Chen Kaiming's words continued to praise Xiaolan.

What future star, a pillar talent, said that Deng Xiaolan lowered her head in shame.

Mr. Gao and others also did not know what to say.

After all, Chen Kaiming's age and seniority are placed here, and they all have to call Chen Kaiming an old-timer regardless of their respective identities.

In addition, Chen Kaiming is about to retire, so whether he talks or does things, he is unscrupulous.

It doesn't matter if the situation is deadlocked.

Even Mr. Gao did not dare to interrupt Chen Kaiming casually, because he had already experienced Chen Kaiming's violent temper before.

The key is that after you are angry with him, there is no place to go back.

The most important thing is that Deng Yue, as a father, could not stop others from praising his daughter.

Wu Jiale also thought that the deeper Gu Chen's impression of their local personnel, the better, and he would not stop it.

Therefore, the scene directly became Chen Kaiming's personal solo show.

Gu Chen listened to Chen Kaiming's 360-degree praise in a different pattern, and Deng Xiaolan was a little overwhelmed.

"Lying groove, so you can say?" "

Isn't it a head." The

smile on Gu Chen's face began to stiffen a little.

Even in the end, Chen Kaiming had to say that Deng Xiaolan's ass was very good to give birth to.

"Uncle Chen, it's okay, don't say any more!" Fortunately

, in the end, Deng Xiaolan took the initiative to stop Chen Kaiming's nonsense.

Otherwise, no one knows if Chen Kaiming will pull Deng Xiaolan into what kind of fire pit in the end.

"Isn't that enough?"

Chen Kaiming smashed his mouth, seemingly a little unfinished.

Deng Xiaolan said again.

"It's really okay....Uncle Chen.

Chen Kaiming listened to Deng Xiaolan's words, with a little crying in his voice, and suddenly understood that Deng Xiaolan was forced by himself and was a little convulsed.

So he coughed silently and said.

"Okay, okay, that's all!"

Mr. Gao immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and hurriedly came up to play the round field and said.

"Okay, okay, then everyone knows each other, let's sit down first! Let the waiter serve!" Gu

Chen sat down with a stiff smile on his face.

But for a while, it remained in the bombardment of Chen Kaiming.

At this moment, even if Gu Chen didn't want to remember Deng Xiaolan, he couldn't do it.

"Mr. Gu, we arrived first, so we ordered a little dish first, here is the menu, today I will invite guests to pick and choose." Mr

. Gao handed over the menu, and Gu Chen did not have any pretentiousness.

When Gu Chen was ordering, Chen Kaiming and the others exchanged their eyes again.

Mr. Gao looked at the calm state of his old comrade-in-arms, where he didn't know that his old comrades-in-arms were going to make the place contribute.

After all, things that offend people or stammering people can be done directly by Wu Jiale.

You can sit on the fishing platform yourself.

Anyway, if there are achievements, their daughter can also fall on her head.

And if there is something, the responsibility will also be directly hung on Wu Jiale.

All he has to do is straighten the way at the most critical time.

As for the rest, he wouldn't care about it at all.

Wu Jiale's gaze never left Gu Chen.

I have been thinking about what method I should use to win Gu Chen's favor.

But after thinking about it, I couldn't find any idea to bring the relationship between the two closer in an instant, and I was very distressed.

Therefore, his gaze also means to Chen Kaiming for help from time to time.

However, at this time, Chen Kaiming seemed to have fallen into absolute meditation, and did not mean to pay attention to Wu Jiale at all.

"Okay, that's it.

Gu Chen handed the menu to Mr. Gao, who called the waiter at the door and explained silently.

And just like that, a delicious meal began his curtain.

It's just that Gu Chen would never have thought that this meal would eat him several hundred million after that.

"Mr. Gu, I will toast you with tea instead of wine!" The

atmosphere at the table was not cold at all under the stirring of Mr. Gao.

That is, when Wu Jiale raised his glass to Gu Chen, everyone silently stopped their meal.

Only Chen Kaiming was still watching Wu Jiale's actions happily.

"Well, thank you Mr. Wu!" Gu

Chen was also unambiguous, and he was not drinking, this tea was not still cup after cup.

But after drinking, Wu Jiale spoke.

