
Yu took his team to brush up, all stood up neatly, and shouted at Gu Chen in unison.

"Mr. Gu!" "

Hello!" Gu

Chen did not hesitate to leave a good impression and said with a smile.

Chen Yu hit the snake on the stick, wanting to take advantage of Gu Chen's seemingly good mood to finalize the matter.

So he hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"President Gu, are you leaving?" Jiang

Min looked at Gu Chen and felt that if he accepted this Chen Yu, wouldn't it be a good time now?

So Gu Chen said to Chen Yu.

"Yes, if you can represent your team, come with me.

When Gu Chen said this, Chen Yu, who was originally still full of apprehension on his face, suddenly smiled as if it were a flower.

"Ahaha, okay, good Mr. Gu, let's go now!" Because

he had drunk a little alcoholic beverage, Gu Chen did not drive, and several people walked on foot.

Originally, Gu Chen wanted to send Jiang Min back to his villa.

However, when the housekeeper just stepped forward, he was signaled by a look from his eldest lady.

"Well, isn't that what you mean you don't want to go back?" At

that time, he understood that his eldest lady wanted to stay with Gu Chen for a little longer.

Even if there was a strange Chen Yu on the side, it didn't matter, so the housekeeper left very sensibly.

After Gu Chen and the others walked a little distance, he silently drove not far behind him to keep up.

Maintain a very safe distance, can always ensure that the eldest miss is in their line of sight, and at the same time can keep themselves from letting the eldest miss say goodbye, and cannot find themselves.

Chen Yu silently followed behind Gu Chen and Jiang Min, as if he were a mistake-making elementary school student following behind the director of discipline.

"Come to the front, I don't eat people.

Gu Chen probably felt the unease in Chen Yu and wanted to speak.

So Gu Chen directly let this guy step forward and walk side by side with him, it is not a feudal era, although the two sides seem to be separated by some class, but in Gu Chen's opinion, they are just some very empty things.

"Okay Mr. Gu, then I'm offended!" Chen

Yu was still very careful, although he said to keep up, but he still silently moved back a little distance.

Gu Chen of the province would feel that he was disrespectful in his heart.

Gu Chen didn't say much about Chen Yu's little Jiujiu, but just shook his head helplessly.

"Then I'll get straight to the point, since you want to bring your team to join my Longteng Group, then this difficulty is not small.

"We have already prepared for this in our hearts, in fact, if you don't say Mr. Gu, we also have a set of documents specially designed for Longteng Group, please take a look!"

Chen Yu seemed to be very confident.

Even in the face of Gu Chen's unkind questions, he can still answer them.

It just sounds a bit far-fetched or something, but of course Gu Chen won't care so much.

Still said very bluntly.

"Well, what kind of document designed in advance made you so confident to talk to me about this!" "

This, in fact, our final plan is finished, but I don't know if it doesn't meet the criteria in Mr. Gu's mind about market positioning!"

I'm still a little angry, because I haven't done this kind of thing, such as cutting first and playing later.

It's very common.

But now listening to Chen Yu's words, Gu Chen always felt a bad premonition.

"Ah, I, how can you deceive President Gu, this is simply impossible!" Gu

Chen's words frightened this Chen Yu, so frightened that he hurriedly waved his hands, and said that he would not do such a dirty thing to deceive at all.

"I only say this because I have never seen the internal information of Longteng Group!"

"Actually, as long as you can let us enter the finance department to see some of the company's internal documents."

"Then we will soon be able to really create a financial solution that is truly suitable for Longteng Group based on these things."

"Otherwise, according to the various data we have collected on the Luoshang network and in reality, it is impossible to analyze many improved things."

Chen Yu quickly explained his production process to Gu Chen.

"Just say that you don't practice the fake style, show me!" Gu

Chenran would not believe that this Chen Yu could make the entire financial plan useful to the Longteng Group with two mouths.

Fortunately, Chen Yu seemed to have really been prepared.

Hearing Gu Chen's words, he immediately brushed and took out a black USB flash drive from his forehead pocket.

And after Chen Yu really lifted this USB flash drive out, Gu Chen's eyes suddenly became very sharp.

"Hehe, the mouth said that it was accidentally reported my name on this Bund 18th, and everything was just a coincidence. "

As a result, even the USB flash drive is actually ready now, isn't this clearly coming at me?" Gu

Chen smiled indifferently, watching this Chen Yu perform.

