The third test, when did this go through what test?

Gu Chen's face was full of doubts.

Tang Xinwei explained very generously.

"The third test is to test your inclusiveness, and the reason why I performed such a flirtatious operation as soon as I opened the door and came in.

"It's all about paving the way for the third test."

"And I don't see any contempt or disdain in your eyes, and you have passed this third test."

"I'm satisfied, I can marry you."

"That's great, when are we....wait?" At

the beginning, Gu Chen listened to this soup core and said to himself very indifferently.

After all, he would not discriminate against anyone, let alone a pair of beautiful lilies.

But in the end, Tang Xinwei suddenly turned a super big bend, which suddenly made Gu Chen not react.

I almost said the stupid thing about when we're going to get married.

But that's it, Gu Chen always felt that he was looking at the devil when he looked at Tang Xinwei.

"I don't really understand what you're talking about

?" "What does it mean that I passed the third level test and can marry you?" "

Aren't we on a channel, aren't we talking about the acquisition of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd.?" Gu

Chen directly wondered three times, but Tang Xinwei began to tell the story again as if he hadn't heard it.

"Since I was a child, my father had two most important goals in life, the first is to protect me, and the second is to become bigger and stronger.

"But after many years, he felt that he was old, and replaced the first goal of protecting me with finding someone reliable to continue to protect me, and the second goal was to find someone to inherit his dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd."

"I was also deceived by his critical illness to return to China, and I couldn't help but take over this guy's mess." Tang

Xin was the only one who ate frantically while talking.

Gu Chen hesitated, feeling that his stomach was indeed a little hungry, and he also began to eat.

"So, I think I'm getting older, not young.

"Although there is no problem with the old man's body now, I always have to think about it in the future, and I can't be an unfilial daughter."

"I took the initiative to take over the task of finding a good home for Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd., and I was also ready to find a reliable person I liked to marry."

"As a result, Wang Wei just bumped into it, and to be honest, I didn't want to touch you anymore when I started."

"After all, I can't tell if you have the idea of using Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. as a money launder, and if I go, it will be for nothing, so I planned to kill the wrong person than let it go."

"But..." said

this, but Tang Xinwei silently raised his head and looked at Gu Chen and said.

"Wang Wei described you so well, so good that I became very interested in you and felt that it was not impossible to meet each other, so I came.

"I'm happy with you too, and I've observed that you're not married, and you don't have any rings on your hands."

"And I also looked at the marks on my finger and didn't find any cases of wearing a ring, I can judge you..."

However, this time, Tang Xinwei, who was full of confidence and possessed by detectives, was interrupted by Gu Chen before she finished speaking.

The situation finally allowed Gu Chen to win back a game.

"I'm not married, but I have a girlfriend.

However, Gu Chen simply miscalculated the boldness of a martial arts practitioner like Tang Xinwei.

She asked directly with a frown.

Yes, it's strange that at your age without a wife or girlfriend.

Gu Chen always felt that this guy seemed to be saying something strange, but he didn't have any evidence.

He could only say.

"Yes, so I can't marry you at all.

Gu Chen expressed his affirmation.

But the knife and fork of the soup core only cut the meat without the slightest pause, and the cubes of the meat cut are also very neat.

There was no fluctuation because of Gu Chen's words.

"Well, that's a shame. Tang

Xinwei's words couldn't be heard at all, and there was no pity.

On the contrary, it is as if you wrote homework when you were a child and asked your friends around you for an eraser, but the other party said that they could not borrow you.

"It's really a... Weird?"

Gu Chen thought in his heart, and began to continue again.

"Then can we fast forward a bit and talk about what conditions are required to acquire your Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd.?" Tang

Xinwei still looked resolute and said what was in his heart.

"I have already estimated several advantages and disadvantages.

"Let's talk about the advantages of our dream lime culture Co., Ltd., the old brand, there is absolutely no problem in terms of reputation, and there have been some popular film and television dramas and programs."

"There is also a photography city under the name, although the area is not large and it is also in the suburbs, but it is also a fixed asset."

