"What about you?" "

Do you believe that I believe President Gu?" Deng

Yue threw the topic and choice to Wu Jiale, instantly blinding Wu Jiale completely.

"What's the situation, why did the old leader suddenly stand on Gu Chen's side!" "

No, this is the old leader showing me the way!" Originally

, Wu Jiale's mind had not yet turned a corner, but he looked at Deng Yue's determined look.

Wu Jiale instantly pondered what he said in his mind and understood his good intentions.

He immediately said to Deng Yue.

"Of course I believe in old... I also believe in Mr. Gu's words!" "

So Mr. Gu, I can make a gentleman's agreement with you!" In

an instant, Wu Jiale seemed to have an enlightenment.

Gu Chen nodded, but also found that the relationship between Wu Jiale and Deng Yue should be unusual.

"However, it doesn't matter, anyway, as long as Wu Jiale agrees to my plan, it will be a win-win situation after all.

Gu Chen thought so and began to say slowly.

"Actually, the gentleman's agreement is that I want Mr. Wu Jiale to assure me that when I say what I think, you will still agree to some of my requests.

"Of course, these requirements are very simple for you, and they can even be said to be the most important prerequisite for me to help you turn waste into treasure."

Wu Jiale thought silently for two seconds, thinking about what was worth worrying about in his small broken county town.

Finally he said uncertainly.

"You mean, the land of our county?" Gu

Chen smiled slightly when he heard this, and nodded, indicating that it was right.

"It's the land of your county. As

a result, Wu Jiale said that he directly opened his mouth and agreed to Gu Chen.

"I thought it was something, but it turned out to be just land!" "

If Mr. Gu wants me, I can even rent it to you for free

!" "There is no need to bother so much at all!"

but Gu Chen shook his head and said.

"I'm not renting, I'm going to buy the land directly.

"70 years of property rights!" Gu

Chen's words made Wu Jiale suddenly frown.

Mr. Gao also didn't quite understand what Gu Chen wanted to do.

"I can understand that Gu Chen wants the land of Huahai City, but the land of a small county... is really a little useless." "

Wu Jiale is also a very honest person.

When he heard Gu Chen's request, which he could solve with a wave of his hand, he was silent for a little time before saying.

"But Mr. Gu....Our county hasn't been engaged in soil auctions, it's just... Say it without fear of your jokes.

"Our land was auctioned directly for 500 yuan a square, which shows that few people care about our situation."

"I really don't understand if you want land. Wu

Jiale's words made Gu Chen show a smile, at least from this paragraph, it can be judged that Wu Jiale is a fairly honest person.

"Don't worry, I naturally have my own plans!" Gu

Chen felt that he could explain his thoughts to them.

It's just a little suspected of empty gloves white wolf, and Gu Chen doesn't know if these people can accept it.

"Anyway, when the time comes, you will grant me the land, and externally, I will launch a construction tender in the name of Longteng Group. "

Let some contractors come here and work."

Of course, it is to carry out the plans I mentioned before, including Internet towns, factory buildings, factory dormitories, shopping malls and so on.

"By the way, there are still a few real estates, as well as the most important educational and medical resources, I decided to set up a fifteen-year compulsory education integrated college to come out, don't think that compulsory education can be completely free."

"When they're all greedy for uneducated, that's when I'm coveting their population."

"To put it bluntly, it's a routine of gathering people.

"The businessmen who won the tender will be crazy to come here and get a piece of the pie after seeing such a plan."

"Definitely will want to rely on our education town, the closer the Internet town is, the better."

"So how can you get as close as possible, of course, to buy a

house?" "

But where is the house? Still being built, then only from my hands!"

"But what if you think your family has a big business?" What if you think it's too expensive to take the finished house directly?"

"That's easy, the land you sold me before can be sold soon." Gu

Chen directly specified a very delicate and perfect process.

First of all, release the information of the tender yourself.

Secondly, other contractors came here to spread the word about the site.

At that time, Gu Chen can directly invest only one preliminary project payment.

Then you can use the means of selling houses, selling land, and renting land ahead of time to quickly return the cost.

Even Gu Chen estimated that as long as Wu Jiale gave himself enough land, he could make a bigger move.

In the early stage, you can not only return the capital, but even earn a sum.

It belongs to the project of the proper empty glove white wolf.

Although Gu Chen's words have taken into account that Wu Jiale does not understand economic issues very well, he has made a lot of simplifications.

