Gu Chen knew that Mr. Gao opened his mouth to a very smooth sentence, and in the end, he would definitely take a but.

He asked without any surprise.

"If there are any difficulties, we will solve any difficulties!"

"Actually, it's nothing. That's where the good news ends, and then the good news evolves into bad news!" Gu

Chen snorted and said that he knew and let Mr. Gao continue.

Mr. Gao also continued unambiguously.

"It is the local education institute, and the pilot school has always wanted to do some quality education."

"But isn't the reason that schools that have always been based on examination-oriented education are more important to children in some poor areas are rejected?"

"This time, the director of the education institute in the area where you said that you want to engage in private universities happened to come to our Huahai City Education Institute No. 2 to report the work, and it happened that this matter was mentioned." Gu

Chen kind of heard the smell coming out.

"Therefore, the relationship on our side is actually in place, after all, my senior brother is such a big god here, and everything can be leveled."

At most, a small broken statue!"

Gu Chen continued.

"But the people in this local education institute want to use this as a blackmail to let our general education institute get them a batch of pilot schools for quality education, right?" Mr

. Gao gave a thumbs up directly to Gu Chen on the other end of the phone, thinking that Gu Chen would not see it at all, and then silently put his finger down.

"That's right, Brother Gu, your thoughts are very clear, that's such a truth!"

"It's just a little problem, our general education institute is actually not unwilling to approve the education brand for them to set up a school."

"Their local governments don't have so much financial revenue to engage in these educational undertakings!"

In a word, even if they approve the article, the quality education schools that are originally public welfare undertakings simply do not have the money to build them.

Mr. Gao was silent for a second.

"Even if the school is really built, where will there be so many

students?" "At that time, we are indeed kind enough to do a very meritorious thing, but it turns out that after hard work, the school directly abolished it because it cannot find students?"

Mr. Gao directly asked this sentence at the end.

Gu Chen's brows furrowed silently when he heard this.

"Brother Gao, listening to you say this, these things seem to be much more complicated than I thought.

"Originally, I thought that you said that if there was no money to build a school, then I would pay to build a school, but later I found that after building this school, there would be these messy things."

"I kind of don't know what they want to do." "

Since you want to do it again, but you can't do it, and you don't have the money to do it, if you do it, you may collapse with a high probability, what else is this..."

Gu Chen said a paragraph that slipped to Mr. Gao, and he was also a little confused.

But soon Mr. Gao reacted.

"Actually, it's not that you can't do it, but you may have to do it a lot. When

Gu Chen heard this, the idea that he was ready to think of another way suddenly disappeared.

He immediately asked.

"I'm not afraid of making a big deal, the last thing I'm afraid of Longteng Group is tossing."

"I certainly won't give up whenever I have the chance."

Mr. Gao was silent for two or three seconds, as if thinking about something.

Gu Chen did not disturb Mr. Gao, but let him think about it.

Finally, after a while, Mr. Gao organized his ideas and the ideas of the local education institute.

"I know you won't give up Senior Brother Gu, from the first day I met you, I knew that you are definitely not the kind of person who will give up halfway or at the beginning.

"It's just that the price this time is very high, the other party's education institute communicated with their local county levy and decided that if you Longteng Group wants to open a private university on their territory, it is not impossible."

"Unless you can invest in their local market and drive their economy."

"Otherwise, even if our General Education Institute agrees to approve the construction of your Longteng Private University, this local county government will definitely not give you any land plots and support to build this school."

Gu Chen listened with doubts on his face.

"I feel like things are getting more and more complicated, I just want to create a place where I can accept talent."

"But now that the money for construction has been given to Duan Fei and Zhou Zhi, how can he come back at this time

?" "So the only way left is to go to the dark?"

Mr. Gao also held his breath, but in the East Sea Pearl office, there were several other people.

They were Deng Yue, an old comrade-in-arms of the General Education Institute of President Gao, and the director of the local education institute and his secretary.

