Gu Chen's expression was a little blurry in the dark.

But the doubts in his eyes were completely seen by Mr. Gao.

"Because, you are in Huahai City, and people here pay more attention to this kind of thing.

"It's that when you are a boss, you must pay attention to your attitude, you can be a corporal but only in your own company, not in public."

"Otherwise, they will have a big opinion..." Gu

Chen listened to this, and always felt that he seemed to have something in his words.

"And who are they?" Gu

Chen just wanted to ask Mr. Gao about the situation, who knew that Mr. Gao probably realized that he seemed to have said something wrong.

Not only did he choose to avoid this topic, but he was even a little cranky.

"Anyway, you don't have to do that. Other things you'd better discover for yourself.

"Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to tell you some of the hidden secrets of Huahai City!

Gu Chen listened to Mr. Gao's somewhat weak look, and immediately understood that Mr. Gao knew some shady things.

"I always think it may have a lot to do with the hackers that appeared on the network before.

"And the Zhou family on Huamu Road..."

"So what Mr. Gao said will be those old guys?" Thinking

so, Gu Chen was a little looking forward to the eighty-eighth birthday of Mr. Gao's mother in his heart.

"It should be fun!" "

Don't let me grab your tail then!"

said Mr. Gao in a change of subject.

"But then again, why are you so confident and engaged in school and construction."

"What the hell do you want to do, Brother Gu." Gu

Chen watched Mr. Gao change the topic and didn't bother too much, after all, you can never wake up a person who pretends to sleep.

It is also never possible to make a person who wants to lie confess and be lenient.

"All I want to do is....the three caves of the rabbit?" "

To put it bluntly, I think the current situation in Huahai City really has a lot of room for development."

"But if I want to broaden my business routes, I can't have my own factory without my own base." "It's

like when I used to make an old man's machine, I used someone else's assembly line."

"In fact, I had this idea at that time, why can't I have my own factory specializing in the production of mobile phone parts and then splicing?"

"Even if the sales of old age machines in the later stage are okay, I can not only have more money to make old age machines, I can also expand my own assembly line."

"You know what I mean? It's called reducing costs, reducing expenses.

"I have calculated an account before, excluding labor costs, my net profit can grow rapidly after having my own factory floor!"

Gu Chen began to slowly tell about his grand cause.

Hearing this, Elder Gao was always stunned.

Almost after Gu Chen said something, he spoke.

So, from the beginning, your purpose was actually to start a foundry, and the so-called school was just an excuse for you.

"Is it completely used by you as a springboard?"

Mr. Gao was taken aback by his own speculation.

"Because if this is the case, he has directly fallen into Gu Chen's scheme from the beginning.

"From the very beginning, let yourself contact the people who arranged the education institute to solve this problem, it is all paving the way for the future!"

"Even if you think a little deeper and more terrible, Gu Chen has long known the relationship between me and my old comrades-in-arms, and found out the physiological relationship between Deng Yue and Deng Xiaolan..."

"That is to say, Gu Chen calculated all of us.

"After all, if Gu Chen opens his mouth, he wants to build an Internet town, and if he wants to build so many house malls, he will definitely be blocked." Or it was raised by Wu Jiale's back.

"But if you just want to start a school, but Wu Jiale asked Gu Chen to drive the economy or something, this relationship needs have completely changed all of a sudden."

"The supply-demand relationship, or the active and passive position, changed all of a sudden. Mr

. Gao felt a little chill in his heart, he thought to himself.

"Gu Chen won't be some kind of heir who ran out of the hell, why is there so much planning and such a strong scheming!"

"Could it be invisibly, I have long fallen into his scheme." Gu

Chen saw that Mr. Gao began to fall into deep thought and not speak after he finished his purpose, and he was a little strange in his heart.

"Why did this guy suddenly become so silent, did I say the wrong thing?" "

Or do my reasons seem too immature or strange to him?"

Gu Chen, who was very strange in his heart, asked again.

"Brother Gao?" Who

knew that this boss Gao seemed to have touched some switch, and the brush moved.

Directly because the amplitude was too large, his head hit the roof of the car, and he snorted violently.


shouted Mr. Gao as he touched his head, avoiding Gu Chen's topic at the same time.

"Eh, Brother Gao is okay, did I scare you?" he

thought to himself, he didn't shout loudly, this boss Gao's reaction was too big.

