Wang Wei seemed to be talking big, but this result was actually a standard result that Chen Yu and his team judged after five days of calculation.

Therefore, Wang Wei can be as sure as he is now.

"Because I have seen Chen Yu's assessment results, as well as the software and hardware equipment of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd., Chen Yu is very professional and has a very unique vision!"


course, Wang Wei knows that his role in the asset audit of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. is not too important.

That naturally would not discredit Chen Yu and his team.

Even invisibly tout them, win-win is the best situation.

"Not bad, then in the end, Chen Yu and they estimated how much money they needed to be able to acquire

Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd.?" Gu

Chen actually did not pay attention to the operation status of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd.

After all, he has confidence in his hands, no matter any film and television company, it can burst out the most dazzling light in this industry.

What's more, it is a company like Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. that has long been famous.

"In terms of the price of the acquisition, also and... Tang Xinwei Tang Zong's previous quotation was similar, and Chen Yu gave a pertinent price between 640 million and 710 million. "

In this way, the minimum is 640 million, and the maximum is not more than 710 million?" Yes

, Mr. Gu!" Gu

Chen, who got an affirmative answer, snorted, but he didn't expect Tang Xinwei to be so honest, saying that six hundred million was really six hundred million.

"Then I don't have a problem. Where is Tang Xinwei, do you know the results of your assessment?"

"Okay, then help me make an appointment with her, and I'll come to Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd." right away."

Wang Wei had the style of Tang Xinwei in his mind, swallowed his saliva and said.

"Okay Mr. Gu, I'll go find Mr. Tang now.

After Wang Wei finished speaking, he hung up the phone and trotted all the way towards Tang Xinwei's office.

Chen Yu looked at this guy's steps slightly out of his mind.

"I didn't expect that this guy's heart is quite broad-minded, obviously I have found out before that I beat him for a small report, these days not only did not put on me small shoes, but even helped me at the end to say a few nice words, did not steal the merit at all." When

Chen Yu thought of calling Gu Chen that day, he noticed Wang Wei's eyelids twitching, obviously pretending to sleep.

But he still said bad things about him in front of Wang Wei.

Well, it's actually not a bad word, anyway, it's a bit of an embarrassing truth.

However, Wang repaid his grievances for today's virtue, which made Chen Yu completely convinced.

"No wonder Wang Wei was able to saddle the horse in front of Gu Chen, it turned out to be such a reason.

"It seems that I still have to be nice to this guy in the future." Thinking

so, Chen Yu silently told his team his thoughts.

This gang of wolf cubs in the province went to bully this king.

"What, Tang is not there?" Wang

Wei had a little accident here, and when he came to Tang Xinwei's office, he found that Tang Xinwei was not there at all.

And the secretary told him that Mr. Tang went out early in the morning, and no one knew where she went.

"This... All right. There

was no way, Wang Wei could only silently make a call to Tang Xinwei to inquire about the situation.

Who knew that the first time it was beaten over, it was actually directly cut off.

Finally, it was the third time that Tang Xinwei's somewhat indifferent voice rang from the other end of the phone.

"Who?" Wang

Wei was stunned, did this Tang Xinwei not save his number, or did he save it but deliberately pretended to be stupid?

Wang Wei only felt that there was a pain in his heart, forget it, it was important to complete Mr. Gu's task first! "Mr. Tang, it's me!

Wang Wei of Longteng Group!"

".... Is there something going on?" Although

Wang Wei felt that Tang Xinwei's attitude was really hurtful, but now he could only treat it with a smile.

"That's right, our team's evaluation results for your company have come out, Mr. Gu wants to interview you!" "

Do you think when you have time to come back to the company?

Wang Wei felt that his attitude was already very humble.

If it weren't for the fact that this soup core is only beautiful, and it is the one I like, I wouldn't be like this... Lick the dog.

However, Wang Wei's question did not get Tang Xinwei's response immediately.

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, and Wang Wei heard Tang Xinwei speak.

