Gu Chen pondered some details and thought for a while.

It seems a little premature to think about these issues now.

And with Gu Xiao and their settlement, there should be no problem.

"Just give them a little task before leaving. Gu

Chen considered that he could not completely leave Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. in a state of unsupervised for a long time.

I must have left a little work for them to save it, and it will be embarrassing if something strange happens.

"Then start a movie project, and the TV series before Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. should also produce a sequel to the movie."

"Although it is a little suspected of fried cold rice, but... the problem is not big, the feeling is better."

Gu Chen thought about planning so, and at the same time began to think about whether he had enough time to write a script tailored for Xin Yu.

"It is estimated that it is not enough, then it is only possible to let the people of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. shoot a sequel movie, and then let Son Masayoshi shoot the second advertisement of Che Wang and his own movie." After

planning all this, Gu Chen also silently prepared to leave work.

Zhou Lele followed Gu Xiao and they finished work together, planning to celebrate.

"I have to find a way to inform my brother Gu Chen of the latest developments."

"The most important thing is to tell him my grades.

"Save him from always thinking that I am a waste who eats white rice!" Gu

Xiao was still hesitating whether to tell Son Zhengyi the truth he knew about Zhou Lele being an anti-bone boy.

"This kid's eyes are always blind from time to time, and he is not a good person at first glance!" "

I still think his shooting skills are quite good before! It seems that he paid by mistake after all!"

Gu Xiao has been observing Zhou Lele's behavior all the way.

After indeed throwing away some filters, Gu Xiao found a lot of details that he had never noticed before.

It also made Gu Xiao's words to Gu Chen further affirmed.

Therefore, when everyone came to a hotel to eat and drink, Gu Xiao found that Zhou Lele found an excuse to go to the toilet and left, Gu Xiao directly followed without saying a word.

"Hey, it's me.

Gu Xiao found that this week Lele was still shaking when he just went out, but every three steps he walked out actually directly restored his straight line.

"What a wave of disguise!" Gu

Xiao smiled coldly, followed him into the toilet and heard him call.


asked his brother with a frown on the other end of the phone, who was very worried about Zhou Lele's exposure during this time.

Not worried about his safety, but thinking that if they were caught by Gu Chen, their target would be a little too big.

If it is discovered by those old guys, it is the real danger.

"If not, you can come back quickly, don't burden the family!" So

Zhou Li's tone was not very good, but Zhou Lele didn't care about anything.

"Brother, let me tell you, I have gained Gu Chen's basic trust, and now I have one last chance to get closer to him!"

"Don't ask me how I did it, you will always believe me, Gu Chen will make a big move in the film and television industry next."

"And he also acquired a company called Dream Lime Culture Ltd."

"Yes, we can lay it out in advance, and maybe we can use the identity of a minority shareholder to meet Gu Chen to deepen contact."

Speaking of this, Zhou Lele fell into silence again, and after a while, he continued to ask.

"Actually, I always feel that Gu Chen has fully met our investment standards, why should we continue to entangle other things here?" "

In case Gu Chen is contacted by other old guys and obtains their investment and recognition, wouldn't we..." When

Gu Xiao heard this, his heart seemed to set off a wave of shock!

But the person on the other end of the phone seemed to have heard Zhou Lele say this, and immediately asked him to close his mouth.

Only then did Gu Xiao not hear more about his true identity.

"But invest? Invest in Gu Chen? Are they serious? Gu Chen still needs to invest?" I

don't know what Zhou Lele's identity is, but hearing Zhou Lele say this, suddenly Gu Xiao feels that Zhou Lele is most likely not a commercial spy sent by a hostile company that has a feud with Gu Chen as he imagined.

"More like an inspector?" "

But is it serious to send a somewhat silly inspector like Zhou Lele?" In

fact, it was not unreasonable for Gu Xiao to think so, but he didn't know what happened in the business community of Huahai City at the beginning.

It is not clear that their Huamu Road Zhou family is now in a dormant stage, and they can't be too upset or something.

Otherwise, a lot of big trouble will come to you.

Therefore, they can only let their new generation go out to get close to Gu Chen.

"Okay, then I know, anyway, tomorrow I estimate that I will go to Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd., there is no problem with the file you prepared for me, right?"

"Okay, then I will be relieved!" After

finally saying two more words without nutrition, Gu Xiao heard the sound of Zhou Lele hanging up the phone and starting to flush.

