As a whole paddling, Deng Xiaolan wanted to get close to Gu Chen several times.

It's just that they didn't succeed, but on the contrary, Deng Yueduo glared at her several times.

"President Gu, I'll toast you again!" Wu

Jiale was a little on top at this time, even if he didn't drink.

Because after doing so many things, he seemed to have foreseen a broad road unfolding in front of him.

Therefore, his attitude towards Gu Chen became more and more respectful.

Da had a feeling of wanting to worship Gu Chen.

In short, after three rounds of tea, Gu Chen got what he wanted.

"When I go back, I will arrange for Mr. Gu's private university to approve all

of them!"

"As for other things, I need to go back and make a good count of the area of the land." Speaking

of which, Wu Jiale was also a little nervous.

He was worried that Gu Chen would feel that he was deliberately trying to sit on the ground.

"But I definitely don't have other ideas, but there are things that I need to confirm, such as..." "

For example, the area of the land, I understand!" Before

Wu Jiale's words were finished, he was directly interrupted by Gu Chen.

He looked at Gu Chen as if he was looking at a confidant.

Although Gu Chen is younger than him, Wu Jiale does not have any contempt at all.

He even felt that Gu Chen was mature and steady, just like his own senior.

He felt that if it weren't for Gu Chen's age here, he would have called his brother.

"Yes, yes, that's the truth!" Wu

Jiale smiled happily, after all, among the people present, he could be regarded as the most rewarding.

Mr. Gao looked a little worried.

He has a lot to worry about.

For example, if Gu Chen's follow-up actions collapse, his East China Sea Pearl Radio and TV Tower plan will also be completely without financial support.

So how did he get through the most difficult early stage? relying on himself? relying on subsidies?

It's simply unrealistic

!" "No, you have to have a good chat with Gu Chen later!"

So, it took less than two hours for several people to finally finish this meal with their own hearts.

It can be regarded as almost out of the sky.

Because Gu Chen has no drinking relationship, he can still drive.

Mr. Gao seemed to want to go with Gu Chen at this time.

"Then it's here today, Mr. Gu wait for me, let's go along the way!" "

My driver thought that I would eat for a long time before going back first!" In

fact, Elder Gao always deliberately let his driver leave first, in order to have an excuse to spend time alone with Gu Chen for a while.

Of course, Gu Chen did not expose this little conspiracy of Mr. Gao.

"Okay, then we'll go first.

He smiled and said goodbye to Wu Jiale and Deng Yue's father and daughter.

Deng Xiaolan obviously had something to say, but was stopped by her own father.

That resentful look made Gu Chen unable to see why.

I thought she had suffered some injustice.

"But this has nothing to do with me!" After

the rearview mirror saw that he had driven a distance, Wu Jiale was still in place and waved his hand excitedly to say goodbye.

Gu Chen knew that this guy was either an honest person or a character with a deep heart.

Mr. Gao, who happened to know Wu Jiale's details, was sitting in his car.

I can just understand this Wu Jiale's personality with the boss, and if the future of the province is pitted by this guy when cooperating, there is no place to reason.

As the saying goes, the heart of harm must not be dispensed with, and the heart of defense must not be dispensable.

"Brother Gao, what kind of person do you say this Wu Jiale is?" Who

knew that this old man Gao originally wanted to knock Gu Chen a little.

Hearing Gu Chen's question, he immediately understood that Gu Chen was still fighting the land issue under Wu Jiale's jurisdiction.

"Brother Gu, it's really not me talking about you, why do you still think about these things now!"

"Do you really want to risk such a big project?" "

Although I know that your Longteng Group has a big business, you can't joke with your own life, right?"

What's more, the most important thing is that if you dare to take risks, do the people in your Dragon Teng Group also dare to take risks with you?"

"You always have to think about them!"

Gu Chen's brows furrowed slightly and glanced at Mr. Gao through the rearview mirror.

If it weren't for the fact that Mr. Gao looked very anxious, he was thinking about himself.

I'm afraid that Gu Chen has now stopped and threw him out of the car.

However, Gu Chen thought that he still had a place to use this senior boss, so he didn't say much.

