"That's good, that's good!"

Tang Mu patted her chest and gestured.

"God forbid, it seems that my son-in-law should still be a very good young man, and he can actually open my daughter's eyes

!" "Then did you just call him to come over, oh, you kid didn't reveal it to me earlier, you see I don't wear any parental majesty today!"

How long will he be there, and will I still have a chance to go to the mall next door to buy a dress and change into. Tang

Xinwei showed a helpless smile and relayed Gu Chen's words and said.

"He just called me to tell me that he would be there in half an hour at most. Well

, it seems that my first impression today must be to create an amiable image.

"Then tell me what kind of person my son-in-law is, where is his hometown, what he likes to eat, how many people in the family, what he does, how he looks, and what kind of magic does he have to make you enlighten?" Tang

Mu regretted for a moment, and turned on the bombing mode against Tang Xinwei.

In addition to his embarrassed and polite smile, how can Tang Xinwei respond to his mother's death series of life-threatening questions?

"I'm sorry, what do I know about your future son-in-law, there are only three points, I don't know, I don't understand, I don't know.

"Don't ask, ask that this boyfriend who came today was pulled over by me to save the scene, in order to block your mouths

!" "And I don't know anything about Gu Chen!"

But these words, Tang Xinwei couldn't tell Tang Mu at all.

It's just that Tang Xinwei can't say a word without saying a word, and can only come when he can't stand it in the end.

When he arrived, he would know to respond to his mother. At

this time, Gu Chen didn't know what kind of test he was about to face.

He arrived at the First Hospital half an hour later very punctually, but because he did not know the exact location of Tang Xinwei.

So Gu Chen directly called Tang Xinwei and wanted to ask her where she was.

Who knows, he just dialed Tang Xinwei's phone, and was directly cut off by Tang Xinwei in the next second.

"What's the situation?"

Gu Chen looked at the phone number and found that it was indeed Tang Xinwei's number.

Before Gu Chen could react, Tang Xinwei called back again.

"Maybe your hand slipped?"

thought Gu Chen and connected the phone directly.

"Where are you?"

asked Tang Xinwei, who was one step ahead of Gu Chen.

"Ah, I'm in the lobby on the first floor.

"Well, don't go anywhere, I'll come to you right away." "


After speaking, Tang Xinwei took the initiative to hang up the phone.

Gu Chen felt a little strange, and always felt that Tang Xinwei was very careful in speaking.

Only two minutes later, a beautiful landscape appeared at the corner of the hall.

Tang Xinwei stepped on his high heels sharply and walked towards Gu Chen.

That posture was like a creditor coming to the door, which made Gu Chen think about it in his heart.

"Did Wang Wei or Chen Yu do something when they were checking the accounts of Dream Lime Culture Co

., Ltd.?" "

So it provoked Tang Xinwei, and what troubles did she encounter now, ready to spread the fire on me?" With

such doubts, Gu Chen was 120,000 points vigilant.

After waiting for Tang Xinwei to get closer, Gu Chen had just spoken.

"Mr. Tang... Huh?" Then

Tang Xinwei directly grabbed Gu Chen's arm and pulled him to the corner of the hall.

Looking at Tang Xinwei's keen observation of the surroundings, Gu Chen also found that this was a monitoring dead end.

Suddenly, Gu Chen had a bad premonition.

"Sure enough, Wang Wei or Chen Yu must have offended Tang Xinwei somewhere, and now this is the meaning of preparing to spill his qi on me!" Gu

Chen subconsciously clenched his fists, once he found that Tang Xinwei had any abnormal behavior, he would not be merciful.

"Mr. Gu, I need your help. "

Then hit, no, no, what do you say?" Gu

Chen's brain nerves almost didn't react, until he heard Tang Xinwei say this, he understood that Tang Xinwei was not looking for himself to settle the account at all, but looking for himself to help.

"I'll go, how can normal people find someone to help so fiercely!

"I mean, what happened, although I don't know any hospital directors in Huahai City, it's still no problem to use medical resources in a matchmaking."

Gu Chen thought that Tang Xinwei needed help because of the hospital's problems, who knew that Tang Xinwei actually shook his head and seemed very hesitant.

It seems that this favor is difficult to say.