At the same time, Gu Xiao also left the toilet one step ahead of him and returned to the dining table.

Son was still a little upset.

"Big day, where have you been, come and drink this cup and three glasses!"

he kept pouring wine Gu Xiao.

Gu Xiao, who is just a high school teacher, where can he have a huge drinking belly, and he was drunk by Sun Zhengyi in a few strokes.

Xiao Ruoyi came up at this time to stop the coaxing behavior of Son Zhengyi and others.

"Okay, okay, didn't you see that Gu Xiao is not a person who can drink, one by one, there are no points!" Hearing

that his goddess cared about herself, Gu Xiao's whole person began to grow his tongue under the influence of alcohol.

"Ruoyi, it's okay, I'm a person who drinks more and more energetically, no matter when I can keep myself awake!" "

I tell you, I have discussed with Gu Chen, maybe I will give up my identity as a teacher in the future and completely devote myself to the film and television industry!

I also learned to tailor a movie for Xin Yu by Gu Chen, and also tailor one for you! How is it! Is it good!" In

the face of Gu Xiao's drunken spit out the truth, Xiao Ruoyi did not have any reaction.

Just looked at Son Zhengyi, who was not very good-looking beside him, and said.

"Look at what you guys have poured people into, talk some nonsense!" "

Don't hurry up and help people and let him go back to rest and rest!"

Son Masayoshi silently drank the wine in his glass, and he also felt a little top-notch.

Directly put the wine glass on the table, and hugged Gu Xiao and prepared to leave.

"Come, let's have a good chat! Don't drink it!" Gu

Xiao seemed to be still confused, and regarded Son Zhengyi as Xiao Ruoyi.

"Eh, Ruoyi Ruoyi, what are you holding me for!" "

Oh, let people see the misunderstanding!" He

even hugged Son Masayoshi with his backhand, and his words and actions were completely opposite.

Maybe this is the best embodiment of the mouth saying no, but the body is still very honest, right?

In short, Gu Xiao's behavior made Son Zhengyi's face more ugly,

and the strength of the hug was getting stronger and stronger.

After all, now Xiao Ruoyi is still his Son Zhengyi's person, no matter what the reason, Son Zhengyi does not like Gu Xiao to say that he wants to set up his own portal and dig the wall in front of himself.

It's a bit hard to accept.

In addition, Son Zhengyi drank some alcohol, and he was usually able to control his emotions, but now he looks a little out of control.

Just like that, two crew members came up and helped these two people into the opened room of this hotel.

Who knew that after arriving at the room, Gu Xiao didn't seem to be drunk at all.

Shut the door shut.

Frightened, Sun Zhengyi almost snorted, and thought that Gu Xiao was because Xiao Ruoyi was going to have a duel with himself.

"Mom, then don't I want to be beaten crazy?" Thinking

so, Sun Zhengyi trembled a little, but fortunately, Gu Xiao did not reveal that kind of thought after locking the door.

He turned his head and said very seriously.

"Director Sun, I have something important to tell you, you are ready!" "


However, in his heart, he began to decide that he must exercise well, and if there really was a scene where Gu Xiao wanted to duel with him one day, he would have a preparation.

Gu Xiao pressed Son Zhengyi to the head of the bed and began to slowly tell about Zhou Lele.

"That's it, Zhou Lele and we are not the same people at all, we are all deceived by his appearance.

"And their target is not us, but Gu Chen."

"So things are even more complicated, the enemy is in the dark and I am in the light!"

After Sun Zhengyi heard Gu Xiao say this, his whole person suddenly became a little bad.

The wine also sobered up in an instant, but his mind didn't think like this at all.

"Gu Xiao, are you drunk and have a conjecture?" "

Zhou Lele is a brother who shares happiness and suffering with us!

He directly moved out of Gu Chen silently.

"Yes, then I will tell you about what Gu Chen told me.

Gu Xiao also told Zhou Lele about telling Son Zhengyi.

Hearing the incredulity on Son's face, his mouth kept talking.


is impossible, face reality! Son Masayoshi!" But

Gu Xiao let him clearly return to reality.

Son Masayoshi suddenly stopped talking like a dumb cannonball, but the waist plate that had been standing up also collapsed at this time.

The whole person seemed to suddenly age many years.

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