Thinking of this, Mr. Gao's whole panting was three points heavier.

"Hehe, this is perfect!"

"Not only can it make Gu Chen's wish perfect, as for whether I can recruit people or something in the end, it doesn't matter to me!"

"But it's a different kind of situation for me!" Gao

Dahai began to fantasize about the picture in his mind.

He was able to take advantage of Gu Chen's shareholder wind to directly let the East China Sea Pearl enter the public's attention again.

"First of all,

let the East China Sea Pearl, which is already about to sink, boil again and prepare the East Sea Pearl Radio and TV Tower for me to create momentum for the future."

"By the way, I can also fulfill Gu Chen's needs and let Brother Gu successfully owe me a favor!"

"The most important thing is that I can personally still rise in the limelight among these good friends!"

Thinking of his old friends, he can pretend to be forced this time!

Therefore, thinking of the high sea here, he immediately said to Gu Chen.

"Brother Gu, don't worry, this matter will be wrapped up in me!" "

I will definitely arrange it for you clearly!" Hearing

Gao Dahai say this, Gu Chen knew that this matter should be stable.

After all, Gao Dahai has been the ruler of the Pearl of the East China Sea for so many years, and the personnel contacts involved in all aspects must be much more than his own.

And I have always had less contact with this aspect of my own problems.

It must be much better to have such a high sea to help yourself.

"If that's the case, then thank me so much!"

"To be honest, I'm really worried about the lack of manpower." "

With you, I feel a lot more relieved with such a sentence!" However

, just after Gao Dahai, who had just praised Haikou, heard Gu Chen say this.

He suddenly felt a pang in his heart.

"I forgot to explain to Gu Chen, the thing about packing his own ticket is that he will definitely find a lot of people suitable to be the vice president of Longteng Group to recommend to him, not that he can have 100% confidence that he will push these people into Longteng Group!"

Gao Dahai panicked in his heart.

I didn't even know how to explain it to Gu Chen.

Finally, he still spoke up against Gu Chen's thanks.

"That, Brother Gu, I thought of something before, and I was so happy that my brain was a little hard to use!"

"But I thought about it without thinking and adding when I just spoke. "

The bag I said can have enough people on me to recommend to you, not that I can let them join the job with 100% certainty!" Listening

to Gao Dahai's answer, Gu Chen was also stunned for a moment.

"Eh, it's okay Mr. Gao, in fact, I just thought you were talking about you having someone to recommend me.

"But according to my specific ideas, not everyone can come to my Longteng Group as the vice president."

"If you say it here, I'm definitely going to put the bad things ahead!" "

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing if something happened that made us both ugly in every way, right, Mr

. Gao?" Listening

to Gu Chen's words that comforted himself so much, Gao Dahai didn't know whether to be happy or apprehensive for a while.

"Isn't it actually possible for me to enter by recommending it directly?" "

Isn't there a lot less people I screened in that case?"

Gao Dahai fell silent for a while.

Because of this thankless thing, if you really do it.

There are really people who can completely pass Gu Chen's... Directly enter Longteng Group to become the vice president, then thank him for sure.

But if it didn't in the end, it was even brushed down by Gu Chen.

Not only will it make Gu Chen's side feel unreliable.

And the person I recommend must be a strong person in a high position.

Otherwise, he would not have recommended it.

And such a person has come to this position, everyone's self-esteem must be very strong.

If only this matter really left a mustard in my heart.

Then he is not an unflattering person at the middle two ends.

"In this case, Brother Gu, we have a bit to say about this matter!" Therefore

, in order to avoid trouble, Gao Dahai can't refuse Gu Chen, otherwise it's not a joke to offend Gu Chen.

Then he can only say ugly things in front like Gu Chen.

So, this high sea also said its own problems.

"In this way, I can also understand you, Mr. Gao.

After Gu Chen heard Gao Dahai's explanation, he felt a little relieved.

"After all, I came to let this high sea help me, if in the end he directly exists any selfish intentions, what he recommends to me is a stick to play with himself."

