Gu Chen would not do such a thing as giving up the right time and place.

So he shook his head helplessly and said.

"Okay, okay, now that the ad has been filmed.

"Then start arranging the delivery as soon as possible, and I'll give me a copy of the master."

"I'll bring it back to the Longteng Group to show Wang Zhi and them."

With Gu Chen's order, Son Masayoshi immediately began to act.

And after Gu Xiao saw Son Zhengyi leave, the corners of his mouth were still "twitching".

And the pumping is getting bigger and bigger.

Gu Chen was a little curious, why was he so afraid.

So Gu Chen directly stepped forward and grabbed Gu Xiao's shoulder and began to say.

"You kid seems to be hiding something from me, say it quickly!" Gu

Xiao didn't use the corners of his mouth to disguise himself at this time.

He directly laughed twice, did not hold back and continued.

"No, how can I hide from you, hahaha!" "

Still say no, isn't your expression obvious enough?"

Gu Chen strangled Gu

Xiao's neck fiercely, as if he was a child, he came to force a confession.

Gu Xiao said in a thoughtful manner.

"Violent maniac, violent maniac, okay, I'll just say it! Let go of me!" "


Gu Chen let go of Gu

Xiao, in fact, he didn't use any force just now, Gu Xiao was also performing a very hurt look.

Such games they used to play as children.

After coughing twice, Gu Xiao told the truth.

"In fact, Son Zhengyi Ah deliberately filmed his own story so contrary. Gu

Chen was suddenly a little confused when he heard this.

"No, it's his comeback for so long, why did he do it. "

Isn't this harmful to others and to oneself?"

Gu Chen raised his question, but Gu Xiao shook his head and said that we were still too young and thought too little.

Son didn't care about these famous people, in fact, he had already thought of the follow-up to everything.

"I also discovered his purpose because I had been following him!"

"I really didn't expect Son Zheng, a guy with thick eyebrows, to play so deeply."

"First of all, the most important point, how do you think this advertisement is shooting, just put aside its storytelling coherence, just look at its composition, its photographic means, and the structure of the actors!"

Gu Chen listened to Gu

Xiao's words and recalled the freshly baked advertising blockbuster in his mind.

"Indeed, it has a very cinematic texture! And Xiao Ruoyi and Xin Yu are also shot very perfectly, highlighting the beautiful appearance of the two.

"So, he actually has the ability to shoot the story well, but deliberately didn't do it?" Gu

Xiao nodded, indicating that yes, that's it.

And he has two purposes, the first is to use his own garbage story to set off your later creativity.

"What?" When

he heard the first purpose that Gu Xiao said, Gu Chen was still a little puzzled.

"Yes, you heard it right, just to set you off.

"To put it bluntly, it's to shoot your, because he knows that you are your own gold master, if your creative advertisement is not as good as his after it is shot, won't it hit you in the face?"

"But I don't have this idea either!"

Gu Chen said to Gu

Xiao that he didn't care about these false names at all.

But Gu Xiao shook his head, and his face became very serious.

"Gu Chen, it's not right Mr. Gu, you're far more important than you think, and your face is much heavier than you think!"

"Yes, you can indeed not care about these things, but Son Zhengyi, who has been hit by many times in life, cannot ignore your attitude and your reaction.

"He definitely has a lot to think about! like how to please you."

"That's the benefit of status and status, and money."

Finally, Gu Xiao, who had profoundly explained the reason, finished the last sentence in a deep tone.

Gu Chen didn't know what to say.

"So, when he understood this, he definitely had to make some means."

"And don't think his purpose ends here."

"The front part of him is not just like the texture of a movie, but really a movie."

"Because this is what he took from his own films."

"The latter part is the advertisement that understands the car king."

Then Gu Xiao told another sentence that made Gu Chen puzzled.

"No, what is a movie to shoot?" "

Has he started making movies?"

Gu Chen raised this question, and Gu

Xiao answered it for the first time.

"Yes, when you have Xin Yu and Xiao Ruoyi, two people who are born to eat actor's rice, how can you just use them to shoot advertisements, not to mention that you give a lot of start-up capital, which can fully support a period of shooting."

That was his second purpose.

"First of all, you will definitely promote his advertisement, so he made his ten successes, shooting Xin Yu and Xiao Ruoyi so beautifully, is to hope that more people are curious about their future cooperation!"

