"PK? Competition?" Gu

Chen's words made Son Zhengyi very confused, so confused that he was a little unconfident.

"I haven't made a good work in so many years!" "

It suddenly made me compete with the professional team..."

"It's not that I think our team will be bad, but if the failure causes President Gu's control over Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. to lose his absolute hegemony, then am I not a sinner?"

Son Zhengyi was very worried, worried until Gu Chen asked him a second time, Son Zhengyi reacted.

"Ah what?"

he looked at the strange expressions of everyone in front of him, only to find that his mind wandered.

And Gu Chen didn't care, just said softly.

"I asked you if you have confidence?"

Son Zhengyi opened his mouth, there was really no way to say in good conscience that he had the confidence of Victory Dream Lime Culture Co

., Ltd.! "President Gu, I dare not completely pack the ticket!"

So Son

Zhengyi looked very resigned at this time.

"Boss Sun, what can't be guaranteed! We

can!" "That's it, Boss Sun, our shooting during this period of time has almost been run-in!

"Yes, I don't believe that the salted fish of their dream lime culture Co., Ltd. can compare with those of us who have been honing their skills for many years!"

"That's right, just now we all visited their company environment, it can be said that it is a boiled frog! No wonder there has been no explosion for so long

!" "If we were allowed to come, we would definitely be able to achieve a lot of results!"

Son's hesitation made his team seem a little unhappy.

One by one, they began to learn to answer questions.

Son Masayoshi was very embarrassed.

Because Gu Chen knew that he was shooting a movie with advertisements, the matter had not been completely disclosed.

So Son is still unclear about what is wrong with putting this matter on the bright side.

"Mr. Gu, I don't know what the winning conditions you and Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. have set?"

For this reason, Son Zhengyi felt that he should quickly change the topic at this time.

Let everyone's attention stop focusing on their own movies.

"What I agreed with the executives of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. is that if the movie shot within a year reaches 1 billion yuan at the box office after it is released, it can give them a salary increase of 40%.

"I think if you want to beat them, you have to at least double the box office."

"In this way, you will let the box office reach 20 billion, I think Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. should agree with you when it sees your high box office."

A dazed look appeared on Son's face.

It seemed that Gu Chen's words were heard in his mind, but he did not hear them clearly.

He asked again unsurely.

"Mr. Gu, are you just talking about the 2 billion yuan we have in circulation

? "...of course not, what do you think?

What kind of country we are, we use whatever country's currency, of course, if you want to exchange it for more valuable foreign exchange, I don't mind you challenging yourself so much."

Gu Chen looked at this guy's expression and said.

Son immediately shook his head and waved his hand and said.

"Big doesn't have to be big!"

Son's team was also shocked by the 2 billion box office.

All of them are silent whispers.


Is this possible?" "

I don't know, I always feel that 2 billion is too much! Is this something

we can accomplish?" "Is it that Mr. Gu trusts us too much, trusting us to think that we can complete the task of 2 billion?"

"This is my life

!" "But if I don't finish it, it will be a disgrace to President Gu!"

"So maybe I should agree to it now?"


of this, Son Masayoshi said silently to Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu has the grace of knowing me, and now he trusts me so much!" "

Then I will take this task today, and at the same time, I dare to ask Mr. Gu here for more investment!"

Son Zhengyi understood that he wanted to compete with the people of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd.

That good script and actors are already there, and all that's left is realistic special effects and some scene arrangements.

Therefore, Son began to ask Gu Chen to invest, so that with enough investment, he could put the ideas in his mind into success.

"Yes, is 500 million enough?" Gu

Chen did not have any ambiguity, when there were no well-known actors, 500 million

could make ten movies.

But he also knows that the gang of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. will definitely do everything they can in order to raise their salary.

If Gu Chen did not favor Sun Zhongyi and others in terms of investment, there would definitely be many problems.

"Although my original intention was to keep them motivated and not be too idle, it seems that the goal is a little too high.

