However, the current situation on Xiangcheng Island was far more complicated than Gu Chen thought.

When Li Jiahao said 10 billion to Li Jiajun as bride money.

Li Jiajun was not frightened by this 10 billion.

After all, his pocket money has been close to 100 million over the years.

To him, this 10 billion bride price is just like a hundred yuan.

Now that he has a dollar, he can scrape together another 99 yuan!

With this in mind, Li Jiajun began his journey of wealth.

"Uncle Fa, where have you made a fortune recently

!" "Brother Vocal, take the little brother with me, oh, make money and marry your wife, don't shudder

!" "Sister Dong~ Your store has recently heard that it is expanding again, it is not interesting, just ask you if you support the younger brother to buy shares!" In

short, Li Jiajun on Xiangcheng Island can no longer see his people in Causeway Bay,

where he was originally playing.

He is now basically staying in front of the bosses of various industries to ask for a piece of the pie, or to take him on the road.

Speaking of this, Li Jiajun is also very smart.

He knew that some tall and profitable and façade industries were either divided between the four major families.

Or in the hands of Li Jiahao, the old man in his own family.

It is simply impossible to make money in these areas yourself.

However, he set his sights on those ordinary industries or low-end industries.

Because according to the urine nature of the four major families and Li Jiahao, they will not put these industries in their eyes at all.

I wouldn't have stretched my hand so long at all.

On the contrary, the leading bosses in these industries have to rush to provide offerings to the four major families and Li Jiahao every New Year's holiday.

But I'm sorry, I don't accept anything.

But the appearance of Li Jiajun brought a lot of changes in the thinking of these people.

At that time, they saw Li Jiajun willing to take the initiative to surrender his identity and come to his own territory to talk about cooperation.

It was an idea that came to mind.

"The sky is finally about to change, we are finally going to cross a class!" However

, when these dragon bosses found out that they had made an offering to this young master of Li Jiajun, it was of no use at all.

Because some of them were more daring, and asked the relationship to inquire about the specific situation of Li Jiajun.

Only to find out that this Li Jiajun is simply a little trash who does not learn or skill!

Whether it is in terms of investment or business, he does not know any knowledge and technology at all. It's completely stunned.

Therefore, Li Jiahao will never let this Li Jiajun hold any real power.

So much so that even Li Jiajun came out in the name of a Li Jiahao.

It won't change a little bit for small businesses like them.

So that means that the money that they gave away before was lost.

And Li Jiajun began to distance himself after discovering that these people seemed to be aware of their true level.

He didn't feel embarrassed.

Even took the initiative to come up and start to set almost.

This led to the previous dialogue, but unsurprisingly, they were all met with closed doors or false snakes.

"Isn't this Li Gongzi? Laughing, I'm just running one or two mahjong halls, where is there any money to make! What kind of wealth, speaking of making a fortune, isn't it still your family's real estate business to get rich?" "

Take you? I myself am about to be urged to death by the bank's dunning, how to take you, why are you so desperate? Your identity as the heir of Li Jiahao is placed here, there is no need to come out so desperately.

What kind of immortal do you marry and want you to work hard?" "

What the f**k? 10 billion? I don't understand the world of rich people, take my leave.

I'm afraid this can't work, you don't know how many industries your Li family has swallowed during this time! If I talk about this topic again, I will turn my face!" In

short, after Li Jiajun's true intentions were exposed, these leading enterprises such as tea restaurants and mahjong halls that Li Jiajun targeted were all like seeing him as if they had seen a plague.

But Li Jiajun, who ran into walls everywhere in this way, also caught close to 100 million at the beginning.

He sold his luxury cars and so on.

That's almost more than 100 million.

Combined, he has 300 million.

"It's not very difficult to be 97 yuan away from a hundred yuan?"

Li Jiajun was still full of confidence in this.

This is true despite the fact that everyone is not optimistic about him.

And only one person felt threatened by this crazy behavior of Lee Jiajun.

That's Li Jiasheng....

"Damn, old man, what does this mean?"

"Could it be that at this last step, he wants to regret letting this Li Jiajun waste inherit his position??"

"No, no, no, I've been waiting for so long, I definitely can't let this guy take my place in the end!"

