"It's not Mr. Chen's fault, it's that I'm also busy with some company affairs here, so I forgot to contact Mr

. Chen!" "There is also a part of my fault!"

Wang Wei's words made Chen Mouren laugh, and the atmosphere between the two was perfectly adjusted to the part after the hot scene at this moment.

It's almost time to talk about things.

Chen Mouren is very hungry for Longteng Group's 5G base station, just increasing the speed by one second can make their Wanhao Stock Exchange receive rate one second faster than others.

This second time difference, if it works well, the extra income every day is at least tens of millions.

It can be said that as long as the 5G base station of this Wanhao stock exchange is built, it is not a problem for him to double his monthly performance!

"Isn't it the happiest thing to be able to cut all of them while the leeks can't react?"

When Chen Mouren thought so, the corners of his mouth were about to flow out.

After all, he also makes money with his GPA, and if the monthly performance of the Wanhao Stock Exchange makes a lot of money, his own money will also increase.

This can be said to be a win-win, and only some leeks that cannot keep up with the operation are lost.

"So, this is wealth!"

Chen Mouren's attitude became more and more kind.

Wang Wei also raised the matter that Gu Chen explained to himself.

"Is it? To send personnel to us for a field investigation, how should we judge whether our Wanhao Stock Exchange can build a 5G base station?"

"Welcome! It must be a welcome! A warm welcome and a warm welcome

!" "Hahaha! What? Familiar with the people sent to Xiangcheng Island before? Yes? Tong Zixin!"

Yes, yes, she is the trump card of our good stock exchange! "

I will definitely let Tong Zixin receive you! No problem!" Chen

Mouren spoke with an inexplicable sense of joy.

It seems that because of Wang Wei's tough attitude, he deliberately became very soft.

In short, after the discussion, Wang Wei found that this matter was much simpler than he thought.

"Originally, I thought that after President Gu sent the people of this Wanhao Stock Exchange to the police station before, they would feel a headache and decided not to cooperate with us.

"Now it seems that the businessman really only has profit in his eyes."

In the end, after Wang Wei reached an agreement with Chen Mouren, he directly called Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu, I have already contacted Chen Muren of the Wanhao Stock Exchange, ah, Chen Moren is the person in charge of their Wanhao Stock Exchange, anyway, as long as your side confirms the flight, I will contact them immediately."

"They will arrange for Tong Zixin to come and pick up the airport." "

Yes, that's right! Hey, thank you Mr. Gu for praising this is all I should do

!" "Hahaha! Okay, okay, then I'll help you arrange tomorrow's business class! Okay, goodbye Mr

. Gu!"

Hung up the phone, Gu

Chen muttered.


thought Li Jiahao behind the Wanhao Stock Exchange was going to make things difficult or something."

"But now it seems that Li Jiahao's rank will not let him directly interfere in the affairs of the Wanhao Stock Exchange."

"In this way, under double insurance, my identity will not be exposed."

"Very good, very good!

When Gu Chen thought so,

he received a text message from Wang Wei.

"Mr. Gu, your flight has been booked, just tomorrow at 11 a.m... Arrived at two o'clock in the afternoon, and Chen Yu's I also booked together, you can rest assured that I will notify him directly, you can go directly to the airport tomorrow!"

At the same time, his mobile phone also received a text message from the airline.

"Well done, wait until I come back and have a meal." He

casually edited a text message and sent it to Wang Wei, which can be regarded as a standard for rewarding him for doing things without leakage.

At the same time, Gu Chen also sent the airline's text message to Jiang Min.

"Please reply when you receive it!"

Gu Chen added.

"Received, this is the start of booking tickets!" Jiang

Min's speed was very fast, almost until Gu Chen's text message was just sent out, and he immediately got a response.

"This stupid girl won't even read the content of the text message, right?" Gu

Chen shook his head and put away his mobile phone and began to continue to pack up.

Until the evening, Gu Chen waited until Chu Xinyi returned home in advance.

"What's wrong, going on a business trip?"

asked Chu Xinyi when she saw his large suitcase.

"Almost, a trip to Xiangcheng Island.

Gu Chen also told Chu Xinyi his movements without any ambiguity.

"Xiangcheng Island?"

Chu Xinyi remembered this matter at this time, put down her bag and came to Gu Chen's side and asked.

"What are you doing there?"

Gu Chen told Chu Xinyi about the future of the dragon.