"But Mr. Gu, we are very anxious to go out today, otherwise we will definitely print it out for you."

"As for why it's a USB stick, I'm actually not afraid of your jokes."

"Since we left the company, we haven't gone to work again, and we don't even have computers to go to work, so we often go to the Internet café in a team.

"Hehe, your Longteng Group documents related to Zhefeng Finance were transformed when you were in an Internet café.

"Because the computer in the Internet café will always be restored on the next restart, we can only use a USB stick to save files." "

You forgive me, you forgive me!" Gu

Chen listened to Chen Yu's explanation, and his heart was not moved, and he even wanted to laugh out loud.

"Is this the choice of smart people? Not a bad excuse, but I always feel a bit like a monkey

!" "But if you want to debunk this Chen Yu's lie, it is actually very simple, you only need to send these documents back to the financial people in the group to see." Gu

Chen thought so, Jiang Min spoke again.

"If it's a USB stick, I have something I can use here to read him."

Gu Chen was stunned and then remembered that Jiang Min was a super hacker.

Naturally, it is a guy who will take food with him, so this U disk ah, you can take out the files in it now.

In the end, did this Chen Yu lie, did he really think about Gu Chen.

"Then trouble our big hacker comrades.

Gu Chen smiled and handed the USB flash drive to Jiang Min's hand.

"Just leave it to me.

Jiang Min said that he would definitely successfully complete the task.

Then Gu Chen thought that she was going to assemble a computer from the things around her very coolly, and then use a USB flash drive.

Let's have a sweeping operation full of technology.

It's just that who knows, Jiang Min actually turned around and greeted the butler who had been following behind.

Let him send himself a laptop in the car, and Gu Chenbai looked forward to it.

"Forget it, whether it's a black cat or a white cat, as long as you can catch mice, it's a good cat."

Gu Chen thought so, Jiang Min also opened the USB flash drive very quickly.

Because there is only one folder on it.

Just after opening the folder, in addition to seeing numerous data tables, Gu Chen also saw a familiar and unfamiliar bt file.

"No repair.

Gu Chen suddenly looked at Chen Yu, who was silent on the side, with a question mark on his face.

Although he was strong and calm, the smile on his face had completely disappeared.

Only the ruddy of the roots of his ears expresses his mood at the moment.

Why didn't Ah Quan delete this when he watched it last night!" Chen

Yu really wanted to find a hole in the ground to drill directly into it at this time.

It's better than the fact that he now awkwardly picked out the three-bedroom and one-room sea-view room with his toes!

Gu Chen was relieved to see Chen Yu's appearance.

"At least it can prove that in this case, the possibility that Chen Yu is not lying to me at all has greatly increased.

"At the very least, a qualified commercial spy can't let some of his little habits be exposed so easily!"

thought Gu Chen as he looked at the BT file.

"But fortunately, Jiang Min doesn't seem to know this thing, and he doesn't seem to notice it, but it's okay."

Jiang Min followed the instructions to open the most complex source form in the USB flash drive.

There is also a variety of business analytics software to install.

"This is?"

Gu Chen immediately looked at Chen Yu, who was still very embarrassed beside him, and asked.

"Ah, this is what you need to install a little finance-related professional software or something, in fact, there are all of them in this USB flash drive!" Although

Chen Yu spoke normally, he didn't want to look at the computer at all.

It's good that it's just a torrent file, not a video, otherwise it's opened in case it is opened.

Then he Chen Yu is directly ruined!

"Well, then I can't understand it, I'll send it directly to my company's employees to see."

"This is an investigation for you." If you pass the level, you will come to my Longteng Group. "

If you don't pass the pass..." Before

Gu Chen's words were finished, he was immediately interrupted by Chen Yu.

"If I don't pass the test, I will disappear directly in front of you, without hesitation at all!" "

I promise you this!" Chen

Yu looked confident, and seemed to be very confident in his documents.

And Gu Chen looked at him like this, and nodded and said nothing more.

"Then I'll leave today?"

Chen Yu looked at Gu Chen

, who looked at Jiang Min in packing the documents to send.

He suddenly felt that he was so redundant.

At this time, I should hurry back to my home and wait for news.

Although it is indeed very apprehensive in that heart, it is better than looking at Gu Chen here now, disturbing him and his sister-in-law's happy time.

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