
Yu, who thought so, submitted his resignation to Gu Chen.

"Don't worry, I've already sent this document to my staff, you come with us again."

"You can know the results immediately."

"Otherwise, you will definitely not eat well or sleep well this night." "

Hearing Gu Chen is so understanding.

Chen Yu was moved and almost cried, and he secretly swore in his heart.

"When we meet such an understanding and good leader as Mr. Gu, we must do a good job! We must not let Mr. Gu disappoint us!" Just

after Chen Yu made up his mind, Wang Wei also received a new work email in the overtime of Longteng Group.

"Who is it at night, I don't know I'm going to leave work!" he

opened his mailbox and saw the star tag in front of him.

Wang Wei subconsciously looked at his side.

"Nobody, it's scared to death, why would President Gu send an email at night?" With

a sense of curiosity, Wang Wei clicked on this email that he thought was very strange.

"I don't understand!"

Two minutes later, Wang Wei silently dialed Gu Chen's phone.

"Wang Wei, did you receive the email I sent you?" "

Mr. Gu, I received it, but...I'm not a math major, I can't understand this report!" Wang

Wei's tone sounded a little aggrieved, and Gu Chen smiled and took care of Wang Wei's emotions.

"Hehe, it's okay to blame me for not explaining it to you, you can help me send this email to the financial professionals of Longteng Group to see if the direction of this analysis is correct."

"It would be great if we could see that the strategies listed above had an effect on our Longteng Group."

Gu Chen said this, and Wang Wei kept holding his small book to record there.

"Eh! No problem, Mr. Gu promises to complete the task!" "

Okay, good, I'll forward it now!" After

hanging up the phone, Wang Wei's whole person was in high spirits.

Because the king heard this.

In this email sent by Gu Chen, it is very likely to hide the development direction of Longteng Group in the future.

That as the right-hand man under President Gu.

He definitely wanted to understand what was written in this document at the first time!

Therefore, Wang Wei attached great importance to this matter explained by Gu Chen.

He even called his company's legal department directly and asked people from the legal department to come over with recording equipment and confidentiality agreements.

Then Wang Wei called the professionals in Longteng Group who knew how to understand finance.

The three parties stood together to make Wang Wei sure that this document would not leak anything.

It's just that if these operations let Gu Chen know, I'm afraid it will be a little embarrassing.

After all, this is just an unfinished product.

But that's it, Chen Yu followed Gu Chen and Jiang Min behind him.

All three of them were very slow.

Gu Chen felt that if he walked a hundred steps after the meal, he would walk slowly.

Jiang Min walked slowly, because he felt that he was already enjoying walking slowly with Gu Chen like this.

So she is slow and cherished.

Chen Yu, on the other hand, was a little cautious.

Because on this road, he always recalled from time to time that there was something wrong in the documents he gave Gu Chen.

The more I think about it now, the more I feel that my behavior at that time was too immature.

"Damn, if only it were more perfect back then!"

even Chen Yu thought in his heart.

But even if the pace is slow, the road on the Bund is so long.

Walking around has come to an end.

Gu Chen looked at Jiang Min, and seemed to be unfulfilled, wanting to turn back and come back a few times.

I also don't want to sweep Jiang Min's interest.

After all, it is a partner who wants to go to Xiangcheng Island together.

Gu Chen would not take his identity as an adult to constrain Jiang Min too much.

Therefore, Gu Chen and Chu Xinyi sent a message and said.

"I may go back later today.

"Okay, pay attention to your body!" Chu

Xinyi also returned in an instant, making the smile at the corner of Gu Chen's mouth more harmonious.

Jiang Min on the side was extremely envious.

Although she didn't know who Gu Chen was texting with, she vaguely felt something from this smile.

"I don't know if Brother Gu Chen usually laughs so happily when he talks to me on the phone?" "

Ah there should be, after all, I am a young and beautiful girl!"

Jiang Min encouraged himself in his heart.

The three of them chatted for a long time.

In the end, Gu Chen was a little impatient.

