"Oh, don't be angry, don't be angry, our Gu Chen is the best, right!" Chu

Xinyi hurriedly came to comfort Gu Chen.

But while speaking, Chu Xinyi couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Gu Chen was embarrassed and angry.

"I see that you just won't be beaten uncomfortable today, and eat Lao Sun's stick!"

The two suddenly scuffled together.

This wonderful night has just begun....The

next day, Chu Xinyi woke up later than Gu Chen very rarely.

It was really last night's battle that was a little too intense.

As a result, Chu Xinyi directly overslept, and after getting up, he found that Gu Chen had left long ago.

His phone was also muted to silent.

The first pinned message above is....

"After waking up, breakfast was prepared for you at home, and today's working documents were also prepared for you, don't worry, take your time faster." A

faint smile appeared at the corner of Chu Xinyi's mouth, but her mouth was still talking.

"What, so sensational.

However, he silently opened this information and put it into his collection.

On the other side, Gu Chen was already sitting in the office of his Longteng Group.

Without much emotion, he was looking at the document in his hand.

This is the analysis book that he forwarded to Wang Wei yesterday.

It's just that it hasn't been long before Wang Wei comes again.

"Mr. Gu.

He cautiously called Gu Chen.

"What's wrong?"

asked Gu Chen looking at the joy on Wang Wei's face.

"Guess?" "

Well, you actually dare to joke with me, isn't the good guy so happy that he lost his mind?"

Gu Chen said with a direct smile.

"You guess I don't guess.

"Ahem!" Wang

Wei immediately prodded when he heard this.

"That Mr. Gu, I just came here to inform you, now our car king APP has the ability to go online after testing again and again!"

Gu Chen heard Wang Wei's words, and then remembered that Wang understood.

"yes, I almost forgot. "

Let's go, let's take a look!" Gu

Chen directly put down the documents in his hand, waved his big hand, and immediately asked Wang Wei to lead the way.

"This is simply buying a car artifact! I feel like I don't need 4S store sales!" "

Don't say it, if you cooperate with some offline car brands in the future, won't you be able to make a lot of money just by relying on advertising fees?"

The same form of charging bilateral service fees

!" "Do you know what is the most important thing? We have very little labor, but the profit is very large!" "

And it can help us sell Shenzhou Auto better! I think the future will definitely become the highlight of our Longteng Group!"

"Wang understands, Wang understands, he is our great hero, hurry up and collect his highlight moments!" Before

Gu Chen fully arrived at this software development department, he heard all kinds of cheers that erupted from it.

Wang Wei secretly glanced at Gu Chen's reaction.

I want to see if these people have all the credit for falling on Wang Ming's head, and Gu Chen has any radical reactions.

Fortunately, in the end, Gu Chen's face was also faintly joyful.

There was no feeling of impatience.

This made Wang Wei breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's good that Mr. Gu's mind is relatively broad, otherwise I really wouldn't dare to stop Mr. Gu."

Wang Wei thought so, and quickly arrived at the door of the software development department and began to call.

Look who I invited to celebrate with you!" Originally

, the people in the software development department were still frantically pulling out the shy Wang Ming, ready to throw it high to celebrate.

At this time, after seeing Wang Wei leading Gu Chen to arrive.

The two of them immediately smiled and stood together to welcome Gu Chen.


, good, good

, hello!" In

the face of this kind of battle, Gu Chen did not have a feeling of stage fright, and even scanned the people in the software development department one by one.

Everywhere they went, there was no fear and Gu Chen looking at each other, after all, they were heroes now.

One and the two of them feel in their hearts that they have made the greatest contribution to the company to Gu Chen.

At this time, it is the time when I want to see Gu Chen the most.

"Come on!" But

Gu Chen didn't have that much effort to greet them one by one.

Don't ask, even Gu Chen can't remember the names of these people.

So, Gu Chen directly found the manager of the software development department that he was familiar with among these people.

"What is the specific situation now?"

