Wang Ming looked at Gu Chen blankly, didn't he understand that growing up shouldn't be a happy thing.

But Gu Chen is so serious and serious now.

It really made him a little incomprehensible.

So much so that there was an error of understanding in his mind.

"Isn't it right to keep oneself, and shouldn't people change in response to changes in society?"

I don't quite understand. The

last sentence, Wang Ming did not put it in his heart, but said it directly.

Gu Chen, who was engaged, didn't know how to explain it to Wang Ming.

Or maybe it's futile to explain it now.

So Gu Chen finally just sighed and changed the topic.

"It doesn't matter anymore, since the car king APP has been developed, then we need to start creating momentum!" "

We are familiar with this!" The

manager of the product research and development department jumped out at the first time and said that they would take the initiative to link with the publicity department.

It can make Gu Chen feel at ease, and don't worry so much.

Gu Chen actually didn't want to care about those things, but he had already arranged that Gu Xiao followed the advertisement shot by Son Zhengyi and Xiao Ruoyi and didn't know to what extent.

It is still necessary to check the progress, but we cannot delay at this time.

"Okay, then you should first do a good job of handing over with the people of the propaganda department, but you must also maintain a certain sense of mystery!"

"If you are in terms of popularity, you can hook up with the Shenzhou old man machine and link it on the Internet, but don't deliberately create topics."

"It will be more convincing to let the small media with tap water publicize these things themselves!" "

After just experiencing an online war, let's not be too high-profile, otherwise it will be bad to backfire!" Gu

Chen gave the manager of the product research and development department a few things before turning around and leaving.

It was only halfway through that Gu Chen remembered something.

By the way, the bonus of each of you this month and the year-end performance at the end of the year have doubled, as your reward!" "

I also want to thank you for such serious

work!" "Keep up the good work!"


saying this, the manager of the product research and development department raised his head like a big rooster.

Gu Chen turned his head and left again, and immediately began a new round of cheering behind him.

"Double, double, double, isn't this rich?"

"Everyone who works hard is rewarded! Thank you

Mr. Gu!" "

Long live Mr. Gu! Long live the king of cars!" Listening

to the increasingly exaggerated celebratory call behind him, Gu Chen shook his head helplessly, and the whole person felt that the manager of this product research and development department had brought Wang Ming.

Only then did this Wang understand become ... sleek.

"Forget it, think so much to do, anyway, the only thing that people never change is to keep changing."

"However, there is really no way to take these people!" Gu

Chen returned to his office, and he could still faintly hear the carnival of these people before closing the door.

"It's a little helpless. Thinking

so, Gu Chen was ready to call Gu Xiao to see how the progress was on his side.

At this time, his general secretary called internally.

"Mr. Gu, there are some people downstairs in the group who said that you asked them to come over today to handle the entry.

"Oh yes, it's me, let them in."

Gu Chen put down the phone and suddenly found that his affairs seemed to be busy one after another.

"Wow, is this the Dragon Teng Group?"

"It's so big, it is said that this is Gu Chen's territory.

"This is the CBD, this is where we elites should be!" Chen

Yu led his team into the interior of the Longteng Group, and it was not surprising that he was also shocked by Gu Chen's Longteng Group.

Although it is still a lively discussion inside, the voice is very low.

As if worried about what bad effects your loud speech will cause.

"Hello, please here!" After

they arrived at the floor where Gu Chen was, three secretaries appeared, one responsible for taking Chen Yu to see Gu Chen.

The other two led the group to go through the entry procedures first, and at the same time arranged their own workplaces.

"Mr. Gu is here!" Gu

Chen said an invitation to enter, and Chen Yu, who was a little hasty, gently said thank you to the secretary and said goodbye.

Coming to Gu Chen, he looked even more respectful than last night.

"Mr. Gu, I'm coming.

"Good, then we don't have to waste so much time."

"You can see these things first."

Gu Chen directly took out all the financial reports of some companies that he had already asked Wang Wei to prepare.

Of course, they are all billed annually, and there is no other cumbersome document that counts in the various quarters.

