"Mr. Gu!" because

Wang understands that the current software app code has been completely written.

Even the basic tests are done.

The current Wang understands and waits for Gu Chen to go online to understand the car king.

And this time, when I saw Gu Chen bringing a mother, he also said that he wanted to watch the advertisement.

Wang understood that he was excited, as if he already knew that Gu Chen brought an advertisement that understood the king of cars.

So he seemed very happy.

"Yes, do you understand the advertisement of the car king?" carefully

asked Gu Chen and got his affirmative answer.

But after Wang Xian heard this, he actually rushed out of the crowd expressionlessly.

Running towards the distance, he ran to the balcony of the Longteng Group in one breath and screamed fiercely towards the outside world.

Gu Chen shook his head and didn't feel much.

Instead, he continued to let people set up the scene, and when Wang Ming returned, he laughed silently.

"Let me tell you, fortunately, the entire building belongs to our Longteng Group, otherwise others like you will sue you for disturbing the people!"

Wang Xie heard this and said embarrassedly.

Say that you know that you are wrong, but you will dare in the future!

Everyone was blown away by the texture of the movie at the beginning.

But after reading it in the end, everyone had a feeling that the bull's head was not right in the horse's mouth.

Just when the crowd was about to start talking.

The manager of the propaganda department took the lead in this conference room to raise his hands and applaud, and the sound of crackling continued to sound.

At the same time, he was also talking.

"Well, Mr. Gu wants to use this kind of advertising to tell us that understanding the car king and Shenzhou car can create infinite possibilities

!" "This super dreamy unfolding represents exactly this meaning! It represents that Mr. Gu will lead us to ride the wind and waves to find the right path

!" "Keep improving in the direction of progress, constantly strengthening ourselves and finding ourselves!"

"This is simply the most shocking advertisement I have seen in so many years of practice!" "

Everyone is right!" At

the end of the sentence, the manager of the publicity department added this sentence, and suddenly all the employees of Longteng Group called out in unison.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Gu

Chen was originally a little embarrassed, but at this time, because of the exaggeration of this propaganda manager, the embarrassment in Gu Chen's heart completely disappeared.

"Actually, that's what I thought about this ad. He

even told Jiang Min, who was snickering next to him.

"Okay, okay!"

Finally, Gu Chen stopped the employees of Longteng Group who were constantly applauding, and began a new task arrangement by himself.

"The propaganda department used this advertisement to start preparing to put it on various TV stations and online platforms!" "

I want viewers to be brainwashed by our ads."

"And product development, you pay attention.

Gu Chen looked at Wang Ming, who directly took out a book like the manager of the propaganda department, ready to learn how he recorded all of Gu Chen's explanations.

"When the car king app is launched on time at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, prepare for the server to be crowded."

"Be prepared to turn up the standby server, and also do a good job of data collection!"

"Look at the distribution of our user audience on the first day, so that we can plan for the future."

"At the same time, the publicity department must also establish an online account that understands the car king as soon as possible, and the work of attracting fans can be temporarily ignored, but it must interact with Shenzhou Auto."

"Remember that it has never been the style of our Longteng Group to fight alone, and creating a good ecological chain of the Shenzhou system is the most beneficial thing for us!"

Gu Chen kept explaining some things, and the people below were frantically recording Gu

Chen's explanation.

Jiang Min was responsible for looking at Gu Chen with adoring eyes below.

After about twenty minutes, Gu Chen asked everyone.

"Do you understand?" Wang

Ming and the manager of the propaganda department said for the first time that they heard clearly.

In this way, Gu Chen nodded in satisfaction and left the conference room to let everyone get ready.

And he left the conference room with Jiang Min and also left the Longteng Group.

This makes everyone feel a little strange.

"Who is this little girl following President Gu?" "

Is there going to be a falling hat on President Chu's head?"

However, this speculation did not last long before it was dispersed by busy work.

No matter how many girlfriends and wives Gu Chen can have, it has nothing to do with them, and this is also Gu Chen's ability.

Even if they are envious, jealous and hateful, there is no way to do it.

It is even necessary to say that Gu Chen is.

However, in fact, Gu Chen and Jiang Min did not have anything.

The relationship between the two is very innocent.