"President Gu, I heard that you want to set up a private university in our territory?" Gu

Chen put down the teacup and nodded, indicating that there was indeed such a thing.

At the same time, he also looked at Mr. Gao.

Does it mean that Mr. Gao didn't tell these people all these things before, and

Mr. Gao was so seen by Gu Chen that he was going to come out to do something.

So he coughed twice and said to Wu Jiale.

"Didn't Mr. Wu already tell you the content of my phone call with Mr. Gu before?" "

Why don't you believe what I say until now?"

"If you don't trust me like this all the time, I can leave now, and I will definitely not delay you starting the chat from scratch!"

After Mr. Gao expressed his position, Wu Jiale immediately understood the truth that his progress could be faster.

So, Wu Jiale said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, I'm confused, after all, Mr. Gu's conditions in all aspects are really unbelievable!" "

I have a little doubt in my heart for safety reasons, but now it seems that I am indeed a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart!"

Wu Jiale reacted very quickly in an instant under the order of Mr. Gao.

Gu Chen was a little embarrassed.

Because this Wu Jiale seems to have never drunk water, is such a cup after cup afraid that he will eat too many dishes?

So even if he felt a little complaining in his heart, he still drank all the water in front of Wu Jiale.

After drinking, things began to enter a new round of conversation.

"Then Mr. Gu, Mr. Gao told us what you mean, it seems that the Internet town is just your second step! So what else do you have in mind

?" "Can you talk to us properly?"


Jiale still looked anxious, and did not have any intention of making Gu Chen stop.

Gu Chen glanced at Mr. Gao, who was a little embarrassed, and knew that this Wu Jiale was probably the legendary stunned blue.

As long as there is any hope for your own purpose, you will do your best to complete it.

Gu Chen has actually seen many such people.

But most of these people are very young, and there are few middle-aged men like Wu Jiale.

Because according to the standard of middle-aged men, they should be very heart-stopping.

Or rather, you won't be in a hurry because of this thing at all.

"It's actually very simple, it just takes some time to complete my plan.

Gu Chen glanced at Mr. Gao and said slowly.

"First of all, I can understand Mr. Wu's idea of revitalizing the local economy, so I never thought from the beginning that it was as simple as simply building an Internet town.

"Let me just say that I will support this private university and build my lab-on-a-chip in it."

"And I'll also put a factory in the vicinity." "

The factory of manufacturing.

"Then after I have a factory, I need people, and after I need people, I need houses for people."

"With the flow of people, the house and the place to live, what will I do when everyone starts making money?"

"People who live in this area of drainage don't need it at all, but the investment attraction is very important."

"Big international brands don't expect to value this remote area."

"But to change to other domestic brands is also very effective." "

When a set of cycles is formed, the whole plot will be revitalized."

"After that, the things to be done will be even simpler, after there is money, build roads, build roads, engage in infrastructure and production!"

"Only after the internal and external circulation is truly achieved, can the entire county be perfectly radiated, to the point where everyone can take off."

Gu Chen recounted a magnificent scene in two words.

Hearing this, Wu Jiale directly drank three more cups of tea.

But there is still no way to reduce his dry mouth by three points.

Mr. Gao was also surprised and speechless.

Although in his calculations.

It is estimated that the money spent on such a show in a small county is similar to that you set up a TV station in Huahai City

But the benefits between the two sides cannot be proportional at all.

"My Donghai Pearl Radio and Television Station will have its own foundation in my interpersonal relationships in the future, and it will almost make Gu Chen's investment return on the capital when the time comes."

"And maybe in these two years it will be profitable or something."

"But in comparison, Gu Chen is engaged in these in a small county... I really don't quite understand.

Mr. Gao was very puzzled, although he did not doubt at all whether Gu Chen could return to this matter.

But just thinking about it, the time and energy required to build these things, steps from scratch, is not something that can be summarized in a few simple words.

"And it's a shopping mall, and it's a factory, listening to Gu Chen, this means a wave of real estate?"

If this is going to be returned, what year will it be?" Mr

. Gao opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

But when the words came to his lips, he didn't know how to speak.

Especially when Mr. Gao saw his old comrade-in-arms, he didn't know when he straightened his body.

It seemed that he was intrigued by Gu Chen's words.

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