The effect of this joke is also not bad, at least Jiang Min smiled very brightly.

It seemed that she was fantasizing about the future, and suddenly she was full of imagination about the future.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about these things, it's too far away, let's talk about it now!"

"What the hell is there to make my Gu Chen brother and my idol so troublesome, and even to send hackers!"

At this time, Gu Chen also began to slowly tell some things about Tong Zixin and Xiangcheng Island.

It's like implicating two lines that have no way to connect at all.

This feeling is very wonderful, so wonderful that Gu Chen feels that he seems to have a feeling of controlling the overall situation.

"It turns out that Sister Zixin has had such a miserable life! I always thought she would always be so bright and beautiful, and she was the best example of a cosmopolitan beauty! Jiang

Min also sighed silently after listening to Gu Chen's narration here.

The little resentment that was originally resentful of Tong Zixin in his heart disappeared at this time.

Originally, at the very beginning, Jiang Min found that Tong Zixin directed and acted in an ugly incident.

Jiang Min still hates Tong Zixin very much, and even once regarded Tong Zixin as a bad woman who did not achieve her goals and unscrupulous means.

Even Jiang Min was very unclear, why, Gu Chen would take Tong Zixin with him.

It looked as if he had forgiven her.

This feeling of discord made Jiang Min always think that Tong Zixin had made some special move to please Gu Chen and obtain Gu Chen's forgiveness.

But now, when Jiang Min finished listening to Gu Chen's story.

She learned that Tong Zixin was also a very difficult person.

"I blamed her for my mistake in the first place!"

So Jiang Min suddenly muttered here, and Gu Chen asked a little inexplicably.

"Huh? What do you say?

"Just before, I thought Tong Zixin was a... Bad woman..."

Jiang Min also said his previous opinion of Tong Zixin in the face of Gu Chen's doubts.

"That's how you actually looked at Tong Zixin!"

"But it's also excusable, after all, if you don't understand Tong Zixin, just looking at what she did will indeed feel that this person is a bad woman."

After Gu Chen listened to Jiang Min's story, he actually quite agreed with what Jiang Min said in his heart.

If it weren't for Tong Zixin's initiative to surrender to the final petition or something.

Gu Chen will also label her as a bad woman.

"Yes, so blame me for not being deeply involved in the world at that time, and I am not allowed to look at people at all!" Unexpectedly, Sister Zixin was persecuted!

"Then what the hell are we going to do to help Sister Zixin!"

Jiang Min immediately began to ask anxiously.

"Don't worry, if we want to help Tong Zixin, we must go to Xiangcheng Island!"

"Go and turn Xiangcheng Island upside down."

Gu Chen answered Jiang Min's question, and then Gu Chen remembered something.

"It's wrong, it should be me going to Xiangcheng Island by myself, you or honestly remote can do it!"

"You don't need to risk other things, otherwise, it will be too dangerous!"

Gu Chen's proposal made Jiang Min feel a little unhappy.

"What is called honest remote can be, I don't want it! I'm going to help!

"And I just have time now, really when I go to Australia, where else do I have to work!"

"I don't care, since I know about this, if you don't let me go to Xiangcheng Island, you will definitely not be able to get my help!"

Jiang Min instantly gave Gu Chen an old and difficult problem.

Gu Chen didn't know that he had done something bad with good intentions, which aroused the curiosity in Jiang Min's heart and began to show a feeling of wanting to refuse to give back.

"Aren't you making trouble? Obedient, sometimes you still need to sit in Huahai City! Then I will be relieved! Gu

Chen also wanted to try to let Jiang Min stay.

However, Jiang Min, who was as if he had eaten a scale in his heart, would not listen to Gu Chen's words at all.

"Don't, don't, don't! Why can you go, I can't!

"If it comes to identity, I haven't inherited the status of a count, so I can't compare to Brother Gu Chen at all!"

"Then since you dare to take risks, why can't I follow you?"

"And that sentence is good, as long as you follow the protagonist's side, whether you go to Daoshan Fire Sea, it is very safe!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Gu Chen didn't know how to take it, so he could only say with a bitter smile.

"I said why are you such a temper as a child, and what kind of protagonist am I, I am just an ordinary ordinary person!"

However, when Gu Chen said such words, he always felt that there seemed to be a flash of thunder in the sky.

Jiang Min, who was opposite him, also looked at himself with a strange look.

