Tang Xinwei really didn't know how to explain to his mother that Gu Chen was just an actor he had found to coax them.

However, Tang Xinwei knew that if he told the truth, he would probably not be far from being kicked out of the house.

"You don't have to worry about these things, mom, why are you so gossipy at such an age?" "

How can I call this gossip? I care about you, in case you are deceived by Gu Chen, well, maybe you lied to Gu Chen, we also have a preparation or something." "

Mom....can't you have a little more confidence in your daughter?"

I always feel that finding Gu Chen to play my boyfriend this time has indeed solved some problems, but it seems to have brought more problems.

These Gu Chen did not care or care, and now Gu Chen is enjoying a good moment on the road without anyone disturbing.

After returning to the Dragon Teng Group, Gu Chen remembered that he hadn't spoken to Wang about the situation for them.

So Gu Chen made a call directly.

Wang Wei and Chen Yu have long been a little annoyed in Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd.

At this time, Gu Chen made a phone call, of course, Wang Wei directly connected, and at the same time, in order to make Chen Yu beside him feel at ease, he also directly turned on the amplification.

"Hey Mr. Gu!" "

Well, it's me you can come back, I have already met with Tang Xinwei, and the final purchase price of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. is set at 700 million for the two of us."

"Seven hundred million, ah, okay, then we'll be back now." Hanging

up the phone, Wang Wei always felt that the price was a little bit of a bit of a way to say, high or low or low.

Chen Yu seemed to be thinking.

They each returned to the Dragon Teng Group with their own careful thoughts.

At the same time, some things felt that it was better to talk to Gu Chen in person.

So they came to Gu Chen's office together.

"Back? Come, sit. "

Gu Chen doesn't have any shelves either.

Chen Yu and Wang Wei could see that Gu Chen's mood was quite good now.

It seems that it is okay to chat with Tang Xinwei.

Wang Wei felt a little sour when he thought of this, but the object of jealousy he faced was Gu Chen.

That Wang Wei didn't dare to have other thoughts or anything.

At most, it's what you're thinking in your head.

"You did a great job this time and should be celebrated.

Gu Chen didn't care about Wang Wei, who was a little unsightly at this time.

Instead, he silently took out the red wine he put in the office, and silently found a glass for the two and poured a glass for each person.

This made Chen Yu and Wang Wei stand up a little flattered.

"Yes, Mr. Gu, I have just arrived in the company, you trust me so much to arrange such an important acquisition case, this is too worthy of me!" Both

of them began to express their loyalty to Gu Chen.

But Gu Chen didn't have any pretentiousness at all.

Directly raised his own wine glass and said.

"They are all heroes, where there is so much nonsense, I see what you have done, come and drink!" Gu

Chen directly drank the red wine without any ambiguity.

Can Chen Yu and Wang Wei continue to stand so stupidly in place?


!" "After the red wine of the celebration is finished, we will start talking about business!"

"Tomorrow, I will take you to sign the acquisition document contract with Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. or something."

"We can't be vague about this.

As Gu Chen spoke, Chen Yu and Wang Wei put down their red wine glasses.

Very uniformly, he took out a small notebook from his arms, as if to record what Gu Chen said completely verbatim.

"What are you doing with this thing! No need!" But

Gu Chen waved his big hand and let the two of them put away their notebooks.

I trust the memories of both of you, and there are some things that are best left in the notebook, or where.

"Do you understand when I say that?" Originally

, Chen Yu wanted to say something, he had a bad memory, for fear of delaying Gu Chen's explanation.

But when he heard Gu Chen say this, he immediately raised his spirits.

Because he knew that what Gu Chen was going to say next must be very important.

It's important to never leave anything on the record.

This says a thing.

"Can I be regarded as directly entering the inner circle of the Dragon Teng Group in one step?" He

was very happy, how could he have thought that he would be able to get Gu Chen's appreciation not long after joining the Dragon Teng Group.