Of course, it is also a matter of hiding a little risk, otherwise it is not good to make Chu Xinyi worry too much.

"Can't you do it if you don't go?"

But just like that, Chu Xinyi was still very worried.

I didn't even want Gu Chen to take risks.

"You are equivalent to going to someone else's territory to deliver vegetables!" "

What about even if it is a dragon crossing, there are more people in the world who want to slay dragons

!" "I think you'd better not go!"


Xinyi took out a bit of a tough attitude, but there was nothing to say under Gu Chen's three-inch tongue.

In a few strokes, he was pried by Gu Chen's atrium.

"Okay, okay, as long as you can talk!" "

Who is there with you, can I go with you?" Chu

Xinyi's attitude was very firm when she saw Gu Chen.

But Gu Chen's attitude was even firmer than Chu Xinyi.

"No, if you go, originally I am a hexagonal warrior without any weaknesses, and if you go, you will become my weakness.

Gu Chen's explanation made Chu Xinyi feel inexplicably shy, and he also sensed that Gu Chen also knew that his trip to Xiangcheng Island might be dangerous.

"Then don't

go and you can't do it!" "Don't go and raise me

!" "I'll raise

you!" "Fool, you first fatten yourself, you see how much your arms have lost weight recently!"


Chen and Chu Xinyi laughed, and Chu Xinyi angrily hammered his chest with his small fist.

I just don't know why I hammered somewhere else.

This night, Gu Chen handed over everything he had to Chu Xinyi.

Fortunately, the ticket for the next day was scheduled for 11 o'clock, otherwise Gu Chen really didn't have the energy to get up.

"Gone!" Gu

Chen said hello to Chu Xinyi, who was still like a little cat in the bed, and left his home.

A new journey began.

The scenery on the road passed quickly in Gu Chen's eyes.

Gu Chen didn't have much reaction, just thinking about some unexpected situations he might encounter after going to Xiangcheng Island.

For example, the meeting with Li Jiahao at certain moments, and Li Jiajun, who was sent to the police station by himself before.

"It's all trouble!" Gu

Chen felt a bit of a headache just thinking about it, but fortunately he also made some layouts on Xiangcheng Island.

Not completely passive.

Thinking of this, Gu Chen still has to thank Jiang Min, it was she who connected with some forces on Xiangcheng Island on the Internet so that she could contact each other.

"However, the credibility of these people is also very worrying. Or be on your own.

Gu Chen thought so, and his taxi quickly arrived at the airport.

"The young man has arrived!" The

taxi master was still very enthusiastic, but his eyes were not very good, and when he saw Gu Chen coming out of Tomson Yipin, he thought that he was in the wrong position.

I kept talking about things along the way.

"Tomson Yipin's house is expensive! It's too expensive! Whoever buys it is a fool!"

said Gu Chen a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, after finally arriving at the airport, the two still parted ways.

And after a period of walking with him, Jiang Min, who had been waiting at the door for a long time.

"Brother Gu Chen!"

Today's Jiang Min is still very beautiful, and a long skirt visor looks full of the atmosphere of the girl next door.

After she saw Gu Chen, she couldn't wait to pounce.

"Wait, it's so hot, why don't you wait for me inside!" "

It's not that I want to see Brother Gu Chen for the first time!"

looking at the smirking Jiang Min, Gu Chen shook his head helplessly and said.

"This time it wasn't just the two of us, I also brought an employee of the company.

Jiang Min's smirk suddenly stiffened on his face.

"Are you saying there is anyone else following us

?" "yes, and he should have arrived

, right?" "

It can't be a woman, right?"


hearing Chen Yu's gender, Jiang Min returned to his original playful expression.

"What are you thinking!" Gu

Chen nodded her little head.

The two laughed and entered the airport.

Before I passed the security check, I saw a group of people gathered in the distance.

Because of curiosity and just on the road they must pass to enter the security check, the two of them went in to take a look, and Gu Chen immediately saw that the man in the center of the storm was not his employee Chen Yu?

Do you know what my annual salary is?" "

I don't care what your identity is, what is your annual salary, in short, you have been sneaking behind me! Finally, my wallet is still missing, saying that it was not you who stole it, who believes it! "I

see that you are big, don't make things here!

"You guys listen, listen, even this excuse to catch a plane has come out, this is not to run away? The eyes of the masses are snowy!" "

Don't think that you can run away if you do something bad!"

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