"Report Mr. Gu, we can guarantee that the second section of work will be completed in a week's time!"

Gu Chen nodded silently after hearing this.

"Well, since that's the case, then a week later, bring the master tape to the Longteng Group for me to review and review!" Sun

Zhengyi, who had made the military order, nodded and said that there was no problem!

"Then I'll go!"

Gu Xiao nodded, and did not leave Gu

Chen to continue to eat and visit next.

Because he also knew that Gu Chen was a busy person.

It is impossible to waste time on such trifles.

Jiang Min also said goodbye to Xiao Ruoyi and Xin Yu, and left with Gu Chen.

Zhou Lele in the crowd had a strange light flashing in his eyes.

He silently followed, found an excuse to leave the crowd, and ran in a circle to Gu Chen's car sweating.

At this time, Gu Chen happened to come with Jiang Min.

The two were still talking.

"Brother Gu Chen, you seem to be quite happy!" "

Is it because this advertisement was shot too well?" The

smile on Gu Chen's face caught Jiang Min's attention.

But he didn't laugh at all because the commercial was filmed well.

"Of course not, I'm laughing because I didn't look at the wrong person, Xin Yu is really too suitable for ancient costumes

!" "The effect is so good that it is a little beyond my expectations!"


Chen told the reason why he laughed.

Jiang Min also began to try to recall the difference between Xin Yu and Xiao Ruoyi because of Gu Chen's words.

"You seem to be really when you say this, Xiao Ruoyi is just a form, and Xin Yu is indeed a god!"

"There is a completely different style between the two!"

Xin Yu said as his face became very exciting.

"It seems that Sister Xin Yu has a charm on her, it seems that the signatures of both of us are correct!" "

But it is wrong not to let the two people, no, it is wrong to not let Xin Yu sign a few more names!" Speaking

of this, Jiang Min felt a little regretful.

However, Gu Chen directly opened his mouth to comfort her.

"This is not a problem, I will sign this Xin Yu in the future, and then you can let her sign a few more for you!" Jiang

Min immediately changed his little face that was a little sad and turned into a smiling look.

"It's also oh, I almost forgot this truth! Then I will thank Brother Gu Chen in advance.

"What is there to thank you for, fool!"

Gu Chen shook his head and prepared to open the door, who knew that at this time a dark shadow suddenly popped up on the side.

Gu Chen subconsciously protected Jiang Min behind him.


Zhou Lele panted and waved his hand at Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

"Don't, don't! Don't be nervous! Gu Chen is always me! Zhou Lele of photography!" When

Gu Chen heard this, he noticed the familiar and unfamiliar face of the person who came.

Sure enough, it was a kid from the Zhou family on Huamu Road before.

It's you.

But after seeing who was coming, Gu Chen's inner vigilance did not decrease at all.

On the contrary, they have become more vigilant.

"Is there something wrong with me?"

asked Gu Chen lightly, and at the same time gave his car keys to Jiang Min, letting Jiang Min go to the car first, and if there was any problem, he could leave directly.

But Jiang Min probably guessed Gu Chen's intentions, but instead firmed his steps and stayed behind Gu Chen silently.

Tightly grasped the corner of Gu Chen's clothes, did not loosen it, and did not mean to leave.

At the same time, Jiang Min's heart is also very warm.

When Gu Chen appeared in front of him and helped him block all dangers, Jiang Min's sense of security in his heart completely exploded!

If it weren't for the fact that there was still Zhou Lele in front of him now, I am afraid that Jiang Min would have thrown himself into Gu Chen's arms at this time.

"So, what the hell is going on with you?" However

, Gu Chen didn't have any extra thoughts on Jiang Min now.

Because of the origin of Zhou Lele in front of him, Gu Chen instinctively felt uneasy.

Especially now that Zhou Lele suddenly jumped out, he was panting non-stop, just not speaking, which made Gu Chen feel strange.

So Gu Chen asked again, and Zhou Lele woke up from his running state.

"President Gu, I have something to report to you!" Zhou

Lele's words made Gu Chen feel strange, what could he report to himself.

"Then tell me about it.

Gu Chen gave Zhou Lele the opportunity to speak, and he didn't waste it.

