Father Tang and Mother Tang were both shocked by Gu Chen's handsome face, especially Mother Tang couldn't help but look Gu Chen up and down, quite a feeling that the mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law, and the more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

And Father Tang always felt that Gu Chen was handsome, but he seemed to have seen it somewhere.

"Oh, this is... Yes?" Mother

Tang said twice, only then remembered that she had forgotten to ask Gu Chen's name.

So she looked at her daughter with a reproachful gaze, as if she was talking about a smelly girl, don't you hurry up to introduce it?

"Mom and Dad, this is Gu Chen... Boyfriend.

"Good, good, Xiao Gu, that is, quickly sit down and talk."

After Tang Mu got the introduction, she directly beckoned Gu Chen to sit down.

In order to welcome Gu Chen's arrival, she specially asked the nurse for an extra stool, just enough to let Gu Chen take the position.

Gu Chen agreed with a smile, and at the same time put the things in his hand aside and said.

"On the way here, I heard Weiwei say that my uncle has been in health recently, and I bought some fruits that lower blood pressure and blood sugar, I hope my uncle and aunt will not dislike it!"

"Oh, it's good for people to come to see our old soup, and bring something, isn't it expensive!

He glanced at his wife, who seemed a little sluggish, as if to say.

"What's the situation, you, your daughter's boyfriend arrives and you don't say hello, why is it like it's a wizen now?" Who

knows, Father Tang not only did not react, but also kept looking at Gu Chen and looking at him.

This action made Tang Xinwei and Gu Chen a little nervous.

I thought that I was seen through by Father Tang's long-standing eyes in the entertainment industry.

Probably this situation lasted too long and was too embarrassing.

Mother Tang smiled awkwardly at Gu Chen and said.

"Hey, our old man seems to have a little unclear mind after a small operation!" "

Xiao Gu, don't care, and what's going on with you!

"It's okay, aunt!"

"Since my uncle has just finished the knife, he may need to rest more, don't blame him." Mother

Tang smiled and nodded, feeling that this Gu Chen was really polite.

"Look at you, people and children are more sensible than you. Saying

that, she pinched Father Tang fiercely, which made Father Tang completely wake up from the suddenness and muttered.

"Like, really like, the names are the same, but it's impossible, right?" "

What's impossible, why are you so abnormal today!" Tang's

mother still didn't understand the situation, but Tang's father directly took out the mobile phone under his pillow and began to search.

At the same time, before Tang Mu was hairy, Gu Chen's photo was tuned out.

"What?" Mother

Tang saw Gu Chen's photo on her wife's mobile phone, and was stunned all of a sudden.

"Xiao Gu, is this you?"

she took Father Tang's mobile phone and turned to Gu Chen and asked.

Gu Chen saw his own news, but he didn't expect that Father Tang had actually seen a report about himself.

"Yes: It's me. "

Originally, Gu Chen didn't want to expose his identity, and he had to get out in the future.

But now Gu Chen has been directly exposed, so there is no way, so I have to admit it.

"Ah this, this news says that you are the hidden richest man in Huahai City, with a giant gold-absorbing giant like Longteng Group, known as the number one person of the young generation in Huahai City, and even you are famous on the Forbes list?"

And Tang Mu looked at the news report and reported some of Gu Chen's prestige achievements.

"....it should be, but there are always things on the news on the Internet that like to exaggerate the facts, so my aunt doesn't have to believe what they say too much.

Gu Chen showed a faint smile, he didn't want to pretend to be forced, he also wanted to keep a low profile, but the strength did not allow ah, the eyes of the masses were also snowy!

After seeing that Gu Chen's net worth was probably more than 100 billion, Tang Mu couldn't sit still at all.

Although their family is also a small figure in Huahai City, compared with Gu Chen and Longteng Group, it can be regarded as a small shrimp at best.

Therefore, the relationship between the two sides was completely turned upside down at once.

"Oh, Xiao Gu, this, eat fruit, aunt just cut it!" Tang

Mu also directly brought up the apple that he had already sliced, Gu Chen looked at the plate full of apples and estimated the amount of at least four apples, is this any misunderstanding of his food consumption?

"Ah, thank you aunt." "

But in the face of an elder's kindness or something, Gu Chen will never refuse, otherwise it is easy to make the other party sad."

