Gu Chen listened to this conversation and immediately understood.

This is an oolong incident in which a victim slandered an innocent person.

"Indeed, when encountering such a false thing, it is indeed impossible for Chen Yu to take out his packages for everyone to see like Xiaobai who has no experience.

"And Chen Yu is right, he can't steal someone else's wallet at all."

"The most important thing is, is this airport thief so rampant?" "

Wait, it's not right!" Gu

Chen silently looked at the man who was pestering Chen Yu and seemed to be a little different from ordinary passengers.

Although he was also holding a ticket tightly, it looked like a passenger about to board.

But his ticket was obviously very shabby, but he tightly covered the date and time of departure.

Moreover, Gu Chen also found that although this guy was wearing a straight suit, he obviously did not have a trace of resemblance to his temperament.

It was even a little awkward, so Gu Chen was on the quarrel between the two sides.

Gu Chen is observing the discord in this guy.

In the end, the effort paid off, and Gu Chen finally found that this guy had a flashing tag in his clothes.

"This guy actually rented clothes, so this is sort of... The thief shouted to catch the thief?" Gu

Chen seemed to see through everything, especially after that, this entangled and thin man suddenly came when he couldn't argue with Gu Xiao.

"It must be you! I have 1,000 yuan in my wallet! You must have stolen it! And you are so sure, it means that you have lost my wallet without knowing where to go

!" "But it doesn't matter, you must have more than 1,000 yuan in cash on you!"


Chen heard this, and Jiang Min and Chen Yu were all a thought when they heard this.

"What a liar.

Jiang Min grabbed Gu Chen for the first time and wanted to tell Gu Chen about this result.

But Gu Chen also just turned his head, and the two looked at each other and smiled, both knowing what was going on in each other's hearts.

"Is that what you're for?"

Chen Yu calmed down at this time.

"You have been eyeing me since the beginning, right?" "

Although I am an employee of Longteng Group, I should not worry about money in this life.

"But this doesn't mean that I don't care about this 1,000 yuan!" "

Our President Gu once said that money is life! If you want my money, you want my life!"

Jiang Min immediately looked at Gu Chen when he heard this, but Gu Chen looked at Jiang

Min with a blank face, expressing that he had never said this.

"Is that the one he made up indiscriminately?"

"Is it possible!"

Gu Chen thought so, also seeing that Chen Yu seemed to be a little excited now.

So Gu Chen, in order to worry about Chen Yu's brain, what if he suddenly got into a fight with this guy?

So at this time, Gu Chen stood up.

In order to avoid the worst, Gu Chen stood up.

"Wait a minute!" Gu

Chen silently stood beside Chen Yu.

When Chen Yu just wanted to happily call Gu Zong, he was slapped on the shoulder by Gu Chen, and he was directly speechless.

But Chen Yu felt that everything was stable,

and what problems could not be solved by Gu Chen?

The answer was no!"

I can prove that this gentleman is not a thief and has not stolen your money!"

The real thief on the opposite side shouted to catch the thief and was shocked, this is the handsome guy who jumped out of nowhere.

"Don't talk nonsense! Or are you this guy's helper!"

"I see, you guys are gang crime, right?" "

Okay, this is a lot of people bullying a few people! How many people have you deceived in this way?"

and he was also excited and said a lot of things.

But Gu Chen saw a little cold sweat break out on his forehead.

This is frightened by myself, and it feels like a dog is biting people.

"Why are you so excited and so nervous?" "

But I recorded all your deception, you see!" Gu

Chen said, pointing to the other side, taking out his mobile phone to record Jiang Min here.

She also waved happily with Gu Chen to say that yes, this is it!The

thin man was shocked again, and wanted to say something,

but at this time there was no chance.

Because it is Gu Chen who holds the initiative now.

"First of all, we see you wandering around the airport in search of your target.

"And your target demographic generally has three characteristics."