But who knows, this Gao boss's reaction is not only big but also fast.

"Ah scared, yes, it's not that you scared me! I was originally older, it was easier to eat and feel a little sleepy

!" "Just now I was about to fall asleep! Who knew that Brother Gu, you suddenly called

me!" "But it's okay, you just let me get off here, I'll walk a little way, let my driver pick me up!"

Gu Chen looked at Mr. Gao's face full of disdain, and felt that what Mr. Gao said should be true.

Since this was the case, Gu Chen thought of going back to accompany Chu Xinyi as soon as possible.

I don't want to stay with the boss more, and it will be too much time to send him home when the time comes.

"Since that's the case, is it really okay?" "

Then I'll put you here and get off the car!" Gu

Chen asked twice, and Mr. Gao nodded in a hurry to indicate that he was right here!

Mr. Gao, who breathed fresh air, suddenly felt that the whole person seemed to be reborn.

"Finally got out of the car!" Watching

Gu Chen's car drive away for a long distance, Mr. Gao silently breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that I got along with Gu Chen a little too much before!" "

It is better to keep a little distance, otherwise if Gu Chen suddenly reveals his true face one day, won't I suffer the disaster of pond fish?"

Mr. Gao pulled out a file bag and took out his mobile phone to dial the driver's number.

Gu Chen saw Mr. Gao's figure in place in the rear mirror, gradually disappearing into the darkness, and did not say anything.

I just think that today's boss Gao is full of mystery.

"This guy must have something hiding from me, and it's definitely the kind of relationship that has something to do with me and has a bit of a conflict of interest."

"Forget it, there is no chance to talk today, let's wait for the next time!" "

And I always feel that I can encounter a lot of interesting things on his mother's eighty-eighth birthday!"

Gu Chen thought, and the speed of the car increased by three points.

Soon returned to his home, pushed open the heavy doors, Chu Xinyi had already completed the day's work.

He was lighting some aromatherapy and exercising under the sound of wonderful music.

With the ups and downs of the stretching movement, her stomach is also constantly bulging and lying flat is very magical.

Gu Chen did not disturb Chu Xinyi, who showed his soft body at this moment.

Instead, he silently threw aside the things in his hand and watched Chu Xinyi exercise here.

It's just that soon Gu Chen felt that such a far-sighted view could not be profane, and the feeling was a little uncomfortable.

So I silently went to take a bath and joined the exercise.

Soon, the two's campaign ended.

The sky had completely darkened, and the dark clouds of the starry sky also took away their palms to reveal the bright white moonlight.

Gu Chen gently stroked Chu Xinyi's face and helped her comb her hair.

"Don't want to know..."

Gu Chen felt at this time that it was a good time to prove himself.

He wanted to tell Chu Xinyi that he had nothing to do with that Tang Xinwei.

It's just that at this time, Chu Xinyi just wants to sleep at all, and doesn't want to do other things at all.

"Then we'll sleep."

After turning off the lights, Gu Chen hugged Chu Xinyi and fell into a deep sleep.

The corners of Chu Xinyi's mouth rose slightly, revealing a very satisfied smile.

Gu Chen didn't know anything about this.

The next day, neither of them rushed to work.

After all, I was a little tired last night, and it is normal to take a break.

Directly around eleven o'clock, Gu Chen was woken up by the vibration of his mobile phone.

It's just that Gu Chen didn't make sense of it the first time.

It was not until the second and third times that Gu Chen was alarmed, and the fourth time Gu Chen silently connected the phone.

"Hey?" "

Gu Chen is me, Gu Xiao, are you okay!" Just

after connecting the phone, Gu Xiao's nervous voice came from the other end.

"I'm okay, what's wrong?" "

I'm scared to death, I've called you many times, thinking that you are sending messages in a meeting, who knows that you won't return messages

!" "I almost thought that your super rich man was kidnapped!"


Chen was still a little confused when he heard this.

Who was kidnapped?"

Gu Xiao was a little speechless, and was silent for a while before continuing.

"This is not the point, the point is that our advertisement has finally been edited

!" "If you have time, come and take a look, otherwise Son Zhengyi and I will really pass out this time!"

When Gu Chen heard this, something suddenly seemed to appear in his mind.

A luxurious car whizzed past him.

The powerful air flow flips itself to the ground.

The intense pain made Gu Chen finally wake up.

"yes, I almost forgot, it's the third day!"

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