"We don't have anything good to entertain you, and we're wasting your time by letting you visit, right?"


Gu Chen found out that his identity was exposed, it seemed that Tang Mu's attitude had changed a lot.

So next, some of the questions that Gu Chen and Tang Xinwei thought would appear about the test of the relationship between the two also disappeared.

The entire single ward is filled with a restrained atmosphere.

In the end, Gu Chen found an excuse and said.

"Then, my uncle and aunt are here today, my company still has a little thing to be busy with, I will first... Let's go, please don't be surprised by the two of you,"

Father Tang Mother said immediately.

"Whatever, you have such a big business to be busy to find time to come to see us, we are already very happy!"

"That is, you go and get busy with yours, we can take care of ourselves, only you can also send Xiao Gu." Tang

Xinwei also immediately stood up and said.

"Okay, don't worry!" the

two couldn't wait to go out.

Listening to the sound of the door closing, Father Tang and Mother Tang started talking in a low voice.

"Show me the news again, are we really hanging a golden turtle son-in-law?" "

What is it called hanging, will you speak, didn't you see the two of them standing together so matched!" "

Yes, yes, yes, but why do I always feel so dreamy, like I'm making a movie and writing a novel?"

Not to mention your soil, art comes from life, novels and TV series are like this!"

"Yes, yes, in short, this time in both of us can rest assured, only found a very perfect boyfriend."

"But I'm afraid it's too perfect, but I can't grasp it!"

Tang Xinwei's side is very relaxed.

"Thank you.

She sent Gu Chen to the door to express her gratitude.

"Nothing, just a small favor, and my uncle and aunt are also very talkative. Tang

Xinwei couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he heard this.

"It's all your Gu Zong's fame. "

Everything, it's all reported blindly." The

two looked at each other and smiled, invisibly narrowing the distance a lot.

"By the way, I almost forgot to come to you for business, the assessment results about Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. are out, do you want to hear it?"

"I don't want to, you will directly call money and send people to settle in and receive it when the time comes, why tell me this." Although

Gu Chen felt that such a perfect atmosphere was not suitable for talking about things at work, there was no way.

You can't never talk about these things.

Sure enough, when it came to business, Tang Xinwei returned to his original cold appearance.

And the attitude is still so indifferent.

Gu Chen didn't know what to say.

"Okay, anyway, the price is exactly the same as what you said before, and even you understated it before."

"Yes, then you can make up the difference for me." "

Don't worry, we are all so familiar, how about using 666.66 million as the purchase price?"

"No, I don't like opportunistic numbers, or just 670 million or 660 million.

Gu Chen glanced at Tang Xinwei, but he didn't expect the other party's attitude to be so... Integrity.

"This is not to make you suffer? Let's say 670 million.

"Okay, then I'll thank you in advance. Tang

Xinwei also expressed his gratitude very unceremoniously.

"Okay, then see you at the company tomorrow, I'll let people draw up a transfer contract or something."

"You just arrange it. The

two reached a consensus on this matter, and Gu Chen also took his leave to Tang Xinwei.

Tang Xinwei decisively did not choose to stay, and let Gu Chen leave the hospital early.

Looking at Gu Chen's distant figure, Tang Xinwei didn't know what he was thinking a little out of his mind.

When he returned to his ward, he found that Tang's father and mother were pondering with their hands crossed, or waiting for Tang Xinwei.

This made Tang Xin, who also came to say goodbye, only have a bad premonition.

"Parents, I..."

"You honestly explain!" Before

Tang Xinwei's words were finished, he was directly interrupted by Tang Mu.

This made Tang Xinwei flustered in his heart.

"Was it still discovered. Tang

Xinwei pretended to feel indifferent.

"Explain what?" "

Explain what means did you use to deceive people like Gu Chen! Did you use something to blackmail others?" Rao

is Tang Xinwei who has learned martial arts since he was a child, and after growing up, he has experienced many winds and waves, and his mind is firm.

But I was still a little puzzled by my mother's words.

"Mom, what are you talking about?" "

What I say is clear in your own heart, we all know your personality, know your personality, like Gu Chen, such an excellent person, if you don't use some means, how can you get your hands on it!"

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