"Well, since that's the case, then work hard, leave it all to you, don't worry, cheer up." "

Don't worry, Mr. Gu, even if I can't recruit people, I will ask my grandfather to tell my grandmother to dig two for our Longteng Group!"


After the phone call with the head of human resources.

Gu Chen shook his head and said that although this director in charge of human resources spoke better than sang.

But after all, the ability is limited.

It's really not very practical to let this guy help himself find a bunch of vice presidents.

"So it's time to use resources."

"Then who is it good to find?"

Gu Chen looked at his mobile phone address book list.

I saw a big guy who had a relationship with me recently.

"That's you, Mr

. Gao!" Mr

. Gao's whole person was like a spring breeze at this time.

Standing on his high position and looking at the scenery of Huahai City, he felt invincible in his heart.

The high-level of the East Sea Pearl behind him respectfully came to his side and presented a document.

"Mr. Gao, here is the seventh version of our method of deepening reform!" "

According to your instructions, we have selected a group of outstanding employees to enter the Donghai Pearl Radio and TV Tower as the first batch of employees.

"At the same time, we also started to organize our personnel to learn radio broadcasting, as well as guidance and radio technology, and I believe that in another month or two it will be effective."

"Very good!" Listening

to his capable general's report on his work, Gao Dahai was still quite proud in his heart.

At least his subordinates knew that they were determined to transform and create a Donghai Pearl Radio and TV Tower Media Co., Ltd.

They are all able to accept their ideas very sensibly, and put them into action to start helping them with ideas.

Of course, the reason for such unity is not because he directly assigned all the opposition voices to the frontier or directly swept away!

"By the way, what about Mr. Xiao Gao?"

probably touched on some taboo topic, when he heard Gao Dahai ask him so.

This well-informed and weathered senior leader of the East China Sea Pearl did not know how to answer.

"Xiao Gao, he..."

"What for, such a swallow, if there is something to say, if there is a fart, let it go! Don't cover it for me!" Gao

Dahai frowned, and in his heart he had actually thought that this little ancestor who estimated himself was causing trouble for himself again.

Only then will his subordinates dare to be angry and dare not speak.

"He, actually, is nothing, but recently heard that you are going to demolish and abolish the high-end revolving restaurant used by our East Sea Pearl to entertain distinguished guests, and Mr. Xiao Gao has been making a fuss there.

"To put it bluntly, Xiao Gao just doesn't want this place to be demolished and used."

"It's just that the means may not be as peaceful as we think." Gao

Dahai snorted when he heard this.

"What is called not wanting the revolving restaurant to be demolished, are all excuses.

"Which of those places he usually goes to is not more fancy than our revolving restaurant

?" "Isn't this excuse not wanting me to build the East Sea Pearl Radio and TV Tower?"

"This little dog day thing, just thinking that I am about to retire, he can quickly take over!

Go and tell him that if you dare to spoil my big thing again, his salary expenses will be completely suspended!" "

I will let him know what it means to run out of ammunition!" Gao

Dahai was angry, and his whole person roared like a thunderous beast.

Frightened, the capable man felt a little cringe-inducing.

I was afraid that if he had something to upset Gao Haihai, and then dealt with himself, it would be embarrassing.

"Okay, okay, I'll go and inform him!"

Hmm? Okay, you go down. "

Originally, Gao Dahai still wanted to think about the development trend of the East China Sea Pearl Radio and TV Tower with his own right-hand man.

But I found that my most private level mobile phone suddenly rang, and the caller ID was Gu Chen.

This made Gao Dahai instantly understand the priority of the matter.

He directly sent his subordinates and straightened his emotions a little before answering the phone.

"Hey, Brother Gu, why did you think of calling this old man at this time?"

listened to Gao Dahai's hearty voice ringing from the phone.

Gu Chen would not believe this guy's words, so he said with a smile.

"Mr. Gao is humble, if there is any old saying about your physique, then won't I be asked every day to call and be asked if I am okay?"

And this time both sides are interested in currying favor with each other, so the business blow is perfect.

Although Gao Dahai is still a little strange, why Gu Chen is so slippery and so easy to talk today.

