"No, no, no, I don't want you to go to

Dao Mountain, and I don't want you to go to the Sea of Fire, what I want you to do is very simple.

"That is to continue to spy on Son."

Zhou Lele thought that he had misheard, and he blinked to show an innocent look.

But Gu Chen didn't have any reaction at all.

In the end, Zhou Lele himself felt that this was indeed very embarrassing,

and asked again: "Mr. Gu, do you mean that I want me to expose the ugly appearance of Son Zhengyi now?"

But before Zhou Lele's words were finished, he was interrupted by Gu Chen.

"You misunderstood, I mean you continue to monitor, and continued surveillance means that you continue to maintain the status quo and let this Son continue to make movies!"

Got it?"

Zhou Lele's eyes widened, and he didn't understand what this meant at all.

He asked Gu Chen again unwillingly.

"Mr. Gu, I don't really understand, isn't our priority now to directly ask Son Zhengyi to stop wasting your money, and then arrest him directly?" Gu

Chen looked at Zhou Lele's appearance, and his heart gradually became cold, feeling that this guy really didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

"Now that I can arrest a few dollars, they have already let him make a movie, why don't I just wait for him to finish all the movies at the end and then jump out and directly confiscate his films in the name of his embezzlement."

"At that time, not only will I not have to give him extra money to make a movie, but I will even be able to get a well-made movie at the lowest cost!"

"Even if I am tougher, I can directly let Son not only lose his copyright after making the movie, but also get him to compensate me for a sum of money, do you know what I mean?"

If you want Son to accept real sanctions, stay by Son honestly and collect evidence. "

The more you collect, the more likely it is that I will play Death Son Zhengyi at one time, is this clear?" Gu

Chen couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he looked at this time, and his eyes were a little wandering, and he didn't dare to look at him, and Zhou Lele asked word by word.

The latter trembled as if he had not come to his senses.

Even Jiang Min, who was behind Gu Chen, felt a little afraid of Gu Chen.

I think Gu Chen at this time is really strange.

The footsteps unconsciously took a step back behind him.

Zhou Lele finally reacted under Gu Chen's coercion, and he said with a sigh.

"Ah, okay Mr. Gu, no problem Mr. Gu, you just leave this job to me! I promise to finish it beautifully!" "

I will definitely not disgrace you to Mr. Gu!" Zhou

Lele saluted subconsciously towards Gu Chen, but Gu Chen did not react in the slightest.

Even began to look at Zhou Lele continuously, as if questioning whether Zhou Lele's small body could complete this task.

"Remember, if you accidentally expose yourself. "

I will never save you and I will never recognize you, understand?" Zhou

Lele was shocked when he heard this, as if it was no longer Gu Chen who was in front of him at this time.

It's like a demon in human skin.

"Know, got it!" Zhou

Lele stammered a little.

Gu Chen nodded in satisfaction, and at the same time said by using the means of slapping and rewarding a big date.

"In this case, as long as I can achieve the goal I want in the end, I can let you come to my Longteng Group to do things, and follow me in the future, how about it?" Hearing

this, Zhou Lele nodded excitedly, this is his ultimate goal.

"Got it, Mr. Gu, don't worry, I will definitely be able

to!" "

Okay, then I'll leave it to you!" Gu

Chen looked at Zhou Lele's confident appearance, also nodded, said nothing more, and took Jiang Min to get into the car.

However, Jiang Min was slightly stunned in place, as if he was a little resistant to Gu Chen.

"This little girl won't take it seriously, right?" This

made Gu Chen feel a little embarrassed.

But fortunately, Gu Chen's trust here in Jiang Min is relatively high, so in the end, Jiang Min still got on the car although he was still a little reluctant.

On the road, Gu Chen was not far away, and Zhou Lele bowed deeply towards Gu Chen's car.

Until the end, Gu Chen drove to the intersection around the corner and saw Zhou Lele still bowing, this kind of respectful appearance, if it is a show, it also shows that this person is not simple.

"Awesome!" so

Gu Chen silently chanted, but was muffled by Jiang Min beside him.

"It's not good that director Son makes the best movies with the least amount of money, why do you do this to him!" "

And sister Xin Yu, sister Xiao Ruoyi, what will you do to them in the end?" "

Will it be like dealing with him like this to director Son!"

Jiang Min's questioning made Gu Chen stunned.

Then Gu Chen, who reacted, suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha, you are so interesting, Jiang Min!" Jiang

Min looked at Gu Chen's appearance, that is, he was angry.

