The next day, after Gu Chen got up, he went directly to Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd.

Wang Wei and Chen Yu had been waiting for Gu Chen's arrival for a long time.

Of course, there was a group of people who came earlier than them.

That is the crew that Son built up.

"Mr. Gu!" Without

any hesitation, the moment they saw Gu Chen, they bowed directly to Gu Chen under the leadership of the somewhat languishing Sun Zhengyi.

The appearance of the big battle made Gu Chen feel a little embarrassed.

There are too many onlookers around, plus there are two top-notch beautiful Xin Yu and Xiao Ruoyi in the crew.

That effect is even more eye-catching, and you can't do it without attracting the attention of others.

Gu Chen silently coughed twice, asking them not to exaggerate so much.

"Okay, okay, let's go first!" Gu

Chen greeted everyone and led them into the Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. together.

Tang Xinwei had long been waiting in the company at this time.

In the early days, she was the first one.

And after she watched Gu Chen come through the glass, the corners of her mouth unconsciously rose by three points.

But soon after thinking of the crazy urging from his parents, Tang Xinwei's whole person exuded a helpless mourning culture.

"Tell me about you, you are already so old, I finally found a favorite one! What are you waiting for at this time?" "

That's it, don't hurry up and grab each other's hearts and hurry up to get married or something, you actually waste time here

!" "Don't think about your current age! It's not young, it's time to think about your future!"

What's more, Gu Chen is still such an excellent young man, if you don't seize the opportunity, maybe tomorrow he will run away with the other fox spirits!" Tang

Xinwei just thought of these words in his mind, and he had a very headache.

The headache was so bad that I regretted seeing Gu Chen.

But there is no regret in this world to take medicine, otherwise there would not be so many tragedies.

Thinking so, Gu Chen had already led people into Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd., and the front desk notified several people in charge of the company.

The person in charge united again to find Tang Xinwei.

"Here, okay, let's go together. Tang

Xinwei put away his emotions and silently took the people in his dream lime culture co., LTD to greet Gu Chen.

Although it is said that it is the party to be acquired, the handover has not yet been completed, the contract has not been signed, and the money has not been hit.

To put it bluntly, today's Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. is still surnamed Tang, or her Tang Xinwei's home field.

Naturally, it is necessary to come out of the momentum.

In fact, it was also Tang Xinwei who had thought about it for a long time to improve the pressing of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. and then improve it.

As soon as she left, the old employees of the entire company were treated unjustly or something.

That's so sad.

In a word, people can go, tea is impossible!

For this reason, Tang Xinwei has been prepared to confront Gu Chen when necessary today.

"Mr. Gu!" "

Mr. Tang!"

And when the two groups of people met in the hall, on one side, Tang Xin, who was wearing a black suit and combing his big back, came with a full aura.

Behind her, a group of people are also all kinds of people, and their faces are full of the atmosphere of cultural professionals.

But on the other hand, on Gu Chen's side, Gu Chen felt that the weather was hot, and he just put on a white shirt and suit pants and came over.

The others such as Son Masayoshi are more casual than one.

The only one who can take the shot is Chen Yu and his elite team.

It's just that how to say that the rich are the uncle, and the flip-flops are the landlords.

Gu Chen did not feel that it was difficult to move an inch because of the momentum of Tang Xinwei and Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd.

On the contrary, Gu Chen didn't have any fluctuations in his heart, and he even felt a little like laughing.

Because just seeing Tang Xinwei, he could think of the reaction attitude of Tang's father and mother.

It was the first moment to control his emotions.

Just soon Gu Chen thought that the current occasion was not suitable for the two of them to reminisce or something.

So when Tang Xinwei came over, Gu Chen also silently put away his excess emotions.

"Here it is.

"Well, here it is. The

two exchanged lightly, and there was no unnecessary gossip at all.

The scene instantly became a little bit so that Sun Zhengyi and the others behind Gu Chen felt Tang Xinwei's aura.

Especially Tang Xinwei's handsome appearance without bounds made Xin Yu and Xiao Ruoyi feel threatened.

"So handsome!" "

Who is this person?" The

two had their own ideas in their hearts, and Gu Xiao had some other ideas.

