Gu Chen looked at the omnipotent super hacker in his eyes and fell into distress, and he didn't know how to comfort her.

"Maybe silent companionship is the best comfort at this time."

Thinking so, Gu Chen silently looked down at Chen Yu's brilliant record.

In fact, the main thing is to be afraid, Jiang Min's little cute at this age.

It is the easiest kind to be deceived, Gu Chen is very worried that if he casually says two words, this is already very adoring of himself, it can be said that Jiang Min, who has a solid good impression as the basis.

Will there be a sudden misunderstanding in the heart....

Misunderstood that he actually had some thoughts about her Jiang Min.

At that time, there will be all kinds of messy things and troubles, and Gu Chen doesn't want to do anything sorry for Chu Xinyi.

So sometimes some things can be avoided, just avoid them.

Isn't it good to strangle all dangers directly in the cradle?

And it turned out that Gu Chen's approach was very wise, so wise that Jiang Min was still thinking that his tragic encounter should make Gu Chen feel sorry for himself.

Who knew that in the end, Gu Chen actually felt that it was important to comfort himself that he had not read Chen Yu's documents.

This made Jiang Min feel a little more aggrieved and uncomfortable.

Just thinking that I have someone who can tell all about myself.

It's actually quite good to be able to let go of all your defenses and become a real seventeen-year-old girl.

"Yes, isn't this the best ending, why bother with extravagance?"

Jiang Min, who had figured this out, suddenly felt that it was so beautiful that he was actually wasting time here, it was simply not worth it at all!

"Yes! I can't afford to delay this wonderful meal for some troubles! Eat it! Jiang Min!

Suddenly, Jiang Min seemed to feel that his body was full of energy.

Seeing the special steak provided by the Bund 18, he directly began to cut it wildly.

The whole person seemed to have become a starving ghost reincarnated, and the knife and fork were cut so that they were not ladylike at all.

"Ah, did you figure it out or didn't you figure it out?"

Gu Chen, who was awakened by Jiang Min's actions, looked up at Jiang Min, who was eating happily opposite him, and wondered in his heart.

However, this doubt flashed and disappeared immediately.

After all, Gu Chen is still very relieved about the self-regulation ability of a super hacker like Jiang Min.

At least there should be no problem in mentality, otherwise, there would not be a huge courage to carry out various anti-crime activities on the Internet.

Thinking so, Gu Chen thought that Jiang Min had temporarily put down the sadness in his heart at this time.

Therefore, Gu Chen was much relieved, and put all his eyes and thoughts back on Chen Yu's document.

Because now Gu Chen saw something that interested him.

Therefore, Gu Chen didn't even want to eat it, and the current temptation of food made Gu Chen unable to move.

Himself whole person hung on these documents.

After all, now Gu Chen has an idea that his trip to Xiangcheng Island this time is very likely to need the help of people like Chen Yu and the team behind him!

"Maybe it can have the effect of a surprise soldier."

Gu Chen thought so, and looked at these documents more carefully.

At the same time, Jiang Min on the opposite side was also in a state of rapid eating.

There is a very harmonious picture between the two sides.

On the one hand, it is Jiang Min's chewing sound, and on the other hand, Gu Chen's page turning sound.

It is perfect for both parties not to disturb each other.


And after waiting for an unknown amount of time, Gu Chen finally read all these introductions about Chen Yu and the team behind him.

His whole body exhaled.

Because if Chen Yu did not falsify these documents, this trip to Xiangcheng Island could be said to be very much needed.

The most important thing is that you have a team that you can use with complete trust.

There is no need to trouble Tong Zixin at all.

"Just perfect!"

Gu Chen, who had figured this out, couldn't wait to look for Chen Yu now, and let him report to Longteng Group tomorrow.

Then I made a good plan and started to plan to go to Xiangcheng Island.

"Eh, no!"

However, Gu Chen saw Jiang Min on the other side who stupidly opened his mouth and was about to send a piece of steak to his mouth.

"Forgot that I'm still eating with Jiang Min!"

In fact, if he changed to another person at this time, such as Tong Zixin, Gu Chen would definitely be able to run to Chen Yu to discuss when to join without the slightest psychological burden.

However, Gu Chen definitely couldn't be so rude in the face of Jiang Min, a super hacker who had helped him.