"Then he was able to attract a wave of fans with that CP gimmick that I told you about earlier." "

It's simply a marketing ghost, you know!" Gu

Xiaoyue said, the more excited he became.

It was as if he had become Son Masayoshi, or had already seen that kind of scene.

But Gu Chen didn't know what to say.

"Isn't this equivalent to the private use of a public car, this Son Zhengyi is really a little traitor with thick eyebrows!"

Gu Chen's words made Gu

Xiao not know what to say.

Because he suddenly felt that he and Gu Chen said so many things, it seemed that there was always a feeling that he was exposing Son Zhengyi's old base behind his back and saying bad things about him.

Therefore, after Gu Xiao understood this, he quickly began to rescue himself and save Son Zhengyi.

"Ahem, but the final income is all Gu Chen's yours, you think, whether it is the income of the final movie, or Xin Yu, her development is not a bad thing for you, right!"

Gu Chen looked at Gu Xiao, who was nervous, and waved his hand.

"Why are you so nervous, it's okay, I don't care about these things.

"I'm just thinking, what is the situation of Son's movie, I also plan to let Xin Yu shoot a costume movie, this will not directly crash, if it causes the audience's aesthetic fatigue, it will be embarrassing."

Gu Xiao listened to Gu Chen's story, and his heart suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that after he told Gu Chen the truth, Gu Chen would be angry in his heart, and then directly beat Son Zhengyi into the cold palace or something.

Then he Gu Xiao is a super sinner.

But if he didn't say anything, Gu Xiao was afraid that Gu Chen would feel that he had hired a waste to shoot an advertisement and directly killed Son Zhengyi later.

Fortunately, Gu Chen didn't think about anything in the end.

"Movie, I don't know what Gu Chen thinks, but Son Zhengyi's words I think it should not be traditional martial arts.

"So it depends on what style you guys have." "

If there is nothing to do with each other, I don't think it's a big problem!"

Gu Xiao said, Gu Chen thoughtfully.

"That's okay, what I'm going to shoot is a traditional martial arts costume movie, since this is the case, there will be no conflict between the two." This

ending can be said to be a happy one, and Son Masayoshi also came with a copy of his master.

"President Gu!"

he respectfully handed the mother tape to Gu Chen, who took a look at Son Masayoshi.

Son smiled very respectfully.

"In fact, you shot well, at least some places took Xin Yu and Xiao Ruoyi very well."

Gu Chen patted his shoulder and praised.

However, Son Zhengyi did not stop all the credit on himself, but said with a smile.

"This is not the credit of me alone, Gu Xiao has also put a lot of effort into the styling of the two actors, to study the costume style for a long time, which is admirable, which is the style of Xin Yu and Xiao Ruoyi. Probably

because they heard that they were being talked about, Xiao Ruoyi and Xin Yu brought Jiang Min to Gu Chen and the others.

"What are you talking about?"

Xin Yu said with a big grin.

"I'm praising you and Xiao Ruoyi for being beautiful."

Gu Chen said with a smile as he looked at this female warrior who he had single-handedly discovered.

It was also this phrase that started everyone's business blowing each other, and they all touted each other at this time.

Gu Chen finally beckoned.

"Okay, okay, I know that your team is very good, don't show me off!" "

It's a little strange to me, it seems that you are very busy all the time, isn't the first ad over?"

When Gu Chen said this, everyone's eyes turned to Son Zhengyi.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on the latter's forehead.

"Wouldn't it be embarrassing to let Gu Chen know that I used the money from his advertising to shoot my own movie?" Therefore

, Son Masayoshi could only cover up this matter by telling a lie that was not a lie.

"Ah, this is because, when we communicated with the person in charge of the Longteng Group to understand the car king app and wanted a running software that understands the car king, we learned about this powerful function of the car king!"

"So we must strike while the iron is hot, and it must be a little faster to speed up the second advertisement!

After hearing Sun Zhengyi's explanation, Gu Chen raised his head and let out a long sigh.

"Is this actually the case?" "

Then I don't know when Director Sun will be able to shoot my creative advertisement in this high-speed working environment?" In

the face of Gu Chen's professional problems involving himself, Son Zhengyi did not have any hesitation to give a very accurate time.

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