Unfortunately, there

is not so much pain in this world,

so this guy's mouth cannon does not make people loosen in any way.

Even one by one, they are indifferent to the extreme.


, Jiang Min called the airport team when he pretended to take a video screen,

and successfully called the police who were patrolling outside.

This skinny guy has long stepped on it, and even framed others when there were no police at the scene.

So, after the last thing was explained, the thief who was taken away by the police was particularly depressed.

It's as if someone has been robbed of millions.

"Let's go, let's all

disperse!" Gu

Chen assisted the airport police at the end to disperse the onlookers.

He took Jiang Min and Chen Yu to start going through the security check and preparing to board the plane.

"President Gu, it's awesome!" Chen

Yu blushed even more, and his face came up to express his gratitude to Gu Chen.

It may be a little rude in language, but the emotion is absolutely in place.

Jiang Min, who watched it, laughed directly.

"I haven't asked this beautiful woman to honor the name!"

Chen Yu also found the beautiful beauty who was following Gu Chen

at this time, and directly asked the other party's name.


Jiang Min, Brother Gu Chen's little follower!" "

Coincidentally, no, I'm Chen Yu, and I'm also Gu Zong's fan and subordinate!" The

two briefly introduced, and Chen Yu expressed a little thanks to Jiang Min for solving the siege or something.

Then he closed his mouth very sensibly and stopped talking to Jiang Min.

After all, until now, Chen Yu couldn't figure out Jiang Min's identity.

It is not clear why Gu Chen went to Xiangcheng Island this time and brought a girl who did not look very old.

In short, Chen Yu thought of a lot of bad things, but Chen Yu didn't dare to say or ask.

Along the way, except for the beginning, Chen Yu dared to say two words, and Chen Yu was silent in the back.

"Welcome to the cave flight, I wish you a great trip!" Finally

, after finally passing through more than N security checks, the three finally boarded the plane.

Because the order in which tickets are purchased is different.

So the business class location for the three people is also not close at all.

This made Gu Chen very satisfied, and he could finally spend his alone time.

"You can have a good meal and take a nap.

When Gu Chen thought so, Jiang Min was a little unhappy.

"Damn, there are only 6 seats in total in business class, so I can't sit next to Brother Gu Chen!" Jiang

Min, who was a little angry when he thought about it, kept looking at the neighbor next to Gu Chen in his position.

Chen Yu sat in his place and began to close his eyes and raise his mind.

It's not that he doesn't want to talk to Gu Chen, but he always feels that it is better for him to reduce his sense of existence as much as possible on this occasion.

If he hears something and sees something that should not be heard or seen, then his Chen Yu's good life can be said to have come to an end

! Therefore, say more and do more wrong, and prefer not to say and not do!

After Chen Yu figured out this truth, he quickly fell asleep.

Jiang Min aimed at the position next to Gu Chen and found that no one had come up to sit.

She suddenly felt that the goddess of fate was not caring for her this time.

"Great, in this case, I can sit next to Brother Gu Chen later!" However

, this happy mood was about to close the cabin door in the last five minutes, and the passenger next to Gu Chen boarded.

She is a mysterious woman wrapped around a veil.

He looks like he is in his thirties.

In short, this is not the point, the point is that Jiang Min watched her sit directly next to Gu Chen.

This made Jiang Min very unhappy.

Just at this time, the flight attendant came again to remind to fasten the seat belt or something.

Jiang Min couldn't get up at this time to disturb other people's work.

Therefore, she can only sit silently in her place and sulk.

Gu Chen also noticed the women around him.

But the two kept a distance of more than 3 meters, so he didn't care much about other things.

Soon the plane took off, and Gu Chen felt the pressure of centrifugal force.

He didn't feel anything, and his heart was calm.

But the neighbor on the side seemed to be a little uncomfortable.

In short, the sound of her heavy breathing made Gu Chen listen a little and feel that she might have something wrong.

was thinking of helping her call the flight attendant or something, but after she quickly took off all the scarves wrapped around her face, she took a deep breath and slowly got better after a few deep breaths.

Gu Chen also understood that it was the scarf that blocked her breathing, and it was not something that her body could not withstand the pressure.

"It's a little familiar. Because

it was not very polite to stare at a person for a long time, Gu Chen just withdrew his gaze after observing the other party and having no other questions.