"In the future, the Dragon Teng Group will have such a stick in the East China Sea, won't it be directly to give the green light to this high sea at that time?"

Gu Chen did not want to and did not allow such a scene to appear.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of his planning and layout for so long.

"The necessary benefits will definitely be given to this high sea, but the vice president is the favor of this high sea, and it is indeed a little difficult to do things." Thinking

of this, Gu Chen really had a little headache.

But fortunately, Gu Chen is not an ordinary person, and he turned his head and thought of a brilliant idea.

"Actually, if that's the case for both sides of the situation, I have a perfect way to avoid it."

When Gao Dahai heard this, he was suddenly surprised.

"Oh, I'll go, I haven't figured out what kind of method should be used to avoid both ends being unflattering for a long time in this headache, Gu Chen's side has actually figured out the solution?"

"Okay, let me listen to your Gu Chen's high opinion!"


very simple, but I still want a respected senior like you, Boss Gao, to come forward and do the hosting."

"How do you say this?"

Gao Dahai was a little puzzled, didn't he invite someone exactly the same as he had thought before?

Nothing has changed at all.

But Gu Chen's words next really shocked this high sea.

"When I say to do the east, I don't know when Mr. Gao's recent birthday is?" "

Or is there anyone in the family who is about to have something good coming up recently?"

He was oh oh speechless.

But Gu Chen already knew, and this Gao Dahai understood what he meant.

"Is this Gu Chen

?" "Is this the chairman and head of Longteng Group?" "

Is this the sense of oppression?"

"It's too powerful!"

Gao Dahai kept thinking in his heart.

His mind is very clear, and he clearly knows how wonderful this trick of his partner is.

"My side can completely use the name of doing happy events to gather the candidates I feel can completely enter the Longteng Group

!" "Then directly send invitations to these people, and also summon other industry bigwigs to celebrate together

!" "In this way, Gu Chen at the banquet can use the list and help I gave to find these people!"

He took the initiative to contact himself, if he could really find a vice president suitable for Longteng Group in the future, then Gu Chen would naturally take my affection.

The most important thing is that even if some of these people have embroidered pillows or people who have lost their fighting spirit, it doesn't matter if they can't pass Gu Chen's screening." "

After all, I invited them over just to come and have fun at the dinner party, and Gu Chen's side didn't have to worry about my thoughts at all!" Gao

Dahai thought of this, and suddenly felt that the afterlife was terrible, the afterlife was terrible!

Gu Chen's brain turned like this, and he thought of such a perfect method, which really made them not think that Gu Chen was so smart.

"Brother Gu Xiao Brother Gu!" "

You deserve to be able to support such a big family business of the Longteng Group!" Thinking

of this, Gao Dahai couldn't help but praise from his heart.

At the same time, it is also a little sour feeling in the bottom of my heart.

"My waste son still has to live under my wing, it is simply a waste!"

If his son could be half as strong as Gu Chen, no, he wouldn't be so hard to do things alone.

"Mispraised Mr. Gao, can I think that this method is actually based on your name and your status?" "

I'm just standing on the shoulders of giants!" Gu

Chen did not directly bear this high sea's praise.

Instead, without a trace, he lifted this high sea with one hand.

Of course, the effect is very good, so good that Gu Chen feels strange.

"Haha, Brother Gu, you are too modest, let me tell you, if I were at your age, I would definitely be sharp!

But don't worry, my old bones and legs, even if I really can't keep up with you, it's still no problem to hold a huge banquet in the rear!" Speaking

of this, Gao Dahai was silent for a while, and began to think about many reasons that could be used for entertaining as if he was talking to himself.

"My birthday is actually a few months away..."

"I'm afraid it wouldn't be appropriate to use my son's, after all, he can't hold such a big scene."

"The little daughter's bar mitzvah seems to be too naughty?"

"Well, then I can only invite my old mother to appear!"

Gu Chen was indeed a little surprised when he heard this.

I didn't expect this high sea to be so cooperative.

"Mr. Gao's mother?" "

How old is that?"

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