So quickly became Gu Chen's right hand.

But in fact, Gu Chen didn't have so many ideas at all, just thought that this Chen Yu participated in the acquisition of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd., and there must be some things that could not bypass him.

Instead of letting Wang Wei relay his demands, it is better to tell him directly.

Therefore, Gu Chen would let Chen Yu stay.

"I'll just say a few simple things.

"After signing the contract tomorrow to acquire Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd., I may not be in the company for a while."

"So regarding the plan to settle in Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd., there are still some personnel who may be transferred a little later."

"At the same time, because of my absence, our acquisition of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. does not need to be publicized for the time being, although it is said that it will be filed or something."

"But the news can't be exposed by the media, nor can it be known to some big film and television companies, we have to quietly dream big Lime Culture Co., Ltd., we can't be exposed to the public eye so quickly."

"Therefore, our taxes and fees must be paid, whether it is business tax or whatever, all arrange for me!"

""By the way, Chen Yu, have you calculated ah, how much taxes and so on do we need to take over Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd.?" Chen Yu

, who was questioned,

responded immediately.

"Mr. Gu, we really have calculated this aspect!" "

Please wait a moment!"

Saying that, Chen Yu once again took out his notebook and explained while turning the pages.

"Mr. Gu, this is something about data, we must record it for the sake of caution! "

It's okay, a good memory is not as good as a bad pen, I understand the truth in this regard!" Gu

Chen waved his hand and did not care about this aspect of the problem.

At the same time, Chen Yu also found the record at that time and began to report to Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu, when we sorted out their material ledgers and financial statements at Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd., we probably saw that this company was a normal company that abided by the law before!"

"All tax receipts are very complete, and there is basically no tax evasion.

"At most, there are some legal means of tax avoidance, such as buying a car with company money and distributing it to some leaders as a bus, but these are minor problems." When

Gu Chen heard this, he shook his head and said.

"No, this is not a small problem, although the methods and means are very reasonable, but this does not mean that this is normal behavior."

"We're going to change that mindset, so by the time we take over Dream Lime Culture, there's no need for this reasonable tax avoidance."

"Do you know what I mean?"

asked Gu Chen, who had a slightly dull face.

"Mr. Gu, I really don't understand very well!" Chen

Yu seemed to be a little stupid, as if he was thinking about whether what Gu Chen said would let him continue to reasonably avoid taxes, or should he change to a more perfect way to evade taxes?"

Don't be afraid of too much tax money, we accept Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. absolutely cannot have any tax problems.

Gu Chen's words made Chen Yu's eyes begin to brighten.

"I see what you mean, you are trying to reduce the burden on us!" "

How do you say this?" Gu

Chen was still very strange about Chen Yu's reduction in burden.

Shouldn't it be normal work when you operate normally, how did it become a load reduction?"

"Oh, Mr. Gu, look at my mouth, in fact, it's nothing, that is, when we were in the original company in the past, the bosses would rack our brains for this reasonable tax avoidance thing, let us rack our brains and think of many methods!"

Up to now, I have done too many things that exceed my own job, so much that I feel that this is my job

!" "But Mr. Gu, these words today made me understand that I came to the right place to come to Longteng Group!" "

You, you are definitely a perfect entrepreneur!

"Okay, okay, I know if you say something, it's okay!" "

In short, the past things are gone, now you are doing things in my Longteng Group, you can be optimistic, our Longteng Group will definitely not do any tax evasion!"

"Okay, Mr. Gu, I'll take a look!"

Chen Yu nodded excitedly, and then began to calculate it again in his notebook.

Soon, Chen Yu, who was in a state where his work efficiency reached 12 percent, came up with a number.

"Mr. Gu, in my calculations, it includes the transfer fee of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd., as well as the taxes of the business license and many other special deductions.

"In the end, we came to the conclusion that we had to pay about 160 million taxes and fees. "

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