But looking at the side face, Gu Chen always felt as if he had seen it somewhere.

"But I can't remember it again.

Gu Chen was a little distressed, and he didn't know if his memory was biased or what.

In short, in the end, Gu Chen will still look at the neighbors around him more when he is in doubt.

Who knew that this made the other party feel that Gu Chen was a little rude.

But the way she saluted Gu Chen was to directly glare at Gu Chen.

This situation not only made Gu Chen not feel that she was fierce, but even a little cute.

At the same time, Gu Chen looked at her face, and finally remembered where he had seen her.

That movie seems to have been taken to the theater by his classmates when he was in high school, and he still remembers the heroine who cut her hair short at that time.

I didn't expect to run into it on the plane today.

But looking at the other party's expression of not entering, Gu Chen had to silently dismiss his idea of asking for an autograph.

It's just that after the plane stabilized, the flight attendants had not yet come over, and Jiang Min behind him unfastened his seat belt and ran over as soon as possible.

"Hello, this sister, can I change places with you?" "

I'm really scared to fly for the first time, so I want to get closer to my brother?"

Jiang Min came up to Gu Chen's neighbor.

Also because of the problem of age, I don't know this once popular actress at all.

But this former female star didn't seem to have any reaction, pretending not to hear it.

It wasn't until Jiang Min asked a second time in a good voice that she suddenly realized what she said.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I was just distracted, may I ask you something?" Jiang

Min and Gu Chen really believed what she said after looking at her innocent expression and eyes.

The latter felt..."

Well, after so many years, her acting skills have not regressed!" After

Jiang Min said her request again, she directly heard the beautiful aunt's refusal.

"I'm sorry, I'm old, I like to sit in the front row, it's not comfortable to sit in the back!" Listening

to her answer, Jiang Min was not such an ignorant person, so he had to silently return to his position.

But I don't know why, when Jiang Min walked away.

Gu Chen was despised by his neighbors and looked at the scumbags' expressions.

He immediately understood that she had misunderstood herself.

However, Gu Chen did not explain anything, because just a process of explanation would make people misunderstand something.

Therefore, Gu Chen directly chose the simplest way to face all suffering.

That is to sleep directly with your eyes closed.

But Gu Chen's sleep was also very light, when he heard the voice of the flight attendants walking around.

Gu Chen opened his eyes and silently asked the flight attendant for a package on the plane.

Of course, it's free.

After eating and drinking, it is Gu Chen's real nap time.

It just seemed that before faintly falling asleep, I heard the former female star next to me mutter.

"Sleeping when you are full is definitely a rich second generation who has nothing to offer. Gu

Chen listened to this, and for a moment he couldn't tell whether this guy was praising or cursing.

In short, with such doubts, Gu Chen fell asleep.

But it's a pity that the dream didn't last long, and Gu Chen soon found that the plane had reached the sky above Xiangcheng.

I had to silently pack up and prepare to get off the plane.

The actresses around her have long begun to prepare to wrap all their faces.

"Isn't it too angry?"

Gu Chen wondered in his heart.

"Leave him alone, he has nothing to do with me.

But soon Gu Chen straightened his mentality.

Because new challenges are about to begin.

At this time, Tong Zixin was very nervous.

She looked at her watch from time to time.

From time to time, I looked up at the sky, and the whole person looked very nervous.

After all, others don't know who or what position the Longteng Group came from this time.

But Tong Zixin knew that the person who named him to come to pick up and receive him must be Gu Chen.

Can this not make Tong Zixin excited and nervous

, thinking back to the day before,

when he was still lying dead at home?

His doorbell finally rang after a long absence.

Although there was already a determination in my heart to get up from my couch.

However, Tong Zixin still adjusted for about ten minutes on the step of getting up and walking to open the door.

Finally, Tong Zixin, wearing a wide nightgown, opened the door when the doorbell was about to be rung.

"Who!" The

moment the door opened, Tong Zixin saw Chen Mouren's stinky face that looked like he had eaten a dumpling.

Frightened, Tong Zixin directly swiped the door and closed it again.

"How is it my master!"

Tong Zixin suddenly scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks, and his heart was very nervous.

Especially when you see your own dirty house.

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