Of course, there is also a middle-aged man who sits on the sofa and is more restrained, and he is the head of the local county government where Gu always wants to run a private university.

Several people's eyes were looking at Mr. Gao's phone with the amplification turned on.

Everyone was waiting for Gu Chen's reply.

Mr. Gao glanced at the people who seemed to be a little anxious, shook their heads slightly, and signaled them not to be in a hurry.

At the same time, I was thinking about it.

At this time, I knew that I was anxious, from the beginning I knew that someone was willing to make the university happy look in my own territory, and finally I knew that this gold lord was actually Gu Chen, the chairman of Longteng Group, and they all began to swell

!"If Boss Gao had not looked at the face of his old comrades-in-arms, he would not have agreed to these unreasonable demands to help them ask Gu Chen.

"However, my eldest niece is getting older and more beautiful, and she is not at all like her father!" Mr

. Gao turned his gaze to Deng Xiaolan, secretary to the director of the local education institute.

Deng Xiaolan probably noticed his Uncle Gao's gaze and gave him a bright smile.

Of course, Mr. Gao nodded directly in response with a smile, and thought in his heart.

"After Gu Chen refuses such an unreasonable request, I will call again in two days, no matter how I say it, I have to let them donate a hope primary school to come out, and I also want Deng Yatou as the leader!"

When Mr. Gao thought so, Gu Chen on the other end of the phone finally spoke.

"Brother Gao, I probably understand what you mean, I think it can. "

Just understand, brother, I also know the difficulties of your entrepreneurs, what did you just say?"

Mr. Gao did not react for a moment to the meaning of Gu Chen's words.

I thought I had misheard.

"Is the signal on my side bad, or am I hallucinating?"

said Mr. Gao, looking at the people in front of him who were waving at him very nervously.

He knew that this time, not only did Gu Chen owe him a favor at once, but he might also owe Gu Chen's favor.

"What is this called! You actually agreed?" Mr

. Gao suddenly felt that his mind was not very clear.

His train of thought was interrupted by Gu Chen at once.

He collected his mind and asked Gu Chen.

"Brother Gu, do you know what you mean by this?" "

Haha, don't worry, Brother Gao, since I can say these words now, it means that I have thought about it.

"Just now I went to calculate something again, or I figured something out. "

Next is Gu Chen's performance time.

He began to decipher the thoughts of the local county government.

"From the beginning, they had only one goal, which was to revitalize the local economy, or to retain the local population.

"Because the long-term development of a region always depends on the local population, and there are talents to develop, this is the last word."

"But in a region that doesn't have any competitive advantage, it's not very effective to retain people just by relying on a university."

"There may be a small financial gain in the short term, but in the long run, it is simply to return to the peak and continue to decline."

Gu Chen looked at a piece of their local information that Duan Fei Zhou Zhi had just transmitted on his computer.

Based on the information above, a simple analysis was made.

"So they found that the person who wanted to start the school was me Gu Chen, a powerful world-class enterprise with such a strong dragon group.

"They certainly won't let me go of a private university."

"That has to be to make a layer of oil on my body to replenish them, which I don't really care."

"Even in my mind, if you do it, you have to do it well!"


Chen's words said that Mr. Gao's face was red.

The middle-aged man who said it was even more eager to hang in the air.

Because he really didn't have the face to sit down! His every move was seen through, and all his dirty thoughts were hidden under Gu Chen's fiery eyes.

Deng Yue and Deng Xiaolan are also a little embarrassed, because the reason why Deng Yue did these things is for his daughter Deng Xiaolan.

And Deng Xiaolan also knows this truth, so she will know her father's difficulties.

In short, it was a ring after a link, Mr. Gao found Deng Yue, and Deng Yue found the director of the local education institute, who was about to retire, just paving the way for his daughter.

As a result, the number one in the county government knew about this matter, and he wanted to mention the development of finance by the way when he was in education.

This led to the fact that Mr. Gao would now make such a call.

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