"I don't have the energy to go back to the company now, you let Gu Chen call me, I will tell her my current address." "

Ah this?" Wang

Wei frowned when he heard this, but before he could respond, Tang Xinwei hung up the phone very crisply.

It was as if he was not discussing things with Wang Wei, but asked Wang Wei to be a microphone.

This made Wang Wei feel a little angry.

"Do you really look down on me?" "

I really thought I was a lingering dog licking dog when I was summoned!"


Wei scolded and called Gu Chen's phone again.

"Hey, Gu Chen, there is a little problem on Mr. Tang's side.

"It's just that she has something anxious now, so she is not in the company!" "

Address, ah, just now Mr. Tang's phone ran out of power, she said that the mobile phone will open the opportunity to call you!"

"Yes, yes, but I think let's call her, after all, from the past few days of getting along, I found that Mr. Tang is this person." It's all good, but it seems to be a little forgetful.

"Okay, okay, then you have a result and something for us to do, you can notify us directly, Chen Yu and I are waiting for your news at Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd.! Wang

Wei hung up the phone with a smile, with a smile that could not be concealed.

"Tang Xinwei, Tang Xinwei, even if you are rude, I have a hundred ways to get along with you

!" "Don't think that using your indifferent shell can cover your fiery heart!"

At this time, Wang Wei was full of confidence, especially when he thought back to Tang Xinwei's cold attitude.

I don't know why, but I like it even more.

Maybe this is the real licking dog.

Although Gu Chen doubted Wang Wei's words, he always felt that there seemed to be a bit of a contradiction.

However, he didn't care much about thinking more.

After about a few minutes, Gu Chen directly found Tang Xinwei's phone and dialed it.

The imaginary call you are calling is turned off and does not appear.

Tang Xinwei quickly connected the phone, and said a little more anxious than Gu Chen thought.

"Mr. Gu, I'm in the first hospital in the city now, when can you arrive. Gu

Chen was stunned, and what was the situation in the hospital.

No wonder Wang Wei said that Tang Xin only has something, this is really something.

"If I get to the first hospital, it will take me about half an hour.

Gu Chen estimated the time he drove over now.

"But if you have anything today, I can come back to you tomorrow."

At the same time, Gu Chen also thought that if he was looking for someone to discuss the acquisition when others were in trouble, he always felt a little inhumanitarian, so Gu Chen proposed that it could be a little later.

Who knew that this Tang Xinwei actually decisively refused after hearing Gu Chen's words.

"No, you better hurry up, I can't do it without you today..." Speaking

of this, Tang Xinwei seemed to be a little hesitant.

"There's something I need your help with.

"Well, you wait for me for half an hour, and I'll come as fast as I can." When

Gu Chen heard Tang Xinwei say this, of course, he agreed to her request without any hesitation.

After hanging up the phone like this, Gu Chen simply packed up and left the Longteng Group towards the First Hospital.

After Tang Xinwei of the hospital hung up the phone, a voice came from behind him.

Don't want your father to run away as soon as you talk about finding a boyfriend!" Tang

Xinwei looked back and saw his mother standing behind him and asked himself with concern.

She showed a faint smile, shook her head and said.

In this case, I will call my boyfriend I made in Huahai City to meet him, and he always remembers this matter." As

soon as Tang Mu heard Tang Xinwei say such words, she immediately covered her mouth with her hand and looked at Tang Xinwei incredulously.

You, you're not kidding me, are you? How long have you only been back since you got a boyfriend?

"Always tell me, what if you accidentally find a scumbag, or run into a man who is not as good as you? At

this time, Mother Tang seemed to have turned on the talk mode, and kept pouring out some good and bad words in her heart.

"After all, now you have a career abroad, and your father also has a family business in China, but the same excellent boys basically don't have it, or they are too old."

"Originally, we were worried about what you would do if you found an older man, but now it's okay, you... wait." Speaking

of this, Tang Mu's squinting and smiling expression stiffened on her face.

"Your boyfriend... Wouldn't he be too old?" "

Mom...he's about the same age as me." Tang

Xinwei finally found the opportunity to speak, and this was one of the few moments when she was completely suppressed.

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