Just silently turned the car into a dark corner, and the dim light was not far ahead.

As if as long as Gu Chen thinks, he can put himself in the light.

But now Gu Chen only wants to say two words to Mr. Gao that are not very bright.

"Brother Gao, are you saying that I am too greedy for temporary interests and may suffer a big loss?"

"It seems that Brother Gao knows a lot of inside information."

"If Brother Gao is really worried about my investment, why don't you just tell me everything I want to know?"


Chen meant to tell Mr. Gao that he still held his ultimate goal, which was the plan for the East China Sea Pearl Radio and TV Tower.

If there is any financial flaw in this case, everything will be finished for Mr. Gao.

I just want to tell you that some things are not as simple as you think, and there will be a gap between the blueprint and reality after all!"

Mr. Gao sighed, as if he was really concerned about Gu Chen's future.

"I know Senior Brother Gao!" Gu

Chen smiled when he heard this, and did not continue the yin and yang strange qi.

"It's just that you remember what I said, either don't do it or just do your best!"

"I'm not talking about playfulness, since they all want to develop, then I'll give them development." Mr

. Gao still couldn't understand.

"Then you are equivalent to sending money and grades to them, for what, you!" It

is impossible to understand that although Gu Chen can be rewarded, the big head is not here after all.

But Gu Chen shook his head again.

"Brother Gao, don't mind if I say something unpleasant

!" "Well, you say, as long as you say a convincing reason today, you can do whatever you want me to do!"

Gu Chen said directly, allowing Mr. Gao's interest to completely recover.

"As soon as you talk about this, I can't tell you

it!" "

Many people directly began to prepare gifts without saying a word after receiving my invitation!"

"Even guess what, some people came to me on the other side of the ocean to send me an international courier.

"Inside is actually a precious foreign handicraft!" "

In short, this wave is about to become the most luxurious extras I have received in so many years." When

Gu Chen heard Mr. Gao say this, he knew that the matter of sending out the invitation letter went smoothly.

So Gu Chen smiled and made more demands.

"Since you look so relaxed, Brother Gao, I want you to help me find talents.

"But this time the requirements will not be as high as looking for a vice president!" "

Some engineers who pioneered the mountain or civil engineers can do it!" When

Gu Chen saw that he had just said that sentence, Mr. Gao's face suddenly became very difficult to look at.

He knew it might be a little difficult for him.

But fortunately, Gu Chen had already prepared and directly said some of the requirements after that.

This made Mr. Gao's face a little better.

"This thing is easy to handle, I have been in Huahai City for so many years, and I also have some interpersonal networks!"

"I will directly send invitations to some bosses who are engaged in engineering, just." Halfway

through Mr. Gao's words, he suddenly felt a little hesitant.

"But the problem is that these engineers you mentioned don't actually have that many qualifications to come to our inner hall.

"Inner hall?" Gu

Chen was curious about what this inner hall was.

Mr. Gao began to explain to Gu Chen.

"The so-called inner hall is where those of us with similar status gather!"

"Like these ordinary bosses, they will gather in the outer hall."

Gu Chen then realized that it turned out that Mr. Gao had already given the banquet position for his mother's eighty-eighth birthday.

It is a super luxurious castle covering an area of more than 2,000 square meters.

Just on the outskirts of Huahai City, it is a special venue specially used as a super banquet.

Only the really rich can afford the cost of such a venue.

"So, when the time comes, we will set up a total of three floors of areas to separate, or divide circles.

"The first floor is naturally where we are!" "

The second floor is the place for some ordinary bosses."

"Of course, how could I waste the huge green grass in this manor?"

"I will set up a flowing water feast of Western food outside, and those with the lowest status will eat and drink on the outer layer of this third floor." When

Gu Chen heard Mr. Gao say this, he immediately understood what Mr. Gao meant.

"You are worried that in order to recruit these ordinary employees, I will ignore these guests who came at that time. "

As a result, his reputation was damaged!" Gu

Chen said directly.

But Mr. Gao shook his head and said that what he thought of was not so simple.

"No, it was you who broke the class. Gu

Chen's face was full of doubts, did he live in the past

now?" "Or does the Renaissance like to engage in this thing now?"

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