Gu Chen's promise immediately made the high-level of Dream Lime excited.

After all, in terms of annual salary, forty percent is not a small number.

It is completely possible to take their assets and their wealth to the next level.

However, the premise is that the film must be released within a year, and the box office cannot be less than 1 billion."

Gu Chen looked at this group of people who were obviously excited, and said a precondition.

It also calmed them down suddenly.

"One year is a lot of time!"

"The request is also very reasonable.

"It's just a billion yuan, if we invest enough, we can completely exceed the task!"

but they still remained in a high mood.

"So you agree to this request, Mr. Tang?" Gu

Chen no longer cared about these people who were blinded by their own interests, but looked at Tang Xinwei, who was still calm, but his eyes were still full of disgust for his subordinates.

"I don't agree, the world has always been unable to twist an arm to a thigh.

"What else is there to say, start signing the contract." Tang

Xinwei is disappointed, people who are easily bought by money will not be respected and safeguarded by themselves.

So in this atmosphere, Gu Chen smoothly signed the contract and completed the acquisition of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd.

These include themed buildings and photography venues, as well as a half-film base in the suburbs.

To put it bluntly, the valuable part of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. is these plots and the like.

Gu Chen did not have any ambiguity, and directly transferred 700 million yuan to Tang Xinwei's account.

"If the work is handed over, the crew of Wang Wei, Chen Yu and Son Masayoshi will take over for the time being.

"The organizational structure of the company or something, I will ask the people in the human resources department to do a new round of statistics and see what can be improved." "

The rest is nothing, Mr. Tang, do you have anything else to add?" Gu

Chen looked at Tang Xinwei, who seemed a little melancholy.

After Gu Chen called for the second time, Tang Xin Weicai reacted.

I don't have anything to add, but can we talk about it alone?" Hearing

this, Gu Chen still didn't react, but Wang Wei's face changed behind him.

"No, no, Mr. Gu invisibly exudes his charm

?" "Isn't even Tang Xinwei able to resist this time?" "

No, obviously I knew her first!" Wang

Wei kept playing out all kinds of bad little theaters in his mind.

Seeing Gu Chen leave the conference room with Tang Xinwei.

But he was helpless!

"Why is it President Gu, this mountain that I will never be able to climb!" Originally

, Wang Wei felt that it didn't matter if the person Tang Xinwei liked was extremely excellent.

After all, his royal conditions must have a great competitive advantage here.

But this competitive advantage is placed in front of Gu Chen, which is embarrassing and just a piece of.

Wang Wei was desperate in his heart, and he began to be dead to Tang Xin.

Gu Chen didn't know that his right-hand man had so much care at this time.

But even if he knew it, he probably wouldn't say anything, just patted Wang Wei's shoulder lightly to persuade him to honestly give up pursuing Tang Xinwei.

"What's wrong, Mr. Tang?" Gu

Chen looked at Tang Xinwei, who had brought him to a separate office but did not take the initiative to say anything, and finally chose to speak by himself.

Provincial Tang Xinwei is embarrassed to engage in any moth.

Tang Xinwei did not pay attention to Gu Chen, but still leaned against his window.

Leaving Gu Chen with a very bleak back.

Gu Chen didn't know what to say.

Can only silently wait for Tang Xinwei to consume his negative emotions.

I don't know how much time has passed.

Gu Chen saw that downstairs, Sun Zhengyi and the others were ready to leave Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. under the leadership of Wang Wei.

Probably going to eat or something.

Anyway, Gu Chen didn't have the appetite to eat for the time being.

I don't care about these things myself.

Tang Xinwei seemed to have finally reacted.

She said with a deep sigh.

I really liked my parents' work when I was a child.

"I love their attitude at work, but when I grow up, I find that they forget that I am too much to be if they are addicted to work."

"And when I was a kid, they brought me to work at the company and said what wouldn't leave me alone, but in fact, I couldn't even remember that I was still following them."

"This ridiculous thing lasted until I grew up, and I lost it three times.

"I thought I would have a big vengeance in my heart if I sold this broken company, compared to him taking the time that belonged to me from me."

"But after signing the contract today, I realized that what I thought was so simple!" Tang

Xinwei turned his head to look at Gu Chen, although there was still no complicated emotion on his face.

But the tenderness in his eyes has been undoubtedly revealed.

Gu Chen stayed so quietly on the side, listening to the catharsis of her various emotions.