However, he also did not expect that Gu Chen would also need his help one day.

"Okay, Mr. Gao, I specially called you today, in fact, there is a problem that needs your help." "

After a while of higs with this high sea.

Gu Chen felt that this emotion was almost in place.

So he began to directly express his idea of making this call.

"I didn't expect that someone with energy like Gu Chen would still want me to help?" "

Sure enough, in response to the old saying, rely on your parents at home, rely on your friends when you go out

!" "Okay, then I'll come to hear what difficulties you have! Maybe I can still get some benefits after helping!"

"Then directly ask for another two billion? to expand the location shooting studio of the East China Sea Pearl TV Tower?"

Gao Dahai thought very well in his heart, and his words were also very beautiful.

"Hahaha, my little brother Gu, what are you talking about, it's too outrageous

!" "If there is any problem, you can just say, I don't say anything else, even if I can't solve it, I can find friends to help!"


knew that he would never be able to say too dead or too satisfied.

If you really run into any problems, you can't say it.

After all, Gao Dahai thought that this was Gu Chen, and it was Gu Chen who he had to stammer.

Even Gu Chen encountered problems, so can he not be cautious?

Therefore, at this time, Gao Dahai became like a cunning fox with Kong Wu's strength.

Gu Chen probably heard this guy's thoughts.

But didn't care about anything, just continued.

"Actually, things are not very big..." Gu

Chen put his Longteng Group recently Ah Ah, the income is very good, so the business expansion is relatively extensive.

But I found that the people below were definitely enough.

But the people above seem to be a little lacking.

"So, Brother Gu, do you mean to let me help?" "

But I'm already the pearl of the East China Sea..."

Gao Dahai's words were interrupted by Gu Chen before he finished speaking.


Eh, Mr. Gao, Mr. Gao, you misunderstood, you misunderstood!" "

I'm not letting you come to my Longteng Group to take up a name, it's just that I want to let a friend like you introduce me to some friends!"

I won't be stupid enough to directly pry away this Seagod needle of yours in front of you! Besides, it's impossible!"

Gu Chen explained to Gao Dahai with a smile.


!" But this explanation made Gao Dahai's whole toes buckle out of the three-room hall with his embarrassed toes.

"Lying groove, this little brother Gu pits me! I didn't make it clear earlier! I thought it was something!" "

My face is lost

!" "But if you go to the Longteng Group, it's actually not impossible! After all, their treatment should not be bad!"

Coupled with the victory of the last network war, the sales data in all aspects should also have been greatly improved, it can be said that making money is definitely better than what I am now!"

After knowing that what Gu Chen said was not what he thought.

In addition to the embarrassment at the beginning, Gao Dahai still had a little regret in his heart.

After all, this is Gu Chen's invitation.

Vice President of Longteng Group....

It is false to say that the heart is not moved, but fortunately, the concentration of the high sea is also relatively sufficient.

"Well, I misunderstood.

Gao Dahai laughed twice.

Fortunately, Gu Chen did not entangle too much on this issue, and did not continue to chase after it.

"It's okay, I didn't explain it myself!" Because

he asked for someone, Gu Chen didn't bother with anything on this issue.

"So Mr. Gao, do you have any good candidates to recommend?" Gu

Chen directly skipped the topic.

"If you are a candidate, in fact, if you let me directly recommend it to you at this time, I really can't think of anyone."


Mr. Gao's answer made Gu Chen chuckle in his heart and asked tentatively.

"So, I might need to think about this a little bit more.

Gao Dahai was silent, as if something had come to mind in his heart.

"By the way, isn't the revolving restaurant going to be completely demolished now?"

"And Gu Chen has this kind of request now, let me recommend a wave of people."

"Then can't I just draw up some personnel lists and start the final directly?"

thought Gao Dahai, feeling that his idea was perfect.

"Not only can I let my high-end revolving restaurant burn the last flame, and then retire from the stage of history in the final top!"

"After all, with me as the host, I invited Gu Chen, who is now hot in Huahai City, just kidding!" "Wouldn't

my reputation as the East China Sea Pearl be able to go to a higher level!"

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