But Wu Jiale still seemed to be listening to the book of heaven.

Instead, Mr. Gao and Deng Yue were lost in thought.

Especially Mr. Gao, he was very shocked in his heart.

Because he is worried about such output, such output, such capital operation.

Even the Longteng Group should have a hard time, right?"

"After all, as far as I know,

I have been called two billion yuan to build the East China Sea Pearl Radio and TV Tower.

"In the cyber war, my company's team estimated that Gu Chen consumed at least another 200 million or so.

"Coupled with the fact that my pre-construction is almost completed, it is estimated that the second additional investment will be closer to about 100 million."

"That is to say, it will cost three billion yuan just for me and the like, and now Gu Chen has proposed such a big deal in the county." "

Is he confident in the Longteng Group, or is it because the Longteng Group can't hold up now, so he wants to borrow his fame to make a wave of money?"

Suddenly, Mr. Gao fell into thought.

His sense of crisis suddenly came out.

Deng Yue was because he did not understand the investment of Longteng Group received by Mr. Gao.

So for Gu Chen's words, he was just constantly thinking about a feasibility.

In the end, Deng Yue found that Gu Chen's method was completely similar to the behavior of some real estate businessmen in Huahai City.

"After getting the land directly, build a brilliant sales office, come up with a plan and start selling the house directly.

"This way it can maximize the return on cost." "It's

just that this kind of empty glove white wolf operation was banned after it was exposed."

"So in the end, all the houses need to be filed before they can sign for online transactions."

"But there don't seem to be so many rules in this small county."

"Ng Ka Lok can do this alone under all the pressure."

Deng Yue looked at his old subordinate Wu Jiale who was still there, and he didn't know what he was thinking, so he sighed a little.

Wu Jiale is good at everything, but sometimes I really don't know how to make the right things and choices to the maximum.

But fortunately, in the end, there are always stupid people and stupid luck, and Wu Jiale can get to where he is today.

Deng Yue didn't care about Wu Jiale, anyway, he and Chen Kaiming were also present today to help him check the gate.

In fact, the problem is not very big, the main thing is actually Gu Chen here.

Although the future Gu Chen told about is really tempting. "It's

just that this is not something that ordinary people can do, first of all, the risk hedging above has to take into account many things."

"For example, if your company's name is not enough, there is no way to make such a big move."

"Even if you can start such a big movement, there is no way to do it to the end, because once no one is optimistic about this project, it will directly rot in their hands and become a rotten building." "

The initial investment will be completely lost!"

"To put it bluntly, it is the simplest, and it can't hold such a big basket."

Deng Yue looked at Gu Chen's young face, in fact, he was also worried that Gu Chen was just swollen and fat.

In this way, these people have their own ideas and think here.

Finally, it was Chen Kaiming who hummed on the side and said.

"No, Wu Jiale, what are you inking about?" "

Just think so, if you don't do it, it will be a dead end, if you don't live the economy, it will be a pool of stagnant water, and if you do it, you will have hope to turn into the sea!

"If you win, you can take off directly!" This

sentence made Wu Jiale's eyes suddenly light up, and he thought that it was indeed such a truth.

"And if you look at it this way, I don't actually have any losses, after all, I am also trying to speed up development!"

"At most, something really happens in the end, and I won't have too many things at all."

"After all, there is still Gu Chen in front!" Wu

Jiale immediately showed a smile when he thought of this.

Deng Yue glanced at Chen Kaiming, who persuaded Wu Jiale, and seemed to be a little reproachful.

As if to say.

Why do you want to do this, if there is really a problem after that, Wu Jiale will definitely find you trouble.

But Chen Kaiming directly rolled his eyes and expressed his meaning, you care about me!

Finally, Wu Jiale agreed to Gu Chen's request.

At the same time, Gu Chen also promised that Wu Jiale would go to their territory as soon as possible.

The atmosphere at the table is even more harmonious.

It's just the two witnesses, Deng Yue and Mr. Gao, who always seem to be worried.

If it weren't for the fact that all I drank this time was tea.

Mr. Gao must have borrowed wine to ask Gu Chen if he was sure of retreating.

But now, their tea is more sober the more they drink.

The brain is moving fast.

Wu Jiale seemed to be getting more and more intoxicated, and his face was rosy.

And what is more popular than Wu Jiale is actually Deng Xiaolan, who is paddling on the side the whole time...

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