Because today, Gu Chen is going to meet the people of this education center.

Tomorrow, it is estimated that Gu Xiao's car king advertisement should be edited.

So in the end, Gu Chen's answer was.

"The day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow we meet at Downton Abbey, there is a big open space for you to practice cars. Jiang

Min had nothing else to do or do.

Hearing Gu Chen say this, of course, he said excitedly.

"Okay, Brother Gu Chen, can we meet at 9 a.m. the day after tomorrow?" Gu

Chen had no problem with the time, but in the end, he added a sentence for the sake of safety.

"If I can't find you because of something, don't think I did it on purpose. "

Don't worry, Brother Gu Chen, I know that you are a busy person, I won't be unreasonable!

He said two more words before hanging up.

Gu Chen seemed to have thought of something and called Chu Xinyi again.

"Isn't this our busy person, how did you think of calling me at this time?" Chu

Xinyi on the other end of the phone saw that it was Gu Chen who called him and directly gave up the job at hand.

"Haha, this is all about, call you whenever you are available. "

Sharp teeth, then what are you looking for me for?" Gu

Chen directly told Chu Xinyi about the fact that he was going to eat at the education institute at night.


worry, we've already said that we will definitely not drink this time!

"Good sir, no problem, sir!" After

reporting to Chu Xinyi, Gu Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's right.

But just as he was about to hang up the phone at the end, Chu Xinyi spoke again.

It made Gu Chen's heart tremble and think, the one who should come is still coming!

"You were very happy yesterday...?" Chu

Xinyi's words carried a feeling of laughter, as if she was mocking Gu Chen, ready to see his jokes.

"I was yesterday, it was an accident, who knew that Michelin restaurants actually went into the countryside to make rice wine and accidentally drank too much.

Gu Chen was a little embarrassed and explained with a little caution.

"Hmph, it's all excuses, forget it, I'll listen to your quibbles when you come back in the evening, and now I'm going to a meeting too." Chu

Xinyi did not dwell too much on this matter, but finally asked Gu Chen to pay attention to safety at night, she was not always able to save him.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, sir!"

Finally, Gu Chen finally confused and silently breathed a sigh of relief.

He rested in his office for a while, feeling that it was almost time to go.

It's just that what Gu Chen didn't know was that Chen Yu, who was in the dream lime company, was suffering from a kind of internal and external torment.

"Mr. Tang, look at your company, this decoration is so good! The style is exactly what I like!" "

Oh, isn't this my favorite TV series last year? I didn't expect that it was actually made by your company! Awesome!"

Chen Yu looked at Wang Wei, who was following Tang Xinwei like a dog, and really didn't know what to say.

A thousand words have all turned into a driving force.

The motivation to let him check his accounts well.

As for Wang Wei, Chen Yu regarded it as out of sight and out of mind.

It was only at this time that Chen Yu thought of why Chen Yu said those words to himself before he left at the beginning.

"Emotional President Gu already knows that Wang Wei has become Tang Xinwei's licking dog.


Yu didn't know what to say, women, what's the big deal!

Even the voice is three points magnanimous.

"Yes, it seems that the financial revenue here is a little missing

!" "Yes, I think there should be more than that!"

But found that Tang Xinwei had long retracted his gaze and continued to fool Wang Wei at will.

"Bah, lick the dog can't be house!" Gu

Chen didn't know that the broken thing he was most worried about had happened, and waited until he came to the restaurant that he had agreed with Mr. Gao.

Mr. Gao was already waiting for him outside the door in advance.

"Brother Gu!" After

meeting, the smile on Mr. Gao's face never stopped.

Gu Chen also did not have any hesitation, and gave Mr. Gao a big hug when he got out of the car.

"Brother Gao, we haven't seen each other for a long time, and we miss it very much.

"Yes, it's been half a month since the East Sea Pearl was different last time, but it's a pity that you can't drink today!"

"It's okay, isn't there still an aunt's eighty-eighth birthday?

In the beautiful environment of mutual compliment, we walked into the hotel together.

Coming to a private box, as soon as Gu Chen entered the door, he saw several people sitting down stand up.

"Mr. Gu, let me introduce you to you. At

this time, Mr. Gao had already changed his title to Gu Chen, in fact, he didn't want Gu Chen to be too embarrassed by his relationship and do a good job of business.

