Chen Yu kept playing drums in his heart, but thinking of his current situation, if he didn't do a good job, he would have to go home and inherit tens of millions of family properties, please that was very tired!

"And if I leave, how can I say yes, I want to take them to fly, brothers!" Thinking

of this, Chen Yu gritted his teeth and decided that even if Gu Chen planned to go to the mountains and the sea of fire, he would accompany him well!

"Then President Gu won't disturb you and your sister-in-law today, we'll see you tomorrow?"

Originally, Gu Chen wanted to refute or justify that Jiang Min was not his girlfriend, who knew that Jiang Min actually directly used the two-finger Zen to pull his cuffs.

Gu Chen, who was ghostly, glanced back at Jiang Min, who was covering his mouth and snickering.

He had to sigh helplessly and said to Chen Yu.

"Well, see you tomorrow then.

After saying this, Chen Yu bowed fiercely to Gu Chen and Jiang Min and left.

I was still jumping on the road and looking very happy.

Gu Chen was also quite pleased to see that Chen Yu was so happy.

At least he shouldn't have done anything wrong.

"If we let him know that we really are going to deal with Li Jiahao, will we quit directly?" Jiang

Min also asked Gu Chen in a low voice after seeing Chen Yu leave.

Gu Chen's answer was this.

"Although he still managed to fool this little guy into my thief ship, ... he will know what the right decision he made."

"And when I arrived at Xiangcheng Island, Li Jiahao saw that he came with me to Xiangcheng Island, what kind of reaction do you say he would have

?" "Do you think Chen Yu is a person who can be wooed?"

Jiang Min's eyes lit up.

She understood what Gu Chen meant.

"You're so bad, Brother

Gu Chen!" "But if only you gave Chen Yu a little more confidence, where do you need to use so many means!"

Gu Chen winked at Jiang Min and said it didn't matter.

"Don't you think it's funny?

"Then let this dreamer, that is, Chen Yu, discover that under the shell of the dream is a time bomb!" Jiang

Min raised his hand excitedly to speak.

"Okay, then I'll invite our classmate Jiang Min to speak.

"Okay teacher Gu Chen, when Chen Yu's mood has experienced big ups and downs, and finally then big ups, there are twists and turns in between, it's just too exercise!

"Congratulations to Jiang Min for completely guessing my motives, but there is no way, unlike those people before, this Chen Yu is a real person with skills and ideas." "

If I don't play a little trick, how can I make this Chen Yu completely belong to me?" Hearing

this, Jiang Min also put away his joke and asked curiously.

"Brother Gu Chen, it turns out that you did it on purpose, you can see that he has two hearts?" "

No, it's not that he has two hearts, but he has a kind of confidence, although I don't know where it comes from, but I guess it should be related to his family background."

Gu Chen shook his head and said his guess.

And guessed very accurately.

"Okay, okay, anyway, my brother Gu Chen has always been sure of everything, right!" Jiang

Min looked at Gu Chen with a smile, expressing his confidence in him.

Gu Chen almost stretched out his hand to scrape the tip of her nose to show affection.

Fortunately, the moment he raised his hand, he remembered the identity gap between the two of them and directly brushed it, changing his trajectory.

He put his hand on his head and rubbed his windswept hair.

It also smoothed out his mood waves.

He said to Jiang Min.

"Okay, it's not early, you should go back!" "

Ah, it's so early, the nightlife hasn't started yet!" Jiang

Min was reluctant to leave now, and wanted to stay with Gu Chen for a while longer.

Especially now this kind of happiness of the two being alone, it doesn't feel too good

! "No, it's too late!

It's time to go back!" But

Gu Chen didn't want to make too much of a thing out, and also said hello to Chu Xinyi and went back to sleep.

This is not a word, otherwise the consequences must be very serious.

"Okay, okay, let's go together.

Jiang Min was stubborn but could only agree with Gu Chen's statement.

The two came to the side of the Bentley like this, and the housekeeper didn't know where to come out of nowhere, standing on the side and respectfully opening the door for Jiang Min.

"Then Brother Gu Chen, when do we leave for Xiangcheng Island!"

"I can't wait

!" Gu Chen smiled slightly, indicating that this time would not be too long.

"If there are no accidents, wait for Chen Yu to determine the specific financial system status of our Longteng Group in the past two days, and see what projects are divided to be regarded as new companies!"