"Her temperament is so good, it's a pity not to make a movie!" He

has brought himself into the role of a director, casting his film all the time.

Gu Chen followed her into a huge conference room after exchanging pleasantries with Tang Xinwei.

Tang Xinwei glanced at the many crowds behind Gu Chen and said.

"President Gu, are these people following you?" Gu

Chen glanced at Sun Zhengyi and the others.

The latter is also very conscious.

"Ahem, everyone, shall we visit our senior company?"

"Okay!" "

Yes, take a look at our future office environment!"

Gu Xiao also cooperated with Son Masayoshi, and at the same time gave Gu

Chen a look that you can talk about things at ease.

Then, under the organization of the two, Tang Xinwei also let the executives of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. behind him call a person who took them on a tour and began to browse the entire company's culture and some basic office environment.

"So, shall we start?" After

all the idle people left, Tang Xinwei invited Gu Chen again.

"Good!" Gu

Chen did not have any hesitation, and directly entered the main seat and began a negotiation that had already completed its purpose.

"Actually, I don't think we have any other big problems this time."

After sitting down, Gu Chen directly said in advance.

"Yes, but I think our general direction is the same, but there are some questions about orbital deviation that need to be considered.

Gu Chen found that Tang Xinwei's words began to become more.

I understood that this time Tang Xinwei really had something to discuss with himself.

"Okay, then let's talk openly!" But

Gu Chen would not be afraid of any negotiation at all, and directly cut the line.

"Good. Tang

Xinwei was also very concise, and the two began a battlefield battle without gunsmoke.

Compare to the bloody storm in the conference room.

Son Masayoshi and others in Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. were very relaxed.

They were led by old employees to tour the hardware decoration of the entire company.

Everyone was very satisfied, at least much better than the places where they used to live.

Xin Yu's feeling is the greatest.

Because a long time ago, she thought that she could join an entertainment company and become a singing and dancing super star.

Today I came to Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd., although there was a slight deviation from the entertainment company of my dreams.

But after Xin Yu went through this shooting advertisement by Son Masayoshi, Xin Yu has long understood what an actor is.

I also understood how immature my previous thoughts were.

Therefore, Xin Yu's mood is very throbbing, and there is a feeling that the long march of thousands of miles begins under his feet.

Xiao Ruoyi's mood was even more complicated, always feeling as if she had gained something and lost something.

"Can we really have such an office environment in the future?" "

Yes, we will not disperse for some reason, nor will we not be able to reunite for some reason!"

Some people are even more excited to take photos like crazy.

But after Gu Xiao saw this behavior, he thought of what Gu Chen had reminded him before and that it was best not to announce his acquisition of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. now, and the timing was not right.

So Gu Xiao silently opened his mouth and said to everyone.

"It's okay to shoot, but don't publicize it

!" "Don't worry! We know!" "

That's right, Director Gu, we are all people who understand the importance of weight!" After

being assured, Gu Xiao was relieved.

Compared with this harmonious scene at the scene, Gu Chen and Tang Xinwei in the conference room felt a little tense.

Especially at the end, there was talk about raising the salary of the old employees of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd.

Chen Yu's side directly put forward a request that made Tang Xinwei and the employees behind her absolutely unwilling to back down.

That's salary.

"Implement performance pay, absolutely do not allow the existence of people who touch fish and are useless to the company!" "

That is to say, you have not increased your salary after acquiring Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd., or even reduced your salary?" Tang

Xinwei did not speak, but let the high-level behind him speak.

After all, Wang was a general against a general, and only Gu Chen was qualified to talk to her.

And the end is entangled with Chen Yu, which is a bit of a waste of time.

"No, no, no, you misunderstood, it is actually equivalent to a salary increase in disguise, and this performance is an extra salary!"

Chen Yu was also very knowledgeable and explained to this comrade what the performance he proposed was.

However, they did not receive the understanding of the other party.

Nor did it convince the other party.

"Our company culture at Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. is to do what we can and never force our employees.

"Isn't this method of yours just to let us come up with the last place elimination or something!

Tang Xinwei also silently crossed his hand and looked at Gu Chen, his aura was still very powerful.

Fortunately, Gu Chen has never been cowardly in some principled matters, and he will definitely not retreat just because of the other party's fierce eyes.

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