Gu Chen followed Gu Xiao's footsteps to a room covered with curtains.

The curtain in the middle has long been prepared.

It was arranged in the perfect position.

Jiang Min was naturally with him because he was brought by Gu Chen.

"Brother Gu Chen, it's so dark. "

It's just that Jiang Min seems to think that the conditions here are very perfect, and it can be called the best date place."

If it weren't for the fact that there were too many people around, she would simply have to try to go there and Gu Chen.

After Gu Chen sat down, Gu Xiao began to prepare the advertisement to play without any hesitation.

The first is a one-minute ad.

"Huh. When

the first scene appeared, Gu Chen found that the wind and sand in the sky at the beginning was actually an ancient wind scene.

The texture looks very good.

So much so that Jiang Min's whole mind was originally hung on Gu Chen.

But now I am attracted by this movie-like advertisement.

"Where is the end of the world. "

The Swedes have passed away and their souls have died. With

the narration of two residual verses.

The desert loess is one after another, under the majestic sunset, between the peaks above the city wall, two figures, one green and one white, appear in the picture.

The wind and sand rose, and the real shadow of the roller curtain was actually two fairy-looking female warriors.

Gu Chen was a little dumbfounded, what is this unfolding?

Jiang Min felt a little energetic.

Gu Chen turned his head to look at Xin Yu and Xiao Ruoyi in the light and shadow.

"Costume rival scene?"

"But are we shooting a modern app or an app that helps people choose a car!" For

a moment, Gu Chen felt that Gu Xiao had misplaced the film or something.

But when Gu Chen looked at Gu Xiao, the latter's attention had been diverted from Xiao Ruoyi on the screen.

I guess I am still chanting the goddess and goddess.

"Okay. "

What else can Gu Chen say about this?

Gu Chen thought so, and shifted his gaze to the curtain again.

At this time, the two seemed to be a kind of life-and-death enemies, and soon fought.

But in just three seconds, they crossed into modern time and space because of a thunderstorm.

Seeing this, a strange look had appeared on Gu Chen's face.

Then I saw that the two also picked up a mobile phone and got the prompt on the mobile phone.

When I finally found a Shenzhou car flashing with thunder, the display on the mobile phone popped up again to understand the three words of car king.

All the parameters of this Shenzhou car are perfectly displayed.

After the two actually entered this Shenzhou car, it actually moved on its own.

Gu Chen, who looked at it, was simply full of doubts.

Jiang Min covered his mouth, as if he was very satisfied or very surprised by this change.

But I don't know why Gu Chen had a very contradictory feeling in his heart.

It's as if you were obviously going to eat a normal Eastern Asian meal, and someone else brought you a bunch of Western food.

Although it tastes good, after all, the texture of this advertisement, the appearance of the two actresses is also very resistant here.

But it's very wrong.

So much so that when the last two returned to their time in this Shenzhou car, the advertisement ended.

The lights were immediately turned on, and the people around them began to applaud wildly.

Gu Chen also came silently twice in order not to make the scene too embarrassing.

Jiang Min seems to have been evoked by such a scene as an actor's dream in his heart.

"Brother Gu Chen, they shot so well, I also want to make a movie!" Saying

that, Jiang Min saw Xiao Ruoyi and Xin Yu standing on the side, and she immediately rushed over.

"Don't ask me why, because my hunch is very accurate, you will definitely be able to become big stars in the future! Jiang

Min actually judged very correctly, because Gu Chen had long planned to hold the two of them.

In the future, after Chen Yu has calculated the valuation of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd., Gu Chen began the acquisition plan.

Xin Yu and Xiao Ruoyi will become the first artists in his new cultural media company.

At that time, Gu Chen will definitely pour a lot of resources into them.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of the talents of the two of them.

And now, in the face of Jiang Min's request, Xiao Ruoyi agreed very generously.

He took out the black pen he was carrying with him and signed it from a notebook that Jiang Min was carrying.

Xin Yu looked a little embarrassed, because she didn't always carry a black pen for signing like Xiao Ruoyi.

However, when she received Xiao Ruoyi's black pen, her signature speed and artistic complexity were a little better than Xiao Ruoyi.