Li Jiasheng's heart was full of a sense of crisis, and he couldn't wait to immediately rush to Li Jiajun's front to tell him now.

"The old man's place is mine, and you will never be able to rob me of a waste!" but

reason told him again.

"Don't be impulsive, it's just because the old man can't take Li Jiajun's waste, so he came up with a way to make him happy to marry a boy, panic you're done

!" "Calm down

!" "Fuck her, how can this be calm!"

He put on his clothes directly, ready to go to Tong Zixin, one of the parties to inquire about the situation.

But he had just walked out of his room when he remembered that Tong Zixin had moved.

"Oh no, I don't know where she lives

!" "Abominable, abominable!"

angrily returned to his home, took out the phone,

and began to dial Tong Zixin's number.

Frightened, he trembled in the center of the big house arranged by Li Jiahao.

But listening to the familiar ringtone, she directly breathed a sigh of relief.

"I thought it was Gu Chen who called, but fortunately not.

"I don't know if this disguise of mine recently made Li Jiahao give up monitoring of me!"

Thinking so, Tong Zixin closed her eyes again and continued to sleep on the sofa full of snacks that had been opened and not opened.

In front of her are all kinds of wine bottles, beverage bottles, plastic takeaway boxes, instant noodle boxes, and all kinds of messy objects combined into a super scruffy square table.

Some have even been left for about two or three days.

But Tong Zixin didn't clean up at all, and even had a sock half-pulled on the instant noodle box.

A 100% sloppy look.

Basically, when a person comes here and sees Tong Zixin like this, he will be directly dissuaded.

And this is exactly what Tong Zixin is aiming for.

"Li Jiahao's old thing was poor at home when he was a child, so the living environment was always dirty and messy!


don't believe he can watch me like this and still maintain normal emotions and continue to monitor me!" Tong

Zixin was still a little proud in his heart.

And don't say this kind of lying flat feeling of doing nothing, just lying on the bed without thinking about anything and not caring about it, it's quite comfortable!

"Ah, is this lying flat?

And what made Tong Zixin feel uncomfortable in her heart was that the finished box lunch in front of her finally went to the road of deterioration under the catalyst of time, emitting a strange sour smell.

Tong Zixin had no choice, so he silently got up and threw this garbage into the trash can at the door.

And this scene directly made Li Jiahao, the old man who had been watching Tong Zixin's life behind the screen, directly crush a goblet in his hand.

"Why did this Tong Zixin become like this?" "

It's too messy! It's sloppy to the extreme! Disgusting!" Li

Jiahao thought of Tong Zixin's appearance on the surface on weekdays, and then looked at the current Tong Zixin's hair that was oily to the point that he couldn't see it.

Li Jiahao felt his blood pressure soar.

"No, I can't watch it anymore!"

he angrily hung up the monitoring screen.

Very resentful in my heart.

"Did I really look away?"

thought and called his secretary again.

"Now Li Jiajun stinks... "

Sir, the young master's current situation is surprisingly good, he used his identity to make a sum of money in those industries that we couldn't look at before, and then found a business opportunity by selling cars."

"Now, he's become a professional middleman for his former fox and dog friends, collecting and selling cars for them."

"I even spent 10 million to rent a façade, and I started running the formalities under the guidance of the lawyer I had hired."

"If there are no accidents, the young master will rely on his connections to become the largest luxury car vendor in Causeway Bay during this time." Li

Jiahao was really happy to hear that his waste son actually started to really make money on his own.

Most of the anger that had just been suffered here in Tong Zixin disappeared at once.

Sure enough, the love of teenagers is the biggest driving force for their progress.

At the same time, Li Jiahao thought of another question.

"By the way, did you go and see how much his net profit is.

"Because there is still very little data, I can only let the data department calculate an approximate based on the data of the past two days and the number of luxury cars of the young master's connections." "

This secretary is also a talent who has long been accustomed to his master's sudden troubles.

Therefore, when I came to report the work, I had already arranged some data that I might need.

"According to calculations, we can probably calculate that the young master's monthly turnover in the next three months will reach about 700 million per month.

"But excluding expenses and so on, the final profit is probably less than 90 million." "

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