And the most important thing is that this time Gu Chen took the initiative to invite Jiang Min to eat.

Therefore...Gu Chen still chose to suppress his irritable heart to calm himself down.

"How's it going, is it still to taste?"

Gu Chen asked Jiang Min with a smile, and he also remembered that he didn't come out to eat with Jiang Min today for no reason.

This is to let Jiang Min introduce herself to a super big hacker of the same level as her.

"Can't get Chen Yu's team, but let the big hacker on Jiang Min's side have no fun!"

Therefore, Gu Chen, who clearly understood what was called priorities, silently decided to coax Jiang Min first.

"Good, this steak tastes so good, even to catch up with the royal steak I ate a long time ago!"

Jiang Min gave the Bund No. 18 steak a very high appreciation.

This made Gu Chen still very satisfied.

After all, he chose here, and if the last food is not good, then he will lose face.

After that, Gu Chen had a good chat with Jiang Min.

Just waiting for Gu Chen to keep greeting, Jiang Min finally couldn't bear it a little.

"No, what is your situation, Brother Gu Chen!"

With a coquettish tone, Jiang Min asked.

"Ah, what am I doing!"

But this kind of question made Gu Chen very inexplicable, and he didn't know what he did wrong.

However, Jiang Min's next words really made Gu Chen feel a little old and blushing.

"What are you and I doing here for? What do you want to do is not directly with me? Why waste time here?

"Or do you mean that Brother Gu Chen treats me as an outsider?"

Ah this! Hearing Jiang Min say this, Gu Chen only remembered this stubble at this time.

I really forgot about this when I was greeting.

Forget that the relationship between the two sides is placed here.

"Hey, the main thing is that I really don't know how to open my mouth about this matter."

"Brother Gu Chen, if you have something, you can say, it's really okay, I can accept it!"

Jiang Min said a very embarrassing line, which made Gu Chen even more unsure of what to say.

"Eh, it's actually not a big deal!"

"That is, didn't you tell me before that you were going to Australia? I haven't had any hacker friends since then. "

Plus didn't you say before that you would introduce me to a super hacker, so I just wanted to ask..." Before

Gu Chen's words were finished, he was directly interrupted by Jiang Min.

"I know what you mean, Brother Gu Chen! You just want a helper, right, you say, who are you going to deal with?

"I'm still more than a month away from leaving for Australia, and I can still help you in the meantime!"

"As for the big hacker I said before, you don't have to worry, I'll introduce it to you when I leave!"

"So, Brother Gu Chen, who are we going to deal with now, tell me quickly!" Like the last Internet war, I didn't have a good time!

Jiang Min's whole person showed a look of excitement.

Gu Chen didn't know what to say.

"Eh, you calm down first, this time things are more complicated...."

"Complicated, I like complexity, especially to peel some things apart, and then return to the original appearance, this stimulation of breaking through layers of fog feels amazing!"

Jiang Min immediately slapped the table up, and Gu Chen didn't know what to say.

Probably realizing that his behavior was very strange.

At this time, Jiang Min was also old and blushing.

"I'm sorry, Brother Gu Chen, I really want to have a stimulating confrontation at this time to make me forget all my troubles."

Jiang Min explained his emotions a little for this behavior.

This reminded Gu Chen of the silence she had when she explained her family composition before.

"So it's only now that it started to explode? This contrast is also too... Slow down!

Gu Chen complained in his heart.

But his mouth is still talking.

"It's okay, it's okay, since you want to know, of course I won't hide it from you! After all, I trust you! "

This sentence I trust you makes Jiang Min still very happy," she nodded heavily and said to Gu Chen.

"yes! Brother Gu Chen, I also trust you, otherwise I wouldn't have told you about my future becoming a countess!"

"Also, Brother Gu Chen, the children born to me when I get married in the future can also inherit the position of count!" You really ... Don't think about being my child's godfather? At

the beginning, Gu Chen still had a little feeling in his heart.

thought that this Jiang Min was going to say something tiger and wolf, but in the end, fortunately, Jiang Min did not make or say anything too out of line.

Just being a godfather, Gu Chen is not unacceptable.

He relaxed in his heart and spoke in a tone of course.

"As a godfather, of course, but I'm afraid that I won't be qualified to be your countess's brother then!"

Gu Chen made a small joke to resolve the little embarrassment that appeared between the two before.

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