"Oh, Gu Chen,

my good father!" Gu

Xiao raised his head and revealed a bleak smile, but he didn't expect that it was Gu Chen who finally became his righteous father.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he can get himself down quickly, he

really doesn't want to continue to stay here and suffer!

"Hurry up, quickly let the deputy director down!" Gu

Xiao was anxious, and there was another person who was even more anxious than him, that is,

Son Zhengyi.

In the face of Party A's father's call, he must definitely take it seriously.

Especially can't let the other party know that he is taking the money from Gu Chen's advertising to make a movie again.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to eat and go.

It is also for this reason that Son Zhengyi is even more brother to Gu Xiao than his own brother during this time.

Not only eating and sleeping together, Son also taught a lot of professional knowledge that Gu Xiao had never been exposed to before.

It can be said that under the teaching of day and night, Gu Xiao has completely advanced to become a qualified trainee assistant director.

Although there are still many basic knowledge that have not been learned, the practical work in the professional area is very solid.

So solid that Gu Xiaodu silently began the promotion journey, hiding in the bed to secretly make up for the movie knowledge.

"It's coming!" Gu

Xiao quickly ran to his mobile phone, but in the eyes of others, Gu Xiao's legs were trembling.

But because Gu Xiao and Jin Lord's father were small, no one dared to talk more, and they all pretended not to see this scene.

"Gu Chen, my good father!"

Gu Xiao connected the phone, and the first sentence startled Gu


He subconsciously glanced at the call list on his mobile phone, it was Gu Xiao who was right.

But what is this inexplicable sweeping attitude?

"Gu Xiao?"

asked Gu Chen hesitantly.

"It's not me, hey, you really saved my life, I'll tell you!"

said Gu Xiao as he walked away from the place.

Son Zhengyi directly waved his hand, allowing everyone to directly skim over Gu Xiao's scene first to shoot the next scene.

Everyone began to act very honestly, only Zhou Lele was directly slapped behind the brain by Son Zhengyi because he looked at Gu Xiao from a distance without moving.

"What are you doing here? What's so nice about people calling.

Maybe one day I can climb on Mr. Gu's lap, then I have to ask your grandson to call me Brother Le!" Zhou

Lele covered his head very fiercely, after all, he was also very familiar with Sun Zhengyi.

Of course, there won't be too much to worry about.

On the contrary, if he only promises, he may make Son feel strange.

"Okay, you don't see if you have that life, okay, let's go shoot the next scene!" "Let's go!"


Lele can only continue acting even if he has more unhappiness and worry in his heart.

"I'm sorry, Lao Sun, it's not that I don't help you, it's just that I can't disobey the family's orders

!" "It's a big deal that after you go bankrupt, I'll raise

you!" "And you don't know, the more anxious you are to make the movie well, the closer to your death date!"


a helpless sigh, Zhou Lele joined the shooting work again.

"Why call me at this time, what good news do you have to tell me?"

Gu Xiao didn't have too much mess with Gu

Chen on the phone.

Because he knew that Gu Chen did not go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, he must have some important news to tell him when he called him.

So in order not to delay Gu Chen, Gu Xiao began to speak very understandingly.

"There is really something very important to tell you, but it is not great news for you, but it is for Son.

"No, but it seems that it can be, anyway, my salary will definitely not be worse than yours!" The

two laughed twice, and Gu Chen told Gu Xiao about his acquisition of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. and his intention to engage in film and television media by himself.

At the same time, he also told him that he planned to let Son Masayoshi take some crew members tomorrow and follow him to Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd.

Arrange for them to enter Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd.

To put it bluntly, it is adoption.

"Lying groove, you play really!" Gu

Xiao shouted in direct surprise, and he looked at Su Zhengyi and the others not far behind him.

"If they let them know this news, it will turn the sky up!" "

So I plan to let you go and inform you and get a shunshui favor, how are you and Xiao Ruoyi?"

Gu Chen asked Gu

Xiao to calm down first, and at the same time he also inquired about his latest progress.

"Me and her... Recently, I feel like it has faded a lot, and my main mind is not all on her alone. Gu

Xiao and Gu Chen talked about the recent past.

Gu Chen was very satisfied with hearing it.