"Okay, then let's practice here!" After

Gu Chen drove to an empty position, he changed the driver's seat with Jiang Min.

The happy training time for the two began.

Of course, because Jiang Min's original talent was not bad, Gu Chen only taught Jiang Min a little.

The latter is already almost able to drive.

Even some simple small acceleration drift was learned, which made Gu Chen a little surprised.

"You learn things really fast!" "

yes, and it's a lot easier than the online knowledge I usually learn."

Gu Chen praised Jiang Min, and at the same time the two inevitably talked about when to go to Xiangcheng Island.

"It should be in this day or two, after we put this car king app online."

"Well, as long as you don't forget me."

Gu Chen said with a smile.

"How is it possible, you want to become my important right and left hand!" accidentally

revealed his true purpose.

However, Jiang Min didn't care about anything, and he was even a little happy.

As if being able to help Gu Chen was enough to satisfy her.

On the distant island of Xiangcheng, Li Jiajun was walking slowly on the roof of a skyscraper at this time.

In front of him is an exquisite hanging garden.

"Go, Uncle Liu wants to see you! Don't grind!" On

this rooftop, although the scenery is good, it is also full of life.

But Li Jiajun did not come here voluntarily at all.

He glanced at the inch-headed young man who was pushing his black shirt behind his back, as if to remember him deeply.

The inch-headed guy was a little hairy by this Li Jiajun, and he didn't dare to say anything more.

But Li Jiajun withdrew his gaze and began to take the initiative to walk towards this exquisite garden.

When the inch-headed guy behind him saw that Li Jiajun finally walked into the garden honestly, he pinned his head and acted as a guardian.

"Coming!" As

soon as he entered the garden, he saw an old man with gray hair but very spirited who was holding a large arrow to inspect a pot of buds in front of him.

"Sit first!" Because

Li Jiajun didn't speak, the old man casually asked him to find a place to sit.

But Li Jiajun didn't appreciate it at all.

"No need, young people need to stand more when they have a tough waist.

After saying this, the old man obviously paused, and this time he directly glanced back at Li Jiajun.

"You, it seems, are very different from the rumors.

Li Jiajun shook his head and said.

"No, you're wrong, the rumored me is me, but now I need to make money and marry my wife, so it's like becoming a different person, but in essence, I'm still me."

Oh, interesting. Hearing

Li Jiajun say this, this old man did not trim the branches, but put down his big scissors and wiped his hands, and said to Li Jiajun.

"Since that's the case, I'll ask you, are you going to grab business with me?"

Li Jiajun was immediately relieved when he heard these words.

He went out this morning, planning to visit his drinking and meat friends as usual, pestering them to match him and get to know some rich second-generation or something.

Who knows, without even going out of his own street, he was "invited here."

I saw this so-called Uncle Liu.

"Co-author, the second-hand car business on Xiangcheng Island is monopolized by Uncle Liu, and no one else can do it?" As

long as it is a business matter, Li Jiajun is really not very worried.

Because he is Li Jiahao's son after all, this identity will not be put here and not many people want to cause him physical harm.

And what Li Jiajun is most afraid of is the kind of madman who wants money and does not die.

In the morning, Li Jiajun thought that he had encountered a kidnapping, and he was still thinking about calculating his bad luck.

As a result, I didn't expect that in the end, it was my own business that touched the interests of others, so I was invited to "drink tea"

, and I didn't say that.

"If I engage in monopoly, the four major families and the one in your family will definitely not let me go!"

"There are 7 heads like me, and there are 7 on Xiangcheng Island.

Uncle Liu gestured a finger of seven.

"Then you arrested me, no, what are you asking me to come over for?" Hearing

Uncle Liu say this, Li Jiajun was puzzled.

He has no monopoly, nor does he have the capital and qualifications to engage in monopoly, so why did Uncle Liu arrest him so sensitively?

"Don't be nervous, Uncle Liu is a serious businessman!"

said Uncle Liu as he ruffled his drooping silver hair to Li Jiajun.

"But your Li family has never been a serious businessman, so when Uncle Liu found out that you started a second-hand car business on my territory, Uncle Liu was worried!" "

If the person behind your family wants to encroach on my family business, then I will offer it with both hands, and there is no need for such trouble for you to come out and fight the world!"

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