Gu Chen sighed in his heart.

"Sure enough, this woman is a good-looking animal, and she pampered herself a little before going out, and this option is correct.

"Just what the first level is.

Gu Chen was still very curious, so he also told Tang Xinwei his questions.

Tang Xinwei glanced at him and said lightly.

This second level tests your patience and gentlemanly demeanor!" "

After all, I was deliberately late, but you didn't have any unpleasant emotions at all and didn't say anything about me."

"I used this trick to see through a lot of disgusting people, even if they said that it was a woman's natural privilege to be late, but I could still see a little negativity in their eyes."

"But you, don't talk about emotions, I can't even see through your thoughts, if you are scheming, I will recognize it, and I will rest assured if I hand over Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. to you."

"But I'm sure you're not, so I'm even more relieved." Tang

Xinwei's words made Gu Chen even more inexplicable.

Because he looked at the time on his watch, it was only 19:10.

This soup core is not more than 10 minutes late, and it can be within your own tolerance.

There's no need to be angry about anything in just a few minutes.

"Or are the people this Tang Xinwei met abroad before some narrow-minded people?" "

No, foreign countries seem to be very concerned about punctuality in this regard, maybe because

of cultural differences?" Gu

Chen said the idea of cultural differences in his heart to Tang Xinwei, who was constantly ordering.

Tang Xinwei directly looked at Gu Chen with silly white sweet eyes.

"Are you really Gu Chen?"

"I don't think the head of a Longteng Group should say this kind of idea that relied on his own judgment without proof."

"It's true that I've lived abroad for years, but Australia has a lot of people.

"Basically you're walking in some of Australia's big cities, and for every 100 meters you walk there is a national, or a new Australian of national descent." When

Gu Chen heard this, he touched his nose in disdain.

"I don't travel the world all day, so why should I care how many of my own people are in other people's countries?"


thinking so, the words came to his lips and had another meaning.

"In this way, this is indeed the case, but don't you think it's a little too strange for you to do so many things

?" "Or is it too defensive?"


Chen's words made Tang Xinwei, who was constantly ordering, stunned.

"Strange, you want my father's hard work all his life to dream of Lime Culture Co., Ltd., then I, as his daughter, naturally know how much he has paid for this company.

"So I'm definitely going to be a little stricter about that."

"Otherwise, wouldn't my father's whole life have been ruined at the last moment?"

If he had known that the acquisition of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. would have caused such trouble, he would not have looked for this company.

"So that's why you treat me as an imaginary enemy?" Gu

Chen didn't mean to get used to this guy.

I don't think I deserve it.

"After all, I had already taken a look at the information of the Dragon Teng Group before I came.

"I found that Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. is a small thing compared to your Longteng Group, but to say this is already putting gold on my father's face."

"To be correct, it should be that your Longteng Group is the overlord of the ocean, and our Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. is a small shrimp.

"But suddenly, the ocean overlord said that he saw that our little shrimp wanted to collect the little shrimp and treat it like his own son, what did the little shrimp think?"

Tang Xinwei directly told a very key story about the law of the jungle.

"It must be very scary, thinking about why such an ocean overlord would take a fancy to a little shrimp like us."

Gu Chen slowly said such a sentence.

At the same time, he also understood why Tang Xinwei maintained a sense of alienation from himself from the beginning, as well as a sense of vigilance.

Dare to love Tang Xinwei is a complete crisisist, always guarding against the coming of crisis.

"Yes, I'm just worried that you want to use the name of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. as a leather bag company to do some illegal things. "

I've seen a lot of these things in Australia. Tang

Xinwei told some facts lightly.

Gu Chen also learned that the original film industry, or the investment involved in the film and television industry, is the best way to launder money.

I also learned about the darkness in Australia's underground projects.

"That's how a lot of rich people in Australia do this, buy a small film company, and then use their own means to inject money into it, and spend a lot of money on the film.

"There are a lot of dark deals that can be done in between."

"For example, spending money to make a few movies with your own company is to make an actress popular, but after becoming popular, you directly send the actress to a nobleman's bed like a commodity in exchange for more and bigger passes." "

Use this way to woo people.

"And the movies you invest in don't have to be afraid of losing money, there will be many people to help you watch the movie, and then you just need to lend a helping hand when others need help."

"From the initial acquisition of companies to the injection of capital to make movies, and then to the release box office fraud, this set of means of laundering money has matured into an industrial chain." Tang

Xinwei's words made Gu Chen's face darken slightly.

But Tang Xinwei continued as if he hadn't noticed this matter.

"So, how do I know if there will be such a person in China?" "

When the king of your Longteng Group suddenly took the initiative to jump out and say that he wanted to acquire our Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd., I think a normal person would feel abnormal."

"Not to mention that the timing of your appearance was too coincidental, just when our company couldn't continue to do such a thing."

"Anyone with a little brain will think that there must be some problems in this regard, maybe it is a plan that you have been planning for a long time and have been secretly spying on us."

"Then if this is the case, I must understand all the things in this, otherwise it will be embarrassing for the old man's Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. to become a tool for you gray fringe people to accumulate wealth after I sold it." "

You're right, Mr. Gu, I can't be too careful like this, right?" Tang

Xinwei asked Gu Chen lightly after ordering a soup at the end.

At this time, Gu Chen felt a little like answering what he asked.

"Is Australia so dangerous?" Tang

Xinwei suddenly felt that the person with question marks on his face had become himself.

"No, I'm embarrassed that you suddenly said this?"

"Did you make a mistake, aren't we discussing that your Longteng Group wants to acquire our Dream Lime Culture Co

., Ltd.

?" Gu Chen heard Tang Xinwei say this, he was also a little embarrassed,

and began to explain.

"Probably mainly because I need to go to Australia after the summer holidays, so there are some things that might help me to ask now."

Gu Chen directly told the truth, making Tang Xinwei suddenly frown and ask.


personal matters, but I am curious about what you do in Australia, Miss Tang, why you are so clear about this matter." Tang

Xinwei looked at Gu Chen and also told the truth.

"I have a martial arts gym in Australia. Gu

Chen was a little puzzled when he heard this.

He continued in silence for two seconds.

"Is it a martial arts gym as I understand it? "

It's the martial arts of martial arts. Tang

Xinwei once again refreshed Gu Chen's cognition, and always felt that it was quite strange to open a martial arts hall abroad.

It's as if a foreign institution came to Huahai City to teach taekwondo.

"I didn't see it, Miss Tang, you are actually a practitioner.

"I also really didn't see that the chairman of Longteng Group was such a young person.

"Okay, then let's not go around the corner, I know that you martial arts practitioners like to go straight to each other." With

that, suddenly there was a knock outside the door.

It turned out that the things that Tang Xinwei ordered before arrived.

It was the little sister from before who came to deliver the dishes again.

It's just that when the food was slowly served, this little girl actually secretly stuffed a small note to Tang Xinwei when passing by Tang Xinwei.

It has her contact information.

This made Gu Chen a little confused.

He said that he couldn't see through this soup at all.

"It's quite a simple child. Tang

Xinwei showed off the small note she had just received in front of Gu Chen.

Gu Chen seemed to have lost in some important field.

"However, Miss Tang, let's get down to business.

Gu Chen didn't want to waste any more time on boring things, he continued.

Okay, anyway, I can already see that you are not a bad person.

"To buy our Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. is not to launder hei money.

"So based on these points, plus you passed my third test." "

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