"When it is decided, I will come to you!

Immediately, Jiang Min, who was still sad when he parted, smiled.

She directly stretched out her hand and said to Gu Chen.

"Okay, then let's hang ourselves for a hundred years without change!"

Gu Chen said childishly, but he still stretched out his hand and performed this ancient engagement ceremony with Jiang Min.

Even if the housekeeper on the side was no matter how ancient he was in his heart, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Let's go, bye bye, Brother Gu Chen!" Finally

, the car started, and Jiang Min waved goodbye to Gu Chen through the window again.

"Pay attention to safety

, on the road!" Gu Chen also responded, and when the car drove away, Gu

Chen found that he still had a shallow smile on his face.

He seemed to realize something, and quickly calmed his emotions.

At the same time, I was still smelling my own body carefully on the road.

It was determined that under the strong wind blowing by the river, there was no longer any peculiar smell.

Gu Chen then got on his Aston Martin and left.

Returning to his Tomson Yipin, he saw a familiar taxi passing by.

Gu Chen looked at the stunned middle-aged uncle in the driver's seat and nodded slightly.

Under the gaze of the latter's sudden braking probe, he safely drove into Tomson Yipin under the respectful and perfect salute of the security guard.

"It's him again, rich boy, this is a complete shotgun for a cannon! Even the car is so luxurious that I don't know it?" "

But it still seems to be very

polite!" "Ouch suddenly so angry, people who are richer than me are more polite than me, and they are so polite!"

Sighing in his heart, the middle-aged uncle drove away.

Gu Chen didn't know that his nod made someone experience big ups and downs.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't care about anything.

When I returned to my home, I happened to meet Chu Xinyi cooking noodles.

"It's so fragrant!" Gu

Chen took off his shoes and smelled a strong smell of seafood.

Chu Xinyi wore an apron and smiled when she saw Gu Chen come back.

"I know you'll be back at about this point in the evening, sit down, I've prepared a late-night snack."

Of course, Gu Chen sat down without any polite hand washing, but looking at Chu Xinyi's busy figure in the kitchen, he couldn't help but go up to help.

"Oh, what are you doing, you can just sit!" Although

Chu Xinyi said so, his body was very honest and handed a plate of abalone to Gu Chen to change the knife.

While operating, Gu Chen chatted with Chu Xinyi, telling about what happened during this time.

Of course, it also tells about the upcoming trip to Xiangcheng Island.

"Xiangcheng Island, it's a good place, I have a girlfriend there."

"Why don't I know about your girlfriend?"

"It's from high school." After graduating, she went to college on Xiangcheng Island, it seems that she mixed well on Xiangcheng Island, if you need me, contact her, and she is also a guide.

"It's better not to use this, I have a new fancy for a young man Chen Yu, his classmates are also on Xiangcheng

Island, just look for him at that time!" "So there are quite a few people on your trip to Xiangcheng Island!"

"Yes, if there are no exceptions, we are three people, if there is, for example, if you can really do things by splitting up the listing situation, it is estimated that you will go to a large group of people."


, Chen Yu, and Jiang Min." There

was no pause in the movement of Gu Chen's hand.

But when he heard Gu Chen's answer, Chu Xinyi's obvious hand washing action slowed down for a second.


, that's her, this time I need to use her technical ability."

"This way!" Chu

Xinyi took the abalone that Gu Chen had changed the knife to, plus the vegetables he had washed, cut it in half, and threw it into the pot.

It didn't take long for a bowl of fragrant seafood noodles to be baked.

"Delicious!" Gu

Chen commented on this food, saying that Chu Xinyi could go to open a restaurant.

"How about we start a restaurant?"

suggested Gu Chen.

I want everyone in the world to know that I can eat such delicious seafood noodles every day!"

"It's different, there are also some things added to this side!" "

Ah, is there anything else I don't even know?"

said Gu Chen as he lowered his hand and directly held Chu Xinyi's palm.

"Have you forgotten, you still added love to your face!" Chu

Xinyi was first stunned when she heard this, and then she giggled.

"Hello meat, Gu Chen, where did you learn the greasy tune, laugh at me!" "

Cut!" Gu

Chen saw that the commotion he had carefully prepared was actually disgusted, and directly threw away this Chu Xinyi's palm and cut it.

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