"But fortunately, it is you who took over Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd., plus what you said before, I can still judge that Ali, you Gu Chen is the one who really wants to contribute to the industry."

"And the only one who believes in me. Tang

Xinwei's previous words Gu Chen can still understand.

But in the end, Gu Chen was really a little blinded.

"What do you mean by that?"

Gu Chen felt that Tang Xinwei seemed to have a deeper story.

He wanted to ask a wave, but he was perfunctory from Tang Xinwei.

"Well, since I've reached this point, I should go!"

"I'm waiting for you in Australia."

After Tang Xinwei finished speaking, he began to pack up his office supplies or something.

Even in the end, Tang Xinwei also found a set of clothes from the drawer, which made Gu Chen turn his head a little embarrassed.

"Okay, you can turn around!" Tang

Xinwei was very surprised by Gu Chen's behavior.

After he had packed up all his things, Tang Xinwei informed Gu Chen.

Looking at a small duffel bag that he didn't know where to get from, Gu Chen asked in surprise.

"You won't be ready to leave Huahai City right now and go directly to Australia, will

you?" said

Tang Xin's only raised eyebrow.

"Thank you for this, after all, if you hadn't disguised a wave of my boyfriend and let my father's illness get mentally treated, I really wouldn't have been able to get him discharged so quickly."

"Speaking of which, you're my big hero."

"So don't worry, when you get to Australia, I will definitely spare no effort to help you."

"Even if you mess with the Australian mafia and the Razor Gang, I will cover you!"

Tang Xinwei's atmosphere instantly returned.

Completely drove away the mentality of the little daughter before.

This change made Gu Chen appreciate her even more.

"Don't worry, we didn't go to Australia to do anything illegal, and we won't encounter any underworld forces at all."

"You don't have to worry too much about that.

Gu Chen thought that his actions accompanying Jiang Min should not suffer any messy changes.

So here directly with Tang Xinwei came to a flag.

"Is it? So let's hope so. Tang

Xinwei glanced at Gu Chen, who was confident, and smiled casually.

Gu Chen always felt that Tang Xinwei seemed to be vaguely telling himself something.

In this way, after Gu Chen sent Tang Xinwei to leave, he also stayed at Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. for a while and left.

Now it's time to go and assign tasks to Son Masayoshi.

When the arrangement is completed, he can inform Jiang Min to go to Xiangcheng Island together.

And the reason for going to Xiangcheng Island, Gu Chen also thought about it.

It is that you can use the 5G construction project to negotiate with the Wanhao Stock Exchange to perform a wave.

In this way, when Gu Chen went to Xiangcheng Island, there would be enough excuses to find Tong Zixin.

"I don't know how she is now?" Gu

Chen shook his head to stop thinking about something messy.

Because no matter how much you think about it, it's better to finish things quickly and go to Xiangcheng Island to see the situation.

Thinking so, Gu Chen found Sun Zhengyi and the others who had just returned from eating.

So Gu Chen casually asked a small secretary outside the door to call them up.

"President Gu!" Wang

Wei's face was still not very good-looking.

But he still chose to stand on Gu Chen's side and no longer thought about anything about Tang Xinwei.

"Your face is ugly?" "

Did you pay for the lunch meal, or did you eat too badly?"

Gu Chen then asked, and Wang Wei also said casually.

"No, Mr. Gu, I'm just a little sad. "

Sad, what are you sad about, sad that Tang Xinwei left?"

asked Gu Chen directly and curiously.

"Even if Tang Xinwei left, my heart also went with it." "

Don't you see that you are still an amorous seed?" Facing

Wang Wei's answer, Gu Chen simply didn't know what to say.

"Okay, okay, I have something to talk to you about when I called you in!" "

President Gu, please order!" Wang

Wei bowed and bent down for the first time, showing his loyalty.

"It's not really a big deal.

"And you wait first!" Gu

Chen directly let Wang Wei stand aside, and he looked at Sun Zhengyi, who had been hiding in the crowd and somewhat avoiding Gu Chen's gaze.

"Yes, don't look at it, it's you!"

"I have something to tell you about Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd.

Son Masayoshi flinched and came to Gu Chen's side and asked.

"Mr. Gu, I don't know what you are looking for me for.

"Simple, let me shoot your unfinished movie!" "

I want you to compete with the people of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. for movies, this is your strength, who can convince the other party within a year, the company's right to speak is on whose side." "

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