Gu Chen knew what Mr. Gao meant, and he also smiled slightly.

It seems that the things I am asked to do today must be very challenging!" "

Otherwise, if it is a small favor or something, Mr. Gao will definitely not mind matching his old comrades-in-arms." Gu

Chen, who understood this, retracted some of his attitude and returned to his indifferent appearance.

"This is my good brother Deng Yue, in the early years, we guarded the frontier for the motherland together!" Mr

. Gao first introduced a man whose face was full of wind and frost but was very round.

"He is now working in the second institute of our education institute in Huahai City, and I will not introduce the position much to avoid suspicion."

Gu Chen nodded in understanding, and he also took the initiative to step forward and shake hands with Deng Yue.

"Hello Mr. Deng, I am Gu Chen, the chairman of Longteng Group.

Deng Yue was also very serious, straightened his body, and shook hands with Gu Chen and said.

"We have heard of President Gu's name for a long time, and when I see me today, I really am a talent!"

"Thank you Mr. Deng for your praise, I did have a little limelight on the Internet before, but now things have passed, so I am now dedicated to the cause of education, and I need Mr. Deng's more support!"

Deng Yue laughed when he heard this.

"It's rare that Mr. Gu has such a heart, I want to thank Mr. Gu for the children who are about to study in a good school!"

Deng Yue directly gave some tone when he spoke.

Gu Chen understood that even if he couldn't talk about leaving here today, he would definitely bleed and make a minimal price.

For example, at least one school is made.

"President Gu, this is the number one of our local county government, Wu Jiale. Seeing

that Deng Yue seemed to have something to say, Mr. Gao was worried that Gu Chen's youthful grandeur would directly refuse because of Deng Yue's commanding tone, or say something that made everyone unable to get by.

So he directly began to introduce Gu Chen to the next blockbuster.

The smile on Wu Jiale's face at this moment was as if he was looking at the God of Wealth.

"Hello Mr. Gu, I'm Wu Jiale!" "

Hello Mr. Wu!" Gu

Chen smiled and stretched out his hand to Wu Jiale.

And this time it was not like it was with Deng Yue, and the two just shook hands and let go.

Wu Jiale held Gu Chen's hand very hard.

"When I saw President Gu today, I knew that President Gu, you must be a powerful patriot!" "

So I today..."

Before Wu Jiale finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mr. Gao's constant coughing.

His eyes were full of blame.

"Why is this Wu Jiale so anxious! Can these words also be said when they just met?"

Wu Jiale reacted at this time.

He hurriedly released the palm holding Gu Chen, and said with an embarrassed smile.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gu, I'm so happy to see you!" Gu

Chen looked at Wu Jiale's appearance, and always felt that he was engaged in Geng Zhi's feeling.

So Gu Chen was not too enthusiastic, just said with a hehe.

"It's okay Mr. Wu, I never care about these little things.

Wu Jiale nodded with a smile, and Mr. Gao began the introduction of the next character.

"President Gu, this is Chen Kaiming, the director of our local education institute!"

said Gu Chen when he saw a half-hundred old man with gray hair and even a little slovenly.


is nothing to introduce, mainly this secretary of mine, I need to introduce it well!"

"I am the oldest here, so I will introduce it directly." "

Probably because he wants to retire, Chen Kaiming speaks and does everything with a sense of freedom.

Gu Chen even felt that such an attitude was not bad, at least it would be more sincere than the two people behind him.


Chen Kaiming beckoned,

and the girl who had been quiet next to him stepped forward to greet Gu Chen.

Gu Chen looked at Xiao Lan, who was wearing a broken flower skirt, and the whole person exuded a campus atmosphere, and stretched out her hand.

"Hello, I'm Gu Chen. The

person called Xiaolan by Chen Kaiming had not yet spoken.

Chen Kaiming spoke in advance.

"Her name is Deng Xiaolan, her age is a secret, but she is definitely not as old as you, so you are an older brother and you have to take good care of

it in the future!" "

Xiaolan is her nickname, her favorite thing is to read and teach, and she is a rare seedling to educate well

!" "I tell you, young man, if you want to engage in school or something in the future, let Xiaolan exercise and exercise, it is definitely a very good principal seedling!"


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