The so-called deep hatred of love, how much Jiang Min respects Gu Chen in his heart, the more he doesn't like to see Gu Chen become a bad person.

Gu Chen looked at Jiang Min's bulging appearance, and felt that it was very necessary to explain to Jiang Min what kind of things were going on.

Otherwise, it will really be misunderstood by Jiang Min, and the following things will be difficult to handle!

So Gu Chen plans to stop at this time to communicate with Jiang Min.

"Jiang Min!" But

at this time, Gu Chen had just parked the car, and Jiang Min was about to get out of the car.

"Don't tell you, goodbye!" But

Gu Chen hadn't explained to her clearly, how could she get out of the car at this time,

so Gu Chen directly closed her car door.

Jiang Min was anxious all of a sudden, and she turned her head to look at Gu Chen, her eyes full of panic.

"What are you going to do

?" "What do you want me to do?"

"I? I think you don't do anything

!" Okay, then I'll do nothing!"


Chen agreed to Jiang Min's request very cheerfully, and very obediently put his hands on his steering wheel.

In the end, Jiang Min couldn't stand this feeling of sitting in the car without reacting, and said directly.

"You, you let me get out of the car, I won't tell you your plan

!" "Otherwise, I'll start calling the police!" "

I'll tell them that you kidnapped me!" Gu

Chen looked at Zhou Lele with a serious look and wanted to laugh.

So Gu Chen laughed directly.

"Haha!" But

this laughter made Jiang Min feel that something was wrong with Gu Chen.

"What are you laughing at?" "

What's so funny!"

she was a little confused about Gu Chen's thoughts.

But that didn't stop her from asking questions.

"I'm laughing at you, you're so stupid and naïve!" Gu

Chen finally couldn't bear to tease this little fool at this time, and began to slowly tell Jiang Min the truth of this matter.

"First of all, Lele is not a good person this week!"

Jiang Min's initial vigilance began to slowly decrease, and finally Gu Xiao told Gu Chen about director Son Zhengyi's secretly shooting his own film.

However, Gu Chen actually acquiesced to Su's righteous behavior.

This made Jiang Min's mouth open wide, not knowing what to say.

After that, Jiang Min figured out the origin of Zhou Lele again, and finally figured out what Gu Chen was doing.

"So you're fishing!" "

You want to see who the person behind Lele this week is, or see what kind of big fish can be hung up in the end, right

!" "Oh, Brother Gu Chen, why didn't you tell me this reason earlier!"


Min knew how stupid his previous wayward behavior was, and suddenly he was shy and did not dare to look at Gu Chen.

"Don't talk to me earlier!" "

I don't want to talk to Brother Gu Chen!"

But Gu Chen didn't care at all.

"I didn't always want to say it, but you didn't give me a chance!"

"Okay, okay, it's not something you have to worry about, let's hurry back to Longteng Group and send the master tape to Wang Ming, that is, the person who made this car king app said."

"When they also make sure that there is no problem with the picture of this advertisement, I will send a job to the propaganda department."

"And these things are not something that can be solved in a moment."

Gu Chen began to start his super sports car while talking to Jiang Min.

"Then we will have time to go to the nearby car training place to teach you to drive!" Gu

Chen said this, and Jiang Min suddenly let out a good shout.

She can't wait to fly back to Longteng Group now, and let those people in the propaganda department be optimistic about these advertisements at the speed of light.

After all the tasks were assigned, he let Gu Chen take him to learn the car.

"Accelerate our rush!" So

on the way, Jiang Min seemed very excited.

So excited that Gu Chen shook his head helplessly, there was no way to take this Jiang Min.

Who knew that when Gu Chen shook his head, Jiang Min kept looking at him.

"Whew, it looks like Brother Gu Chen is not angry! Great, I almost thought I was going to be cold!" "

Jiang Min, Jiang Min, why do you do things so impulsively!

Fortunately, Brother Gu Chen was magnanimous, otherwise if I had just really come and opened the car door, maybe I would have really... Eternal loss, isn't it a temporary loss of Brother Gu Chen!" Jiang

Min, who understood this, was so nervous about Gu Chen's thoughts.

Fortunately, in the end, Gu Chen didn't think about anything in this matter at all.

Along the way, the two will return to their original appearance, talking and laughing.

After coming to the Longteng Group in this way, the two entered the Longteng Group after getting off the car.

Gu Chen directly summoned people from the software development and publicity departments to watch the advertisement.

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