Otherwise, just looking at various report data can take several days and nights.


Chen Yu took the confidential document given by Gu Chen very respectfully, and his heart was full of nervousness.

Of course, the most important thing is to be a little touched.

"Mr. Gu actually believes me so much, this is just the second time we met! He actually showed me the most core documents of this company directly. I really met Bole!"

Chen Yu, who prides himself on being a Maxima,

is full of strength in his heart.

He must do a good job, and he must not let Gu Chen disappoint him!

Therefore, he read these documents very seriously.

The projects are looked at very carefully.

It is for this reason that time begins to become very long.

Just when Gu Chen felt a little hungry and could have lunch.

Chen Yu actually hadn't finished reading it.

Even very naturally, he took out his notebook and began to keep recording something while continuing to flip through it.

Gu Chen looked at Chen Yu's dedicated appearance and nodded with satisfaction.

Therefore, taking this opportunity, Gu Chen dialed Gu Xiao's phone.

"Hey, Gu Chen, why did you call me at this time.


Yu, don't lose your hair!

"You sound like you're busy, or I'll call you later?" Gu

Chen was still very understanding, saying that he could call him back after a while.

However, Gu Xiao seemed to be very stubborn and said directly.

"It's okay, Gu Chen, I'm not that teacher now, I've already transformed!" "

Now I am not only proficient in all kinds of water and electricity problems, but also have seen a lot of things that I have never encountered before, and I have grown!" When

Gu Chen heard Gu Xiao speak, the noise around him was still uninterrupted.

Originally, I didn't really believe what this guy said.

But now, he believed.


When Gu Xiao could start talking about his progress without caring about anyone's eyes.

He had already made Gu Chen believe that he had grown.

But Gu Chen didn't know why he couldn't be happy.

"Huo, good fellow, I can already judge from your face that you have grown a lot

!" "Look at what you said, what is called a cheeky judgment, I call this confidence

!" "Okay, you are confident!"

Must, then what are you looking for me for at this time, shouldn't the shooting of the two commercials be done in two months?"

"Yes, my original plan was to do it in two months. "

But who thought that Wang Understand, it's so powerful! The Carking app is already ready and ready to go online! I just watched it today! It's very beautiful, very perfect. Listening

to Gu Chen's story, Gu Xiao's movements were a little slower, and he took down the cement in his hand and said in surprise.

"What, is that kid so fast

?" "Isn't an app in my memory, a mature app, supposed to go through several processes, and finally it takes a long time to test this piece?"

"How come Wang understands here, it's not a month, it's only late July." "

Is this the strength of young people? It's terrifying!" Gu

Xiao began to exclaim, always feeling that he couldn't keep up with the times.

Gu Chen thought differently from Gu Xiao.

"Maybe it's because Wang Ming feels that the time for the Che King APP to go online is too long, so this kid is working hard and doing it hard, which speeds up the construction period!"

"And you forget how miserable this guy was suppressed before, and how fierce the rebound is now, right?"

Gu Xiao listened to this, and thought of the only promise but indescribable resilience Wang Xi that he met in the parking lot that day, and sighed.

"yes, I know that feeling, after being despised, desperate to make a difference to prove yourself!"

Gu Chen smiled and did not express affirmation or denial.

"Yes or no, I'm just here to see where you're going. "

So let's talk about it?"

Gu Xiao snorted, and began to tell Gu

Chen deeply about some of the photography knowledge he had learned during this time as an assistant director.

Director Son made a large part of his short films during this time, and according to the experience I have learned now.

"Our feature ads should be in these short films.

"Because your funds are really sufficient, the section of his own script prepared by director Son Masayoshi has been deleted and modified a lot, plus several screenwriters familiar to Son Masayoshi who were found later."

"So now this advertisement is a bit more complicated feeling, otherwise a normal advertisement should be completed in three or five days."

Gu Chen couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he heard Gu Xiao say this.

Unexpectedly, the biggest culprit who slowed down the construction period was actually himself?

"In this way, it means that I have given too much money."

"So I'll change it next time?"

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