"Is there anything difficult to hide?"

Gu Chen looked at Tang Xinwei's appearance a little curious, this woman who was forced by Gu Chen to follow her rhythm with her aura before would actually need her own help so entangled.

"What kind of problem makes such a woman so entangled?" Tang

Xinwei's brows tightened, and finally he glanced sideways at the corridor behind him, and finally seemed to make up his mind before saying to Gu Chen.

"I have no medical problems, although I am not developing in Huahai City, but although my parents say that it is not as good as you, it is still no problem.

"What I want you to help with is... Is to want... Let you... Pretend....my....my boyfriend...."

Tang Xinwei's sentence was intermittent for a long time before he finished the entire paragraph.

After speaking, Tang Xinwei seemed to be relieved a lot, and the embarrassment on his face disappeared at this time.

But Gu Chen was still in a state of deception.


the thing?" "Boyfriend?"

"What kind of love light comedy is this!" Gu

Chen learned about the current situation from Tang Xinwei after the initial puzzle.

"So, you don't want to listen to your parents' endless nagging anymore, but also let your bedridden father feel at ease, and by the way, introduce your boyfriend to them before you return to China, and let them completely let go of your control."

"Then drag it on for two years, and finally tell them that because of the long-distance relationship...we finally broke up, right?" Gu

Chen summarized Tang Xinwei's meaning, and Tang Xinwei nodded constantly when he heard it.

"Whew, I see, but why are you looking for me?" "

If you let Wang Wei come, he will definitely be 12 percent willing, even if he plays forever."

Gu Chen thought of Wang Wei and felt that as a boss, he should think about the big things around his subordinates.

But after talking about Wang Wei, Tang Xinwei began to shake his head desperately.

"He can't, his behavior is too lewd for me to see, and if he pretends to be my boyfriend, my parents will definitely see through my tricks at a glance."

"Emotional Tang's parents are all fire-eyed."

"No, they just spend a lot of time in the entertainment industry, so they look at people accurately."

Gu Chen was speechless.

In that case, wouldn't I be able to see through it at a glance.

"No, you're too dazzling. Tang

Xinwei's answer made Gu Chen feel very inexplicable.

"What do you mean.

"When a person's strengths are too many and too great, the flaws and other details of the body will be completely obscured by these advantages like the sun." "

.....is there such a statement?"

Gu Chen smiled embarrassedly.

"But why should I help you so much?" "

If you are willing to help me, I will spare no effort to help you when you go to Australia."

"That's a reason you can't refuse."

Gu Chen thought that Tang Xinwei opened a martial arts hall after all, and he should have two brushes in his hand, if there is any conflict, at least he can shake people in addition to legal means is also a good choice.

But you have to make a confession with me, otherwise it will be too embarrassing to have a problem after the interrogation.

"And I want you to promise me that even if it is debunked because of you, when I go to Australia, you will not spare any room to help me once, not three times!"

Tang Xinwei heard this and was silent for a while before saying.

"Okay, I promise you!" "

Then happy cooperation!" So

, Gu Chen stretched out his hand and shook hands with Tang Xinwei to reach a consensus, and at the same time, how to tell the experience of the two after colluding.

"Wife, why haven't they come up yet!"

In the ward, Father Tang, who was hospitalized because of thyroid problems, felt a little uncomfortable.

After urging his daughter to worry about lifelong events, he turned around and was told that his prospective son-in-law would come to see him soon, which really shocked Father Tang.

It feels like winning the lottery, but finding that the money you have needs to pay a large amount of taxes is as surprised and reluctant.

She must be downstairs and her boyfriend to explain the specific matters to us, don't worry!"

It can even peel apples very calmly, and the skin of the apple is not a little broken.

It's just that the fruit bowl on the side can't hold the apple petals sliced by Tang Mu, which is enough to show that her heart is not at all as calm as she seems.

"Knock knock. Just

then, there was a knock outside the door.

Father Tang sat up from the bed at once, and Mother Tang also put down the apple in his hand.

Both looked at the door expectantly.

"Come in!" Tang

Xinwei responded and brought Gu Chen in, and Gu Chen appeared in front of Tang's father and mother for the first time.

"What a handsome young man!" "

Why does it feel a little familiar?"

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