"The first is that they seem to have money, and this kind of person will also carry a lot of cash with them, and the second is to go to a long-term foreign country, because their air tickets are very expensive and the itinerary is more important."

"The third is the kind of passenger on a single journey, so that when your mouth speaks, you can make the other party who has never encountered this kind of thing unhelpful and angry at the same time!

"At that time, as long as you finally put forward the amount in your wallet, generally speaking, rich people who are not bad money and in order to take off and catch up with the trip will directly give you a sum of money to let you get out quickly!"

Gu Chen finally gave this thin man a label, making his face more and more difficult to see.

"Don't you spew blood here!" But

Gu Chen looked at him as if he was looking at a fool.

"You're still talking hard, haven't you noticed that you've leaked?" Gu

Chen's words made this skinny man retreat in his heart, always feeling that he had really made a mistake.

But how could a person who thought about himself so cautiously expose himself like this?

"This guy is lying to me!" "

Mom is right, the more handsome men in this world are, the more they can lie!"

So the thin man who shouted to catch the thief was still a sneer.

"You understand so thoroughly, in fact, you are the one who uses this trick to defraud people of money!" "

After all, only liars know liars best!"

said Gu Chen looking at the man who was still dying at the end.

"You, you really don't shed tears when you don't see the coffin!"

"Do you dare to publish

your ticket information?" "I see that this ticket you have been holding in your hand does not seem to be yours, right?" Gu

Chen's words immediately startled the guy with cold water, and even the intention of wanting to escape appeared in his heart.

But now this thief shouting to catch a thief is impossible to run out of the crowd.

In this place, his only way out was to accept Gu Chen's trial.

"And your suit is also very ill-fitting, rent it!" "

Eh, what do you say!" This

guy still doesn't admit his mistake, wishing he hadn't done such a thing.

But the people watching around are also watching the excitement, and even some late plane passengers even ran directly to this enclosed circle to see what happened.

"You! You! You!" The

skinny guy was already a little speechless.

Gu Chen didn't let this guy take the initiative to contribute his own ticket for everyone to see.

But Chen Yu, who had been deceived for a long time, stepped forward directly and snatched the ticket from the skinny guy's hand.

The passenger information on this ticket is only 19 years old, look at your own face! Say that you are 30 years old and people believe it! As a result, the ticket is only 19?" Chen

Yu's words immediately made everyone in the audience point at the skinny guy.

"I'll just say, this kind of person looks like a thief's eyebrow, isn't it a good thing

!" "Plus one, does anyone know who this little brother is? He's so handsome! I like it so much! I want to get his phone number!" "

Haidilao sisters Haidilao, ten minutes I want to know all the information of this little brother and contact information!"

Everyone fell to Gu Chen and Chen Yu from the very beginning of the melon-eating group.

As for the skinny guy, who is so ugly, did he come to the airport to be a monster?"

"And this dress!"

Chen Yu brushed off his suit from the skinny guy.

Sure enough, Chen Yu saw the hang tag on this suit.

"Good guy really rents

!" "This kind of person must be sent to the police station

!" "I directly applied for him to be given a package of food and accommodation for the whole year, and still slandered people here to destroy people's innocence! Damn


"What else do you have to say!"

Chen Yu threw the suit in his hand on the ground.

This skinny guy is not stupid, and directly picks up his rented clothes and runs away.

However, Chen Yu suddenly restrained his neck and grabbed it very recklessly.

"Where do you think you can run?" "

I, I didn't run! I just kind of want to go to the bathroom!" In

the end, this skinny guy's guy still wanted to make excuses, but whether it was Gu Chen, Chen Yu or the audience, they were completely wary of him.

There is no need to say anything about trust or not, this skinny guy is a thief.

"It's not good if it's not the money you stolen, why are you blocking me here

!" "You don't have anything to lose!" "

It's good for everyone to let me go at this time!" But

the skinny guy doesn't want to give up yet.

Directly started his own mouth cannon.

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