood as soon as he thought about it, he should have encountered some problem.


Gu Chen was stunned when he heard this, but he didn't expect that the other party even had friends here, so his heart moved slightly, "Then thank you Mr. Gan!"

"Hands up! Mr. Gu wants to call me when he returns to Huahai.


Then Gu Chen politely hung up the phone.

It didn't take long for Duo to send a text message over.

At first glance is a name and number.

However, Gu Chen was a little surprised.

Because that name is Yu Xiangui, the richest man in their city.

It's the man he couldn't see before his father went bankrupt!

He is also a figure in Yong City, and I heard that even the underworld has dabbled in it.

But in his eyes, so be it!

So he called directly, and the other party answered in seconds, it should be Gan Yuan's instructions!


"Hey, is it Mr. Gu Chengu?"

The respectful voice of the other party came out.

"Yes, it's Mr. Yu!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Just now, Mr. Gan has already told me, what is Mr. Gu directly saying? Hearing

this, Gu Chen knew that Gan Yuan's identity was definitely not ordinary, at least the status of the two was definitely not as simple as friends.

"Does Mr. Yu remember the bankruptcy of the Gu family that happened a year ago?"

"Huh? You mean the family in the real estate industry?


"Slightly heard!"

Hearing this, the other party immediately thought of the identities of both sides.

"Well, since Mr. Yu knows, I will say it bluntly, someone has used illegal means here, and I need Mr. Yu to find out the evidence for me."

Gu Chen went straight to the point.

He believed that with the other party's status in Yong City, as long as it happened, then he could find it.

"This... Mr. Gu, a year has passed, and even if there is evidence, it has almost disappeared. When

the other party heard this, he showed a embarrassed expression.

"I can provide you with a mastermind, the overseer of the Gu family at that time, who is now working in the Bandai Group!"

Gu Chen said lightly.

"Don't worry! You don't have to bear the consequences!

Gu Chen knew that the other party was an old fox, so he directly assured.

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