Only then did I start to prepare to call Wang Wei and ask how it was.

"President Gu!" Who

knows, just when Gu Chen was thinking so, Wang Wei actually called one step ahead.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Chen vaguely knew the answer in his heart from this Wang Wei's anxious tone.

But you still have to go through the normal procedure.

The whole thing that this document expounds is the financial analysis of Longteng Group, as well as judgments and suggestions on the development of future trends,"

Wang Wei said, and told Gu Chen about the fact that he had found lawyers and financial talents.

Hearing this, Gu Chen gave Wang Wei a thumbs up, saying that he did a very good job.

At the same time, he also began to discuss with Wang Wei what Chen Yu's analysis report and document wrote.

"Mr. Gu, let me summarize with you, otherwise, if we interpret it word by word with you, I am afraid that we will not be able to sleep for two days and two nights!"

After all, this is just a test version made by Chen Yu.

Isn't it obvious that Chen Yu is getting more and more awesome when you are so excited

, so how can he give Chen Yu more room for improvement or something?

"President Gu, then I'll say it directly!"

This analysis report makes a very perfect analysis of the financial path and development direction of our Longteng Group from five aspects and two fundamentals!"

"In addition to the cultural limited company that we have not yet announced, there is also a car king APP and the like, and there is no accurate data predicted in this document."

"But that's it, it also predicts that our Longteng Group will definitely develop more business about Longteng Group in the future,"

Wang Wei's tone of voice carried a feeling that was simply magical.

Gu Chen didn't know what to say.

Because this is something that normal people can see.

When a person's direction appears, no, it's when a top company has this feeling of being at the top.

There will definitely be an idea that wants to break out of the shell and go out across industries.

Otherwise, in addition to staying in place and constantly developing, the only thing that can wait for them is to wait for the enterprises behind them to catch up.

Although Gu Chen knew that his Longteng Group would never be caught up by other enterprises.

However, after all, it is not a hero to only run in one industry.

It is even less likely to become the richest man in the world.

So in Chen Yu's analysis book, Wang Wei summarized the first point.

It didn't make Gu Chen's eyes brighten, but he could only say that he was decent, right?"


Gu Chen began to ask Wang Wei what else he saw after that.

"Also, this analysis document points out that the financial structure of Longteng Group is very perfect, but it always feels like a pool of stagnant water."

"There's nothing to do at all, so it's very easy to get stuck in a rut."

"President Gu, I think this is quite right!" Wang

Wei praised Chen Yu's document again.

Chen Yu, who listened to it and pricked up his ears on the side, laughed very hard.


Don't worry, when I get to the Dragon Group, I must repay you well!" Chen

Yu, who made up his mind, let Wang Wei indeed receive a surprise later.

And it's a big surprise.

As for the current words, Chen Yu's attention returned to Gu Chen.

So, what is the solution to this kind of problem?" Gu

Chen listened to Wang Wei's report and glanced at Chen Yu more.

About the employees in the Longteng Group, they all feel that their work industry has reached the top of the same company.

Naturally, there will be a little strange thoughts of arrogance in the mind.

That would definitely make Longteng Group lack of vitality.

"To solve this method, this is also said, in fact, we have thought of it before.

"Oh, you mean?" Gu

Chen seemed to remember something, but he didn't seem to remember.

"It's Longteng Group listed!"

"We have made a hypothesis before, either listing the H shares of Xiangcheng Island, or directly listing the A shares of Huahai City..."


Gu Chen heard Wang Wei say this, he seemed to have vaguely thought of something.

"Yes, I remembered!" Gu

Chen finally nodded, remembering a whim at that time.

It seems to be a small talk with Wang Wei for lunch together.

Or when did you discuss it with this Wang Wei somewhere?"

At that time, our result seemed to be that the size of the Longteng Group was too large.

"If it goes public, it will indeed become an evergreen tree, but in this case it will be very easy to destroy the market."

"And if there are other eyeless floating funds or something, if you want to snipe at the Longteng Group, isn't it to send money?"


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