"Well, maybe a little better than ordinary people!"

"It's really just a little!"

Gu Chen changed his tone.

However, Jiang Min's strange eyes still did not disappear.

But Jiang Min did not dwell too much on this issue, and still said that he had to go to Xiangcheng Island this time.

"Otherwise, no matter what Brother Gu Chen wants to do, I won't help!"

Gu Chen was bitter, this is lifting a stone to shoot himself in the foot.

In the end, there was no way, Gu Chen had to silently open his mouth and say a special move!

"It's okay to go, but you're a kid now!"

"You know what I mean, even if I go, I have to get the consent of your house, otherwise I will definitely not take you away!"

"As for the people in your family, it seems that only the countess is left, right?"

Gu Chen smiled, as if he had everything in his own hands.

However, when Gu Chen saw Jiang Min on the other side, he suddenly showed a winning smile.

Gu Chen's brows were locked, and he found that he seemed to have encountered some trap.

And still dig their own holes for themselves to jump.

"This is what you said, Brother Gu Chen! All you need is my family's consent!

"I'll call my grandma now!" Hahaha!

Jiang Min's arrogant laughter made Gu Chen's face full of helpless being tricked.

At this time, if there is a BGM, Gu Chen hopes that he is a cut plum.

"No, your grandmother? Can I be your guardian?

"Yes, my mother refused to ask me at that time, so she signed a joint custodial document for my grandmother."

"So my grandmother can really manage me, Brother Gu Chen~"

Looking at Jiang Min's face full of an expression called villain Dezhi

, Gu Chen can only smile helplessly,

and he doesn't know what to say.

In the end, this Jiang Min really called his grandmother in front of himself.

Listen to Jiang Min and his grandmother's coquettish words.

Gu Chen directly ate two large bowls of steak.

Don't ask why you use a bowl, because you like it.

Anyway, Jiang Min said on the phone in the end.

"Well, since this grandma is like this, I said that I will leave for Xiangcheng Island in a few days, well, don't worry, I will definitely be able to take care of myself!"

"Yes, yes, you don't have to worry about me, take care of yourself!"

Gu Chen listened to Jiang Min and his grandmother care for each other again, greeted each other, hung up the phone.

Looking at the kind of I am a winner on Jiang Min's face.

Gu Chen could only say with a thumbs up directly to Jiang Min.

"If you win, you are the big winner!"

"Hahaha, it's just my destiny! Hahaha!

However, Jiang Min did not have the slightest sense of modesty, and directly agreed with Gu Chen's surrender to himself.

In this way, Gu Chen's trip to Xiangcheng Island added a very strong team member.

"But in this case, my previous planning steps have been disrupted a lot, and my previous ideas will probably be updated!"

"After all, Jiang Min is also going with me this time, in order not to let her get hurt or something, I must be careful and careful!"

Thinking about this, Gu Chen was even more concerned about the trip to Xiangcheng Island in the future.

After Jiang Min saw that Gu Chen had promised him, he fell silent.

I thought that Gu Chen was unhappy, so Jiang Min instantly retracted his arrogance, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a sick kitten and said with a pitiful look in front of Gu Chen.

"What's wrong, Brother Gu Chen, is it something I did badly? Or did I you off?

"Otherwise, if you think I'm dragging you down to Xiangcheng Island, I can't go."

"Ah what?"

Hearing Jiang Min's little cat's words, Gu Chen reacted to what he had done before.

"It's not that you misunderstood, I'm not angry, I was just thinking about things!"

"As for what you said about going to Xiangcheng Island, you have already said it with your family, and it's a little bad to change things at this time!"

"Then you will go with me, how about I pack food and accommodation for you?"

Gu Chen's words made Jiang Min's heart settle down a little.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief and say.

"Scared me to death, I thought it was Brother Gu Chen, you think that I am a person who is in the way, let your Xiangcheng Island plan have problems, and want me to go!"

"It's okay! Otherwise, I'd have to cry!

Jiang Min really wiped his cheeks with his hands as he spoke.

Fortunately, in the end, Gu Chen didn't say a word, just looked at Jiang Min so quietly.

Jiang Min, who was watching, had no choice but to change his form in an instant.

Silently lowered his arm, and said with a helpless pout.

"It's not interesting, Brother Gu Chen, you don't pretend to comfort me, it's just a waste of my Oscar acting skills!"

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