But Gu Chen's lack of concern made everyone present feel that hope seemed to rekindle in their hearts.

"So I made a rough plan for the future based on my ideas.

"First of all,

I thought that my private university must be built first as quickly as possible.

"After all, I already have more than two hundred students ready to enroll or whatever."

"I will move directly into some of the hardware equipment, building facilities, and laboratories that I need for my freshman year."

"This is the first step.

As Gu Chen spoke, Mr. Gao didn't have the habit of taking notes, but just snorted silently.

"It's a good idea, and the dormitory you need for the next sophomore year can be postponed for a year."

Mr. Gao looked at Deng Xiaolan and found that he, like the middle-aged man opposite, began to make records.

"The second step, I think that if you want to drive the development of a region, you must first determine its attractiveness. "

So I'm going to announce that Longteng University Business School is sitting here, and I'll make a message at the same time."


this Internet town, there will be many high-tech products, including some knowledge output of our Longteng Group's chips."

As soon as Gu Chen's words came out, Mr. Gao and the others were stunned for a moment.

"Internet town? what does this mean?"

asked Mr. Gao on behalf of the middle-aged man who had already gathered beside him.

At the same time, it was also a sharp look that kept this guy away from himself.

Otherwise, Mr. Gao really didn't know what he would do.

"It means that I just saw an undeveloped town in the place where my business school was located.

"I'm going to transform him and create a high-tech gimmick to attract tech manufacturers."

"To put it bluntly, it's to make a name for yourself or something, I have all thought about holding a global Internet summit when the time comes!"

"Invite some of the leading bosses of the technology industry over to drink tea, do publicity, do popularity, or something."

"At that time, we can completely expand and transform this Internet town or something, and make it a tourist attraction!" "

Those tech bigwigs will charge tickets when they don't come or anything!" After

Gu Chen's words came out, the eyes of the middle-aged men around Mr. Gao were about to become big light bulbs.

He really couldn't wait to praise Gu Chen's genius idea now.

And, of course, there's appeal.

After all, if it is relying on the power of their local government to promote this matter, the Internet town can be built, but after that

? What about the technology bigwigs? Will the soil pop out?

It is simply unrealistic, unless it is a character like Gu Chen who calls for it, there will be so many technology bigwigs


"Moreover, if an Internet town is created, local residents can rely on the mountains and the sea, rely on the small town to eat the town, and just rent out their own house has a lot of income."

"Not to mention that you go to open a store yourself, I dare to promise you that if you do this, the speed of personnel returning will be very fast!"

"Because normal people will not refuse such a job with more money and less things and close to home."

"That's when the second step is complete."

Gu Chen said and seemed to be a little thirsty.

Silently taking a sip of water, Mr. Gao also silently took the red wine next to him and poured himself a small glass.

After all, these plans that Gu Chen said are too big and extensive.

The mere thought already made him, the head of the East Sea Pearl, feel terrified.

What would this be if it were actually done.

If nothing else, this top ten town in the country will definitely be on the list.

At that time, this county magistrate will be able to rise to the top of the tide and rise in status.

Tons and tons, a few sips of wine.

Mr. Gao was also thinking in his heart.

"This old brother Gu of my own energy is also too great

!" "I thought that what he said was to be done well for fun!"

"And this is still the second step, isn't there a third step?

Mr. Gao felt bitter in his heart, even if he had finished drinking the wine, his heartbeat was still not suppressed.

It was even a little faster because of Gu Chen's re-opening.

"Okay, let's move on to the third step.

Gu Chen's side was about to continue, but at this time, Mr. Gao couldn't hold it.

He didn't want Gu Chen to count everything on his head.

Then he really can't bear so much price.

So Mr. Gao directly interrupted Gu Chen.

"Brother Gu, I think we may not be able to explain these things on the phone, so it is.

"So why don't we meet somewhere and talk about it, I'll make an appointment with them all!" Mr

. Gao couldn't bear it, but Gu Chen felt a little unsatisfied.

After all, I really have a lot of planning for this.