After all, Xin Yu, who has always had a dream of debuting, how could he not fantasize about signing autographs for his fan brothers and sisters.

It must have been exercised a long time ago, and now this operation is simply trivial to her.

When Xiao Ruoyi took the pen, she also took a deep look at the comparison between herself and Xin Yu's signature.

I decided that after I went back today, I would exercise my artistic signature.

Jiang Min happily took the notebook and looked at the two signatures on it and smiled.

"Sister Xiao Ruoyi, and sister Xin Yu, then we can be considered to have officially met today!" "

My name is Jiang Min! It's nice to meet you!" Jiang

Min put away his notebook with a smile and stretched out his palm to Xiao Ruoyi and the two crossed.

This strange handshake made Xiao Ruoyi and Xin Yu both look at each other silently.

It seems that they all saw a little helpless expression in each other's eyes.

But in the end, the three shook hands at the same time.

This has to talk about Jiang Min's ingenuity.

She judged from the fact that neither of them signed the same page, and she judged that the two should be as discordant as they were at the beginning of the advertisement.

Then no matter who she asks first, her hand will definitely cause another unhappiness.

If that's the case, just come up with a simultaneous handshake that looks embarrassing but doesn't have any problems.

Xiao Ruoyi and Xin Yu couldn't figure out the origin of this Jiang Min, of course, they wouldn't offend her who was following the gold lord.

Gu Chen looked at this perfect scene and didn't know what to say.

Instead, Sun Zhengyi looked at this scene and came to Gu Chen's side.

"Xin Yu and Xiao Ruoyi's relationship is so good!" "

Mr. Gu, I think if you plan to let Xin Yu make a movie in the future, you can completely let Xiao Ruoyi participate in it!"

"We can also hype a CP out, and then we won't worry about the movie not selling! Right?"

Gu Chen glanced at this Son Zhengyi with an uncle's smile on his face, he really didn't expect that this Son Zhengyi actually had this kind of proclivity.

However, if you think about it this way, it is not impossible.

Gu Chen kept this idea in his heart.

Coughing twice at the same time, he temporarily brought this topic over and began to ask Son.

"How do you think this ad was filmed. "

Originally, Gu Chen thought that Son Zhengyi would say that he had a good shooting during this time, and this theme was not very good to rectify, or something as an excuse to cover up his shooting mistakes or something.

Who knew that this Son Zhengyi actually said very frankly.

"Mr. Gu, I know what you want to say, in fact, I also think that my shooting this time is not very good! It can even be said that the level is very bad

!" "Because I have never shot other works some time ago, I lack a control over how to shoot a story, and the things I shoot have a meaning that I can't stand myself!"

"So Gu Chen, I'm sorry for you this time!"

said Son Zhengyi and bowed towards Gu Chen, so that Gu Chen didn't know what to say for a while.

"Okay, okay, let you say everything, then what do I say?" "

Get up, it's also a big director, can't you have some confidence in your own work?

Still continued.

"But this is indeed my problem, and there is absolutely no way to refute this! So Mr. Gu, don't make excuses for me!" "

I know you want to protect my face, but what an old director who can't make good works needs is to spur

me up!"

Son Zhengyi said it very thoroughly, so thorough that Gu Chen didn't know what to say.

Originally, I wanted to ask Son Masayoshi whether it was appropriate for you to understand the first advertisement of Che King.

Now that the words come to my lips, I don't know where to ask.

Gu Chen could only silently put his gaze on Gu Xiao, who had been snickering on the other side.

This made Gu Chen a little strange.

You, as this assistant director, the director did not shoot a good advertisement, do you not have responsibility.

"What are you laughing at?" So

Gu Chen looked at Gu Xiao.

"No, I'm just a little twitching in my mouth, I'm scared!"

"After all, Gu Chen, you gave us so much money, but we actually shot this kind of thing, it's really a little unspeakable."

"That must be worrying and scared, this worry and fear, there must be a little movement and small expression!"

Gu Chen listened to Gu

Xiao's reason, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

I just think that today's Son Masayoshi and Gu Xiao are a little bit not normal.

But since such advertisements have already appeared, there is no way.

All have been filmed, and the hot search for the car king app has also begun, if you stop going online at this time.

That's waste.

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