In order to avoid some trouble, Gu Chen still asked his doubts.

"That, Mr. Gao, take the liberty to ask, honor this year's Guigeng?" Gao

Dahai seemed to know what Gu Chen was thinking.

He said with a straight smile.

My mother is 88 years old, but her body is tougher than me, who is about to retire!"

"So you don't have to worry about her physical problems at all!

This time it's ahead of time!"

said this, Gao Dahai couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh.

The little worry in Gu Chen's heart also disappeared completely.

"Good, good, I'm relieved to hear Mr. Gao say that!" Gu

Chen's heart settled a little.

"Hey, I just don't know what criteria Brother Gu has for your vice president's selection

!" "I'll start drawing up the list later! Send an invitation in advance, and what kind of moths will appear when the time comes!"

Gao Dahai saw Gu Chen relieved, and raised this question again.

After all, he definitely couldn't invite some people who Gu Chen couldn't look up to.

In case there is some embarrassing scene, it is not very beautiful.

"The problem in this regard, in fact, my requirements are not strict or loose.

"There are actually two requirements, one is that this person's management does not have to be more brilliant, but it must be stable!"

"After all, now Longteng Group, in fact, has already stepped on the right track, basically past the initial high-level who needs to struggle to promote wolf culture."

"More likely to be the kind of person who needs to be more humanistic and cultural, and the coordinator is more adept, that is, the kind of person who can lead the team."

"In terms of technical requirements, in fact, there is nothing, after all, there is no shortage of such technical backbones in the Longteng Group. Gu

Chen's first request was interrupted by Gao Dahai just after speaking.

"Wait, wait, wait a minute, Brother Gu slow down, I'll take a pen and paper to record it!"

said Mr. Gao and began to write with brushes.

Gu Chen was not in a hurry, and only after the recorded voice disappeared did he continue to speak.

"The second request, in fact, I want three vice presidents, but they don't have to be all men, at least one woman.

Gao Dahai stopped his writing, not very understanding Gu Chen's idea.

And the first requirement is actually not difficult, but this second one is a bit confusing and troublesome.

"Brother Gu, are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure that sometimes I need a careful strong woman in my team to push myself on.

When Gu Chen said this, Gao Dahai almost understood what he meant.

"This is to cram a loach-like creature into your team to drive the team!" Therefore

, Gao Dahai did not hesitate and completely recorded this request.

"Is there anything else? Brother Gu.

"So much for nothing."

Gu Chen said, almost the topic was over.

"Haha, okay, then I'll go and prepare now!" Saying

that, Gao Dahai planned to hang up the phone and plan his own banquet plan!

"Wait Mr. Gao!" "

What's wrong, Brother Gu?"

"Actually, there is a small matter.

Gu Chen smiled, thinking that he had been on the phone for so long.

Anyway, it's not bad for a while.

Just ask this boss who seems to be omnipotent.

"Small things, can you still say small things about Brother

Gu?" Mr

. Gao also smiled hehe, letting Gu Chen say casually, anyway, if he has the ability, he will definitely help.

"Actually, this time is really not a big deal. Saying

that, Gu Chen told him about his plans to start a school.

"What, you still want to set up a private university?" Mr

. Gao was actually a little surprised, he really didn't expect Gu Chen's heart to be so big.

Boss Gao couldn't see through Gu Chen's person at all, or he couldn't understand what path Gu Chen was going to take with the Longteng Group.

This feeling of being unguessable is quite fascinated by Mr. Gao.

"yes, so to speak.

Gu Chen said and also looked forward to Mr. Gao's answer.

"Well, I really don't have any experience in this area, and I don't know how to help you.

"But don't worry, in order to send my children to school before, I also met some leaders in the education field, don't say it! This time my mother's eighty-eighth birthday, I can directly invite them together!" Sure

enough, Mr. Gao was worthy of being Mr. Gao, and directly waved his hand to solve Gu Chen's concern.