At the same time, he was secretly happy in his heart.

"Okay, finally let me find a chance to get close to Gu Chen!My stupid brother, I will definitely let you know how powerful your brother is! How capable he is

!" "As long as I use the money from Son Zhengyi secretly using Gu Chen to shoot his own movie clips!"

Isn't this directly penetrating Gu Chen's interior?" "

At that time, I will slowly climb up in the Dragon Teng Group and improve my status, won't I be able to directly complete my brother's task!"

"Actually, the thing I want to say is very simple.

Then Zhou Lele told what he knew that Son Masayoshi was doing secretly.

Hearing this, Jiang Min's eyes widened, feeling that Son Zhengyi was very hateful, and he actually did this kind of thing with Gu Chen's money! "It's so abominable! This Son Zhengyi should be sanctioned!"

She roared and wanted to replace Gu Chen to sanction Son Zhengyi

, after all, from the bottom of her heart, Jiang Min was a friendly army standing on Gu Chen's


Or a staunch advocate.

However, Gu Chen's expression did not change at all, and he didn't even have any angry looks.

He even stopped Jiang Min, who was running away behind him.

"Calm down, it's not something that can be solved by doing. Gu

Chen thought a lot.

"Judging from his various behaviors before, Zhou Lele

should be Son Zhengyi's talent, and logically speaking, he should desperately defend Son Zhengyi."

"After all, he was snatched out of Huamu Road by Son Zhengyi at the beginning, but now Zhou Lele's backstabbing behavior just proves that those scenes at that time should be a big drama, and he should have been deliberately released by the Zhou family."

"So now this act of snitching is just to get closer to me! Gu

Chen figured out a lot of things in an instant, and he also figured out that Zhou Lele had finally exposed himself and collapsed his personality now.

Revealed his identity as an undercover agent.

"Sure enough, it's actually coming at me!" After

Gu Chen knew the identity and purpose of this Zhou Lele, he did not show any expression.

On the contrary, he felt that he could act according to this situation.

"Maybe you can get a little special surprise from Zhou Lele's body this time!" Thinking

so, Gu Chen scanned Zhou Lele with his own eyes, and only after seeing Zhou Lele covered in hair did he speak.

"So, what evidence do you have?"

Zhou Lele immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, the first step of the plan had been successful, and the next time was his performance moment.

"Of course I can prove it, because I'm Son's royal photographer!"

said Zhou Lele, taking out his mobile phone to show Gu Chen some of the evidence he had taken.

It even includes a little photo of the script.

This made Jiang Min look even more angry.

"This Son Zhengyi is really making a movie, no wonder I didn't feel right from the beginning! This beginning feels really too much like the beginning of a movie, I didn't expect my feeling to be real

!" "It's so hateful!"


time Gu Chen's face also became very gloomy in Zhou Lele's opinion.

His heart suddenly became happy.

It's just that I pity this guy Son Zhengyi, but there is no way, family affection can be given up in front of the family, what is friendship?"

Zhou Lele became fierce, and he must prove himself in front of his brother.

But what he didn't know was that he had been exposed from the beginning.

Gu Chen still looked like he was sitting on the fishing platform and asked.

"What do you want?"

Zhou Lele suddenly became happy in his heart, feeling that Gu Chen simply understood people's hearts too well.

It's just going according to my own script!"

However, this is also a trap, if I open my mouth widely, maybe in the end there will be no reward at all, and Gu Chen will think that he is just a greedy villain.

"So what I want must be grand." After

Zhou Lele figured this out, he said directly to Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu really doesn't hide that I don't actually want anything, I just adore you too much, and I don't want you to be deceived by Son Zhengyi and their joint

efforts!" If you really want something, I can only say that I want to make a wish to heaven so that President Gu can live a long life and be healthy!"

Jiang Min's good impression of Zhou Lele was also completely defeated at this time.

"Cut! there is another faceless competitor, it's annoying!"

Gu Chen looked at Zhou Lele's performance without any traces, and also sighed.

"I didn't expect you to be my little fan brother, well, since this is the case, I have a task for you." Zhou

Lele was overjoyed all of a sudden, and immediately nodded madly and said to Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu, if there is anything you order, no matter what it is, I can help you do it!"

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