"Let's talk about the shortcomings, there are many in this regard, for example, although our dream lime culture Co., Ltd. is an old brand, many young people no longer know our name, and the popularity is gradually decreasing."

"The loss of personnel and financial income is just in a stable state, and it is not possible to make much money, but life is also difficult." Tang

Xinwei said this and began to summarize again.

"In general, Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. has reached its most dangerous time, and each of us clearly understands this.

"But there is no way to make changes, our strengths are also disadvantages, past glory is also a shackle, is the fundamental reason why we cannot break through."

"So, the valuation I gave here can be cheaper, but I have an additional requirement, that is, you cannot fire our old employees after you acquire Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd."

"According to the normal market value valuation, Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. needs at least about 700 million to be able to eat it all, and now I only need 600 million."

As Tang Xinwei spoke, he picked up the tissue on the side and wiped his mouth, with an attitude that he was ready to leave at any time.

This made Gu Chen feel a little unhappy.

"Why does it seem that you have entered the rhythm of this Tang Xinwei from the very beginning, and I feel too passive, right?" Yes

, from the beginning of the meeting to the current every move, in fact, Tang Xinwei has long begun the layout and planning at home.

For Gu Chen's prosperous appearance, Tang Xinwei was a little unable to control himself just by looking at photos and videos on the Internet.

Finally, before going out, he came up with some small means to stop his heart, which allowed him to face Gu Chen normally.

At the same time, Tang Xinwei also prepared a lot of insurance behavior.

For example, until now, except for the first glance to master the rhythm.

Tang Xinwei didn't try to talk to Gu Chen for a long time.

She has been kept in a situation where she is very busy but is actually relying on this distraction to control Tang Xinwei's mind, so that she can stay awake and not be carried away by Gu Chen's handsomeness.

"Fortunately, although there was a small change in the middle, it was good that everything was under control.

"And my request is not excessive, Gu Chen should agree." When

Tang Xinwei thought so, Gu Chen spoke.

"Price is not an issue, and I wanted to keep them from the beginning if you didn't say it."

"But I don't think it's too much of a joke for us to decide a big business of hundreds of millions of dollars just by talking like this?" Facing

Gu Chen's doubts, Tang Xinwei had already expected it in his heart.

Otherwise, if the business is negotiated so easily directly, should it be said that Gu Chen, a billionaire worth hundreds of billions, does not care about money and has no concept of money, or that her Tang Xinwei's three-inch tongue is too powerful?"

"I have a team of professionals who can do a new assessment.

"Assess what the price is, what the price is, and I will not take advantage of you."

"Of course, I also have one condition.

Gu Chen's words made Tang Xinwei raise his eyebrows and said.

"It's not impossible to sell yourself.

"As long as your price is right. Tang

Xinwei's words were not surprising and he died endlessly, so that Gu Chen suddenly didn't know what to say.

The scene instantly froze, and what was even more surprised should be the little girl who came to deliver the dishes on the side.

She even accidentally knocked over a bowl of fish soup.

And when Tang Xinwei and Gu Chen both looked over, they found that this little girl was still blinded.

Gu Chen felt embarrassed for Tang Xinwei.

Who knows, this Tang Xinwei made another tumultuous operation that made Gu Chen feel showy.

She got up directly and walked to the side of the little girl, straightened the overturned bowl, and closed her slightly open mouth and said.

"I don't like him, why are you so nervous."

This sentence silenced Gu Chen and restored the radiance in the little girl's eyes.

But looking at Tang Xinwei, who was so close to herself, and the temperature that came from her holding her hand and putting it on her face.

The brush made the little girl blush and withdrew.

Tang Xinwei could only clean up the overturned fish soup by herself, and she was scolded in the province.

At the same time, he brought the meal himself.

"This girl, she's really shy.

Tang Xinwei said to Gu Chen.

"It's not that she's shy, it's that you're too unrestrained!"

But Gu Chen didn't say this, just silently put it in his heart.

But looking at Tang Xinwei's pampered look, Gu Chen suddenly began to hesitate a little.

"Although Tang Xinwei is a martial arts opener, is it really good for her to ask her for this?"

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