I am indeed the kind of person who either does not do it or does the best.

It's just that Mr. Gao said so, and Gu Chen is not such a knowledgeable person, so he said directly.

"Brother Gao has spoken, so how could I be reluctant to come out for a meal?"


Chen's words really made Mr. Gao feel a little ashamed.

He said, wiping the non-existent sweat from his head.

"How can this make you please, you have already made so many plans, you must be tired!" "

Don't grab it with the old brother, I'll come!"

"If you can still pay back a little, you can pay it back!"

he thought so, and Gu Chen could only say when he heard the persistence in Mr. Gao's mouth.

"Since that's the case, okay. After

hearing Gu Chen's agreement, Mr. Gao immediately breathed a sigh of relief and continued.

"Well, I'll send you the place to eat, can it be around 18 o'clock in the evening?"

Gu Chen calculated the time and felt that there was no problem.

However, just when Gu Chen decided to exchange a word or two with Mr. Gao and hang up again.

Gu Chen thought of a person's figure.

That is Chu Xinyi.

"Oops, forgot to come home early in the evening to give her a face-to-face explanation or something."

"But if you drink again at this time, won't you be begging for your own suffering?"

If only Chu Xinyi knew about this..." Gu

Chen felt very cold just imagining that picture.

Therefore, Gu Chen hurriedly added.

"By the way, Brother Gao, there is no need to prepare any drinks for tonight's dinner. "

I drank it a little on my head yesterday, so I haven't eased up today, so forget it tonight!" Gu

Chen's words made Mr. Gao a little stunned.

"It's not impossible, we can drink without alcohol.

Mr. Gao said with a smile.

He also took a look at several people around him in passing.

Got a unified answer, it would be best not to drink!

This point made Mr. Gao a little puzzled.

In the end, it was found that it was because of taking care of Deng Xiaolan.

"But now it's better, don't worry so much.

Mr. Gao nodded silently and continued.

"Since this is the case, then you can rest assured that there will definitely be no wine to toss.

Gu Chen listened to Mr. Gao's final determination, and finally this was a little relieved, and the two hung up the phone smoothly.

"But it's still early.

"You can still wait in Longteng Group for a while."

"So..." Gu

Chen thought of the appointed time and silently began to prepare.

"For example, a small gift for the first meeting?"

"Forget it, it's all men, there shouldn't be so many things."

Just as Gu Chen was calculating these things, Gu Chen's phone rang again.

Only this time the person was Jiang Min.

"What's wrong?" Because

he was already too familiar with Jiang Min, there was no need to say anything more polite to Gu Chen.

So come up Gu Chen and go straight to the point.

"It's okay, can't I find my brother Gu Chen?"

Gu Chen smiled and said of course it could.

"Hmph, that's good!" "

Then Brother Gu Chen, can you teach me to drive!"

Gu Chen was a little stunned when he heard this.

"Go to the driving school!" But

before the words could be spoken, Gu Chen suddenly remembered something.

That is, Jiang Min is not yet an adult, where is the qualification to learn to get a driver's license.

"So I need Brother

Gu Chen to teach me!" "Otherwise, when I become an adult in the future, I will definitely have a lot of trouble when I go abroad to take the driving test!"

"Instead of being told by those coaches at that time, it is better to listen to Brother Gu Chen's scolding now." When

Gu Chen heard Jiang Min's words, his face was suddenly full of black lines.

"If you can't speak...if you can't speak, don't speak."

"How can I scold people casually?" Jiang

Min reacted

when he was still exchanging questions and answers with Gu Chen.

Gu Chen finally let go!

"Hahaha! You guess?"

But in the face of Jiang Min's doubts, Gu Chen gave a sentence that satisfied all the bastards and made everyone dislike.

You guess.

These words directly made Jiang Min happily about to fly

! "Wow! Great! Then Coach Gu, when can we leave for car practice?"

"Seriously, I can't wait!" Jiang

Min even started to prepare to change clothes!

But Gu Chen said silently.

"Not today, not tomorrow


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