"It's nice not to hang yourself from a tree!" "

???Do you think I'm really good when you say that?


this, Gu Xiao was ready to hurry up and tell Son Zhengyi about this happy thing.

"Wait a minute, there's one more thing.

But Gu Chen stopped Gu Xiao in the end.

"What's wrong?" "

There is still a problem with Zhou Lele's details, last time he actually reported Son Masayoshi to me.

I have long seen that this guy with thick eyebrows is not a good person!" Gu

Xiao's reaction was very violent, and he even had to go to Zhou Lele to confront him or something now.

But he was stopped by Gu Chen.

"What's the use of you going to expose him now, he's just a trash fish released by someone behind him!" "

Can't we use him to fish?"

Gu Chen asked Gu Xiao to calm down a little, and at the same time said a reason that Gu

Xiao had no way to refuse.

"But I'm still so angry, why did he do this, how much effort did Son Zhengyi and I waste to bring him out at that time!" "

How can he take revenge?" Gu

Xiao couldn't understand this, and even felt that the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

"People can disguise, but some people disguise very well!"

Gu Chen comforted Gu Xiao, and at the same time asked Gu

Xiao not to act rashly at this time.

After that, he had a way to concoct this

Zhou Lele!"

Okay, then I know!" Gu

Xiao finally said that there was no problem, he would go honestly, and he would not be seen by Zhou Lele.

After the two hung up the phone, Gu Xiao went to inform the good news.

Sun Zhengyi was actually a little apprehensive in his heart, especially when he saw Gu Xiao walking towards him without any hesitation.

There was also an indescribable serious expression on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"Your incident happened!" The

simple five words directly made Sun Zhengyi's pupils quake, and even made Zhou Lele, who had been secretly observing here, prick up his ears.

I thought like crazy in my heart.

Could it be that this guy Gu Xiao directly told Gu Chen what Sun

Zhengyi was doing?" "

So what was my previous behavior

?" "Is it monkey?"


corner of Son Zhengyi's mouth twitched, I don't know what the situation was, he wanted to pull Gu Xiao to the other side to say things.

But Gu Xiao directly pulled out his hands that were held by him and looked at him and said.

"Don't touch me!" "

This matter concerns all of us, so I want to announce it in front of everyone!" Sun

Zhengyi was anxious, especially when he saw Xin Yu, Xiao Ruoyi and the others looking over, he was completely panicked.

There is no need to be so nervous, I can carry something alone!" "

Why make the situation so ugly!" Gu

Xiao looked at Son Zhengyi's anxious appearance and was about to cry, and finally couldn't help it.

"No, why are you so nervous

, what I want to say is a good thing!" "

Gu Chen's acquisition of a company called Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd., tomorrow will go for the signing and handover, this time call me is to let us go with him tomorrow!"

"Gu Chen, you want to take us!"

Eh, what are you waiting for? Don't hurry up and cheer!" After

Gu Xiao finished speaking, he looked at Sun Zhengyi and the others and froze directly.

Silence is for better outbursts.

After nearly thirty seconds of silence, Son Masayoshi launched a leading charge!

"Wow, oh, oh!" "

Beat each other and roar

!" "Strong, six, six, six!"


group of people instantly entered the atavistic phenomenon.

Even Xiao Ruoyi happily hugged Xin Yu with a blinded face.

After reacting, Xin Yu also hugged Xiao Ruoyi.

"Calm down!" Gu

Xiao almost couldn't control the situation.

Later, I found that I really couldn't control it, so forget it, if I can't beat it, I joined it!

So Gu Xiao also directly hugged Sun Zhengyi and also entered the atavistic phenomenon together.

Only although Zhou Lele was barking wildly, there were 10,000 alpacas running in his heart.

"Eh, but

if you think about it this way, I can also be regarded as an employee of Gu Chen!"

"Okay, then continue to lie patiently for a while, and when Son finishes shooting the movie, I can directly report him, and then promote him and raise his salary! It is to gain Gu Chen's trust!" Gu

Chen didn't know that he was being targeted at this time, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care about anything.

Because he has more things to do now.

For example, consider the handover of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd.

"It seems that no one can be transferred to this company!" "

And do you need it?

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