"Forget it, anyway, it doesn't matter if there is no way to finish it in the end."

"Anyway, I don't make money on this, and the acquisition of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. is just to satisfy my own ideas, and it will be better to use this company and the boss to do a deal in the future." Gu

Chen thought so and gave Sun Zhengyi 500 million permissions.

Son's eyes widened all of a sudden.

The mouth fell completely, and it almost dislocated with a direct click.

His group of little brothers were also stunned, always feeling that they were hallucinating.

"Is there a problem with my ears?

"You heard right, you are directly hallucinating, how can you directly invest 500 million in us? "

That's right, 500 million is not a small amount, it is enough to sell all these people present here!"

But just after they were sure that pinching would hurt, they instantly had a boiling emotion.

Son was really stunned on the spot.

He seemed to want to say something, but Gu Chen directly patted him on the shoulder and asked Wang Weichen Yu to follow him away from Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd.

The remaining group of people are still in a state of blindness.

Zhou Lele originally saw the opportunity to step forward, but looking at the carnivals around him, if he was out of touch at this time, wouldn't it show that he wanted to do something?

On the other hand, Gu Chen explained that Chen Yu was ready to follow him to Xiangcheng Island.

At the same time, there was no taboo in front of him to talk to Wang Wei.

"Help me contact the Wanhao Stock Exchange on Xiangcheng Island, and say that Longteng Group will send personnel to Xiangcheng Island to investigate whether the site supports the establishment of 5G.

"At the same time, we also told them to remember to let Tong Zixin, who came to our Huahai City to seek cooperation before, to receive us, and remember that this was a named reception, but it could not be too obvious."

"Anyway, it shouldn't be difficult to believe your eloquence to do all this, right?" Although

Wang Wei said that his heart had died before, the quality and ability of the business was still online.

Hearing Gu Chen say this, his face suddenly became solemn.

"Don't worry, Mr. Gu, you can trust me completely!" "

I will definitely handle this matter beautifully!" Wang

Wei's statement made Gu Chen nodded with satisfaction, and after taking a greeting word, everyone left to prepare.

Gu Chen also returned to his home and began to clean up.

At the same time, he did not forget to call Jiang Min.

"What's wrong, Brother Gu Chen, did he miss me?" Jiang

Min on the other end of the phone seemed to be in a good mood today, so he spoke more playfully.

But Gu Chen was not moved at all.

"I think you're big, I called to tell you that we can go to Xiangcheng Island in the next two days, get ready!" "

Really? Great, my change of clothes is ready!"

"Okay, got it!" After

Gu Chen informed Jiang Min, he also began to make final preparations.

When Wang Wei returned to Longteng Group that afternoon, he finally contacted the person in charge of the Wanhao Stock Exchange on Xiangcheng Island.

"Hello, I'm Chen Mouren. Chen

Mouren is a graduate student of Xiangcheng Island University, graduated in 1992, in addition to his excellent financial business ability, there is another most important reason, that is, he has been with Li Jiahao for a long time.

Relying on his loyalty and rigorous attitude, he was able to mix with the position of director of the stock exchange.

And the age is not very old until now, not even more than 50 years old.

It is not an exaggeration to say that you are young and promising.

"Hello, Mr. Chen. But

Wang Wei is not bad, and the two are completely in an equal dialogue.

"I am Wang Wei of Longteng Group, and you have discussed with me on the phone before about setting up a 5G base station for the Wanhao Stock Exchange. Hearing

Wang Wei say this, Chen Mouren understood why his general secretary would access his phone.

Chen Mouren's

attitude suddenly became very enthusiastic.

During this time, I was busy studying the financial reform of Xiangcheng Island

, and I was so busy that I was so busy that I couldn't hear Mr. Wang's voice for a while, sorry, really!" Wang

Wei did not expose Chen Mouren's hypocrisy, but maintained the attitude and stance of this kind of relationship between people in the workplace.

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