It's just that Gu Chen calculated that the start of school could be delayed for a month at most.

There will be a lot of trouble after that.

So don't drag too far.

After telling Mr. Gao this doubt, he also looked a little distressed.

"Well, time is a little tight, but it's okay!

"Brother Gu, you give me a little time, let me go and prepare, contact these leaders in the education field, after all, I haven't moved around for such a long time, and the relationship is a little rusty."

"In two days at most, I will definitely appoint one or two professionals for you to answer your questions and help you get this matter done by the way." Hearing

Mr. Gao pack tickets like this, Gu Chen still felt that this guy was quite reliable.

After all, after the previous conversation, Gu Chen had already discovered that this senior boss was bold and careful, and he was a good leader.

"It's a pity that I have become the head of the East China Sea Pearl, otherwise wouldn't it be a beauty to come to my Longteng Group as the vice president?" Gu

Chen, who thought so in his heart, felt a little pity, but think about it.

Unless people are crazy, they will give up their most noble status as the East Sea Pearl and come to their own Longteng Group to be a second-in-command.

And it's also a second-in-command with several second-in-command.

It's simply impractical.

So Gu Chen directly gave up this idea.

"If that's the case, if the two things are added together, I already owe you a big favor to Mr. Gao!" "

Don't say, how is the construction of your Donghai Pearl Radio and TV Tower now?"

Because this boss Gao directly helped himself two big favors, Gu Chen of course wanted to return this favor straightforwardly.

Otherwise, he always owes Mr. Gao, and Gu Chen always feels a little pimple in his heart.

"How about I invest another 300 million for you? Speed up the pace of construction!" "

It also allows me to see a more beautiful variety show earlier!" Gu

Chen said his thoughts with a smile, but there was no accident that he was directly rejected by Mr. Gao.

"Hahaha, this can't work, little brother Gu, do you think that if you invest money in, you can repay this big favor of me?"

"I tell you, this is a big favor, after all, I think from my heart that you Gu Chen's adult favor is completely comparable to three billion yuan! "And

according to the cooperation matters we discussed before, when I build the East China Sea Pearl Radio and Television Tower in the future." You still can't escape when you are short of money, but don't try to play tricks!" Mr

. Gao simply did not agree to let Gu Chen arrange his favor now.

The refusal decisively made Gu Chen say helplessly.

"In this way, it turns out that my favor is so valuable, I don't know it myself.

"That's because you haven't recognized your status yet!"


The two laughed at the same time, and the atmosphere was perfect.

The partnership is one step closer.

"Okay, then Brother Gao, if you make arrangements, remember to notify me as soon as

possible!" "No problem, Brother Gu, if you have something to do, you can go quickly!" Originally

, Mr. Gao was stunned by Gu Chen's change of words.

But soon he reacted, and Gu Chen invisibly brought the relationship between the two closer.

In this regard, Mr. Gao was still very happy in his heart, and suddenly felt that what he did today was very worthwhile.

After all, Gu Chen is not an ordinary person.

I have worked with him before, and I have not heard him change his words until now.

It shows that his principles are strong.

And the current situation shows that Gu Chen began to accept himself in his heart.


thought Mr. Gao in his heart.

After getting Mr. Gao's answer, Gu Chen was also very satisfied and said.

"Okay, good, then I'll wait for the good news from Brother Gao!"

"This boss Gao is reliable

!" "But the next trip to Xiangcheng Island will be put on hold!"


Chen was not too happy for a long time.

Because if you really have to wait until Mr. Gao arranges his mother's eighty-eighth birthday.

The time ahead will definitely be a lot.

But soon Gu Chen figured it out.

"If I can help Tong Zixin solve all problems by going directly to Xiangcheng Island once, then I am not Gu Chen, but can be directly called a god

!" "It is estimated that Xiangcheng Island should be a very difficult hard bone, or be prepared to fight a protracted war!"


Chen, who thought so, settled down a lot in his heart, and was no longer so anxious, and began to sit down and plan slowly.

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