"Gu is always like this, because the Wang understands brothers has brought most of the framework before, so many times what we have to do is just modify the branch or something!"

"So our speed is very fast, but it is because of this situation that the arrangement of accelerating the launch of the car king app has occurred!"

Listening to the manager of the software development department, Gu Chen understood that Wang Ming was the hero of this time.

"Yes, it's good!" thinking so,

Gu Chen also called out Wang Ming, who was blushing in the crowd.

"Mr. Gu is good!"

And this Wang Ming also changed the cringing and shrinking appearance in the past, and the whole person seemed to be full of vitality.

His greeting towards Gu Chen seemed to prove it.

"I've been reborn!"

Gu Chen said as he thought so.

"I heard that you are very good, and you have a lot of credit

this time!"

Wang Zhi heard this at this time, and suddenly seemed to be a little fool who didn't know how to be good.

Excited to the point of ruddy face began to say.

"No, it was the manager who took me to make me take a lot less detours, otherwise I would not have completed the test so easily!"

The manager of the software development department heard Wang understand so sensibly praise himself, and his face was not easy to detect.

"You see this kid is modest, obviously he has a high talent, the credit of this big head should still belong to him, the most we can

do is to fight!" "

No, no, no, without your help, I would not have been able to complete all this big data screening!"

In an instant, the manager of the software development department and Wang Mingdu blown each other commercially.

"Oh, okay, what are you two doing, doing a play here to show me!

At this time, Wang Wei had already transplanted the people who understood the Che Wang APP and let the software development department into his mobile phone and took it to Gu Chen.

"Oh, it's good!" Gu

Chen Just looking at this black and yellow UI interface, he felt a simple but tall feeling.

And especially when you click on it, there's a dynamic sports car on it.

Click on it and take a look.

Gu Chen can clearly understand the price and historical price of this sports car, as well as the parameter files on various cars.

It doesn't matter if it's as small as a tire or as big as an engine.

There are various interpretations.

Gu Chen can judge that even a person who doesn't know anything about cars at all is estimated to know what the car he wants to buy is by comparing parameters or something.

Not to mention, there are various options.

For example, what price range, you can choose your price floor, and the system will provide you with the most accurate price car according to your wealth.

"Not bad!"

"But I don't seem to have seen the second-hand car transaction or anything, is there?" Gu

Chen looked directly at the manager of the software development department, who knew that this person looked directly at Wang Ming.

Wang Xie also said unambiguously.

"Yes, but because I am afraid of offending too many people, I haven't put it for the time being, in fact, I think it's better to play a little more steadily at this time!

"In this case, it may be better to wait until we have a certain foundation, and then launch our used car fair trade after that." Hearing

Wang understand this, the manager of the software development department also nodded and said.

"Yes, Mr. Gu, that's the truth, there are still many things we have to do, and we must always give us a little room for improvement!"

"If we do everything perfectly at once, it seems impossible."

Gu Chen nodded silently as he listened to the perfect cooperation between the two.

"That's really the truth, well, since you all understand, then I won't say anything.

"But Wang understands that you have matured a lot, and you know that you are thinking about it for the future." Hearing

Gu Chen praise himself, Wang Ming smiled embarrassedly.

"It's not that I'm mature, it's just that I used to think things too simply.

"I always think that I can do my best if I do it, so I become very tough on some things."

"But very weak and relenting on some things I didn't stick to.

"This habit is very bad, easy to make people crazy, I can't use this personality to do things after joining Longteng Group, it's really irresponsible for the company!"

"Only by learning to change yourself at any time can you restrain the original inertia in your heart."

"Only in this way can I become a better version of myself, right, Mr. Gu?" Gu

Chen looked at the vicissitudes of light in Wang Zhi's eyes, and there was an indescribable taste.

"Who said these words to you?"

"Actually, I think you may be more appetizing to me before!"

"After all, if it weren't for your stubbornness that impressed me at the beginning, I wouldn't have let you enter the Longteng Group." "

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